I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1147 Journey to Apokolips

Dachao shook his head and said: "We are just deceiving ourselves and others. When we took the initiative to promote this peace negotiation, we have actually encouraged evil."

"You haven't even made up your mind, why are you yelling at me to come back?" Harley said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Dachao's expression became even darker, "The decision has actually been made long ago. We have a choice, but Earth has no choice.

Now we are just looking for reasons for Barry, or for ourselves, to complete the ‘Earth Apokolips Peace Talks’. "

Bateman's eyes swept over the faces of the heroes one after another, "Now that everyone understands the truth of this crisis, the solution is here. Who has any different opinions?"

The heroes frowned in silence.

Dissent requires not only an attitude of opposition, but also a better approach.

Attitude is easy to express, but a more perfect solution

No one spoke for a long time, Bateman sighed and said: "In this case, I suggest sending an envoy to the Genesis Star immediately.

No matter what the outcome of the peace negotiations will be, arranging envoys to go to Apokolips now can at least ensure the safety and dignity of Mr. President, General Lane, Kara and others. "

After speaking, he looked at Harley with questioning eyes, "What do you think?"


"Then who do you think is suitable?" he asked again.

Harley said: "It's okay for anyone to go. Grandma Kindness has been to Earth more than ten times as a missionary, and she has never been assassinated by us. There is no reason for Darkseid to take action against our missionary."

"I'll go." Cyborg volunteered.

"Send me there. I'm an ordinary person. They are less wary of me so they can get more information." Bateman said.

To Harley's surprise, people on Earth have never made things difficult for their kind grandmother, and people from Apokolips didn't make things difficult for Batman this time either.

Not only did he return safely, he also unexpectedly brought back President Abao.

"I didn't meet Darkseid. It was Desaad who talked to me. He said that you are sincere enough, and they are sincere enough. If you continue to be sincere, they are willing to sign a peace agreement with Earth tomorrow."

"What do you mean, what sincerity?" Kyle asked blankly.

The other heroes also looked confused.

Bateman took a deep look at Harley, "What do you think? Sign the contract tomorrow, or do you have other ideas?

Judging from the attitude of Apokolips, Darkseid's condition is not very good, otherwise he would not be so 'sincere'.

Of course, this is just my judgment and may not be accurate.

Maybe Darkseid is in such good shape that he can kidnap Superman's cousin after all. The reason why Apokolips is sincere is because you are sincere. "

"What kind of 'sincerity' did you give?" The Flash asked in surprise.

Harley said in a deep voice: "Baitman, you have failed in your duty. I am sincere enough, and he is sincere enough. This is all false news, and it is trying to instigate a harmonious and beautiful relationship between our earth and the new god of the Creation Star."

Bateman nodded and admitted his mistake honestly: "Yes, I was deceived by Disad."

"Well, since it's the last moment of the peace talks, let's hold the 'Third Heroes' Meeting' and call the hero representatives, government representatives, and civil progressives over, and let's vote." Harley sighed.

Two hours later, at the headquarters of the Sky Eye Society in Metropolis, there was a small meeting of heroes.

"Is this still necessary to discuss?" President Abao was emotional, "As early as after the Doomsday incident, we should have signed a non-infringement peace agreement with Apokolips immediately.

Don’t say ‘justice should not compromise with evil’.

Even the Creation Star, which represents justice and light, can negotiate peace with Apokolips. Are we more righteous than the New God of Justice?

Anyone who has any doubts, I suggest you go to Apokolips and see it for yourself first.

That place was billions of times scarier than hell, with countless demonoids, a pitch-black sky, air heated by magma pools, and biological modification workshops and arsenals denser than city buildings.

Come on, even one hell spore can blast through the core of the earth, and hell spores are just the "interstellar torpedoes" of Apokolips! "

"How do you know about hell spores? Did the people from Apokolips specially take you to visit their arsenal?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

Abao slumped back in his chair, covered his face and said in a low voice, "That's right, seven or eight demonoids escorted us around the arsenal.

I'm not stupid, I understand that they want to scare me, but I was really scared to the point of peeing, and my courage almost broke.

If the earth does not have the Galaxy Admiral and superheroes like you, I will loudly say to the people - stop discussing it, let's give him whatever Apokolips wants! "

The heroes did not laugh at him, they all looked solemn and fell into silence.

After a long time, Harley looked at the representative of the Genesis Star, "Orian, what suggestions do you have?"

Orion shook his head helplessly and said: "Darkseid has fallen into unprecedented weakness, and the scale of Apokolips' foreign wars has been reduced by 90% in recent years!

Countless civilizations and countless people have benefited indirectly.

I hope he remains trapped in the Tomb of the Gods, but I can understand Earth's situation.

If Apokolips attacks the Earth with all its strength, the Earth will be reduced to ruins.

You just want to protect your homeland, and you are not really compromising to the devil. "

"Thank you for your understanding." Harley looked around, "Vote."

A public vote by show of hands was passed by all members.

"We have already determined the content of the peace contract between Earth and Apokolips. So, now there is only one last question left. Who else wants to join the negotiating team besides me?"

Bateman muttered: "S-class heroes, try your best to go."

Dachao asked doubtfully: "Do you suspect that Apokolips will ambush Harley?"

"Before Darkseid recovers, there may be no danger, but will he keep his promise in the future? As long as the price is enough, anyone can break the oath. The value of Witch Harley is high enough," Bateman said.

Harley smiled and said: "If you are worried about my safety and plan to join the negotiating team as a guard, then there is no need. If I can't fight, I can still escape. When it comes time to run away, you will only become a burden to me. "

Bateman glanced at Orion and insisted: "It's better to try to form a strong team of heroes.

Darkseid has a son. Not Orion and Mister Miracle. "

"I'm not his son." said Mr. Miracle in the corner.

Orion said seriously: "I'm ashamed of this."

Bateman explained: "It is Darkseid's eldest son Kalibak. I have studied the secret palace history of Apokolips. The process of Darkseid's rise to power was mixed with many palace conspiracies.

He poisoned his biological mother.

Kalibak's cruelty is well known to everyone on Apokolips, just in case he imitates his father."

Then, he popularized the "Secret History of Apokolips Royal Family" in public.

Kalibak's mother is the sorceress Sully, Darkseid's true love.

Darkseid's mother asked Desaad to poison her and give her son a wife who would be under her control.

Darkseid turned around and asked Desaad to use the same poison to kill the Queen Regent, who was his mother.

Once you understand this relationship, you can understand why when the Apokolips and the Genesis Star exchanged protons, it was not the eldest son Kalibak who went to the Genesis Star, but Orion.

Kalibak's mother was just Darkseid's lover.

Although Orion's mother is a "spy" arranged by the Queen Mother, she is the head wife and the Queen.

Kalibak is an illegitimate son and has no right to inherit; Orion is a legitimate son, so he can exchange for Mr. Miracle, the eldest son of Heavenly Father.

If the Darkseid family were ordinary transcendent beings, their power would have nothing to do with the laws of the universe, and it would be completely meaningless to have legitimate children and illegitimate children.

However, they are the new gods.

The new God has "authority", just like Jebi had the authority of his Son in hell.

Orion is the prophesied "third generation dark lord" of the Apocalypse.

What Bateman didn't say was that those who didn't want Harley to pull Darkseid out of the Tomb of the Gods were the Genesis Star and even all the people and forces who were afraid of Darkseid.

But with Kalibak alone, all the heroes rushed to sign up, vowing to protect Harley from being plotted by the villain.

Harley herself felt that this trip was neither surprising nor dangerous, so she let them do whatever they wanted.

"You can all go except Kyle Rayner," she said.

"Why are I excluded?" Kyle said unhappy.

"What is your identity? You don't have a clue?"

"What is my identity?" Kyle didn't know.

"You are the destined enemy of the Anti-Life Equation, and Darkseid would never mind taking the opportunity to kill you." Harley's mental voice message said.

Kyle fell silent.

Just as the heroes were enthusiastically signing up, Louise walked up to Harley and whispered, "I want to go too."

"What are you going to do?" Harley asked confused, then looked at Da Chao in confusion, "Why don't you go find Tear Man?"

"You are the team leader, I am not very familiar with Tranpo Man"

Louise raised her chin towards the government representatives' table. There were several members there. In the press box behind the parliament, there were not only Lana Long, but also celebrities from other countries.

"As for the reasons, the peace talks and the contents of the contract, they will not be hidden from the people, and my news can help the people understand the earth's choice.

Not only the people of Earth, but also the alien people.

Let them understand that Earth has no choice, and being able to reach a peace contract with Apokolips is already a great achievement and honor.

We must seize the commanding heights of public opinion and directly eliminate the public opinion that "Galaxy Admiral and the Justice League are compromising to evil." "

"It's a good idea, let's go." Harley said.

"Uh, what do you mean, everyone is going?" Louise was stunned.

Harry waved his hand proudly, "All reporters, from Earth, from extraterrestrials, as long as they want to go and can get there in time within an hour, can go."

Louise worried: "In case of war or palace coup, ordinary people won't drag everyone down?"

"The president's family, your father, and the generals of the Ministry of National Defense are all ordinary people. They are not afraid of death. You war reporters must have the consciousness that you would rather die than drag down the heroes." Harley said.

Louise was stunned, thinking that the Galaxy Admiral could provide everyone with complete protection, but she didn't expect that he would just let them not be afraid of sacrifice.

Two hours later, Apokolips, New City of Pain.

In the "Disaster Square" in front of the Dark Palace, there are more than two hundred new dark gods standing in the center, which is Darkseid's "Dark Elite Group".

The square, which is entirely made of black iron, is circular with a radius of more than two hundred kilometers.

Every time there is a war that invades the material universe or another world, hundreds of millions of demons gather here. With Darkseid's order, hundreds of sonic boom channels are opened, and they shout "For Darkseid" ”, rushing into other people’s world like a flood.

At this time, the square was quiet and empty, with not a single demonoid in sight.

"Your Majesty, Harley Quinn sent a message to lead the negotiation team into Apokolips." Desaad said to the tall black figure in front of the team from a distance.

"Let her in." The shadow said calmly.


A sonic boom tunnel exploded over the square, and a cloud of white clouds "squeezed" out of the tunnel.

On top of the auspicious clouds, Harley was taking the lead, with twenty superheroes and four reporters standing behind her.

The auspicious clouds swayed in front of the black shadow, and Harley and Darkseid finally stood face to face.

Scarlet light flashed in Darkseid's eyes, "Very good, you are here for the original body, let's get started."

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