I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1077 The pitiful hearts of parents in the world

Children are often a parent's biggest weakness.

This is not only reflected in Gordon, but also because Ms. Siwa, who has been unwilling to come to visit for friendship, gave up her previous persistence and found Quinn Manor the next day because her daughter had the opportunity to get an offer from the "Martial God Training Class".

"Since you have been in Gotham, why didn't you come to me? I have been waiting for you for many years." Looking at the woman opposite who still has the charm and more vigorous momentum, Harley asked with a gentle smile.

"Wow, mom, you're not bragging. Admiral Galaxy is really your friend." Before Ms. Siwa could say anything, the round-faced girl next to her exclaimed excitedly.

Ms. Siwa was originally serious and reserved, but when her daughter yelled at her shamelessly, she became shameless and extremely embarrassed.

Harley smiled and said: "There is no need to brag about your mother, she is so awesome, she was the first person to defeat me in the ring.

Later, I kept waiting, waiting to continue to discuss with her and ask her about the secrets of martial arts. Unfortunately, we didn’t meet again until today. "

"Well, right after I separated from you, Bronze Tiger came to you with his men. He is my junior brother, how can I see you? Even now, I still have not left the Shadow Warrior Alliance. You first destroyed the Shadow Warrior headquarters, and then made the Ninja Master into a Toilet. It's better not to see each other." Ms. Siwa said in a complicated tone.

Not only was there an indirect grudge between them, but also because Harley's status had risen so quickly, from the head of the boxing ring to the powerful mayor of Gotham in just two years, Siwa couldn't find a way to deal with her. reasons.

An ordinary person seeking a contest with the mayor?

She is a martial artist, but not an idiot.

"I understand the organizational structure of the Shadow Warriors. It can be divided into two parts. One is the Shadow Warriors who execute the will of the ninja masters, and the other is the martial artists who use the platform of the Assassin League to practice martial arts.

The only person who has a conflict with me is the Ninja Master. In fact, he and I have no personal enmity. My enemy is the master behind him, the Three Palace Demons.

Now that Sannomiya is dead, let alone a martial artist like you, even if the ninja master is resurrected, I will never treat him as an enemy again. "

——He is not worthy, and the entire Assassin League is not worthy of being my enemy.

She didn't say this, but Ms. Siwa understood.

She smiled bitterly and shook her head, "This is why I don't want to come to you. When I meet Batman, I can compete with him in martial arts and improve each other. What can I do when I meet you? The gap is too big."

Harry's face was as bright as moonlight when exposed, but her cheeks were slightly red inside. If she didn't cheat, her martial arts level was actually not as good as Ms. Siwa's.

Being able to compete with Ms. Siwa in the early years would be of great help to her understanding of martial arts.

But now, with the thick-skinned warrior godhead, she stands high and sees far, commonly known as "standing on the shoulders of giants". She can look back and understand the true meaning of battle more easily and directly.

Her own martial arts experience alone is dozens of miles ahead of Siwa, not to mention that she also has the experience package of Wonder Woman and has stolen the fighting skills of all the angel kings in heaven.

Now she has become a fake Martial God with her thick skin, but in the near future, she will definitely be the real Martial God.

"Hey, when we meet old friends, we must compete in martial arts? Sitting down, drinking a cup of tea and chatting, is the biggest reward in itself." Harley said.

——But we have only met once and fought once, can we be considered old friends?

Ms. Siwa was a little touched by Harley's willingness to talk and say nice things, but she also felt a little regretful that she shouldn't have been so scrupulous about avoiding her.

Friendships established early in life can become more natural today.

"Harry, I'm looking for you this time because of her." She pointed at her round-faced girl, "My daughter, Cassandra Cain, is 13 years old this year."

The little girl puffed up her chest and looked at Harry with bright eyes.

"Are you worried that I can't teach her well, or are you worried about her daily life while learning from me?" Harley asked.

Ms. Siwa shook her head and smiled bitterly, "You are a legend in the hearts of all martial arts masters. If you can't teach someone well, it can only mean that she is a piece of stone.

I'm looking for you because of the ancient etiquette of apprenticeship.

If you are willing to teach her, you are equivalent to her teacher.

As a parent, the least I can do is express my gratitude to you in person. "

Harry nodded, this is the custom of the Chinese people.

Her daughter is also studying with her, and the Gordon family is just happy and excited, just like the parents of a chicken when their child gets a full scholarship offer from Harvard University.

Later, Harley did not perform any complicated apprenticeship ceremony, and just asked Cassandra to kneel in front of him and kowtow three times in front of Ms. Siwa.

Ms. Siwa showed a relaxed and cheerful smile, and Cassandra was so excited that her face turned red and she kept calling "Master".

According to the custom of Eastern people, Ms. Siwa witnessed the process of her daughter's apprenticeship and expressed her gratitude to her daughter's master. Even though she knew that Hallie had everything, she still gave her two fine jade pendants as gifts.

According to the Oriental custom, after becoming a teacher, the daughter's life is entrusted to the teacher. Ms. Siwa did not try every means to buy a school district room for her daughter like the Gordons did.

She left Cassandra directly at Quinn Manor.

Just like when she was a disciple in heaven, the master also took care of his disciple's eating, drinking, and defecation.

Isn’t Bruce also penniless, eating and sleeping with his master, growing from a boy to a young man?

Ms. Siwa felt at ease.

However, before leaving, she avoided everyone, pulled Harley aside alone, and sighed: "I am a killer in the League of Assassins, and so is Cassandra's father.

We are all killers and should never have had children.

Her appearance is both a gift and a punishment from God to us.

His father had taken her on missions since she was born.

Sometimes she also takes part in the killing process.

When she was 5 years old, she got blood on her hands for the first time. "

The corner of Harry's mouth twitched, "You are not short of money, are you? Even if you are busy with work and have no time to take care of the child, you can still hire a nanny, or let her be a left-behind child for your grandparents to take care of."

Ms. Siwa hesitated for a moment and said: "All children in the Assassin's League grow up like this.

Moreover, my union with her father, David Cain, was not one of love.

David is. I want to say he's crazy, but I don't have that position because I'm crazy too.

We are all crazy martial artists.

He killed my biological sister just because Lei Xiaogu said that I had the talent to become the strongest assassin in the world, and he wanted to inspire my potential through hatred.

Later, he and I fought all the way to the limit of martial arts.

We were the strongest male and female assassins at the time, and our union could produce a ‘perfectly gifted’ martial artist. "

Harry really wanted to nod and say: You are right, you are all crazy.

"David took Cassandra to kill, not because he couldn't find anyone to take care of her, but to train her in killing skills. I made an agreement with him that Cassandra's first ten years would belong to him, and the next ten years would belong to me.

We spent twenty years teaching all our skills to her, allowing her to take our place, transcend the limits of martial arts, and reach peaks that we cannot reach. "

Speaking of this, Ms. Siwa smiled with a mixture of sadness and happiness.

"In the past ten years, I rarely saw her and I didn't have deep feelings about her.

She followed me when she was ten years old.

When I hold her in my arms, I feel very strange. I feel a kind of satisfaction and happiness that I can't find even if I have achieved a breakthrough in martial arts.

I realized that I was her mother and she was my daughter.

Perhaps, martial arts is not the most important thing in my life, Cassandra can be ranked alongside it. "

Harley was speechless. She thought you could "return from the lost path", but she didn't expect that you would only be tied for first place in the end.

Ms Siwa continued: “Cassandra is a good child with a soft heart, sensitivity and kindness.

During those ten years with David, she knew what she and her father were doing, and could feel the pain and sorrow when her life was taken away, and then she suffered from mental illness, mental depression, and mental illness.

It's very complicated, and doctors can't explain it clearly. In short, from birth to 10 years old, I couldn't speak or laugh. "

"I think she is quite lively and healthy both physically and mentally." Harley was a little surprised.

"That's because of you." Ms. Siwa said with a complex expression: "She has watched the "Quinn" series on WGBS TV station, and the program has detailed experiences of your growth.

For example, you have a conflict with the Crusaders and the League of Assassins.

Kassandra's world view is turned upside down.

For the first time, she knew that there was someone more powerful than her parents, Lei Xiaogu, the Shadow Warriors Alliance, and everyone else within her range combined.

Your experience also gives her a sense of identity.

She compared herself with you. Your experience was worse than hers, and you killed more people than her, but you still insisted on being a good person - she thought you were a good person.

By the way, you also said a lot of nonsense in the show that I thought was fake and empty, but she was very moved.

Anyway, you are very appealing to her, and she inexplicably regards you as a belief, starts to worship you, looks for your information, contacts the Internet, and is addicted to the puppy video hero forum.

Finally, she was no longer satisfied with watching videos about you made by other up hosts. She decided to do it herself. She started arguing with others, and then talked long and endlessly, becoming a eloquent anchor. "

After explaining her daughter's situation and giving Harley a general understanding of her, Ms. Siwa finally revealed an important secret that was not important.

"Be careful. Long before Crisis on Infinite Earths, the urine-covered toilet in the public toilet of Arkham Asylum had been quietly replaced by the Shadow Warriors Alliance."

"Shit" Harley had a weird expression, "I really didn't care about that toilet. Arkham Asylum has big news every day, and a broken toilet won't always be the focus of everyone's attention.

With the power of the Kagemusha, it is not difficult to quietly steal a toilet from the toilet, but what are they doing stealing the toilet?

Could it be possible that he smashed the toilet, extracted the 'essence' of the ashes from it, and resurrected Lei Xiaogu?

Whose idea was this?

I think it’s not Lei Xiaogu.

Anyway, if it were me, I would rather stay in hell than be resurrected as a toilet person. "

Ms. Siwa's mouth twitched, "The reason for his resurrection is not simple, there seems to be a big devil involved behind the scenes.

Of course you are not afraid of him. He hates you to death and is afraid of you to death.

However, with his intelligence and force, he will definitely have no problem scheming those around you. "

"After saying this, can you still return to the Assassin's League?" Harley smiled.

Ms. Siwa shook her head slightly, "Since Cassandra followed me, I have no intention of going back. This time I just made up my mind to completely cut off the connection with the past."

Lady Shiva left, and her daughter Cassandra stayed at the manor to become Harley's third apprentice.

The eldest disciple is Zha Kang's niece, and the second is a karate kid from the future.

Ms. Siwa was not the last mother to worry about her children's education. The next afternoon, Bruce Wayne came to Quinn Manor with his two adopted sons.

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