I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1095 Global Winter Night

"What do you mean by cutting off emotions?" Kyle asked in shock.

Ganser looked at him expressionlessly, "It is to cut off the 'frontal lobe' of your soul through psychic surgery.

From now on, you will no longer have any personal emotions or desires. No matter who you face, earthlings or aliens, good guys or bad guys, your Green Lantern comrades or strangers, you will always be able to uphold an absolutely impartial and selfless heart.

Your behavior will completely comply with the rules and laws derived through rational thinking and will not be affected by personal emotional fluctuations. "

"Fake!" Kyle was stunned, "You, have you all been cut?"

Ganser said calmly: "Cutting the emotional organs is not the only way to cut off love and desire. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, seven colors of the spectrum, green is the middle, impartial, neutral and objective.

By understanding the true meaning of will and emotion, one can also cut off sexual desire.

Most guardians have studied the green light energy to the extreme, and their souls perfectly fit the will and emotion of the intermediate attributes, thus abandoning irrational emotions such as rage, greed, fear, love, and pity.

We have never concealed the methods of green light energy control and cultivation from you. As long as any of you can reach the state of 'no desire and ruthlessness', you will automatically be promoted to the ranks of guardians.

But you can't.

Sinestro and Hal Jordan were both the most talented Green Lanterns, but what did they do?

Are their actions worthy of the Book of Oa? "

Kyle slowly calmed down, "I don't want the Book of Oa, and I won't be as unfeeling in love as you are."

"I won't force you. If you can do it, you will do it naturally. If you don't do it, just continue to be a Green Lantern instead of a Guardian." Gunther said.

"Are you looking for me because of Hal Jordan? What do you want to do?" Kyle asked.

"Look for Hal Jordan, let him save the earth, save the material universe, and completely end the Sun-Eating Beast." Gunther said.

"Why Hal Jordan? I'm also a Green Lantern." Kyle asked confused.

Gunther glanced at him indifferently and said, "At least for now, you are just Green Lantern."

Kyle shook his head and said: "It's no use trying to deal with me, you have to give a reason that can convince Harley Quinn, otherwise I won't do anything.

I only listen to her now, because she is the galactic admiral and the boss of crisis management, and the Justice League listens to her. "

Ganser lowered his head and meditated for a moment, raised his right palm, and with a "bang" sound, green light exploded, and a thick book appeared in front of him.

Ganser himself is just a projection of Green Lantern energy, and the book is also a manifestation of Green Lantern energy.

"This is the Book of Oa. It contains the prophecies of the destruction of the Green Lantern Corps, your becoming the successor of the Green Lantern, and even Hal Jordan's saving of the universe. You can see for yourself."

With suspicion and curiosity, Kyle raised the light ring in his right hand and shot a beam of green light at the book that was half a man tall.

The next moment, countless images flashed quickly before his eyes.

Regarding the Green Lantern Corps, the greatest Green Lantern in history will betray his faith, kill his former comrades with his own hands, and destroy the entire Corps. This is true for Hal.

About himself, the Green Lantern, his journey to becoming the Green Lantern - it's almost a script of what happened in reality.

Kyle had no time to feel angry that his fate was "manipulated", and a new picture appeared in front of him. The sun was swallowed by the Sun-Eating Beast. Hal Jordan sacrificed himself, saved the sun, and completely ended the Sun-Eating Beast.

"Shit, you want Hal Jordan to self-sacrifice?"

He looked at Gunther, feeling both incredible and inexplicably angry.

"It's up to you whether you do it or not. I'm just telling you how to solve the crisis."

Gunther lifted the projection of "The Book of Oa" and said expressionlessly.

Kyle said solemnly: "How do I know that this is really the Book of Oa, and how can I be sure that it is correct? I used to be very ignorant, but I have experienced a lot in Justice League these days.

Mrs. Xanadu encountered a backlash while divining the location of the war eagle. A blade of time and space struck out of thin air, almost splitting her head in two, and even her brains came out, which was extremely miserable.

Just because the enemy she prophesied was more powerful than she expected, she was paying the price.

Even Cun Mo couldn't predict it, so why did "The Book of Oa" predict a time demon stronger than Cun Mo? "

Gunther said indifferently: "If you don't believe me, you can ask Harley Quinn.

"The Book of Oa" is not the "Book of Destiny". Predicting the future is not its core function, and there is no guarantee that the prediction will be 100% accurate.

But its predictions about the Green Lantern Corps and Green Lanterns are never wrong.

From the moment you put on the green light ring and use the green light energy, your destiny is firmly bound to the emotional spectrum.

And the ‘author’ of the Book of Oa is the will-emotion spectrum itself. "

Half an hour later.

"Hal's back."

When Kyle Rayner finished his rest, took a shower, changed into underwear, and flew to the watchtower full of thoughts, hesitating whether to immediately inform Harley about the "Prophecy of the Book of Oa", Neptune suddenly said this.

"What?" Kyle was a little confused.

Neptune mistook the confusion and hesitation written on his face as worry, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Don't worry, and don't put too much pressure on him. Hal has been called back to Earth by Harley to take over Alan's position. .

Harley said that she could hold on for three years, and Hal said that he could hold on until the end of time. Hahaha, the Sun-Eating Beast would definitely not be able to bear it first. "

Kyle quickly said: "I'm not worried. Uh, I mean, I'm always ready to take over for Alan. I don't have any worries, but it's really a good thing that Hal is back."

"Alas!" He sighed, ended his nonsense, pulled Neptune aside, and whispered: "I saw Gunther."

He spoke very fast, recounting the whole process of Ganser coming to him and the conversation between the two, and then asked: "What should we do now?"

Neptune pinched his beard and frowned tightly, "You have to tell Harley about this."

"Yeah, I thought so too."

Harley was also in trouble at the moment.

"Master Harley, although the Sun-Eating Beast is stupid, it is not completely unconscious. It has started to move again. But if we continue to increase the size of the artificial sun, the magic surplus will turn into a deficit.

The magic power you extract from it cannot match the magic power it extracts from the green sun, which means we are slowly destroying ourselves. "Yebi said anxiously.

"Hal, have you found its roots?" Harley asked.

She originally had the idea of ​​​​helping Hal create an opportunity to "come back and make a comeback". Since Alan Scott really couldn't hold on, she certainly would not encourage him to stand up.

In fact, in the past five hours, Harley had hinted to Alan many times: Just forget it if you can't hold on.

Alan was so moved by the rare concern from "Witch Harley" that he persisted for five hours as if he had been given a shot of blood.

In the end, Aquaman and Chao discussed Plan B and Plan C, saying that Hal Jordan would be his last resort, so Harley "took advantage of the situation" and suggested calling Hal immediately.

Hal didn't hesitate. The solar system was indeed in crisis. Alan's heartbreaking screams of pain could be heard from a long distance away. At this time, the people of the Earth and the partners of the Zhenglian really needed him.

he came.

He is worthy of being the strongest Green Lantern in history with "a willpower equal to that of all the rest of the universe combined."

Despite the huge amount of magic power flowing in and out of his body, he didn't even hum.

——Compared with the crack that controls entropy swallowing the mother river of time, this magic flow rate is just a drizzle.

"Since the last time you sent me a text message, I have begun to study the Sun-Eating Beast. It is very strange and seems not to be in our universe." Hal hesitated.

"Is it possible that a mere sun-devouring beast transcends the universe, crosses the wall of origin, and is an omnipotent cosmic creature?"

"There is no transcendent universe. How to put it?" Hal pondered: "If our multiverse is like a basketball, there are many marbles inside the basketball, and each marble is a universe or plane.

Then, the location of the Sun-Eating Beast is probably a piece of film stuck to the surface of the basketball, or a bulging bag on the surface of the basketball.

It transcends time and space and is not within the multiverse.

At least it can't be locked in time.

For example, standing at the end of time, you can see anyone's past, present and future.

Even you are just making your timeline blurry, like putting a gauze curtain around your body.

But the Sun Eater has no timeline at all. "

"If it is not in the universe, then its action pattern can be explained." Harley turned from being surprised to thinking, "We are in the river, and its body is outside the river.

If you look for it in the river and outside the river, you will never find it.

To swallow the sun, it only needs to adjust its position, move its paws above the sun, and directly extend into the water.

After absorbing the energy, take the claw out of the river.

Therefore, it comes and goes without a trace. It suddenly appears on the periphery of the star system, and then suddenly disappears after leaving the range of the star, making it impossible to track.

In this way, magic is an ‘external object’ and its source is not within the universe.”

"Ouch~~~" A long howl like a wolf's howl suddenly spread from the outer reaches of the solar system and the position of the artificial sun to all directions in the universe. Harley was the first to bear the brunt, and the sea of ​​​​mind was swept by a tornado.

However, she activated the level 8 cheeky defense feat. The overall volume of her will remained unchanged, but her essence was sublimated to the point where the origin wall could not stick to it.

The last time she was caught off guard, she was only concussed for a moment, but this time she didn't move at all.

Hal's will is greater in quantity, stronger in quality, and more impervious to influence.

On the contrary, the Dog Saint Ziyebi, although he did not faint, he whined, his eyes turned white, and his whole body twitched. It was like a rat that had eaten expired rat poison.

"Shit, it ran away." Hal looked solemn, "Harry, do you want to continue to increase the size of the artificial sun?"

"No, it can't be rowed." Harry gritted his teeth and kept swallowing the darkness, following the darkness and galloping towards the sun.

"Harry, what happened?" Over at the watchtower, the heroes also noticed the changes in the Sun-Eating Beast.

Harley explained simply and sneered: "This bitch has made the wrong idea. I will make it understand that the stars on the earth are not so easy to suck."

"What if it absorbs solar energy faster than you do?" Dachao asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I have a backup plan." Harley said confidently.

Five minutes later, TV stations and online media from all over the world released the "Winter Night Preview": The Sun-Eating Beast broke through the first line of defense of the Galaxy Admiral and Hal Jordan, and had swallowed the sun. But citizens, don’t worry, the Galaxy Admiral has already made arrangements for this. Don’t panic, don’t riot, don’t rush to buy supplies, all superheroes will be dispatched to assist the police in maintaining law and order.

Eight minutes later, the world plunged into darkness.

Regardless of the southern hemisphere or the northern hemisphere, no matter what latitude, it begins to snow in all cities, with heavy snowfall.

"Harley, Gunther has been to Earth. He came to Kyle and said that Hal could completely solve the Sun-Eating Beast crisis."

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