I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1141 Witch Harley, how can you be so greedy?

After Phoenix Faust was carried into the "Realm of Oblivion" by the wind of nothingness, even his son forgot about him.

But Odin, Loki and other Asgardian gods, even if their true deeds fade and disappear, the world still knows the Nordic one-eyed king Odin.

Their names are still remembered, but only their specific deeds are forgotten.

Because they participate in the transformation of the universe.

To completely erase their traces in the universe would be to change the multiverse.

The Wind of Nothingness is very strong and is one of the seven fundamental forces of the universe, but it is obviously difficult to distort the universe itself.

Even though Yabby is just a dog and is often yelled at by Harley, the traces of its existence are "harder" than the material universe itself. Erasing it is tantamount to distorting the destiny of God, which is more difficult than changing the universe.

Loki thought that Harley was pulling him, which was not wrong. Harley helped a lot with the birth of Yabi, but the more important reason should be God.

After chatting with Loki for a few more words but not getting any useful information, Harley left the Rainbow Bridge again and came to the top of the Golden Palace. She sat cross-legged and opened her mouth. A bit of golden light swirled around her throat, and a huge suction force appeared. in front of her.

"Very good, she started drawing the wind of nothingness again." Loki on the Rainbow Bridge breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he felt very regretful: the distance was too far, far away from his range of perception, so that he could not analyze her method of swallowing the wind of nothingness. Before, he only had a vague feeling that she had an artifact in her mouth. That artifact was generous with holy light. Witch Harley is very shrewd and deliberately pretends that she is swallowing the wind of nothingness to hide the heavenly artifact in her hand.

Thinking of this, Loki was shocked: the heavenly artifact that swallowed the wind of nothingness must not have been forged by herself. It must be God. What does He want to do?

"Very good, Witch Harley still can't control the greed in her heart."

On the throne of the Golden Palace, Odin's ice shell was still dim, dead and silent, without a trace of vitality or magic power, but Odin was cheering deep in his heart, and things were developing better than he originally expected.

Before, he only thought that Witch Harley could continue to swallow the wind of nothingness, but now she is stupid. Well, Witch Harley is definitely not stupid. She chose to go above the Golden Palace to swallow the wind of nothingness. There are probably other reasons.

"Perhaps, she is also sensing my state. The closer she is to my ice shell, the clearer her understanding of my real-time condition.

She is afraid of me!

Witch Harley is indeed very vigilant.

She understood that if I revived, it would be a great threat to her safety and secrets, so she stayed close to me and monitored me so that the wind of nothingness would not drop to the critical point for me to return to the material world.

So scheming and vigilant, she is indeed the Witch Harley! "

God King Odin thought a few times and quickly guessed the truth of the matter.

"It's a pity that no matter how cunning and vigilant you are, you still underestimate the power of the God King. This is Asgard, my divine domain. In my divine domain, what you see and feel is what I want you to do. What I saw and felt... Hey!"

With a few sneers in his heart, Odin was quickly attracted by a bit of sacred golden light.

"There seems to be something in Witch Harley's throat"

"Exudes a divine aura and is a heavenly artifact."

"So that's it. Witch Harley relies on it to absorb the wind of nothingness, but she deliberately pretends to swallow it with her own ability. Hiss, the dog god, has extended his black hands to Asgard.

Tell me, why did Witch Harley come here for no reason?"

"Does the Dog God know that I joined the 'Pantheon'?"

Odin thought for a few times, and soon discovered the secret that Loki had not discovered, "The artifact in her throat seems to be a wooden cabinet, it looks familiar. Blood of Bol, that is the Ark of the Covenant!"

Witch Harley deceived everyone. She did not throw the Ark containing the origin of the Anti-Monitor onto the wall of origin. The Ark thrown against the wall by Green Lantern Hal Jordan was fake, but this is only reasonable.

With Witch Harley's greed, how could she throw away an artifact like the Ark of the Covenant?

How could it be possible to give up the origins of the Anti-Monitor in the Ark of the Covenant? "

"Brother Odin, brother Odin, come back quickly. Brother Odin, do you feel anything?"

Just as Odin suddenly realized this, Harry shouted from above his head.

The sound was very loud, like thunder.

The sound also contains huge spiritual power, which launches a thunderous mental impact on the ice shell.

Odin's heart was as still as water, without any ripples, and the ice shell was devoid of any life breath.

"Brother Odin, I'm here to save you, wake up quickly!"

Harley was still shouting, flying in from the window and landing in front of the throne.

She looked anxious and confused, and gently patted the God King's ice shell, "What's going on? Why haven't you responded yet? That guy Loki is about to return from the Land of Oblivion."

After hearing this, Odin began to feel anxious. Falk, he was still close to being able to forcefully break away from the Wind of Nothingness. If the Witch Harley chose to give up because Loki was about to return, wouldn't his previous efforts be in vain——

Before this thought could be finished, a dark wind spurted out from Harry's mouth on the opposite side like a sharp sword.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The gray-white wind was very cold. Thick ice crystals immediately condensed wherever it passed, and hailstones as big as a palm floated in the air. Odin's thoughts froze in an instant.

"The mother of the Fake Frost Giant is the wind of nothingness! Witch Harley blew a breath of the wind of nothingness on me." This was his last thought.

"Hiccup~~~ Oops, no, I burped and air leaked from my mouth."

Harley smiled and apologized to Odin, whose ice shell had doubled in thickness.

After the Wind of Nothingness defense expertise reaches level seven, the Wind of Nothingness swallowed again will be stored in the stomach.

Two reasons: First, Wind of Nothingness, like Tears of Death, is a powerful weapon against gods and magicians.

The Tears of Death cut off the vitality of the gods, pulling the gods into the tomb of the gods, causing the gods to die physically.

The wind of nothingness erases the traces of the existence of gods and magicians, pulling them into a state of helpless oblivion, allowing them to perish in the memories of all living beings.

Harley once used Tears of Death against Darkseid.

Knowing the taste of food, I just wish I could open the tomb of the gods and get in to make a big fortune.

Now that she met the "brothers" of Tears of Destruction, of course she had to keep some for emergencies.

In addition, the remaining wind of nothingness in Asgard may not be able to help her upgrade her expertise to level eight. Levels eight and nine of her expertise require a lot of energy.

Instead of putting the Wind of Nothingness into a jar and making a useless 50% level weapon, it is better to store it and make it into a weapon.

"Hey, Harley, what are you doing? How come-"

"Crack, click, click~~" The ice shell thickened, and the light red magic power inside quickly dimmed and disappeared.

At the end of the Rainbow Bridge, Loki also sneezed from Harley before he could finish his sentence.

"Hehehe, Asgard is mine now."

Harley ran back to the Golden Palace with a smile on her face, pulled out the Lucifer Bone Chopping Knife, wrapped the jagged blade around the ten defense specialties, stabbed it into the chest of Odin's ice shell.

There is no tactile sensation at all.

There is really only a ball of air left inside the ice shell.

"Brother Odin, come back quickly!" She called out, but of course she didn't get a response. She opened her mouth and spit out a ray of yellow light. The yellow light energy wrapped her and Odin into a three-meter-high golden dome. .

Then he breathed gently into Odin's ice shell.

"Huhuhuhu" a tornado rotated rapidly around Odin, and the ice shell slowly melted.

"Brother Odin, brother Odin, come back quickly!" Harley was still concentrating on shouting Odin's name with her mental power as if she was summoning a spirit.

She still had all her thoughts united, recalling every moment between them in her heart.

If Odin hadn't had a serrated knife with rising demonic flames stuck in his chest, anyone who heard her cry and saw her anxious expression would have thought that the two of them had a deep relationship.

"Crack, click, click." The ice crystals on Odin's body gradually cracked, and strands of ice shavings fell off from the ice sculpture. It was vaguely visible that there was a very faint magical light shining inside.

"Brother Odin, brother Odin, come back quickly!"

Harley's eyes lit up and her screams became more cordial and enthusiastic.

Odin remained silent and gritted his teeth.

"Huhuhu" Harley continued to draw out the wind of nothingness in the space, and continued to shout Odin's name.

The divine power within the ice sculpture became more and more intense, but Odin never said a word, pretending that he was still unconscious.

"Buzz--" Lucifer's bone chopping knife began to tremble slightly, trying to withdraw from the ice sculpture wound.

Harley held the handle of the knife tightly, and followed the bleeding groove of the blade to inject the gastric acid mist that wrapped the eight defense specialties into Odin's body.

"呲呲呲" The divine power was digested and entered into Harley's body along the handle of the knife.

Divine defense expertise is activated!

The seven basic forces have seven pairs and fourteen energies in total. One basic force is the combination of positive and negative opposite energies.

For example, Tears of Death corresponds to the vitality force, and the Speed ​​Force corresponds to the stasis force.

The wind of nothingness corresponds to the divine power of the gods.

Harley has long wanted to activate the divine defense specialty, but unfortunately the divine power comes from gods, and the gods form a powerful system. She was weak before and did not dare to penetrate the heavenly realm.

Asgard is now a desperate situation for others, but it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her. With the wind of nothingness and the power of the entire Nordic god system taking advantage of this wave of dividends, she will really have nothing to fear.

"Um, Miss Quinn, what are you doing?"

Odin finally couldn't hold it in any longer and screamed.

He had cursed "Witch Harley" tens of thousands of times in his mind, but he didn't curse loudly. Instead, he pretended to be confused as if he had just woken up, with weakness and grievance in his voice.

"Brother Odin, brother Odin, wake up quickly." Harley still looked anxious and shouted anxiously.

The action of extracting the wind of nothingness is paused, and the speed of extracting divine power is accelerated.

"Harley, I'm here." Odin said.

As he spoke, a vague figure appeared in the ice sculpture.

"Brother Odin, brother Odin, wake up quickly."

Harley acted as if she hadn't seen or heard him, she just looked anxious and shouted anxiously.


A few hours ago, he was struggling hard to get out of the realm of oblivion, and he was hoping that the Witch Harley would be greedy.

Now, a few hours later, he is still trying hard, but not to break away from the shackles of the Forgotten Realm, but to break away from the "power of return" remembered by Harley and others - only by staying in the Forgotten Realm can he escape. Open the heart-piercing thorn of the bone-chopping knife.

At the same time, he was still cursing in his heart: Witch Harley is so greedy and wants to drain his magical power!

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