I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1067: Humanity and Sophistication

"The reason why you are dissatisfied with me is not because I give away my divine power for free, but because the loan sharks cannot bear to see the bank at their doorstep lending money at normal interest rates."

Old Shazam said: "It's hard to say about other gods, but you should know me. In order to find Thunder Shazam, I kept using tracing magic and asked people to leave my connections. It took hundreds of years.

After paying such a big price, if I just want a little bit of 'Thunder Experience' from Thunder Shazam like you, will I still have to die? "

"Then why did it take hundreds of years for you to choose one?" Harley exposed his lie mercilessly: "To put it bluntly, the day of magic reckoning is coming, and Hecate is coming to collect the debt. What you need at this time is not at all 'Thunder Experience' is a 'magic superconductor' that can 100% help you bear the cost of magic power."

"Aren't you my friend? Why do you keep scolding me, ridiculing me, and killing me?" Old Shazam shouted in anger.

"I've always been so honest with my friends. If you don't believe me, you can ask the heroes of the Justice League." Harley said frankly.

"I'm here to discuss 'Thunder Shazam' with you. Let's not go off topic, okay?"

Old Shazam looked helpless, with a hint of pleading in his tone.

"you say."

"I have now chosen a Thunder Shazam, but he is still a child, and his mind and outlook are not very mature." Old Shazam looked at Harley and slowly said his request: "You are the Galaxy Admiral. Director of the Sky Eye Society, can you do me a favor and create a high-quality living environment for him?"

"What does it mean to be of high quality? With the power of his Thunder Shazam, no matter what environment it is, it's not bad, right?"

The old Shazam said meaningfully: "I understand the current survival situation of superheroes. I also know what the new Green Lantern has experienced, and I know that there are many superheroes who have experienced similar experiences to him.

Even money is coveted, let alone god-like power?

My requirements are not high, as long as the US government doesn't bother him, especially the military's messy spy agencies.

In addition, there are too many superheroes on the earth now, and there is also competition among the heroes to fight for the city guardian.

I hope Thunder Shazam can become a symbol of a city.

After all, I am a god, and belief and trust can be transformed into power.

I've used too much searching magic in the past few hundred years, and I need to get my health back.

He can have lifelong enemies, but in the past two years or at least one year, no one who is too cunning will find him.

Well, you can be powerful but not smart, so don't be an enemy with "witch style".

He is still a child, too young. He is not afraid of a head-on battle, but is afraid of being plotted against.

His handle is too obvious.

Of course, although we are old friends, I will not let you work in vain. I will raise your name from the end of the 'shazam contract' to the second sequence. "

"I'm not even interested in joining the Shazam group directly. What's the point of the second sequence?" Harley said with a contemptuous smile.

Old Shazam said meaningfully: "Farmers envied the emperor for having white steamed buns to eat every day. When the peasants steamed a pot of white steamed buns themselves and had a full belly, they would be very satisfied and said - being an emperor is just that.

At that time he no longer envied the emperor.

If you are not interested in shazam combination, it’s not that you really don’t care about its benefits, but you simply don’t know how great its benefits are. "

"For poor people who have never eaten meat, the 'price of eliminating magic power' is indeed a delicacy, but to me it is not as good as white steamed buns." Harley said lightly.

“Not only the magic power cost, but also adding shazam combination will increase your martial arts experience growth rate by ten times, at least ten times.

The safety of your divine power has also been increased by more than ten times, and your ability to sense and control the borrowed divine power has also been improved by more than ten times. "

Harley's expression changed slightly, "You mean, the shazam combination is Promax's version of 'Shazam'?"

She can lend her divine power to others, and also makes her own divine power unable to be analyzed and taken away by time demons. She can sense Neptune's situation across the river of time, all because of the Shazam curse and the fact that her real name is written into the Shazam Contract.

But she just put her name into Shazam Contract.

In the "H" column, there are many names, but she is at the bottom, far away from joining the Shazam group.

"Of course, Shazam's Curse is just a simplified simulation of the shazam combination. If you think about it carefully, you will understand. Even Darkseid's father Zonuz, a supreme being, is eager to replace Zeus as 'Z' .Isn’t there enough benefit to make them flock to you?”

"Hahaha!" Harley laughed boldly, "Brother Shazam, I am the one who takes care of you. Just our friendship, what a big deal, I will take care of it. Just relax!"

Old Shazam looked at her in a daze for a while, "Thank you very much. I'll move your sequence up to second place later."

Harley took two steps closer and said with a smile on her face: "Can you kick Hercules away? That guy is almost useless except for his strength."

Old Shazam shook his head and said: "This is my promise to Zeus - Greek gods cannot be replaced before they give up voluntarily or are unable to provide divine power.

Harley, even in second place, your Shazam spell will be twice as powerful. "

Harry's eyes flashed, "What if something unexpected happens to Hercules?"

Old Shazam was horrified, "Don't! Hercules is not an ordinary person, his father is Zeus."

"I'm not afraid of Zeus."

"But I'm afraid." Old Shazam lamented: "He can't do anything to you, so why can't he kill me?"

Harley really wants to ask, if I am listed in the "shazam sequence" and you happen to encounter misfortune, will I inherit the contract?

"When will Thunder Shazam appear?"

Old Shazam only made three requests: 1. She protects him and ensures that he will not be missed by the government; 2. Help Thunder Shazam become a city hero, that is, an A-level hero who is the guardian of the city; 3. No Let too smart super criminals enter Thunder Shazam's city to prevent the death of little Shazam.

It would be difficult for anyone else, whether it was Dr. Destiny, Rip Man, or the president of the United States to be a simple hero or politician, but for her it was a piece of cake.

She got the second sequence with a little effort, and she was not at a loss.

"As long as you agree, he can make his debut tonight." Old Shazam looked at her expectantly.

"Where is he from?"

"Fawcett, Wisconsin," said old Shazam.

"Fawcett City." Harley frowned slightly, "There are already city guardians there, and there are more than one. They are the 'Damage Family', Missile Man and Missile Girl, and there is also the B-class superhero 'Minute Man' .”

Missile Man is equivalent to an enhanced version of Captain America.

Like Captain America, he also gained superpowers through the super serum.

That serum is more powerful than Captain America's, and its effect is similar to that of a copycat Superman, invulnerable and powerful, with almost 60 points of strength and defense.

The Missile Man serum and the Deathstroke serum were both given special attention by Harley for a while.

Deathstroke's serum has a miraculous effect on brain evolution. Deathstroke's brain is developed at 90%, which is simply appalling. Harley is only around 9% now.

The Missile Man serum mainly improves the body, and the brain does not change much.

However, the side effects of both serums were too great. She thought the mortality rate was too high when used to train younger brothers. If she had used it herself, she would have taken the risk and tried it when she first debuted. Unfortunately, she had no access to such high-end products at that time. When she became capable, the high-end goods of the year became tasteless and tasteless.

In addition to the serum, Missile Man also has a legendary weapon similar to Captain America's shield-a bullet-shaped gravity helmet.

Well, the gravity can be adjusted, and it's also very sturdy.

"Just because there is a city guardian in Fawcett City, I asked you for help. Otherwise, with Thunder Shazam's strength, how could he not even be able to get A-level heroes?" Old Shazam said.

Harley took out her phone, clicked on a 3D map of the United States, and scanned over cities one after another.

Finally, her eyes fell on a city on the edge of Gotham, Philadelphia. The city's guardian is the "Young Watchmen". Some time ago, Laurie complained to her that the Young Watchers participated in TV programs every day and had nothing to do with Watchmen. temperament.

She also promised Laurie to put more burdens on the Young Watcher.

"Thunder Shazam debuted too late. Now major cities in the United States have already established themselves as celebrities," Harley said.

"I want to, and I'm anxious, but I can't find anyone. What can I do? My successor is still a child. He should have waited ten more years, or even twenty years. Let him debut now, which is considered to be ripe. It's over." Old Shazam said helplessly.

"It's impossible to get rid of the Hida couple. We can only move them to another place. What do you think of Philadelphia?" Harley said.

Old Shazam's eyes lit up, "Philadelphia is great!"

Fawcett City is located in the middle of America, with a population of less than 800,000. It is an old city that seems to be living in the 1980s. It is difficult to appear in the news reports of mainstream media all year round.

Philadelphia is one of the top three largest cities on the east coast of America, with a population of over eight million in the urban area, second only to Bateman's Gotham and Superman's Metropolis.

Wonder Woman’s Boston and Aquaman’s Port Mercy are also on the East Coast, but they are not as prosperous as Philadelphia.

"Philadelphia is only one of the options, and it could also be Cleveland. Cleveland has been lacking a strong city guardian. The place is very chaotic, and several B-level heroes have died. It is actually quite suitable for Shazam." Harley said.

"No, it's better to stay in Fawcett City than to go to Cleveland. Going to Salt Lake City for retirement is better than Cleveland." Old Shazam's face turned green.

"Although Cleveland is rotten, shabby, and small, it doesn't mean that there is no future in Cleveland. Don't you know Rhubarb?"

Old Shazam secretly used his mind to communicate with the "Book of Reflection" and found information about Dahuang. Basketball star LeBron James called himself "King James".

"I hope Thunder Shazam can stay in one city forever, instead of making a 'decision' after becoming famous."

After speaking, he gritted his teeth, opened the hem of his robe, and took out a thin silver chain from the small cloth bag at his waist.

A purple gemstone as big as a fingernail hung from the bottom of the chain.

"Harley, this is a chain of thunder that I collected from 2,000 thunder and lightning from different worlds and under different thunder laws. It can help people understand the laws of thunder and release arcs. See if you can help me deal with it."

"How to deal with it?"

She took the necklace and rubbed it gently. It seemed that there was a world of thunder hidden inside the gem, with all kinds of lightning and thunder constantly flickering in and out of it. It was a very beautiful and very powerful artifact.

"When Thunder Shazam is elected and the Eternal Castle belongs to him, I need some money to start a new life. This necklace is not worth a few bucks. It can be exchanged for about 100,000 US dollars, right? Please help." Old Shazam said Said with a serious face.

The corner of Harley's mouth twitched, old boy, the road is quite wild!

She quietly stuffed the artifact necklace into her pocket, nodded and said: "Come to Quinn Manor later, and I will give you the money.

By the way, I thought about it again and again. Cleveland is too chaotic, and there seems to be alien slave traders operating specifically to traffic in talented boys and girls. It is indeed not suitable for underage Thunder Shazam.

The young watchmen have now grown up and it is time to take on greater responsibilities. "

Old Shazam smiled.

Harley continued: "Tell me the new Shazam's home address, and I will go and inspect it myself. If he has both good character and academics, I will recommend him to Philadelphia. If he looks like a sand sculpture, I can only send him to cloth." Ruedhaven.

If he has no character or virtue, let him go to Salt Lake City. "

Old Shazam smiled stiffly, and his eyes slowly moved down, landing on the pocket of her jacket. He wanted to ask: Is the necklace warm?

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