I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1113 The second generation of clowns no longer dare to be called ‘clown’

In the first two days, Starfire was fortunate enough to receive one-on-one careful instruction from Harley. After that, like everyone else, she reported to the manor on time at four o'clock every afternoon (after school at Gotham High School), and then entered the gravity room for her own training. .

Harley is not idle either. She will walk back and forth outside the training room, observing their every movement and physical condition, and correcting mistakes or improving their training methods in time.

Xinghuo discovered that she really didn't pay much attention to herself, and her cultivation relied entirely on her own awareness.

The "third senior sister" named Cassandra was the most respected, followed by Barbara, and then Bruce and his son. She and Rachel were not treated as well as five-year-old Helena.

However, she also saw that Rachel was a wizard and was born with a strong body. She trained more on skills than strength.

After observing for another two days, Xinghuo gradually found the way to the "Martial Arts Codex".

"Although all of us have different exercise methods, we are all in the gravity room, and the goals of exercise are also similar. Repeat the process of rapidly consuming physical energy and replenishing physical energy." During the break, she said to Dick.

Well, although she met Barbara first, after joining the "Martial Arts Rocket Class", the person she was closest to or liked to be close to the most was "Eldest Young Master" Dick.

Dick was clean-looking, well-spoken, and very good at pleasing girls.

When getting along with him, Xinghuo really felt the innocence and happiness that only a 16-year-old girl could have, and this feeling was something she had never experienced in her life. Even if she was "young", at that time, the country was ruined and the family was ruined, and she was not qualified. To pursue simplicity.

"This is the "Martial Arts Code", which focuses on enhancing physical fitness. That is what Master Harley said, 'Martial arts is the process of tapping energy in the body.'"

Dick was usually smiling and carefree, but when he mentioned "Master Harley", his face showed rare seriousness and respect.

Before joining the training class, he would not show respect when facing Harley.

To paraphrase a line from the movie "The Master": He has evil intentions now, but as long as he learns boxing from me, he will respect me like a god.

The ignorant are fearless.

Only when you know and understand can you know how to be in awe.

"I know the purpose of the 'Secret Book'. What I'm focusing on now is its training idea - to train the human body until it is exhausted, and then digest food and replenish energy." Xinghuo said.

Dick wondered: "What's wrong with this idea? Long-distance runners train themselves through running, and basketball players improve themselves through a series of training such as dribbling, shooting, and dribbling."

Our goal is to improve our physical fitness, and of course we have to train our bodies to the limit. "

"There is no problem with this method, but as you said, our training is like a long-distance runner practicing running. It is too simple and not enough to be a 'martial god'." Xinghuo said.

"The idea of ​​"The Secret of Martial Arts" is very simple, but the operation is extremely difficult.

Not to mention unlimited training and unlimited improvement, just your "Xinghuo Fist".

If you only practice this set of boxing, you will exercise every part of your body and improve your speed, strength, flexibility, and defense in all aspects.

A workout that turns you into a hexagon warrior.

What about ordinary people?

Even if he is just a basketball player, he still needs to practice arm strength, waist and abdominal core, and jumping legs in different categories. There are many types, and they often conflict with each other.

I practiced strength, but my shot was inaccurate.

Increased weight, speed and agility decrease.

"Xinghuo Fist" does not have these side effects at all. It is just a set of movements, simple and efficient.

The point is, the average athlete works out for hours before running out of energy.

The efficiency is too low.

What about us? A set of movements lasts up to ten minutes.

Exercising for four hours a day consumes the same amount of calories as a diligent athlete training hard for a month. "

"This kind of efficiency can be called a martial arts myth! When I came into contact with the "Martial Arts Codex", I seemed to have entered another world. The reason why you don't feel deeply is because you are a superpower and it is too easy to get power.

Any martial artist who has practiced martial arts will be in awe of Master Harley as a god after understanding the "Martial Arts Codex". "

"She is really a warrior god." Dick said with emotion.

Xinghuo said: "I don't question the power of the "Martial Arts Codex", but it's just not the same as I imagined."

"Then what does the 'Martial Arts Code' look like in your mind?" Dick asked curiously.

Xinghuo recalled the "kung fu movies" he had seen these days and said: "Sitting cross-legged, meditating with five hearts raised to the sky, comprehending the world, clothes fluttering, clean and tidy, and then power surged out of the body, and the body crackled and exploded, thus transcending the world and becoming a saint. Knock down a mountain with a punch.”

The corner of Dick's mouth twitched, "The Chinese movie you watched?"

"Of course you must understand the culture of Kung Fu before learning Kung Fu." Xinghuo said.

"I've seen it too, but it's not a kung fu movie, it's a fairy tale." Dick raised his chin to Bruce and Cassandra, who were still sweating profusely in the training room, and sighed: "You see, in our training class, we work the hardest. They are the two of them.

Barbara practices for half an hour and takes a break for half an hour. Jason and I take a ten-minute break every hour.

Nutritious meals replenish physical strength, and physical fatigue disappears quickly, but the heart is tired.

They often work for four hours without stopping.

Because they are martial arts masters and have experienced real Kung Fu practice, which is much crueler than the movies.

Often you put in 10,000 points of sweat, but get nothing in return.

Now every effort is rewarded, so they cherish it very much and are very hungry for it. "

"Is there any stimulating agent added to the nutritious meal? Every time I eat it, I feel tired and relieved." Xinghuo asked curiously.

"That's the blessing of divine power." Dick shook his head and explained: "Our nutritious meals, whether meat, eggs, milk, or vegetables and fruits, all come from a high-energy fantasy world and are very nutritious.

However, it is difficult for ordinary people to digest and absorb it. Even if it is digested, it can only slowly replenish physical strength and cannot penetrate deep into cells to relieve fatigue and nourish muscles and bones from the root cause.

Divine blessing ensures that we quickly digest nutritious meals into nutrients.

And those nutrients will flow to the parts of the body that need them most. "

Harley did not lend her divine power to a few students, or even to her own priest, Barbara.

The so-called divine blessing is actually a semi-finished magical technique with the digestive defense expertise - Harley is still researching it.

For powerful people like Diana and Neptune with 80+ attributes, the "thick-skinned power" will only slightly increase physical qualities such as strength and speed.

But for ordinary people, it can bring about a qualitative change in their physique.

This is a good thing, but not conducive to spiritual practice.

Harley's "Martial Arts Manual" is extremely complicated and difficult to operate, but the principle is extremely simple: break the physical limits through high-intensity exercise.

With Harley's magical power, it is difficult for them to push their bodies to their limits.

This is also the dilemma Harley is facing now.

Ordinary people who torture themselves will only destroy their bodies.

Harley has high defense and fast recovery, and can repair cell-level dark damage through her food defense specialty.

But now her defense is too high and her physical strength is too sufficient. It is difficult to even sweat. It is even more difficult to break through the limit of strength by squeezing her body to the limit.

In addition to not letting divine power slow down the growth of students, there is another reason why Harley cannot lend her divine power casually: letting Gaia maintain her status as a favored one would place too heavy a burden on her.

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and it was the weekend. Xinghuo thought that the cram school training would become more intense.

After all, several classmates are on vacation.

The result was far beyond her expectation.

"There is no training on the weekend, so we can move around freely." Barbara said.

"Uh, why?"

"Weekends are originally rest time. Training every day will make people stupid. And we are all young, so there is no need to push ourselves too hard." Barbara was surprised by her surprised reaction.

Xinghuo asked doubtfully: "But on weekdays we exercise for four hours, from four in the afternoon to eight in the evening, pushing ourselves to the limit. Now that we finally have a holiday and have time, we don't exercise anymore."

"You only exercise for four hours a day. How far is this limit? During the day, don't you often drive around the United States in a speed car?"

"Okay, what activities do you have on the weekend?" Xinghuo didn't want to work out hard on the weekend.

"Let's go to the mountain and ask everyone. Or see what Sister Harley has planned." Barbara looked very expectant and excited, "Last time she took us to the Kingdom of Dreams.

Damn it, you can never imagine how fantastic and crazy that world is.

I also met Santa Claus, the real Santa Claus!

It's a pity that it's not Christmas, and even though we pulled the sleigh deer by its antlers to prevent him from leaving, making him so angry that he blew his beard and glared, he still insisted on not giving us a gift. "

"There are two things this weekend." Harry really had plans.

"First of all, I am going to the metropolis for interstellar diplomacy. If you are interested, you can come with me.

The second thing is that our family is almost out of nutritious meals and needs to go to Wonderland to restock. Ivy was summoned by Swamp Monster. Is there any one of you who is interested in helping out? "

"Me!" Barbara immediately raised her hand, "I have heard Mr. Hongfa and Mr. Rabbit talk about Wonderland countless times, and I have long wanted to see it."

As she spoke, she went to pull Rachel next to her, "You go with me and help me open the portal."

Although she and Harley had visited the Elf Queen once, Rachel did not refuse the invitation from her companions.

"I want to go too." Helena stepped on her feet and raised her hands.

"Is it dangerous?" Selina looked at her daughter and asked worriedly.

"This is not the first time. You and Ivy have been there before. What's the danger?" Harley asked disapprovingly.

Selina said: "Of course it's not dangerous to simply pick up goods at the farm, but I don't believe that they will be so honest and not run around randomly. What if I go to the fairy market and get kidnapped?"

"Haha, it's a good thing to be kidnapped. At least it can help them gain insights into how sinister people's hearts can be." Harley said with a smile.

After hearing what she said, Selina was no longer worried.

"I'm going to the Metropolis. Master's appearance will definitely attract many alien messengers. As a Top 100 Up Master, I can't miss this event." Cassandra grinned.

In the past, she would stay in the manor and train hard even on weekends, but now that the master is leaving the manor, of course she will go wherever the master goes.

Harley nodded slightly, "On this trip to the metropolis, Earth's foreign policy is just one of them. There is another thing you might as well go and see."

"Where is Wonderland?" Starfire asked Dick in a low voice.

"A different world, which is the hometown of many fairy tale characters and fairies." Dick looked around and found the hedgehog sitting on the floor at the door, napping. He pointed with his finger, "Mr. Red Hair comes from Wonderland."

"I want to go too. There are more chickens than the zoo. Let's go together." Starfire became excited.

Dick hesitated and said, "I still have something to do."

"What can happen to you?"

"Recently, a particularly powerful super criminal named 'Laughing Scar' appeared in Gotham. Did you know? I want to help Bateman find out his background."

Starfire shook her head.

Jason next to him explained enthusiastically: "It's the one who used the campus bus to rob a bank some time ago. He has two scars on his face, from his lips to the base of his ears. It's scary, like a clown.

However, he calls himself ‘Laughing Scar’ and is determined not to let others call him ‘clown’.

Alas, after Penguin shifted more of his energy to real estate and politics, Gotham's underground forces ushered in a new round of reshuffle.

Although Laughing Scar is not famous, we found that he is behind several small and medium-sized gangs.

If Dick's subsequent investigation proves this, it means that he is likely to become the new hey road giant. "

Then he blushed slightly and added: "Dick wants to investigate the case of Laughter Scar. I can accompany you to Wonderland."

Dick glanced at his "second brother" and said calmly: "You failed the cultural class again. I suggest Alfred hire a tutor for you, and you just stay at home and make up for your lessons."

Jason's expression was stiff and he stood blankly on the spot.

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