Quinn Manor, on the large balcony on the second floor.

Bruce said: "Dick, you already know, Jason Todd is my newly adopted child half a month ago.

I heard that you had the idea of ​​opening a martial arts training class, so I brought them all here.

They all have great talents. Do you think you can join them? "

Harley glanced at the two young men who were observing the girls practicing martial arts in the playground downstairs. Dick Grayson had been to the manor many times and greeted others familiarly, while the short-haired boy next to him seemed silent and reserved.

"What do you think? It's not like you don't have children, and you're not too old. Why do you want to take him as your son when you see an orphan?" She asked strangely.

"I have seen hundreds of orphans, but only two adopted children." Bruce said.

"Two is not enough?"

"Two is a lot?" Bruce asked.

Harley thought about it. Rich foreigners and Hollywood stars seemed to like adopting children.

"I heard Selina talk about Jason Todd. He was a thief before."

Bruce nodded slightly, "Not only is he a thief, he is also very brave. It has been several years since I debuted, and this is the first time I have encountered a thief who dared to steal the tires of the Batmobile.

When he saw Batman himself approaching, he was not only not afraid, but also waved the wrench, wanting to go up and give him a few hard blows. "

The alley where Bruce's parents died originally had no name. After the tragic death of the Waynes, it became known as "Crime Alley."

Although Bruce was relieved of "that night" after getting his parents' "teardrop necklace", he still often went to Crime Alley to mourn them.

In his early years, he also built a memorial wall in Crime Alley where his parents were shot.

Well, Crime Alley has become a Wayne family property.

It was also when he was telling his recent life to his parents in heaven at the Memorial Wall that his Batmobile was targeted by a thief.

The Batmobile was parked at the corner of the street. Anyone with a sound mind would know that it was untouchable, but Jason Todd almost took off the left front wheel.

"What does it have to do with him stealing your Batmobile and hitting you with a wrench and you adopting him as your adopted son?" Harley asked curiously.

"Don't you see his talent and ruthlessness in this matter?"

Harley shook her head, "The price of stealing the Batwheel wheel is very small, and if he is discovered, it is just a few warnings. If he steals Cobot's wheel, I will admire him."

If you steal your car, first of all, you can sell it for a lot of money, and secondly, you can become famous immediately.

You won't get much benefit from stealing other people's wheels.

He was a street kid, and it wasn't hard to figure that out. "

"There are so many gangsters in Gotham, why don't they steal Batman's wheels? Those people don't dare to aim at Batman even if they have guns in their hands. If they use wrenches, they will probably pee, or at least they will run away." Bruce said.

"Well, comparing it with the garbage on the street, we can really see Jason's talent."

Bruce sighed: "When he waved the wrench at me with a stubborn face, I saw the shadows of you and me in him at the same time.

If I reprimand him a few words and let him go, he is likely to become a Gotham villain who is not as powerful as you and far more ruthless than you in the future.

At least he can be on an equal footing with Cobot and his ilk.

If I bring him back, he can become another Batman.

How to choose is obvious.

In fact, his experience is very similar to ours. His mother passed away, his father was imprisoned, he lived on the streets since he was a child, and made a living by stealing, but he always adhered to a certain bottom line. "

Harley did not empathize with his words. Instead, her thoughts wandered: the best survival technique after traveling through Gotham is not to stay in bed, nor to immediately buy a ticket to escape Gotham, nor to rely on the foresight of Batman and Batman fans. In the fight between the regiments, the fishermen benefited.

Instead, he immediately finds the "nightly" Batmobile, steals tires, and swings a wrench at Batman.

As a young bat, someone will protect you and teach you survival skills and 127 fighting techniques.

He has no shortage of food and clothing, receives the best education, is called "Master", has hundreds of thousands of dollars in pocket money every month, and has the opportunity to come into contact with the core of the DC Universe - the Justice League.

"Hey, Harley, what are you thinking about? Is it possible?"

Bruce didn't get a response for a long time, so he couldn't help but raise his voice.

"What's going to happen?"

"Let Dick and Jason practice martial arts with you," Bruce said.

"Aren't you afraid that I will lead them astray?"

"You teach them, and I'll listen." Bruce said.

"Listen in?"

Bruce's eyes flickered, "I also want to see the legendary "Martial Arts Code"."

"You have time?"

"Batman's activities at night are not affected. As for Bruce, he is idle anyway."

After Bruce and his son joined, Hallie thought her small training class could finally end its enrollment.

But she didn't expect the news to spread quickly, and calls came one after another from superheroes and political and business leaders who knew her.

Either for their children or for themselves, they all want a training spot.

Later, even Sage Aoqi came to her door, saying that even though she was a mage, he also wanted to learn about her and experience her "Way of the God of War."

"You are a legend in today's extraordinary world, a master of martial arts and magic. Which magician doesn't want to learn your practice philosophy?" He complimented.

Harley thought about it and rejected him.

"I didn't start a sect, nor did I want to promote any spiritual philosophy. I just wanted a few kids to become superheroes, and I took them through basic training."

Sage Aoqi could tell that she was declining, but still refused to give up, "I will listen to whatever you say, and I won't disturb you."

After a pause, he whispered again: "It has been a hundred years since I was promoted to a magic master. I have already touched the threshold of a spiritual wizard, but I still can't find a way to get past the last step."

"Your natal spell comes from the 'Nine-Nine Gods List'. The core magic is to borrow the power of the gods, which is not compatible with my 'Thick-skinned Martial Arts' major." Harley said.

Sage Aoqi winked at her, "The professionalism is very relevant. You are also a god. Maybe I can add you to the list of gods so that other mages can borrow your power. Believe me, the benefits will be great."

"What are the conditions for inclusion in the God's Name List?" Harley asked curiously.

“It’s not difficult to simply enter the God’s Name List, as long as you disclose the God’s name that you recognize, it doesn’t have to be the real name, but the real name is the best.

Then disclose your habits and hobbies and let the mage know what to do to please you.

It won’t cost a lot of money to arrange the ceremony, but it won’t move you.

If it doesn't impress you, you will naturally refuse to pay attention to that mage. If the mage pays but has no return, he will naturally be disheartened and will not look for you again. "

“Lastly, and most importantly, there must be a set of magic spells that can efficiently borrow your divine power.

Borrowing power can be divided into two steps: borrowing and using. A highly efficient magic spell can borrow 100 parts of your power for one effort, while an inefficient magic spell can borrow 10 parts of your power for one effort. The effect is very different.

Borrowing 100 parts of your power, an inefficient magic spell can only exert the effect of 10 parts of your power, and the efficiency is only 10%, while a high-efficiency magic spell can increase the power utilization rate to more than 90%.

Of course, no matter how good the spell is, if the mage who uses it is bad, the effect will not be very high.

The lower limit for magic spell enhancement is determined by the mage's talent, which determines the upper limit for borrowing divine power. "

Speaking of this, Sage Aoqi pointed at himself, with a proud look on his face, and said: "I am an expert in this field. Not only the gods with independent wills are willing to lend me their power, but also the mountains, rivers and rivers with spirits and unconsciousness are willing to lend me their power." , forests, and even clouds and stars, I can also borrow power.

The efficiency and utilization rate are also very high, often exceeding 95%! "

Harley fell into deep thought. Sage Ochi was an old friend. She had known about his strength and talent for a long time.

At first, she was introduced by Stranger and worked as an apprentice with him for a period of time. Unfortunately, his way of cultivating with divine power was not to her liking, and she ran away soon after.

Now he was asking for something from her, and he also expressed his willingness to help her enter the God's Name List. Due to emotions and reasons, she should not refuse.

But the problem lies in the list of God’s names.

If she wants to be on the list of gods, she must at least disclose the secret of divine power. Otherwise, how can Sage Aoqi help her create a spell that borrows divine power?

"Let's do this. Ten years later, when I have transformed the exclusive magic spell into exclusive rules and become a true magic master, I will ask you to help design the 'Borrowing Power Spell'. Anyway, you have been waiting for hundreds of years, so you don't need this little time. .”

She still rejected him.

Jiujiu God's Name List borrows divine power, which is different from Shazam's Curse.

The former is like doing odd jobs, pursuing short, fast, and casting a wide net to catch more fish.

The problem is that many shrewd mages, such as Sage Aoqi, can counter the gods through the God Name Table after in-depth study of the gods' habits, habits, flaws, advantages, and even all the secrets of the gods' powers.

The mage became the master, and the gods became the servants of the mage.

Many gods did not even join the "Nine-Nine God List" on their own initiative. The mage studied the gods thoroughly and forcibly used them as tools, just like looking for contracted beasts.

Shazam Curse is a formal employee who signed a labor contract. The favored one is chosen one in a million. The investment is huge, and the harvest is not very stable. You may lose money, or you may make a lot of money. The advantage is that the secret of the divine power will not be exposed, and you will not lose money again. I won't lose all my money.

To put it bluntly, the Nine-Nine God List was invented by the wizard to take advantage of the gods, and at least 51% of the initiative lies with the wizard; the Shazam Curse was invented by the gods to exploit the gods' favored ones, and the gods have 100% of the initiative.

If Harley becomes the God King at this time and has the strength to stand up to Darkseid, she will directly agree to Sage Oz's request.

Now, she couldn't bear the possibility of exposing the nature of her divine power.

Even if Wonder Woman and Aquaman have her divine power, they only think that her divine power is the triple effect of God coming down to earth, the power of Manhattan, and thick-skinned defense.

She would not explain to them that eating quickly and digesting food quickly was not God descending from the earth, but another specialized defensive effect.

Anyway, God is almighty. As long as she crosses herself on her chest with a pious look, any characteristic can be suddenly understood as "God's favor".

Even Sage Aoqi refused, so Harley would naturally not let anyone else join her training class.

She directly announced to everyone who came to inquire about the news: the number of people was full at this time, and no new apprentices would be recruited.

Although it was a pity, no one could force her.

Just when Harley rolled up her sleeves and was about to lead a few young heroes and a big hero named Bruce to start the first phase of special training, someone came over.

An alien spacecraft appears in the solar system.

This time the watchtower finally managed to keep its chain intact and successfully stopped the spacecraft before it entered the atmosphere.

Half a day later, Mr. President led several generals from the Ministry of National Defense and several giants from the Zhenglian Alliance to the Quinn Manor.

"This messenger comes from the Virgo Nebula and is the Prince of Cameroon from the fluorescent civilization." Mr. President pointed to the alien who looked like an American white man next to him, with an attitude that was both humble and extremely proud. "The prince spans 145 million light years to the earth, and only To find Admiral of the Galaxy, Harley."

Facing the highly civilized Prince, Mr. President feels a little inferior.

But such an illustrious alien still came to see General Galaxy, and he was very proud.

"Is there another cosmic crisis?" Just looking at this posture, Harley already had a bad suspicion.

"Admiral of the Galaxy, save our fluorescent civilization, 'Eternal Night' is devouring our stars without restraint." Prince Cameroon shouted urgently.

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