I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1086 The Sun-Eating Beast Comes to the Galaxy

Harley and several giants of the Justice League left the Fluorescent Star that day, but instead of returning to Earth, they scattered across the universe to track the traces of the Sun-Eating Beast.

The more they tracked, the more regretful and frustrated Chao, Diana, and Martian Manhunter became.

Because Harley didn't have to work as a foreigner this time, she rode the Jerbi herself and flew tens of millions of light-years every day, but she could never find any trace of the Sun-Eating Beast.

They have seen Yebi's powerful tracking ability, which can find a living person from a hundred lights away, which is more powerful than all life detectors and spy ships in the universe.

But such a powerful dog could not find the sun-devouring beast.

This means at least three things: First, the material universe is so huge. The diameter of Virgo alone exceeds 500 million light-years, and even sunlight will take hundreds of millions of years to leave the river system.

Such a large river system naturally has a large number of star systems with chaotic distribution.

The Suneater could target any of the suns.

Second, the Sun Eater will leave obvious traces after it approaches the star system, but those traces are like a piece of ice cream on the road in summer. The ground temperature will temporarily drop due to the ice cream, but it will not last long.

In addition, after it leaves the star system, it does not move purely in the material world. It may also fly at "super-light speed" and will not leave "frozen marks" in the material universe.

Third, there may be something really wrong with Dusk. Even Yebi can't track the Sun-Eating Beast. How did she do it?

Dachao and the others regretted it because they realized this deeply after searching for themselves.

A week later, Cyborg, who went to look for Dusk in the vast galaxy, also came back.

"I didn't find Dusk, but I did encounter a sun-eating beast there. The star was swallowed up, and the star residue became unstable. A supernova erupted, destroying most of the star system. The Pluto civilization living in it was destroyed. It was very similar to the fluorescent civilization.

Just like the fluorescent civilization that spans several galaxies, the Pluto people's territory spans more than one star system.

Although Pluto's home galaxy was completely destroyed, there were several colonized planets three hundred light years away.

I also looked for it."

At this point, Cyborg's expression became solemn, "The reason why they call it 'Pluto Civilization' is because the Pluto people look like ghosts. Their bodies are not a combination of solid and liquid, but a gaseous and gel state. It's very magical." .

Therefore, even they are not sure whether there is a tribe named Bo Mu, at least Bo Mu is not a Pluto. "

"There are also aliens with non-carbon-based life on our earth. Is it possible that Bo Mu is a Yi citizen?" Dachao asked.

Cyborg shook his head and said: "Maybe it's a fisherman, but it's more likely that Mu Mu is lying.

Because the Pluto people are very xenophobic, when I approached them, they didn't even allow me to get close to the star system.

Even if I show good intentions, explain my purpose first, and allow them to control my actions, they still refuse to talk properly. "

"Then how did you convince them?" Wonder Woman asked curiously.

Cyborg glanced at Harley and said weirdly: "They are too stubborn. I was also offended, so I cursed, 'Idiot, other people's fluorescent civilization at least knows how to ask the Galaxy Admiral for help. You can't even take the initiative to give up helpers. reject'.

Then the general stopped chasing my soldiers and asked me what I had just said and which galactic admiral I was."

The Zhenglian giant almost understood and looked at Harley with a complicated expression.

This was a scene that Harley loved to hear, and she asked with a smile: "Then what?"

"Then I said that the Earthling who solved the Crisis on Infinite Earths and the Zero Hour Crisis, the Galactic Admiral, was very excited. He said that he didn't know about the Zero Hour Crisis or the Earth. He only knew that there was a particularly powerful and worthy person in the Milky Way. The woman I admire, she solved the Crisis on Infinite Earths and almost destroyed the Green Lantern Corps."

"Oh, it's all old news from several years ago. Pluto people don't even know about the Zero Hour Crisis. No matter how fast the news is transmitted, it can't match the size of the universe." Cyborg sighed.

"Then what?" Harley continued to ask.

Cyborg stared at her face for a while, and immediately knew what he should say.

"Then the Pluto people warmly entertained me and asked me why I didn't report my identity as the 'Galactic Admiral's Messenger' immediately.

They don't trust me, a silicon-based and carbon-based hybrid cyborg, but the Galaxy Admiral is famous throughout the world, and her envoys are definitely not bad people and will not harm them Pluto people. "

Da Chao frowned and said: "To tell the important point, how do they evaluate Bo Mu?"

Cyborg glanced at Harley again, her smiling face tightening.

He understood what the point was and continued: "When I arrive at 'New Pluto', their 'Had' - similar to a combination of the Pope and the President.

Harder personally received me, and asked me about the recent situation in the galaxy, and asked me to bring him cordial and respectful greetings to Harley, thanking Harley for caring so much about them Pluto people——"

"Didn't you ask Bo Mu?" Dachao interrupted him.

Cyborg once again saw what Chao didn't see - Harley's little face tensed up again, and her big eyes narrowed again.

"Tearman, don't be impatient. When others treat me politely, I can't be impatient even with a few pleasantries, right?" Cyborg said.

Harley nodded and said: "Cyborg, you are a qualified messenger, Tearman, you are too impatient."

Cyborg saw that Da Chao wanted to argue, and immediately said quickly: "After a few polite words, the Pluto people Hard explained to me that they Pluto people are not unhospitable.

Although they are relatively conservative in culture and closed to foreign exchanges, in the past, if alien guests visited, they would warmly entertain them and would never be as rude as they are today.

Mainly because the Pluto people were not sure what it was when it came to their home system at night a few days ago, and they were worried that a super civilization was plotting against them, so..."

Not to mention Dachao's irritated frown, even Harley was a little impatient, feeling that he couldn't grasp the point and was talking too much nonsense.

But then, Cyborg looked at her again and said, "Mr. Harder asked me to convey these words to you, Harley, so that you don't think they are rude, nor do you think they were rude to your messenger before, that is, It’s me, and I’m angry with them, or have a bad impression of them.”

Harley smiled with satisfaction, Cyborg was able to grasp the key points very well!

"Oh, it's a small matter like this. Just explain it clearly. You can continue." She waved her hand and said nonchalantly.

Da Chao looked thoughtfully between her and Cyborg.

"I showed him Bo Mu's photo, but he didn't recognize it, and asked officials to search in the only remaining household registration database, but couldn't find it. He bluntly said that Bo Mu was probably not from Pluto, because if anyone survives on Pluto, he must be noble. Priest Maris.”

As he spoke, Cyborg projected a picture that looked like a ball of slime smoke, "This is the Pluto, and this is Mr. Hard."

Look at its chest, uh, roughly in the middle, there is a wave-shaped symbol, which represents the continuous mountains. The Pluto people originated from the underground valley under the mountains.

Maris is the name of the god of the valley, similar to our God.

If Dusk is from Pluto, and if she can represent Pluto, she should at least be a Malice believer, but she does not have the 'talisman of the mountains' that represents the priest. "

"God Maris, are you dead?" Harley asked.

"How dare I ask that?" Cyborg smiled bitterly and shook his head, "It's like no one dares to go to the Vatican and ask His Highness the Pope whether God is alas!"

"Don't you know how to judge for yourself?"

"I don't understand mysticism. Seeing a statue of a god is no different from looking at a wooden sculpture." Cyborg said.

"Judging the mood of the Pluto people is like the emperor of the fluorescent star, together with the senior members of the parliament, all of whom lost their parents, as if they were mourning their heirs and losing their souls."

"The Pluto people look strange. I really can't tell whether they are happy or sad. Otherwise, come and see them."

When Cyborg observed with his electronic eyes, he deliberately recorded the process of his mission to Pluto.

A group of smoky slimes were projected, leaving Harley and others looking confused.

"It feels like looking at a big tree. Who can tell whether the tree is sad?" Wonder Woman complained.

"Jon." Harley looked at Martian Manhunter.

"It shouldn't be too sad." He was unsure.

"This Harder is probably a two-handed sword. He can't communicate with the gods at all, and he doesn't know whether the gods are dead or alive." Harley said.

Cyborg disagreed: "He is very knowledgeable, intelligent and charming. Although he is from Pluto, talking to him makes me feel as comfortable as a spring breeze."

"The real Pope of Malice died in the supernova explosion. This new Harder is a regional bishop. As long as he can communicate with the gods, he will go directly to the church headquarters." Harley said.

Dachao asked in confusion: "If Bo Mu is not a Pluto, why is she piloting a Pluto's spaceship?

Both the Fluorescent Stars and us think she is a Pluto because her spacecraft license plate reads ‘Pluto Civilian M8 Reconnaissance Ship’.

The data in the mastermind can also verify her identity.

She is Dusk, the owner of the spaceship. "

Harley guessed: "The Fluorescent Star may not be the first civilization to be warned by Dusk.

She should have warned the Plutonians before the Sun-Eating Beast arrived just like she warned the fluorescent civilization.

“The Pluto people are conservative and closed-minded, and are likely to have conflicts when they encounter the twilight that is anxious to break into the star system.

When Wan Mu was arrested and interrogated, the misunderstanding was naturally resolved.

Although the Pluto people were conservative, they were not cruel and were quite friendly. Knowing that they had misunderstood the good person who came to inform her, they sent her the best spaceship. "

"Logically, it makes sense. Twilight's suspicion is even greater." Wonder Woman frowned.

"Well, if the Green Lantern Corps were still there, it would be much easier to find Dusk or track the Sun-Eating Beast." Dachao sighed.

Martian Manhunter's eyes flashed slightly, and he quietly sent a telepathic message to Harley, "Where is Hal? Have you caught the Sun-Eating Beast?"

"What do you think? Kyle is chasing the Sun Eater now. Will he compete with Kyle for credit?" Harley asked.

——With Hal's pride, he will definitely not take credit from Kyle. He has probably left at this time.

Jon sighed inwardly, "Kyle recovered too quickly."

Kyle Rayner did not recover quickly, but he did not want to lie in the hospital bed to recuperate.

When he woke up from his deep sleep the next day, he cheered up and insisted on joining the hunt for the Sun-Eating Beast.

"Even if I'm wearing a bandage, I can still use the green light energy to build an exoskeleton to wrap myself. Anyway, I'm just looking for information, not fighting against the Sun-Eating Beast."

He said that, could Harley still force him back?

After staying on the fluorescent star for a week, Harley and others, who had been searching in the constellation Virgo but without success, finally received news from Kyle about the Sun-Eating Beast - it had gone to the N'Zoth River system 8 billion light-years away. Within 3 hours and half an hour respectively, the two major civilizations of Godar and Hunhai were destroyed.

The combined time to destroy two civilizations would not exceed half a day.

But it disappeared from their sight for a week. How many civilizations were destroyed during this period, but no news came from it?

Harley immediately decided to give up her personal search for the Sun-Eating Beast and return to Earth, guarding the watchtower to send and receive messages.

"The universe is too big. It's useless to search like a headless fly. It's better to build an information network all over the universe. Once an advanced civilization discovers its traces, we will rush there immediately."

Then they bid farewell to the fluorescent people and returned to Earth with small gifts.

It wasn't until more than a month later that they received a piece of useful information: The Sun-Eating Beast had come to the Milky Way, and it was also eyeing Tamaran!

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