I want to have a date with Superman

Summary of the last two plots

If any readers have read the comics, they will find that "Zero Hour" and "The End of the Night" are different from the original plots.

For example, Hal became a time demon because he was possessed by a parallax monster - a yellow lantern beast, but here, this is not the case at all.

The reason is simple and unreasonable.

Sinestro, Kyle Rayner, and several others seemed to have become hosts of the Parallax monster, but they all controlled the lantern beast perfectly and did not let the lantern beast affect them.

And Hal Jordan is the first Green Lantern, with the willpower of all the others in the universe combined.

Is he worse than Sinestro?

The reason why the plot, comics and drawings are so unreasonable is because the author of the comics originally planned to make Hal degenerate into an anti-hero, but readers didn't buy it, so later authors tried their best to eat the book and patch it up.

Now that I know this, there is no need for me, who writes fan fiction, to use settings that are obviously book-eating.

Therefore, the name of Hal Jordan's "Parallax Demon" was directly changed to "Time Demon".

One more thing, the Time Linear and the Time Trap are not two designs. They are very good in the comics. Of course, when encountering big events, they lose their power and become very low.

There is also Midnight. Midnight's enemy is the Sun-Eating Beast. In the "End of Night" comic, it does not show its form. It is pure darkness, which can be sensed and seen, but cannot be touched.

It can be said that when it first appeared, the Sun-Eating Beast was very powerful.

If the level is not high enough, it will not force Parallax Demon (Hal Jordan) to commit suicide.

At that time, Hal was at the level of a great devil, transcending time and controlling the cracks of entropy at will.

In addition, the Entropy Crack is not a second design. In the comics, it is almost the strongest attack. Doomsday can evolve omega ray defense, but it can be killed by entropy.

Entropy is the only existence that can completely destroy Doomsday (not considering non-scientific method users such as Lucifer and God)

But in later comics, the Sun-Eating Beast really became a kind of star beast, and was adopted by Da Chao, who fed it with little suns. Except for Da Chao's pretense, the Sun-Eating Beast and the Parallax Demon were both awesome. Go crazy.

In this book, all the major events are present in the comics, but the setting and plot direction are very different from the comics. All changes are made to serve the smooth flow of the plot.

The comics didn't connect the big events, I connected them into a story.

For example, why did Hal have to sacrifice?

The comic didn't give a reason at all. The author asked him to die, so he had to die.

But I can't do that, I have to give a valid reason - because the Green Lantern Corps also owes a huge magical debt, the Heart of the Star.

Once upon a time, the Little Blue Man wanted to monopolize the miraculous power of the universe. After seeing magic, he believed that magic could threaten the status of Green Lantern energy, so he collected all the magical power in the universe and wanted to assimilate the magic power into Green Lantern energy.

Considering that the little blue man is just a "lower person" in the material universe, it is actually quite impressive to be able to do this.

However, the water of magical power is too deep, and the little blue man cannot grasp it.

Forging the Heart of the Star—The Heart of the Star Out of Control—A Piece of it Falls in the Song Dynasty—Kublai Khan’s Magic Pot—Xanadu and the Stranger—The Magic Pot is Brought to the West by Marco Polo—Alan Scott, Circa 1930 After getting the magic pot and transforming it into a hand-held lamp, the first generation of Green Lantern was born - Green Lantern united a group of friends to establish the Justice Society - the Justice Society inspired Superman and other future heroes - the Justice League was established - the great era of DC superheroes The prelude of "Hal" has begun - Hal's degeneration into the Parallax Demon, Zero Hour Crisis - the Sun-Eating Beast, repaying debts

This is an entire line and the backstory of the DC universe.

Let’s talk about Hecate.

The universe originally had no magic power, because magic is only one of the miraculous powers, not the basic power of the universe.

Well, magic is not among the seven basic powers.

There is no shortage of miraculous power in the DC universe. For example, the power of the New Gods and the power of the emotional spectrum are all miraculous powers.

But magic did change the DC universe, making it prosperous and colorful.

Hecate was born from a "plane" full of magic, which is located outside the universe. She brought magic to the universe, and the universe became magical.

Then the gods used magic and faith to create the power of the old gods, which was similar to the power of chakra and nature, and became the power of fairy magic.

No matter how generous Hecate is, the fact that she is the master of magic cannot be denied.

It doesn’t matter if you say the gods are greedy or if you say the gods “I can’t control my fate”, in short, they deceived Hecate and their methods were very clumsy.

It was the beauty trick mentioned in the book. Many tall and handsome god-kings courted her, and finally Hades won the beauty and sealed Hecate away.

But the seals of the gods were created billions of years ago, during the Crisis of Infinite Earths, when the rules of the universe experienced their first major change, and the old seals began to loosen - because the seals came from laws, and the gods used law-level seals Hecate is sealed by magic. As long as the laws of the universe change, the seal will inevitably loosen.

The gods know that "the only constant thing in the world is that everything is changing." After they become god kings, they can sense that the laws of the universe are being "updated," just like computer systems are being updated.

Therefore, many pantheons have left prophecies of Ragnarok.

It also affirms the inevitable return of Hecate.

The gods cannot keep the universe from changing.

Now that we’ve said that, let’s talk about the main line of this book.

The main line is an "architectural" renovation of the DC universe from matter to law, and from low dimensions to high dimensions.

The Crisis of Infinite Earths only changes the physical universe, that is, the four-dimensional world. It's equivalent to smashing the "first floor".

The high-dimensional five-dimensional divine realm and the six-dimensional manager realm have not changed.

What was changed at zero time was the "electrical wiring system and tap water system", which is equivalent to changing the decoration.

The next step is to rebuild the first floor, then the second and third floors, and then the story ends.

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