I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1130 Harley’s strategy

Through the incident between Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner, Harley once again made two things clear: Even if superheroes practice martial arts and magic, they are not practitioners. Practitioners are different from heroes; she is at least 70% a practitioner. The heroes of Justice League are 100% superheroes.

What practitioners care about is their own realm and transcendence.

Essentially the most selfish and greedy.

Therefore, they are also most afraid of having their destiny interfered with and arranged, and they are least willing to become the chess pieces of the boss on the chessboard.

Superheroes care more about the present and reality.

They may be curious about the transcendent scenery, but they are not obsessed with it.

As long as it is beneficial to the overall situation, as long as they can practice their heroic ideals, being arranged, manipulated, sacrificed, and used as a pawn can be tolerated even though they are angry.

However, superheroes are not necessarily the most selfless and desireless.

If you are truly selfless, you won't care about your reputation as a hero.

If there are no desires or desires, the hero will not be obsessed with the heroic concept of justice.

After thinking about this, Harry felt much calmer.

Even if Kyle really resurrects the little blue man, Oa will at most be restored to the state before Hal's group turned off the green light. What impact will it have on her on earth?

Well, if the little blue man did something disgusting in the universe, it would still disgust her.

In order not to be disgusted, she gave Kyle some advice and disgusted the little blue man first.

This is also the purpose of Kyle coming to her.

"First of all, the Green Lantern Corps can be rebuilt, but it must reestablish its 'national title'."

"Country number?" Kyle was a little confused.

"Do you know the history of China?" Harley asked.

“I didn’t know it before, but if I need it, I can know it immediately.”

"Then you should focus on understanding the difference between the destruction of the Northern Song Dynasty and the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty, and the destruction of the Song Dynasty and the establishment of the Ming Dynasty." Harley said.

Kyle's eyes flashed with white light, and he wondered for a while: "After the Song Dynasty, there was the Yuan Dynasty, right?"

Harley said: "I'm not ranking the dynasties. In Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Green Lantern Corps was destroyed, just like the Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed. After Hal rebuilt the Green Lantern Corps, it was like the Southern Song Dynasty.

Regardless of the Southern Song Dynasty or the Northern Song Dynasty, the Zhao family was the orthodox royal family.

Even if Haer is as loyal as Yue Fei, when it comes to the integrity of the country, everyone still only obeys the Zhao royal family.

Because in the world's perception, the Song Dynasty was the empire of the Zhao family, and Haer was just a general with outstanding merits.

The Zhao family built the Song Dynasty, and of course the Zhao family sat on the throne. No matter how great his contribution was, General Ha was only a minister of the Song Dynasty.

The difference between monarch and minister is clear.

Now I ask you to change the name of the country, which is to completely bury the old "Lan" Green Lantern Corps legally and establish a new "Kai" dynasty.

The people of Ming Dynasty will not regard the descendants of the Zhao family as monarchs. "

Kyle thought thoughtfully, "I roughly understand what you mean, but I am alone, how can I establish a new dynasty?

Moreover, I still want to retain the guardian system to ensure that the power of the legion commander is restricted. I have no intention of ruling the legion, nor the ability. "

Harry smiled and said: "I only asked you to change the name of the country, not the dynasty, nor the system.

There is a fundamental change of government, but in form it is just a 'presidential change'.

Well, it makes the Green Lantern Corps realize that the dynasty has changed, and the political situation is as smooth as the presidential transition.

In fact, the current system of the Green Lantern Corps is also very problematic and needs fine-tuning. We will talk about this later. "

“Before, Green Lanterns obeyed the Guardians, mainly because they understood that the Legion was established by the Guardians, and that they could become heroes of the universe because of the Guardians.

Now you just need to gather the remaining legion members. Well, since there is one Della, there may be more Della.

Even without Della, the earth still has Tomato's group of green lights who eat idle food and gossip.

They are die-hards from the old dynasty and have to bring in a new group of people.

Can you make a lamp ring? "

"I can now." Kyle said.

Harley raised an eyebrow, "Only now?"

"Making a light ring requires not only technology, but also energy and authority. With energy and some authority to communicate with the emotional spectrum, you can forge a green light ring just by imagining it with your thoughts," Kyle explained.

Harley said: "After recasting the central battery, immediately take out the lantern rings and find all 3,600 lanterns.

Gather them all to Oa Star and speak clearly in front of them.

Just tell the history of the Green Lantern Corps like it is.

Let them understand that the Green Lantern Corps, with the little blue people as their royal family, has been defeated by the little blue people. The current world is conquered by someone like you.

By the way, Hal also made great efforts. You have to rehabilitate him and determine his historical status early to avoid being liquidated later.

Now, you are someone who is devoted to the public, not interested in high positions, and is willing to just be a "torch bearer". The ownership of the new legion belongs to each legion member.

Of course, no matter what you do, you can't deny the achievements of the little blue man.

Their knowledge and knowledge are there.

As long as they exist, the Legion will definitely rely on them.

It is also because the legion relies on them that you plan to resurrect them and hand over many core powers such as supervision, personnel, and finance to them. Alas! "

When it came to resurrecting the little blue man, Harley felt bad and wanted to sigh.

But her first strategy for Kyle was to change his country name.

Since there is no complete change of government, there is no way to deprive the little blue man of his management rights.

Her purpose is just to make Green Lantern stop being superstitious about the little blue men and turn the dominance of the "Blue Family" into management rights, which has changed a lot in meaning.

If the little blue men continue to do whatever they want in the legion from now on, at least the legion commander will be able to resist them legally.

Harley continued: “Once the ‘national title’ is changed, it will be much easier to change the system later.

The foundation of the Green Lantern Corps is actually not the Guardians or the Central Battery, but the Ten Commandments of the Corps and the Green Lantern Oath.

Commandments and oaths form the spiritual core of Green Lantern and determine the meaning of the Legion's existence.

Overall, they are good, simple and easy to understand.

The simpler and easier it is to understand, the easier it is to implement, and the less likely there will be ambiguity and disputes.

However, some clauses are too certain and too difficult to change, which leads to major flaws in the green light commandment, such as Article 2.”

Harley's advice to Hal can be summed up in one sentence: restrict the power of the little blue man.

She has said what she needs to say. No matter what Kyle does next or how things develop, Harley can maintain a peaceful mind.

But the first thing Kyle did next was to break her defense.

"All miracles have a price. What I get is not only your green light energy, but also the strange life force, which comes from you.

Therefore, please allow me to make my own decision, bring your relatives back, and repay you for what you have done to me and the Green Lantern Corps. "

Kyle Reiner killed Hal first and then resurrected Hal's elder brother's family, younger brother's family, and more than ten members of the family who had already gone to hell and even gone to heaven.

Perfect resurrection without any side effects!

Harley personally checked that they were their original souls, while the undead souls and heroic souls in hell and heaven had disappeared.

"how did you do that?"

Not only Harley was in disbelief, Hal and the heroes who rushed to Beach City were all stunned.

"I told you, I can resurrect the dead." Kyle looked at Harley with a proud smile.

"I thought you could only resurrect the Green Lantern soul that was integrated into emotional energy, but you were right about the soul of God. You said you saw the ghost when you were 'overcoming the tribulation of the soul'? Why did the ghost help you?"

If Harley realizes something, either the little blue man and God will have a py deal, or the dog God will also have to succumb to some kind of power and some kind of rules contained in Kyle's body?

Kyle looked at Hal, who had wet eyes and trembling lips, and regretted: "My power is not enough to resurrect all the more than seven million people in Beach City.

What I rely on to resurrect the dead is not skill, but life energy.

There is a strange vitality in my body. How many 'miracles' I have to exchange for it will consume as much energy as possible. "

Harley thought he would resurrect his ex-girlfriend "Gaya" next, but Kyle comforted Hal with a few words and then flew into the sky without stopping all the way to Oa.

"The day is bright and the night is vast"

Kyle looked down at the desolate and decaying former Green Lantern Corps site below, and took out his own lamp stove - a portable lantern made from the fragments of a central energy battery.

"This universe needs light to dispel the darkness."

He threw out the lamp in his hand and it fell to the ground. When it was halfway down, a green light suddenly burst out. The extremely bright light made the entire planet and half of the galaxy appear green.

"Boom!" When the lamp furnace landed, it had become a three-story behemoth.

"Stab, stab, stab!"

Green lightning danced around the mouth of the lamp, and the planet Oa seemed to have experienced an earthquake, with the ground shaking slightly.

At the same time, green beams of light lit up in every corner of the universe.

"Stars above, my ring is charging again. The Green Lantern Corps is coming back!"

Green Lantern, who was lucky enough to survive and hide his identity, clenched the ring and burst into tears.

"I am Kyle Rayner, the bearer of the Green Lantern!"

Kyle Rayner stood above the lamp furnace, and his voice spread in all directions, seemingly resounding throughout the universe: "From today on, the Green Lantern Corps has re-established itself on Oa, and the brilliance of the Green Lantern will never be erased!

The day is bright and the night is vast; there is no place for monsters and demons to hide.

The evildoers and traitors are afraid of my divine light; the green light is always bright and will shine forever! "

"All Lanterns, come back quickly!" Kyle shouted.

"The green light will shine forever!" The remaining green lights recited the green light oath with tears streaming down their faces and their voices choked with sobs. Then they turned into green light and flew straight to Oa.

"The Green Lantern Corps has indeed been resurrected as predicted in the Book of Oa."

On Zamalon, Gunther looked up at the sky and seemed to be able to see the surviving Lanterns rising into the sky and flying towards Oa in the center of the universe.

I also saw the light ring that had lost its owner and was floating in the void of the universe like debris, like a green meteor, streaking across the starry sky, starting the search for a new owner.

I also saw that the sky above Oa was like a goddess scattering flowers. Thousands of light rings destroyed by Hal on the day of the "Oa Disaster" were restored to intact, and then turned into green light and scattered in all directions.

Before today, the Green Lantern Corps was destroyed, and Oa was desolate and decaying; after today, the Green Lantern Corps is fully resurrected, and Oa has once again regained its former status in the universe.

"Will our dead people be resurrected?" Said asked nervously.

Gunther shook his head slightly, "I don't know."

"There is a prophecy in the Book of Oa," Said said.

"Most of the prophecies in the book have come true, but as long as one person is involved, even the prophecies related to Green Lantern will fail." Gunther said.

Said immediately said: "Witch Harley?"

Ganser said: "Although she rarely interferes in legion affairs, the limited times she has greatly distorted the predetermined fate of the Book of Oa.

For example, the Ion Shark did not combine with Kyle Rayner. Instead, it went against its intended trajectory and briefly made Hal Jordan the Ion Man.

Another example is the ending of Hal Jordan. He should have fallen into purgatory, the destination specially created by God for fallen heroes.

Because the Green Lantern Corps also owes a debt to heaven.

When the magic power of the universe was first collected, the divine power of God was also included.

All miraculous power comes with a price.

During the Suneater incident, Hal Jordan used all his energy and life to repay the debt of the "Star Heart" for the Legion.

But death is not the end, his soul must continue to repay the Legion's debt to heaven."

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