I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1065 Shazam’s Invitation

Zero Time Crisis has as much impact on the DC Universe as Crisis on Infinite Earths.

But the incident itself did not cause much repercussions on Earth at first.

Not even as "popular" as Day of Destruction.

But after the Zero Hour Crisis ended, this incident began to ferment among the public and became a hot news item that continued to attract public attention.

They don't care how powerful the Time Demon is when it swallows the River of Time, nor do they know how wide the impact of the crisis is, nor do they care how many future worlds are annihilated by those cracks of entropy.

The reason why people pay attention to it actually has nothing to do with Zero Hour.

What they care about is the "extra people" and the changed reality.

In The Flash, Barry Allen's white wife disappeared and was replaced by black Iris, but many people around Iris still remember white Iris, and they also have a set of memories of black Iris.

It's like saying that they have another set of memories just like the last Crisis on Infinite Earths.

This incident isn't even news to the Earth family.

There are not many alien allies, but they all participate in the time restart, so the galaxy is also affected.

However, this has nothing to do with Harley. The people of the universe know that she is only maintaining the stability of the material universe this time, and all changes come from other combatants in the Mojave Desert.

Halle did what she said and did not participate in any public social activities after that.

Of course, she is not really a homebody and will not stay at Quinn Manor all the time. In fact, she is very busy these days.

When the time crisis ended and the blockade management was lifted in Paradise, she immediately rushed to clock in and receive the reward for the task of "Guarding the Garden of Eden in the Zero Time Crisis".

The reward was very generous. Although she did not have a single merit point, her official position was promoted by two levels, from the fifth-level Silver City Guard to the fourth-level Silver City "Grand Guard".

Well, although there is only one more word "big", the power has increased a lot.

Her previous position was similar to that of Eagle Archangel, Bull Archangel, and Lion Archangel, but now she is one level higher than them.

This reward was both unexpected and not too surprising to her.

It seems that Silver City did not participate in the Zero Time Crisis this time and did not get any benefits, but Yebi participated in the restart of the River of Time.

When Harley asked Yerby to act as the "tool dog CPU", she had the consciousness to quietly cooperate with the dog god.

Well, she intentionally gave God the opportunity to extend his little black hand in the restart of time.

This is completely different from her attitude during Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Because she guessed that God’s focus in the restart was not the beliefs of humans in the material world, but deeper content related to the laws of the universe.

Before, she was worried that God would stretch out his little black hand and distort the fate of all living beings. Now she felt that this conjecture was like the old farmers in the countryside who were worried that the emperor would take over their newly-baked cornstarch.

The county magistrate in the yamen might rob the peasants of their food rations, but the emperor was more concerned about the system that could ensure that the peasants in the world would be honest and not rebel, so as to ensure long-term peace and stability in their own country.

Whether it is the crisis on infinite earth or this zero-hour crisis, it is not just a simple natural disaster or a man-made disaster. There is an arrangement of "fate" behind it.

God does not care about the fate of all sentient beings, but Harley only cares that her own destiny and that of all sentient beings will not be distorted or played with, so she is willing to secretly cooperate with God in making small moves - although she does not know what God has done, God must feel her attitude. Change, and remember her goodness.

No, now she is a fourth-grade official.

Half a month later, the turmoil of the Zero Hour Crisis gradually subsided. Harley took out the mother box given by her heavenly father and was about to go to the Genesis Star to be a "martial arts instructor" when a familiar old voice suddenly appeared in her ears.

"Witch Harley, Witch Harley? Can you hear me?"

Harley was stunned for a while before reacting, "Shazam? How can you talk to me?"

She subconsciously activated the nine major defensive specialties, and the sound in her ears immediately disappeared.

Her expertise will only be activated when she encounters damage.

If the opponent has no malicious intent or uses non-offensive magic, the defensive feat will not be triggered.

There is no sound now. I don’t know if it’s because it blocked Old Shazam’s magic, or because Old Shazam didn’t speak.

She revoked her defense expertise again, and her mental power spread in all directions, shouting: "Old Shazam, are you still online?"

"What did you just do? Did you activate 'God Comes Down to Earth'?" Old Shazam seemed to be holding his breath when he spoke.

"Oh, it seems that my God's coming down to earth really works." Harley smiled.

"Of course it works. This is not the first time I'm looking for you." Old Shazam said with complaint in his tone.

"Why bother? Just call my home phone number. It's faster and saves mana. Even Dr. Fate and Stranger use my mobile phone to call me now.

If I knew you were sending me a magical message, I certainly wouldn't refuse. The problem is that I don’t know. I am often plotted against, so sometimes I enter a state where God descends to earth. " Harley said.

She is used to turning on her defense expertise when meditating, because the purpose of her training is to integrate her defense expertise into her natal magic spell.

It was around that time that Shazam Sr. contacted her.

"How can we, the majestic wizards and wizards, abandon magic and use technological gadgets?" Old Shazam said.

"Don't you know about watchdogs? That's quantum magic."

"What kind of magic is quantum magic?" Old Shazam asked doubtfully.

Harley was speechless, "You should really go out and take a walk. The world has changed a lot, but you have been out of touch with the times for too long and can't keep up with the trend."

Old Shazam was not angry, but agreed with deep feeling: "That's right, the universe has changed so fast in recent years. I have been away from this world for too long, and I can't continue like this."

"Then you're looking for me?"

"I have found this generation's Thunder Shazam." The old wizard said excitedly.

"Really? I haven't received any news. No new S-class heroes have debuted recently." Harley asked doubtfully.

If Lei Lei was born, with his style of sand sculpture, he should be on the hot search list of the Hero Forum immediately.

"I have chosen someone, but I have not given my power to him for the time being." The old wizard sighed: "You will never guess who I have chosen, and to be honest, I never imagined it myself.

I'm not even sure it's him. I'm looking for you. Are you free now? Can you come to the Eternal Castle? "

Harley was curious as to why he was looking for her, and indeed there was nothing urgent. After finishing the magical communication, she immediately went to the Gotham subway station, found the tunnel wall that she had "illuminated", activated the portal, stepped in, and came to The center of the multiverse.

Well, the Eternal Castle is built on the Stone of Eternity. The Stone of Eternity is a "wonder" composed of a heaven stone and a hell stone, placed at the center of the material universe.

"How can I help you?"

"This generation's Thunder Shazam is a child, underage." The old Shazam held the Thunder Staff and said with a troubled face: "I should have waited for him for a few years, waited for him to become an adult, and slowly suffered from setbacks as a mortal. Mature, it is best to become 'Thunder Shazam' at the age of thirty.

But in recent years, you know, big events have happened one after another. He can wait ten or twenty years, but I can't wait.

In fact, I didn’t just discover the child. Two months before the Zero Hour Crisis, Stranger had already brought the child over. At that time, I rejected him—not really, he was too young, so I was hesitant.

I thought, the zero-hour crisis is too dangerous. The child will face the time demon when he first debuts. The difficulty is too high and there is a risk of death."

At this point, his old face twisted into a ball, and he looked at Harley and asked, "But I never thought that you would use that method to deal with the Time Demon. What did you think?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with the mind-attack plan?"

"Do you have to sing? Don't you feel ashamed?" Old Shazam said about the chorus at this time, still feeling embarrassed. "I talked to them, and they were just as embarrassed as me."

"who are they?"

"The spiritual wizard, the spiritual wizard who is not a human race on earth."

Harley, the human race's spiritual wizard, has seen most of them.

"What does your embarrassment have to do with me?" Harley said calmly.

Old Shazam was speechless. If she wasn't embarrassed, then only they would be embarrassed.

"We all admire you very much for your ability to accurately guess the true identity of the Time Demon and your ability to devise ingenious schemes. However, there is no need to sing in chorus."

Harley sneered, "You should be grateful that my time is limited and I can't rehearse in advance, otherwise it wouldn't be a chorus, but a Disney musical."

The old wizard was stunned, "Even if you are a witch, is this too crazy and too different?"

"Have you ever talked to a ghost?" Harley asked.

"Talk to the undead? Of course."

Harry sighed: "When the ghost talks, it's like the wind blowing through the alley, like it's whimpering, and when it speaks seriously, it's also gloomy. It won't shock people, but only discomfort and fear.

One ghost has become gloomy, and a group of ghosts say that the scariest scene in the movie is when a group of ghosts appear at the same time and talk at the same time. "

Old Shazam was thoughtful. He had never seen the movie, but he could imagine the hell-like scene.

"I don't want an atmosphere of fear. I don't want to scare the time demon. There are two things I want. First, let the time demon understand that his real hometown people are in hell, and this cannot be changed.

Second, use your emotions to empathize with him.

In other words, the ghost expresses his sad emotions and makes the time demon feel them.

Opera and singing are very suitable for describing grief. "

"I see." Old Shazam was no longer embarrassed, and looked at her with more respect.

"Sigh, if I had known that this zero-hour crisis was safe and that there was still a chance to participate in the restart of the time mother river, I would have let Thunder Shazam appear on the stage.

After delaying this time, I don't want to delay the next time. I can feel that magic's final day of judgment is coming. "

"Now, Thunder Shazam must be born." The old wizard gritted his teeth.

Harley thought thoughtfully, "Is the birth of Thunder Shazam related to the final judgment?"

The old wizard said meaningfully: "All miraculous powers have a price, and becoming Thunder Shazam certainly has a price."

"What price?"

"One of the prices is to bear the magic debt for the owner of the divine power."

"Isn't it too dark? The more powerful the wizard, the higher the price of magic power. Shazam has more than one god. There are six gods in Shazam (actually seven, including the old wizard). Shazam has to bear all the costs.

Just like this, it’s ‘one of the prices’, and then there will be two or three of the prices? "

Harley was a little scared, as she had originally applied for Thunder Shazam.

Old Shazam said seriously: "I am the leader of the White Magicians and the president of the Wizards Council. I am equivalent to the Rip Man in the magic world. How can I be black? You should look at the divine power loan contract of the real dark devil."

"Even you can be the leader of the White Way, so if I borrow the power of others, I have three requirements - be extremely talented, act chivalrous and righteous in my way, and don't be a slacker - who am I, the 'witch', the light of justice?" , the holy girl of gods?" Harry sneered.

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