I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1075 The new young generation

Silver City, at the entrance of the Golden Hall.

The "Fourth Grade Silver City Guard" is not wearing the "Shaojun Armor" today, and her long golden hair is naturally hanging down her back. Summer has arrived in Gotham. She only wears an off-white long-sleeved shirt on her upper body. The shirt is slightly loose and has hems on both sides. She still had a bow tied on her lower abdomen, her lower body was a pair of sky blue ripped jeans, and her feet were wearing a pair of Roman shoes that exposed round toes.

Very ordinary, very everyday dress, a bit unusual in the classical Roman style Silver City.

However, standing among a group of winged birdmen, the wingless Harley looked different.

Her current attire did not make her uncomfortable.

After the zero-hour crisis ended, she came to Silver City every now and then to check in, learn the Angels' combat skills and tactics, and seek out Angels' experience. She now became accustomed to Silver City and Angels, and even felt that this place was an alien planet, and Angels were aliens. People - you can't blame Louise for being ungrateful, the distance is too close, and while losing the sense of mystery, you will also lose awe.

For Harley now, coming to work in Silver City is no different from going to Metropolis to listen to congressional reports.

But something is different today.

She didn't come to work.

Harry sat on the steps at the door of the Golden Hall, with his legs stretched forward and folded together, with his hands on the ground behind him, looking up at the "sun" in the sky (the city of hymns, the residence of the Holy Spirit), looking in a trance, as if he was trapped in remember.

Angels often walked by the steps, and when they saw her, they only whispered to each other and did not bother Mr. Shaojun.

"Squeak~~~" The door of the golden hall opened again, and the cheerful rhythm of "kick, kick, kick" came.

"Harley, Harley, Harley!" the running girl shouted happily.

Harry was slightly shaken, turned around, and saw a pretty girl with short black hair, no more than fourteen or fifteen years old, running towards him with a smile like a flower, waving her hands.

Apart from being nearly ten years younger, he is still the same person that Harley knows well.

"Hi, Rachel!" Harley also smiled and waved to her.

Rachel "Raven" finally completed her "resurrection" today, regained her life, and was happy to be free.

"Wow, Harley, you have grown up and become taller too."

The two women hugged each other for a while and then separated. Rachel looked at Harry with strange eyes, "You were a head shorter than me back then, but now I am a head shorter than you. It feels like a dream."

When they first met, Rachel was as innocent as a piece of paper, but she was actually in her twenties. On the other hand, Harley, although she had a dark face and a cruel heart at that time, looked like a big lolita of fourteen or fifteen years old.

After ten years, the two changed their "positions".

"Haha, it's like we just met. A few years ago in hell, you said that I had grown up. In the 'Resurrection Pool' of the Golden Hall, you lamented that I had matured. Now do it again?"

Harley patted her head a few times, smiling naturally on the surface, but feeling a little complicated in her heart.

Not only are their looks different, the difference in mentality and state between the two parties is even greater.

Although they were in two different worlds at that time, a mortal wandering girl and a princess on the run from hell, they were in the same bad situation and were close to each other, just like two people hugging each other to keep warm in winter.

Both of them can feel the rare warmth in each other.

Now the two of them no longer have any existential or life-related crises, and they are both "happy and healthy", but emotionally they are in a bad mood.

Harry is more profound and sophisticated, like an "old monk" who leisurely watches the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court, and the clouds roll in the sky. Well, he should be an "old Taoist priest".

In the more than ten years since the two were separated, she has experienced and seen too many people and things. The world is like an old piece of clothing to her.

People can't run around naked, and of course they can't do without clothes.

But when getting up and getting dressed, few people feel excited about putting on clothes - unless the clothes are new, or the old clothes are prepared for today's new things.

Rachel is the opposite. Counting her real age, she is almost forty years old. Well, an "auntie loli".

But for the first half of her life, Rachel lived in Acharas, the "divine kingdom" of the goddess Asal, where she cultivated her character and basically worked as a nun.

When the goddess Asal met with misfortune and Acharas was destroyed by the Three Palaces, Rachel wandered around the cities of the earth, always on the road of escape, and did not experience any rich life.

After that, he was tricked by God, tricked by strangers, and imprisoned by Sangong for various adjustments.

It can be said that Rachel has never had an easy time in her life, and has never truly felt and enjoyed life.

Therefore, the reborn Rachel is filled with a kind of "ordinary energy" that cannot be found in Harley - the expectation and yearning for the ordinary life of ordinary people.

The first time he saw Rachel rushing over with a smile, the sophisticated Harry immediately noticed the difference between the two.

But she was happy and her smile was genuine.

Because Rachel is what she wants to see most now.

Seeing Rachel, who was full of energy, full of curiosity and expectations for the world, Harley felt that it was worth it even if she was asked to defeat two more three-house demons.

Harley was also relieved because her previous efforts were rewarded in the best way - Rachel got the freedom she dreamed of.

While she was happy and relieved, Harley also felt a little bit disappointed deep in her heart. Now Rachel no longer sadly had only her as her friend, and naturally she no longer needed to hug her for warmth.

She was not even destined to occupy too central an area for the rest of Rachel's life.

"Would you like to take a stroll in Silver City? I'm so awesome now. Angels will bow and call me 'sir' when they see me." Harley said with a smile.

No matter how complicated her mood was, she would only show calmness and joy in front of Rachel.

Now the free Rachel who wants to embrace the world and own the whole world is her ideal Rachel.

"Okay, please take me to see Harley's Angel Army." Rachel said excitedly.

Quinn Manor.

"This is Rachel, you already know her, right?"

Harley called everyone in the manor to come forward. Not only Ivy and Selina, but also Animal Man stood by holding Helena.

"Starting today, the manor has four owners, me, Selena, Ivy and Rachel."

Ivy's face was tense and she looked at the smiling black-haired girl.

The butler, animal man, and angel security were all notified in advance and politely applauded.

"Ahem." When the applause stopped, Selina covered her mouth and coughed twice, then raised her chin towards her daughter.

Helena was staring at her eldest sister curiously with her eyes wide open.

Harry was stunned for a moment before reacting, and then smiled and said: "Oh, I was wrong, there are five owners of the manor, and although Helena is young, she is also on the family's household registration book.

Rachel, let me introduce you, this is Selena, you can call her 'kitten', back then I..."

Hallie was very enthusiastic and patient, and introduced Rachel to everyone present.

Not only their names and identities, but also their past with her were told in as much detail as possible.

Except for Ivy, who was a little cold, everyone else also welcomed the arrival of the new owner.

"Rachel, today is different from the past. The world is now completely open to you."

At the family banquet, Harley opened her arms proudly, "You can do whatever you want, go wherever you want to play, be unrestrained and do whatever you want. The world belongs to me, to you, and to all of us." "

"I've thought about it a lot in the past," Rachel looked confused. "I wanted to go to school, go to the amusement park, and watch a movie while eating popcorn.

Even if I sit by the fountain in the square under the spring sunshine and watch tourists taking pictures, as long as the Church of Blood does not pursue me, I will be content. "

Harley immediately said: "Now you can realize your wishes one by one. Well, tomorrow we will go to the amusement park and go to the cinema to watch a movie in the evening."

Ivy pouted, "Harry, you never go to the cinema. We have a cinema at home."

"You can't just stay at home every day and occasionally go to the city for activities." Harley said.

——You haven’t wandered around downtown Gotham for a long, long time.

Ivy felt even more uncomfortable.

But she couldn't stop Harry and Rachel. The next day, the two girls dressed up in homely clothes and played wildly outside all day.

We continued our tour on the third day and went to Battery Park for a picnic.

On the fourth, fifth, and sixth days, seeing that they seemed to have no intention of stopping, Ivy had no choice but to join them. Not only did she follow them, but she also held four-year-old Helena in her arms.

However, the joining of her and Helena not only did not dampen Rachel's interest, but made her even more excited and happy.

Just eat, drink and have fun, go to Metropolis after exploring Gotham, go to Los Angeles after exploring Metropolis, go to foreign countries when tired of playing in the United States, go to foreign planets after visiting foreign countries. Two months have passed, and even different worlds have been explored. The summer vacation is completely over, the new semester is about to begin, and Rachel wants to go to school again.

"It's good to go to school!" Ivy's eyes lit up and she raised her hands in agreement, "It's so pitiful that Rachel has never been to school at such an old age.

Not only can you learn new knowledge and skills in school, and get rid of your illiterate status, you can also make more friends, making it easier to integrate into the new era. "

——The key is to make more friends. With new friends, Rachel doesn't have to stay at the manor every day and has Harry accompany her every day.

It's best to find a boyfriend.

Harry also had no objection to Rachel going to school.

Except for those who are bullied, no matter how much they hated school when they were young, when they grow up and enter the society for a few years, they will miss the school life and even dream of going back to that time again.

Because there is simplicity and beauty in the school that is rare in society.

Academy and childhood are gifts from God to mortals. A person only has one chance. If it is missing, it can never be made up for.

Rachel still has the opportunity to go to school and enjoy the simplicity, which is also a kind of luck and happiness.

Before going to school, Harley first called her "divine priest" Barbara to the manor and asked her to become friends with Rachel.

"You will be in the same high school and in the same grade. Barbara, you can help Rachel and help her adapt to the new environment."

"It's okay to help Rachel get familiar with the environment, but I've been busy with special training for 'Young Heroes' recently, so I'm afraid I won't have much time to spend with her." Barbara said hesitantly.

"What young hero?" Rachel asked curiously.

"We plan to form a hero team with teenagers as the main body, just like the Young Watchers." Barbara said excitedly.

"Who else but you?" Harley asked.

"Currently, there are only three of us, Robin and the 'Little Witch'. Well, the Little Witch is the 'little witch waiting for the summons of the Fifth Ring Admiral'. She is the top one on the Hero Forum's Top 100 Uploaders in 2016. Sister Harley, do you recognize her? ?At least you know her mother, Ms. Siwa."

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