I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1103 Destiny cannot be violated

"Harry, I have a boyfriend." Alan Scott said coyly.

"But you have a son and a daughter." Harry tried not to look too shocked.

Not only did he have two children, he also married two wives.

"Well, I was on Earth 2 before. I was born at the beginning of the last century, and I was only in the 1940s when I reached adulthood. You know, everyone's nature was deeply suppressed.

And I am a famous superhero, a tough guy in everyone's heart.

The social ethics and public opinion environment make me dare not even think about it.

Therefore, until I was eighty years old, I did not recognize my true heart.

Crisis on Infinite Earths was a reboot for the multiverse, and the world was reborn, and so was I. "

At this point, Alan's mood became excited and his eyes seemed to be shining. "We are still in the 1990s here, but you here have entered the second decade of the 21st century. They are very tolerant of people with the same surname. I have woken up."

Harley swallowed, "When you woke up, you didn't seem to have become younger?"

"Not too old." Alan said.

——You’re already 80, you’re still not old?

However, Alan Scott is not an ordinary Green Lantern. His green lantern energy is biased towards magical properties, and he can be regarded as a magician.

It's not unusual for magicians to live for hundreds of years, and 80 is really not old.

"Thank you for your honesty, I will help you keep the secret." Harley said seriously.

Alan shook his head, "You don't have to keep it a secret for me. I will announce it publicly when the Sun-Eating Beast crisis is over."

——You are awesome!

"Have you told Jade and Obsidian?"

Jade Jade is his daughter, Obsidian is his son, both sons and daughters are superheroes.

In fact, his two wives are also superheroes, a real superhero family.

Alan showed a happy and proud smile, "It was because of Jade's encouragement that I had the courage to reveal the cabinet. As for Todd, he was even happier because he had already secretly married Matthews."

Matthews is obviously a man's name.

Apart from being a "faithful", Harley could not express anything more to their family.

Although Da Chao and Alan Scott were eliminated one after another, Harley still did not give up her plan of "matching up with a partner".

In order to create a more romantic environment in the boring interstellar travel, she also specially found the Shadow Bureau and asked them to install a "miniature city capsule" in the Archimedes blimp.

Well, a replica of Brainiac's city in a bottle.

Although the earth has been in constant crisis in recent years, the harvest has been considerable.

Every time aliens invade the earth, they must leave behind extremely advanced alien technology.

From Zod's spaceship and planetary terraformer, to Brainiac's spacecraft and the city in a bottle, to Apokolips' demon-like weapons, demon-like training tanks, and Mongo's war fortress

Regardless of the underdeveloped civilization of the earth, in fact, the U.S. government controls so many black technologies that many higher civilizations cannot compare.

The U.S. government did not package them and hand them over to a certain company, but divided them into categories and allocated them to dozens of technology companies and research institutions across the United States.

The Shadow Bureau, which has secretly served the US government for decades, got the biggest benefit in the process of dividing the cake-city technology in a bottle.

They did not fully understand Brainiac's technology. They only learned how to use this technology by relying on the parts disassembled from Brainiac's spacecraft.

At this time, the headquarters of the Shadow Bureau was moved from the Pentagon's underground research institute to an "ant farm" the size of a table tennis ball suspended in mid-air.

To use Brainiac's "shrinking ray" requires a powerful energy source, which cannot be carried by ordinary spaceships.

Harley's Owl blimp fits the bill perfectly.

She can be considered as a self-interested person to gain some benefits for herself. In fact, the Brainiac spacecraft was originally her trophy, and she gave it to the U.S. government for free.

The Owl Airship has a "Starry Sky Garden" with a radius of two kilometers. Not only is the space large enough, but it is also equipped with poetic and picturesque scenery. After staying in it for a short time, Huo Mu fell in love.

But her love interest is somewhat beyond Harley's expectations. It's not the romantic painter Kyle, it's not the 'superior' Cyborg, it's not the Atom, Mr. Zhuo Yuan, the creator star Ray and other diamond heroes.

Instead, Hal Jordan has been silent and gloomy, as if shrouded in a shadow.

If it were Hal before the destruction of Beach City, Harley wouldn't be surprised at all.

Because at that time, Hal was a famous lothario, and his romantic level was comparable to the "Gotham Gun King Bruce" in the parallel universe, or the "Star City Gun King Oliver Queen" in this universe.

but now.

"Is this weird? Now I don't have a girlfriend, she doesn't have a boyfriend, and we haven't affected anyone." Hal said calmly.

"Are you sincere? No other reasons?" Harley tried.

Could it be that he knew about her plan to "make Twilight happier", so he dedicated his body with a fearless spirit of sacrifice?

Hal gave her a confused look, "Is this weird? I've been with her for a few months, and it happened naturally. Why should there be an accompanying reason?"

Harley nodded and said, "It's weird. It's weird for you to be in love. It's weird for her to be in love. It's very weird for you two to get together."

Hal shook his head and said: "It's weird for you to think so. Superman is an alien. Is it weird that he became a couple with a female reporter from Earth?

Isn’t your angel friend who almost joined the Justice League, Zauliel, in love with an ordinary woman? Weird?

And Arthur, his current wife is his brother’s fiancée. Is it strange?

Wonder Woman is still a god. Isn’t it strange that she fell in love with an American soldier?

According to your logic, these people are not normal. "

——Yes, you are all abnormal.

Harley wanted to complain like this, but deep down, she was somewhat convinced by Hal.

This is the United States, now is the 21st century. A pair of adult men and women don't even need to know each other's names and identities, they can get together because they look at each other for a moment.

Although Hal and Bo Mu have special status, they have been together for several months. The man is not ugly, and the woman is also very distinctive.

"How did you get together?"

"Chatting by the lake in the Starry Sky Garden, playing badminton on the grass, talking, and playing games." Hal frowned and said, "Why are you asking these questions? How has me being with her affected you?"

Harley observed his expression carefully, it didn't look like he was pretending.

"Well" she suddenly remembered: Although the time demon has an 'end of time perspective', after zero hour, she turned on the timeline protection again.

Her own timeline is untouchable and unobservable.

The Time Demon cannot observe her timeline to see what she has done or said, so he does not know her "happiness index plan".

"You know, Dusk is an unstable factor. I need her to be stable, so make sure you don't become an unexpected factor that makes her unstable."

"Then, should I break up with her?" Hal hesitated.

"Are you willing?" Harley frowned.

Is it just lonely?

"Although I have had many girlfriends, I have never been perfunctory and cherish every relationship." Hal said seriously.

Harley asked curiously: "How did you get into each other's hearts?"

"Do you have to ask this?" Hal frowned.

"You can treat me like a mindless tree hole." Harley insisted.

Hal sighed and said, "Okay."

He recalled it for a while, then slowly said: "That day I was standing on the rockery beside the pavilion, and my mind entered a meditative state. She was sitting in the pavilion below, staring at me curiously for a long time."

He, blah blah blah, told in great detail the process of being alone with Bo Mu.

Harley asked a few more details, roughly clarifying the relationship between the two.

The two of them were lonely souls who unexpectedly collided and sparked a spark of emotion.

Dusk felt a touch of sadness in him. Thinking of his experience, she gently asked a few past stories about Beach City - comparing Harr and Hades, Harley vaguely discovered Hecate's quirks: cold appearance, cold heart. A complex (?) strong man.

Originally, Hal was very reluctant to talk about the past with others, especially the things in Beach City.

But for some reason, after talking to Bo Mu, he felt more peaceful and relaxed than ever before.

Mu Mu also told her own story. She went to warn the alien civilization, hoping that they could escape as much as they could before the sun-devouring beast destroyed the star. But often no one is willing to listen to her, and they will get angry at her, regard her as the "Winter Night Witch", and want to burn her to death.

Modern Americans don't have to be coy, they talk smoothly and get together easily.

After finding Hal alone to confirm his relationship with Twilight, Harley sent her sincere blessings to them in person.

"I'm surprised, but also very happy. I hope God will notice this love and bless it."

Harley is really happy and her blessings are 100% sincere.

The two of them became a couple, and she no longer had to worry about anything happening in the evening.

Even if they eventually break up and Bo Mu is still hurt by love, it doesn't matter.

Because Hal is not Hades, he is giving sincerely at this time, without any selfish interests or other purposes.

This pure love, no matter what the outcome, is destined to be cherished by the parties involved.

Da Chao, Kyle and others are also happy for them.

Sweet love, sincere lover, good wishes from friends, and saving the world with yourself as the protagonist and being respected by the entire civilization

The twilight during this period is happier than the heroine at the finale of the heroine novel, right?

Harley was full of confidence and energy in grinding Hecate to death. If she didn't get all of her magic power this time, she would not be able to live up to Hecate's reputation as the mother of magic.

But just when she, like Mu Mu, was full of longing for the future, a change happened.

On the third night when Harley sent her blessings.

When Hal and Twilight "climbed to the top of the mountain," Twilight suddenly shone all over, transformed from her body into a transparent shadow that radiated blue light, and finally completely disappeared without a trace.

"Twilight? Twilight~~~" Hal released his huge mental power and swept the entire Starry Sky Garden without any trace of Twilight.

"Hal? What happened?" His cry and unbridled mental fluctuations woke up the others, and also made Harry, who was dozing off on a horse riding a dog outside, notice something was wrong.

"Twilight disappeared, suddenly disappeared." Hal was at a loss and confused.

"When did she disappear?" Harley asked curiously.

"We are -" Hal looked embarrassed, "We were on the bed. She took a few breaths, her eyes first cast a silver light, and then her whole body glowed, and she said"

His words paused and his pupils contracted.

"What did she say?" Harley asked anxiously.

"She seemed to suddenly realize it, and sighed and said, 'That's it, Hal, and everyone. Thank you!'"

"What do you mean?" Dachao asked confused.

"Is she awake?" Harley murmured.

"Buzz -" slight space fluctuations came from outside, and then received a message from Cyborg on the driver's seat of the Archimedes airship, "The stranger suddenly opened the space door and appeared in the airship, and the ones with him were also There’s Gunther, the little blue man, and this time it’s not a projection.”

Harry's expression changed several times and he whispered: "Let them enter the Starry Sky Garden."

A beam of light fell on Stranger and Ganser, and they quickly shrank and disappeared into the airship cabin.

The next moment, a beam of light fell in the starry sky garden of the "City in a Bottle". The light spread out, revealing the stranger in dark blue trench coat and Ganse in red robe.

Stranger looked at Harley with a complicated expression, "You did a great job, unexpectedly well."

"what did I do?"

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