I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1118 Black-hearted Dads

Harley's visit to Metropolis this time, in addition to interstellar diplomacy and Adam Strange's "secrets that can only be told to the galactic admiral and can affect the future of the galaxy", also has a private purpose, to chat with Superboy about his sister. Well. , should be my cousin.

The "red-headband" Supergirl in Crisis on Infinite Earths left a very deep impression on her. Harley wanted to see what the Supergirl from the Earth-0 universe looked like.

Well, on the day Starfire came to Earth, the alien spacecraft that suddenly appeared in the orbit of Mercury came from Krypton, and was the spaceship of Super Girl Kara.

It's just that Harley has been staying at home, and Supergirl hasn't made her debut recently, let alone going to Quinn Manor to visit her "Earth Giant", so it's been more than half a month, and Harley hasn't seen Kara yet.

"It turns out that Tearman is the husband of the famous Lois Lane in the universe. I really didn't realize it."

Only when Yebi brought his master and apprentice outside Dachao's mansion did Cassandra know his true identity.

"Do you know whose home this is?" Harley asked curiously.

"Of course, Louise's mansion, worth more than 80 million U.S. dollars, was worth more than 80 million U.S. dollars. It caused a stir on the Internet because Louise promised to donate 90% of her income to charity.

But she only takes a salary and has no financial management. How can she buy such a luxury house with 10% of her salary? "

In the Doomsday incident, Dachao's apartment was destroyed, the entire community was blown away, and his mother Martha was seriously injured.

The current house is newly purchased.

It's only one street away from the Daily Planet, but it's not noisy. Central Park is downstairs, and you can see Madison Garden and the Monument in the distance from the window.

The new house has a residential area of ​​more than 400 square meters and a large balcony, or sun garden, of 100 square meters.

It is located on the top of the building, and the entire floor belongs to the Kent family, so there are no neighbors to disturb you. Dachao does not need to transform, he can directly appear at the door of his house as Superman, which is very convenient.

"It seems that Louise has made a lot of money in the past few years." Harley looked at the simple and beautiful apartment below. Clark and Louise were holding their sons and waving to them.

Cassandra said: "Louise did not lie, she really donated 90% of her income, but too many of her news were reprinted by alien media, and all she earned was alien currency, which can be converted into US dollars. One year Hundreds of millions!

Pretty much the highest paid working woman on the planet and one of my role models. "

Harley glanced at the female apprentice with disdain, "Is this all you have? How about I give you tens of billions to realize your wish immediately?"

"No, it's not about how much money you make." The female apprentice shook her head repeatedly, "She and I are both your believers and touts, but I can only cheer for you on the Internet on Earth.

But Louise was able to promote the 'Galaxy Admiral' to every corner of the universe.

According to an interview survey of alien visitors, more than 70% of them have read Louise's "Galaxy Admiral News".

He is worthy of being a famous figure in the universe. I admire him very much and he is a role model for me to learn from. "

Harry immediately changed his expression, nodded and praised: "As expected of my apprentice, you are ambitious! Come on!"

"Why are you all at home today? Where is Martha?" Harley looked at Louise, "Although it is the weekend, you are a 997 reporter."

"Martha is back in Smallville this weekend."

Louise didn't hesitate and said openly: "I heard you were coming today, so I specially waited for you at home."

Catching a glimpse of the little boy next to her, she touched his head and added: "By the way, I'll stay with Xiao Qiao."

Come to think of it, it's been a long time since she spent a weekend with her son.

Harley didn't ask her what she was waiting for. She turned around and asked, "Where's Supergirl?"

"Kara isn't Super Girl yet." Da Chao said.

After a pause, he explained: "In order to prevent her from being affected by the fate of 'Supergirl', I haven't told Kara her story in other universes."

It was a bit awkward to say this, but Harley understood.

The "red-headband" Supergirl has impressed her, and her impact on Supergirl will only be greater.

Clark believes that the story of "Red Headband" is even more of a burden to Kara now.

He didn't want to affect her choice for the future, and he didn't want Kara to become the shadow of the "red-headband" Super Girl, or to live in the shadow.

"She's not at home now? I still want to see her." Harley said.

Clark said: "She is receiving training from Amazon female warriors on Paradise Island, where the closed and simple living environment is more suitable for her.

There, she will slowly grow and mature, slowly learn about the earth, and finally choose the path she wants to take. "

Harley smiled and said, "I thought you would help her find adoptive parents. Didn't you tell me that on the phone?"

"Well, that was indeed my plan at first. Under the care of my parents, I would slowly integrate into the earth. But what you said makes sense. She is already fifteen years old, and her memory of Krypton is only yesterday. There is no way to pretend that she doesn't understand anything. .Child."

At that time, Harley said she was an "idiot who doesn't understand anything."

"I talked openly with her, and she is even more mature than a 15-year-old girl on Earth. She has received the most orthodox Kryptonian officer education since she was a child, including history, politics, military command, physical training, and coordinated operations.

If Krypton is not destroyed, she will be a qualified Krypton commander three years later.

Innocence and naivety have nothing to do with her.

Treating her with innocence and naivety is an insult to her and an insult to Kryptonian education. "

Louise interjected: "Kara is not 15 years old. She was fifteen when Clark was born, but Clark is 35 years old this year, which means she is at least 50 years old now."

Clark glanced at his wife with some dissatisfaction, "But she has been sleeping before and has not grown."

"Age is age!" Louise said forcefully: "If I feel that my mentality is 18 years old, can I insist that I am only 18 years old?"

"This is different."

Harry looked at this and that. Could it be that Louise had some conflict with her sister-in-law?

"Have you cracked the mastermind of her spaceship now? I came to you not only to meet my 'old friend', but also to find out the reason for her origin."

"It was just cracked yesterday." Clark had a puzzled look on his face. "The information inside is indeed a bit strange. I was just trying to find you."

"It's indeed strange." Harley nodded.

Louise asked strangely: "Clark didn't even reveal the information in the master's mind, how come you knew it was strange?"

Cassandra and Clark also looked at her strangely.

"How long has it been since Kara came to Earth?" Harley asked.

"Eighteen days, nineteen days, what's the problem?" Louise said.

"Do you still remember when we discovered the Kryptonian spacecraft in northern Canada? How long did the semi-literate Clark spend controlling the spacecraft mastermind?"

"Why am I semi-literate? I have a diploma from a regular university." Clark complained dissatisfied.

"How far is your diploma from an alien spacecraft? To say you are semi-literate is already a compliment." Harley said.

Louise frowned and said: "Clark took control of the spacecraft almost instantly."

Harley said: "Clark was semi-literate back then, but now he has learned complete Kryptonian technology and culture at the Castle of Solitude, and has complete abilities and equipment. Why did it take him more than half a month to obtain the information about the main brain of the small spacecraft?"

"Because Kara's spaceship rejected me. What does this mean?" Clark murmured.

"At least it shows that Kara's origin is very strange." Harley raised her chin towards him, "What strange information did you find in the master mind?"

“The flight log in the mastermind shows that Kara and I left Krypton at the same time, had the same destination, and arrived in the solar system at the same time.

There's also a video on there of my uncle asking Kara to come to Earth to protect me.

However, while my spacecraft landed in Smallville, Kara's remained static and invisible, following Mercury as it orbited the sun (ps). "

"It has been flying around the sun for 35 years! This is a doubtful point. The watchtower also uses Kryptonian technology, so it should have been discovered long ago.

In order to prepare for Brainiac, we have used radar to carefully scan the solar system countless times in the past few years, but we have not found it. "Dachao said in a deep voice.

"It's interesting." Harry said with a weird smile: "It seems that not only is Kara not a pretty girl, but her parents are also human beings."

"What do you want to say?" Clark frowned.

Harry glanced at his wife who was thinking deeply, "Louise, what do you want to say?"

"I" Louise said hesitantly: "Kara's parents are duplicitous. They don't want her to come to Earth immediately to protect Clark."

"Superman is protecting her now," Cassandra interjected.

Clark said seriously: "Isn't the point why it wasn't discovered before?"

"Well, this is a doubt, but it is only one of the doubts. Let's discuss your uncle and aunt's little thoughts now." Harley said with a smile: "Although Kara is sleeping, it is definitely not an accident that she is so close to the sun.

It's more hidden on Pluto.

But Mercury is closest to the sun.

I guess her spaceship should have opened a window for her to face the sun, right? "

Clark's expression changed several times and he remained silent.

"It seems there is."

Harley's smile widened, so bright that it upset Clark.

He knew her thoughts and interests, and she wanted to kill him and took pleasure in doing so.

"Your uncle is really awesome, and you 'Al' are also awesome. As long as you have 10% of the 'wisdom' of their brothers, you will be more than enough to be the president."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Clark turned his head away, his voice a little muffled.

He obviously understood.

Harley's eyes turned into a pair of beautiful crescent moons when she smiled.

"Actually, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Your father and uncle are both normal people, and it's normal to have normal selfishness."

Clark lowered his head so that no one could see his expression.

"Master, what are you talking about?"

Louise was also silent thoughtfully, only Cassandra looked confused.

Harley glanced at Clark and explained softly: "Although super-light spacecraft are almost ruined now, this technology is actually one of the signs of advanced civilization.

Krypton is of course an advanced civilization, even a super civilization.

However, the Kryptonian parliament does not allow the people to develop super-light engines, and the parliament does not want people to leave the star system.

Clark and Kara came to Earth in a super-light spacecraft at the same time.

It shows that the El brothers have already prepared for the destruction of Krypton.

Moreover, Jor-El also integrated the Kryptonian "Genetic Book" into Superman's body. This was the reason why Zod invaded the earth. Jor-El subconsciously had the same idea as Zod.

His uncle was also hypocritical. He sent his daughter away in the name of taking care of his nephew Clark, but set the destination of the spacecraft to Mercury.

It is also intended that her daughter absorb the yellow sun's rays. No matter whether Superman merges into the earth in the future, or is regarded as an intruder by the people on earth, at least Kara has the power to protect herself. "


Xiao Qiao was confused, but keenly noticed that his father had become even more depressed, so he reached out and pulled his clothes.

Clark forced a smile and patted his head.

"You are you, they are them." Louise put her right hand on the back of his hand and comforted him softly.

"You don't have to comfort him," Harry said coolly, "If he needs comfort, then you still have to cry to death?"

"Why should I cry?" Louise asked strangely.

"You think he is sad because his father is not a good person. But the problem is, his father's heart is red, with a little blemish at most, but your father's heart is black, with only a little sparkle."

(ps: Regarding the origin of Supergirl, the comics give many options, one of which is indeed the setting in the article-his father deliberately let Clark be a spy and go to live on the earth first, while his daughter slept around the sun. Sleeping while absorbing solar energy, Supergirl’s talents far exceed Clark’s.)

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