I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1073 Superhero Mental Health Care Day

WGBS, Daily Planet News Station, "Louis' Column" at 8:30 p.m.

On the screen, Louise, wearing a dark blue professional skirt, asked the young man in prison uniform opposite her with a gentle expression: "Billy, you seem to have broken a record - becoming the superhero who went to jail the fastest after debuting. Do you regret it?"

Billy's face was pale and his expression was gloomy. He nodded slightly when he heard the words, his voice was very soft and erratic, "I regret it very much. I simply don't dare to think about the things I have done these days.

I feel like a different person. "

"Are you saying that suddenly gaining divine power and transforming from an ordinary person to an extraordinary person caused your mentality to become unbalanced and go astray?" Louise asked.

"Maybe, I'm not sure."

"If you hadn't been blessed by the gods, you wouldn't have ended up where you are now. Do you think power is a curse?" Louise asked curiously.

Billy lowered his head, "I didn't think much about it. I just knew that I did something wrong and deserved to be punished."

Louise said again: "Let me put it another way, do you ever regret getting the God of Gods?"

Billy looked hesitant, "I regret doing those things, but with the power of God"

The audience didn't think there was anything wrong with his reaction, and they complained one after another: "Is there something wrong with the universe's famous mind? With the power of the gods and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you can achieve extraordinary things in one step. Why should you regret it?"

Louise was not really mentally ill, so she asked again: "It seems that deep down in your heart you don't hate the divine power in your body.

So, do you miss it because you want to use it to achieve some ideal, such as upholding justice, punishing the strong and supporting the weak, or is it simply because the power allows you to do whatever you want and be free? "

"I think I should use my divine power to do good things. This is what the wizard asked me to do, but I failed him and his power." Billy's eyes turned red.

Louise nodded slightly, "It seems that you just lack the correct guidance and have temporarily lost your way.

There is still a heroic heart deep inside you.

Billy, cheer up and don't cry. I believe you can start over and become a great hero. "

"Can I?" Billy looked unsure.

"As long as you firmly believe in justice, you can become a hero." A strong and powerful voice said firmly.

"Oh my God, tear it apart!" On the TV, Billy's eyes lit up and he exclaimed.

In front of the TV, the audience was also surprised by this little easter egg.

Dachao encouraged: "Billy, I understand your past. At that time, you had no supernatural powers, but you still controlled yourself, abided by the law, and helped others.

Suddenly moved to a strange new city, joined a new family, entered a new school, and was unexpectedly favored by the gods. Your life changed too much in a short period of time, and your mentality was temporarily unbalanced, which led to you doing those wrong things.

No one is perfect and no one makes mistakes. The important thing is to know how to correct after making a mistake. "

"Tear Man" Billy's eyes turned red again.

Louise smiled and said: "Ripman has been paying attention to your news since you were arrested and imprisoned, and he is very concerned about your future.

You are underage, but your identity has been exposed, and you have become the fastest superhero to go to jail.

When he learned that I was going to do an exclusive interview for you, he asked me to design today’s little easter egg, hoping to surprise you and give you ‘hope’. "

"Thank you." Billy said touchedly.

"It's so heart-warming to tear apart Man." The audience watching the TV were also very moved, and some emotional aunts began to wipe away tears.

Da Chao patted Billy on the head and said, "According to the Right to Do Good Act, one of the ways for ordinary people to become official superheroes is to have a hero vouch for the newcomer and act as a guide for the newcomer.

Billy, would you like me to be your mentor? "

"Can I?" Billy's eyes widened.

Dachao said gently: "Of course, I will help you register with the Sky Eye Society and register as a superhero with 'junior law enforcement rights'.

During the next days you stay in prison, I will also visit you once a week.

I will teach you how to control the power within your body and introduce you to the thoughts and paths of other heroes. "

"I do, thank you, Ripman."

Daily Planet.

"It's very good. The ratings of this program even surpassed last year's Super Bowl!"

Editor-in-chief Perry pumped his fist vigorously and said excitedly: "As expected of Louise, the idea of ​​inviting Ripman to be a special guest is great.

There have been many superhero shows, but they have never been as touching as this one.

Take a look at the audience's comments - I have always thought that superheroes are made of steel and have an iron will, and are not mortals. Today's story of Thunder Shazam changed my thinking. I discovered that heroes are also human beings, with a fragile and confused side.

The interaction between Superman and Billy seems to represent the inheritance of heroic will, which is very humane and touching. "

"Bah, bang, bang!" After saying that, he clapped softly.

"Bah bang bang!" The colleagues around her looked at Louise with envy and admiration, and clapped along with her.

Louise glanced at Lana Lang who pursed her lips, and a smile flashed in her eyes, "No, this is not my plan. I didn't lie. It was really Rip Man who came here on his own initiative."

"Oh, before today, he had never taken the initiative to participate in a TV show. Even if he was invited, it was purely a public welfare promotion activity." Perry said strangely.

Louise glanced sideways at Clark in the crowd and sighed: "Billy needs help, he wants to help him, the purpose is so simple.

Not only does it help him get out of the confused and gloomy life in the future, but it also helps him frighten people with bad intentions.

Billy's identity and home address were exposed. The key is that his power is also very strong. Super S-class power appears in a child. With Tear Man as his mentor, he can help him block the malice and hostility from many evil forces. "

"Well, it's a bit beyond my expectation that Tear Man can have such a delicate mind. In my impression, although he is a good person, he is very rough." Perry said thoughtfully.

Clark adjusted the frame of the mirror to hide the embarrassment on his face.

Lana Lang guessed: "Probably related to the Zero Hour Crisis."

"Oh, what do you say?" Perry asked curiously.

Lana Lang said slowly: "The two main culprits of Zero Time Crisis, Cun Mo and Time Demon, were once the greatest superheroes, War Eagle and Green Lantern.

The reason why they fell was not because their minds became bad, but because they lost the most important part of their lives and fell into the pain of despair, but during this period no one cared about them.

Everyone thinks superheroes are tough guys who can defeat anything.

But in fact, even if the hero acts as powerful as a god, there may still be an ordinary 15-year-old child hidden under his uniform.

After realizing this, Tearman will give Billy extra care and protection. "

"Lana." Clark looked complicated.

"Louise, what do you think?" Perry asked.

——This woman has said everything, what else can I look at?

Louise glanced sideways at Lana, her voice a little muffled, "Tearman's psychological activities have research value, but this kind of conjecture is too subjective and uncertain, and it is not the focus of journalists."

"Well, that makes sense." Perry frowned and thought for a moment, "However, psychological care for superheroes may become a new series of news.

The former Cun Mo and Time Demon, and now the fallen Thunder Shazam, all prove that superheroes are also human beings, and they also have a dark side in their hearts.

Alas, it would be nice if there could be another exclusive interview with Miss Quinn. She experienced more hardships and setbacks as a teenager than all the superheroes combined, but she has no dark side or any sign of depravity.

It’s so rare, so great.

How did you do it?

It's a pity that she now lives in seclusion and refuses to be interviewed. "

"Perry, even if she is the big boss of Daily Planet now, there is no need to praise her so much, right?" Louise frowned.

"Why are you bragging?"

"How come she suffered more than all the heroes? Hal Jordan lost a city."

Perry shook his head and said: "It doesn't mean whoever has more people die will be more miserable."

He turned to the blond female reporter beside him, "Kate, now there are two fates before you. First, the metropolis will explode and you will live alone.

Second, something unexpected happened when you were 14 years old, and you became an orphan from the top genius in the United States. Your father was imprisoned and was used as a scapegoat, and your mother ran away. Although you were seeking justice and saving your friends in the orphanage, you became a murderer wanted nationwide. .

Being hunted by a force like the Holy Advent Crusaders that is powerful enough to control a country, and being frantically pursued by the Metropolitan Police, you can only disguise yourself as a homeless man, poking through garbage on the streets in search of food.

Which one do you choose? "

Kate grinned, "Let Metropolis explode. I can't stand a single thing about what happened to Harley Quinn."

"Jimmy, what about you?" Perry looked at Jimmy Olsen again.

"Well, I choose the second option and then kill myself. Too many people will die in the first option, which is not what I want; I can't live in the second option, so I might as well just die."

"It's not that if you choose the first option, the metropolis will be destroyed. It's that both lives are bound to happen, and you can only accept it." Perry frowned.

Jimmy glanced at Louise and said with a groan: "I choose the first option. Although it is painful, there is hope. The second option is not only painful, but also too desperate and aggrieved."

Perry smiled proudly, "Louise, what about you, which one do you choose?"

Louise gritted her teeth and said stubbornly: "I choose the second option. I think I might not be able to do better if I were Harley Quinn."

"Tch~~~" Except for Clark who lowered his head in embarrassment, all her colleagues gave her the middle finger.

"If it were you, you wouldn't survive 'Quinn Episode 1', and you wouldn't even be able to escape from the monastery."

"Hey, I mean, I also have the same martial arts talent as her. I can fight ten with one." Louise argued.

"As detailed in your "Quinn Biography" special news, she had never practiced martial arts at all at that time." Perry said sarcastically.

"Uh" Louise blushed.

"Ahem, Perry has a good idea, and the physical and mental health of superheroes deserves attention.

It is also necessary to invite the heroes of the past who have experienced and overcome hardships to be mentors to the younger generations.

Miss Quinn won't be interviewed, so we can find someone else, such as Rip Man. "Clark spoke to resolve the embarrassment for his wife.

"It's not painful enough to tear Man apart." Perry shook his head.

Clark was a little dissatisfied, "He encountered a tornado when he was a teenager and lost his father. It took him ten years to get out of the haze."

"Can you compete with Hal Jordan? Can you compete with Miss Quinn?"

Clark's tone paused, "It's not a competition."

“If it’s not miserable, it’s not convincing.”

Clark's heart moved, "Can Martian Manhunter do it? His entire family will be destroyed."

"It's tragic enough, but he is a Martian and his physiological structure is different from ours." Perry thought for a moment and said, "Choose Bateman."

Clark was shocked. How did Perry know that Bateman's life was miserable?

"No one knows who Bateman is or what he's been through."

"Just looking at his gloomy look, you can tell how miserable his life is."

"He's just used to hiding in the shadows, how can he be gloomy?" Clark's mouth twitched.

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