With Harley's character of being weak and submissive to the strong, only the person she wants or the person with extremely strong abilities can be approached by her and called "brother", but the people who can be attracted by her are often very proud.

When Hallie called her "Brother", they were saying that she didn't deserve it.

Today was the first time that someone claimed that he was not worthy of being called "brother" by her.

Speaker Raphael is neither sarcastic nor self-effacing.

In fact, Harley used "Brother God" and "Brother Speaker" at the same time in one sentence.

If He agreed, wouldn’t He be on par with God?

If you dare to be of the same level and status as God, you will fall into the nine levels of hell!

Under normal circumstances, when any archangel hears that a mortal dares to call God "brother", he will be furious and consider it blasphemy, and God will punish him.

But Witch Harley is different. Her "God Brother" has been personally recognized by the Dog God. She is still a friend of Little Black Bean. Even if God becomes complete one day, he will still be her "Brother".

God has agreed, but you, an archangel, dare to object and want to fall into the nine hells, right?

"What I came to the world at this time is not my true body, but you summoned me with the magic of 'angel descending'. I responded to your call and descended on you with my soul, consciousness and divine power.

Therefore, this is a magic that cannot last for a long time. There is no time to delay. Give me the magic power quickly. "Raphael said impatiently.

Harley looked up and felt Raphael above her.

But to outsiders, it was really Harley who transformed into a giant angel.

A bit like Susana from Naruto.

Susana's body is naturally the Uchiha inside it, not the idol outside.

At this time, Harley was also covered by a seraph, and the angel outside was an energy state composed of the angel's soul, consciousness, and divine power.

The seraph was too big, Raphael's body was over a hundred meters long, and his outstretched wings could even wrap around half of the sun. Standing under it, Harley was less than two meters tall, completely enveloped in the angelic energy.

Harley looked around, and there was no nonsense. Her belly rumbled twice, and a ball of pure magic power emitting colorful light was spit out by her and floated in front of Raphael.


Raphael clasped his hands together, slapped his palms hard on the magic mass, and the sacred white light suddenly exploded in his palms.

Before the brilliance of the explosion dissipated, Raphael gently shook his six wings and turned into a holy golden rain of light, falling on the surface of the bulging star.

The sun seemed to be covered with a thin layer of milky white, and it calmed down visibly to the naked eye.

"I am leaving."

Raphael simply turned into a holy pillar of light reaching the sky again and disappeared into the material world.

Harley was stunned, then contacted the Voice of Heaven again and asked, "Does Heaven have any special arrangements for the Sun-Eating Beast?"

"No. The reason why Archangel Raphael came here is because he is a medical angel and his professional counterpart. He can not only treat the injuries and illnesses of living things, but also everything in the world and even the laws of the universe are within the scope of his treatment."

After first praising in her heart, "You're so cool as the pretty face Speaker," Harley sighed: "If you don't tell the truth, I can't cooperate with you."

The unpredictable and traceless movement of the Sun-Eating Beast, the nature of magical creatures, and the dying fluorescent star "Gaia, the Sun God". To say that the Sun-Eating Beast has nothing to do with the divine realm, she first did not believe it.

In the past, when she screamed, Raphael wouldn't even pay attention to her. Today, she didn't even expect him to come.

Harley felt that Zauliel could handle this matter, not by reshaping the sun, but by using magic to return the magic power to the star.

Not to mention Zaulie, she doubted that a stronger magic master could do it.

But Raphael showed up and was so impressive.

It was just a matter of provocation, but the "blame" was still thrown on her head - He did not come by himself, but responded to the call of God's believers.

If you didn’t do anything bad, or didn’t intend to do anything bad, do you need to be blamed?

"You don't need to do anything extra at all." After a pause, Tian Zhisheng added: "In view of the fact that you saved the world in the name of God, after the Sun-Eating Beast incident is over, there will be rewards such as merit points and artifacts. send you."

Harley was dumbfounded.

I don’t need to do anything extra because what I’m doing now is what God needs, right?


"Harley, Harley, are you okay? Did you hear my voice?" Martian Manhunter's anxious voice interrupted her reverie.

"I'm fine."

Harley made a long circle, first finding the unconscious Cyborg outside the star, and then returned to Tamaran.

"Cyborg is unconscious too? Is he okay?"

"You said 'yeah'?"

"Well, most of the ordinary people on Tamaran fainted, and only the superpowers managed to survive."

Only then did Harley notice that there were a lot of people missing from the war room.

When he landed on the ground, he barely saw any Tamaran guards.

Before, they had prepared their troops for war and strictly adhered to their posts.

"Oh, so you heard it too."

Harley suddenly realized that she was so shocked by the beast's roar that she almost lost her mind. If the roar was not directed at her, but spread to the entire star system, it would be normal for the Tamarans to be unable to withstand it.

"Is the scream just now a sun-devouring beast? It was so terrifying that I almost fainted." Dachao rubbed his forehead, his face a little pale.

"It should be the Sun-Eating Beast, that cry." Harley thought about it and said, "What does it sound like to you?"

"I didn't hear it clearly, I just felt it was harsh." Kyle said.

"It's not harsh, the cry is not sharp. The main thing is that it is particularly aimed at the soul and has a great impact on the soul." Martian Manhunter, a psychic expert, said.

Harley waved her hand, "I don't care how it attacks. I just ask what its cry sounds like and what kind of animal it sounds like."

She had a vague guess, but wasn't sure.

"Like a snake?" Da Chao said.

"I don't feel like an animal, like a human being," Starfire interjected.

Harley's eyes stayed on her for a few seconds longer.

"I feel like a beast," Martian Manhunter said.

"Well, it's a ferocious beast, like a jackal, tiger, or leopard." Kyle said.

Seeing what everyone said, Black Fire felt embarrassed.

She fainted for a moment. She only felt her soul vibrating and could not distinguish the "tone" of the roar at all.

"Well, I think it looks like a spotted sand lizard." She said seriously, her face full of seriousness.

——Anyway, the striped sand lizard is a creature unique to Tamaran. You earthlings must have never seen it before.

"What's the use of analyzing its cry?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

"Have you seen the snowflakes in the Tamaran sky? There are also fluorescent stars. After losing the sun, they immediately became covered with snow and covered with ice." Harley said.

"So? Without the sun, shouldn't it snow?"

Harley said: "It should snow, but not so quickly. Just like a hot water bottle in a thermos, it won't freeze immediately after being thrown into the snow."

Kyle said: "That's because the sun-devouring beast is actively absorbing nearby heat and energy. It seems that the star is far away from the planet. In fact, based on the size of the star, planet, and sun-devouring beast, they are almost close to each other."

Harley waved her hand, "I'm not saying that the planet shouldn't cool down rapidly. I'm just reminding you that this phenomenon is consistent with a certain myth and legend on Earth."

"Sun-devouring beast, myth and legend." Dachao's heart moved and he exclaimed: "Could it be Ragnarok?"

"Omaika, the winter of Finbul, the magic wolf that eats the sun and the moon, the sun-devouring beast howls like a wolf." Kyle's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Blackfire frowned, "Miss Quinn, have you found General Feizong and his fleet?"

here we go again!

Harry really suspected that Fei Zong was having an affair with his sister-in-law.

"Now that the Sun-devouring Beast has escaped, the signals in the star system have returned to normal again, and the Queen can look for it on her own. I did not meet anyone before, nor did I encounter a fleet." Harley said.

Blackfire went to the console window to operate it, and said doubtfully: "There is nothing, not even the wreckage of the spacecraft. This is not normal."

"Eighty percent of it fell on the star. Didn't you notice how fierce the solar storm was just now? A spaceship that loses power cannot resist the gravity of the star. If it gets even slightly closer, it will be detonated by strong radiation, and the fragments will evaporate into gas." Kyle Rayner analyzed .

Blackfire fell silent with an ugly expression. This explanation was reasonable, but not what she wanted.

Feizong not only took away the Omega Sequence, but also 20,000 Tamaran space troops. Without them, Tamaran's vitality will definitely be severely damaged, and there will be subsequent rights disputes.

She glanced at her sister and thought that she could only find a "Prince of Tamaran" with outstanding abilities as her brother-in-law.

"By the way, why did the solar storm suddenly subside? It seems that there are angels coming, and a holy voice is coming from the void." Kyle asked doubtfully.

"I saw that the star was unstable, so I summoned the healing angel Raphael and cured its injuries." Harley simply explained.

"Although the arrival of the Shocking Angel is so loud, I also guess that you are trying to quell the stellar riot." Da Chao said with a smile.

"Thank you, Admiral Galactic." Starfire said with sincere gratitude.

Blackfire glanced at his sister and thanked Harley and several Zhenglian giants.

"The crisis in Tamaran is over, and we have to say goodbye," Harley said.

"So soon?" Black Fire was startled, "I also plan to hold a 'Heroes' Banquet' for you to celebrate for at least three days and three nights."

Harley said: "The Sun-Eating Beast is not dead, it just escaped. Next, we not only need to search for the 'Ice Trail' in the Milky Way, but we also need to increase publicity to let more civilizations know about the Sun-Eating Beast and that we are looking for it. It can help everyone.”

Dachao glanced at her appreciatively, nodded and said: "It's not the time to celebrate yet, there will definitely be other civilizations waiting for our rescue.

Being able to save the Tamaran Galaxy this time fully proves the importance of time.

A few hours can determine the life or death of a galaxy, and we cannot afford to delay. "

After hearing what they said, Blackfire no longer wanted to stay.

"Are we going to keep tracking like this? Is there a way to solve it once and for all?" Starfire asked.

Harley said: "This is the second time we have encountered it head-on, and the first time we have heard its cry.

Still can't figure out its details, can't even trace it.

If you don’t know anything, how can you do it once and for all?

However, as long as you try a few times, you can always find a way. "

Dachao continued: "This time we came prepared. Mr. Zhuo Zhuo also used the mind magnifier to collect a lot of physical data about the Sun-Eating Beast.

Once the mystery of its whereabouts is solved, it will at least ensure that no civilization in the universe will be harmed. "

Black Fire's heart stirred, "Is it difficult to track the Sun-Eating Beast? There was a Black Piper who could give us an early warning one hour in advance, which means she has similar technology."

"Dark Skin? She shouldn't be called 'Twilight', right?" Harley narrowed her eyes.

Blackfire shook his head, "I don't know-"

Starfire was surprised: "How do you know?"

"Where is she now?" Harry was shocked.


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