I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1136 The last negotiation (please vote for me at the end of the month, thank you!)

"You have only two ways, either to resist fate, to obey fate, or to control fate." Harley said.

Kyle asked strangely: "Aren't these three roads?"

"Resisting fate and obeying fate are both a dead end. Only by controlling fate can you have a chance to survive. Therefore, these are two ways of death and survival." Harley said.

"I don't quite understand, what's the difference between resisting fate and controlling fate?" Kyle asked doubtfully.

Harley said: "Resisting fate means that fate tells you to go east, but you insist on going west, even if it is obvious that going east can gain benefits and is most beneficial to you.

Obeying the destiny means that God wants you to go east. You obviously see the benefits of going west, but you still go east obediently.

Controlling your destiny means whether God wants you to go east or west, whichever way has the most benefits, you go there. "

She explained it very clearly, and Kyle understood it clearly, "Why can you live if you control your destiny, but others will definitely die?"

“God gave you a pair of feet to walk and run; God gave you a mouth to eat with; God gave you the gift of life, and naturally it will not be left idle.

In other words, the destiny arranged by God related to the equation of life will definitely happen to you.

It's useless for you to resist.

You are born with two feet, but you are stubborn and insist on shouting, "God, I will not let you get what you want", and then stand on your hands and walk - this will only affect you and your relatives and friends.

Even if you can bear it yourself, your father will whip you with a whip and scold you at the same time, "Little beast, why did I give birth to such a thing like you?"

Your mother won't dissuade you, but instead scolds you for being mentally ill, and your other relatives and friends will also scold you.

You might even be sent to Arkham Asylum. "

Harley glanced at Kyle who was confused and said, "Look, violating the 'Destiny of the Foot' is only your own business and only related to your personal living habits. You still suffer so many hardships.

For a normal person to enter Arkham, life would be worse than death.

Now the "Destiny of Life Equation" is about the Green Lantern Corps, the Guardians, Darkseid, Heavenly Father, the battle between Genesis and Apokolips, the tranquility of the material universe, and the peace of the earth.

It is also about the life and death of countless heroes of the Justice League, and 80% is about the future of the multiverse.

How much pressure and backlash should you bear if you resist such destiny? "

Kyle murmured: "A hundred deaths are hard to redeem!"

"So, resisting fate will lead to death."

"What about Shuntian's orders?"

Harley smiled and said: "Hal's ending is the answer. If I hadn't helped him, he would have been dead by now.

All miracles have a price.

If you borrow some magic power, you have to pay it back with your soul.

The benefits you and Hal get are billions of times more than magic power, and you still want a happy ending? "

"I didn't get any benefits!" Kyle pulled his hair and shouted aggrievedly.

Harley pointed at herself and asked, "Am I strong?"

"Very strong."

"Am I trying hard?" Harley asked again.

Kyle looked at her wet training clothes and red face, and said with admiration: "You are so strong and you work so hard, it's really admirable."

"As strong as I am, and working so hard, I still can't resurrect an undead soul that has been dead for a long time. But you hatched more than a thousand little blue people in one go. Such a huge 'benefits' make people envious, jealous and creepy."

Kyle said excitedly: "What good do I have to myself? I couldn't even resurrect Alyx."

"I was just curious, why didn't you resurrect her?"

Kyle's eyes flickered: "You don't know?"

"What should I know?"

"Jade and I, um, green light couple, have been hyped on TV news for a long time." He mumbled vaguely.

"Oh, you abandoned your useless wife and fell in love with the eldest lady from a heroic family."

"Why are you always sarcastic? Can't you talk properly?" Kyle said dissatisfied: "Alix is ​​dead, only the soul is left. I am a normal man who is passionately pursued by a girl. Do you want me to be a stone?"

"If you resurrect Alyx, won't she have a body? Also, if you want to avoid being ridiculed, don't leave anything to be ridiculed. Look at me, I walk and sit upright, no one ever You dare to mock me." Harley said.

——If you didn't emphasize the word "dare", I would really believe you.

Kyle complained crazily in his heart and said: "First of all, Alyx and I broke up. She learned some necromancy magic with Mrs. Xanadu and went to some other dimension. I can't find her.

Secondly, when I came up with the idea of ​​leaving some energy to resurrect Alyx, the commandment "Green Lantern must not use power for personal gain" came to my mind inexplicably, which I felt was not appropriate. "

He looked hesitant and confused, "It's not that it's inappropriate to break the commandments, but it's doing more harm than good to Alex."

"You and Alex can explain it," Harley said.

"Maybe she doesn't care at all. After I returned to Earth yesterday, I asked Madam Xanadu about her whereabouts, but Xanadu hinted to me that she was in a relationship with the dead Boston." Kyle said sourly.


Harry suddenly felt that Kyle was glowing green today, not only because his uniform changed from white with green stripes to pure green

“How do I control my destiny?”

Kyle calmed down and brought back the topic of flying hundreds of kilometers away.

Harley said: "Whether you resist fate or obey fate, there is essentially no big difference, both are based on fate.

Controlling your destiny is based on you and people.

What you have to do is very simple, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

If you can live without handing over the equation of life to your Heavenly Father, then insist on not handing it over.

If you don't pay, you will die, then take the initiative to cooperate with him, cooperate with him, and ask for reward. "

"It's so unprincipled." Kyle frowned.

"Why don't you have principles? Your principle is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and not to be bound by fate. Moreover, the reward you ask for does not specifically refer to wealth, status, or power. If you want justice, the reward will naturally be justice."

Kyle was thoughtful, and the solemnity on his face gradually dissipated, "Thank you, I understand what to do."

Before leaving the manor, he suddenly turned around and said, "By the way, Harley, when I resurrected the dead Lantern, I wanted to use Sinestro for experiments, but I couldn't find his soul."

"No way, that guy is also pretending to be dead?" Harley said in shock.

Kyle also guessed the same, but seeing that she was so sure, he hesitated and said: "Maybe the soul went elsewhere?"

"Leave him alone, that guy can't threaten the earth."

"Can it threaten the Green Lantern Corps?" Kyle asked.

"Ask Gunther."

Kyle said: "Gunser left with the reborn guardian last night and disappeared. However, he explained to the acting army commander that the little guardian has no memory of past lives and needs to be carefully cultivated, but the Oana Legion is stationed. Not suitable for raising children.”

"Fake, that guy is so good. He wants to run away after he wins."

After Kyle left, Harley was going to take a shower and go to Silver City to have some masturbation experience.

But before she could enter the living room, another visitor came to the foot of the mountain.

The dark elite of Apokolips, the messenger of Darkseid, a tall and kind grandmother.

"Harley Quinn, you have to give me an answer no matter what today. If you can talk, talk immediately. If you can't talk, I will leave immediately and never bother you again.

If you are as vague and make excuses to delay as before, the great Lord Darkseid will think that you are deliberately playing tricks on him. Dare to play tricks on the Dark Lord, you have to pay the price yourself. "

Grandma was not polite. After sitting down across from Harry, she explained her purpose of visit straightforwardly and drew the bottom line.

"Kind aunt——"

"Are you humiliating me?" Grandma said angrily.

"I'm praising you, flattering you, and praising you for your youth." Harley said.

She thinks Grandma Xiang looks like a Russian aunt with eight-pack abs and the ability to chop a bear.

"You don't need to praise me, I just want the answer." Grandma said stiffly.

"We have talked three times since the end of Zero Hour Crisis. This is the fourth time, right?"

"No, I came to Earth half a month ago and you were not at home. This is the fifth time." Grandma said.

Harley nodded, stared into her eyes, blinked, and said meaningfully: "It's a bit too many times, but it's actually unnecessary. I've always been sincere, more sincere than you."

Grandma said excitedly: "That's nonsense, you keep nagging every time, which leads to no results in the negotiation.

I've seen through your little thoughts.

You are deliberately stalling for time, hoping to see if something bad will happen to His Majesty Darkseid.

Let me tell you, he is very good now. He started handling government affairs two months ago and is expected to appear in the material world in his avatar within half a year. At that time, the attack horn of the Dark Legion will once again ring throughout the multiverse. "

Harry cursed in his mind, "You idiot, you can't understand human language."

"Kind old man——"

"Don't change my name randomly." Grandma interrupted her again.

"Calling you 'old man' is to respect you and respect this negotiation."

Grandma raised her chin and sneered: "Come on, you just don't want to call me 'Grandma'."

Harry glared at her with a dull expression and said, "You are very smart and can guess my thoughts, so why do you still not understand my sincerity?"

"I don't see the sincerity."

Harry sighed: "Oh, kind old ghost - don't interrupt me when you're talking about business."

Grandma's open mouth closed again, and her eyes became even more angry.

——Calling her random nicknames without letting her refute is too much.

If His Majesty Darkseid hadn't told her to get the results today, grandma would have walked away immediately.

"Old ghost, after every negotiation, you will tell Darkseid the conversation, right?"

Grandma said "Yeah" in a dull voice.

"The Green Lantern Corps was resurrected yesterday. I wonder if the Dark Lord is paying attention." Harley said, winking at her again.

Grandma just stared at her with wide eyes.

"I also met brother Ishaya, oh" she blinked again.

"I'm really sincere, really, but I have something busy recently, so wait for me at least for another half month, and we'll talk again in half a month."

Grandma's eyes turned cold, "Are you serious? I've made it so clear, and you're still going to deal with me?"

Harley pointed at her face and said seriously: "Look, how sincere I am. Remember to tell His Majesty Darkseid that I am really sincere."

Three hours later, Apokolips.

Grandma knelt on the ground, bala bala, and recounted Harley's evil deeds one by one, "Your Majesty, there is no need to talk anymore. Give the earth and Witch Harley a big retribution."

The black smoke from the Tears of Death obscured Darkseid's face.

But from his breath and reaction, it was clear that he was deep in thought.

Seeing his hesitation, grandma continued: "Your Majesty, you don't know how arrogant she is. When she left, she pointed at her face proudly and said she was sincere, and asked me to tell you that this was obviously a provocation, and - —”

Darkseid suddenly interrupted her, "She pointed at her face and asked you to tell me?"

Grandma was startled, "Yes, is there a problem?"

"Come here." Darkseid pointed at her.

Grandma looked at the black smoke that was flickering around him, swallowed, and shrank: "Your Majesty, my power is weak, so I don't dare to get close to you."

"Dessade, extract the most complete memory of her conversation with Witch Harley. Even the parts she has forgotten must be clearly revealed to me." Darkseid said coldly.

"Your Majesty!" Grandma yelled in horror, and Desarde yelled in surprise.

"You want to resist my order?"

"Don't dare."

Accompanied by grandma's howl like a pig being slaughtered, part of her soul was forcibly extracted, and the memory played in front of Darkseid like a movie.

After a long time, Darkseid sighed with satisfaction: "So that's it, she is really sincere."

Glancing coldly at his grandma who was lying on the ground twitching and foaming, he added: "It's a pity that I met an idiot."

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