I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1063 The End and a New Beginning

"Don't be anxious."

——There are many people here, don’t reveal your identity.

Harley first sent a mental message to comfort Barry, and then spent about ten minutes to send away a group of aliens and American soldiers who came to say thank you and take photos, before taking him to a deserted place and asked: "Iris Is it simply that the skin has darkened, or has it changed from white Iris to black Iris?”

"The white Iris who I married disappeared, and the black Iris who I grew up with came back." Barry said.

"Well, you must have made a wish during the time restart to 'bring back Iris, who disappeared in Crisis on Infinite Earths,' right?" Harley thought thoughtfully.

"Yeah, what's the problem with this? You said, the modified reality can be repaired. Joe (his father-in-law, Iris' father) and I both remember her and miss her all the time." Barry said.

"Yes, I said that the modified reality can be repaired, but the problem is that the plot of the novel cannot have bugs. Black Iris and White Iris are two sides of the same person. They obviously cannot appear in the same world at the same time."

"I swear, White Iris and Black Iris are two different people, different in appearance, habits, personality, so there are no bugs. They should exist at the same time." Barry said excitedly.

"Whether they are the same person or not cannot be decided by you, a 'blind man'. Have you ever heard of the story of the blind man touching the elephant?

The blind people said the elephant was completely different. Those who touched the legs said the elephant was like a pillar, while those who touched the belly said it was as thick as a city wall.

The difference between city walls and pillars is like the black and white Iris in your eyes, but they are all part of the elephant, and they are all aspects of Iris. "

Barry was stunned and murmured: "What should I do now? Iris Bai is still pregnant with my child."

Harley looked troubled, "There is no other way, the river of time has been restarted. Neither Hal nor I have any power of time left in our body.

In addition, the mother river of time reappeared, and I could no longer enter the river.

Not only that, starting from today, in order to protect everyone’s lives from being disturbed, I will turn on the timeline guardian mode again to prevent all ghosts and snake gods from interfering in our real world from the river of time. "

"You mean, Iris Bai has completely disappeared?"

Barry's complexion was pale, his lips were trembling, and tears burst out from his eyes.

"Oh, finally you still have Black Iris. By the way, according to the principle of 'equivalent replacement', she should be pregnant at this time, right?"

Barry nodded slightly, "Indeed, Black Iris is also pregnant."

Harley laughed and comforted him: "I don't say whether it's a loss or not, they are all your lovers, and you can't use profits and losses to measure gains and losses.

As long as you understand that Black Iris is the other side of White Iris, and the baby in her belly is the other side of the 'white baby', shouldn't you be more calm and comfortable? "

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Barry cried, "But the baby in Iris's belly is not mine! Although she is with me now, she was Eddie's ex-wife a month ago."


The corner of Harley's mouth twitched, and she looked at Barry with more sympathy.

"Hey, why bother? You are already married to Iris Bai, the child is about to be born, and your life is happy. Why are you still not satisfied?"

"You said you could fix reality." Barry cried.

Harley said with a straight face: "I only said that you are allowed to correct reality, but I did not say that there is no price for correcting reality. I even emphasized that all miracles have a price.

I'm warning you again, don't get stuck with bugs, and the new timeline must be logically smooth.

Do you know what loopholes in the rules are called in the magic world?

It’s called the ‘Singularity Curse’.

If you find a singularity spell, a fool can be promoted to a divine wizard without any obstacles, so think about the cost of creating bugs. "

"It's all my fault, but what should I do?" Barry said painfully.

"Anyway, you still love Black Iris. When you were replaced by White Iris, you were absolutely unhappy. Now you have got your wish. The thick-lipped, dark-skinned Iris is back. Just make do with it."

"How can I make do with it? My wife is about to give birth and suddenly disappears. How can I pretend that nothing happened?!" Barry was very emotional.

"They say it's just make-or-break, but if it's perfect, it's still called 'make-do'? Besides, it's useless for you to yell at me. I can't help you, and no one can help you."

After sending Barry away, Harley still couldn't find peace. Heroes who returned home kept calling. Some expressed their gratitude excitedly, while others shouted excitedly, "Why is my XXX missing?" or, "My XXX" How has it changed?"

She turned off her phone, and they called her home and even flew directly to Quinn Manor in the middle of the night.

Harley has no choice but to send a message to everyone through the watchdog: "Don't look for me! This time I am just leading the restart of time. The one who truly controls your timeline is you."

However, she still did not find complete peace.

"Harry, I came to say goodbye to you."

Hal Jordan came over before dawn.

Harry sighed: "It's good to go out and relax."

Hal was startled and said strangely: "I thought you would persuade me to stay."

"Are you going to embarrass everyone by staying?"

Hal's eyes were averted, a little embarrassed, but also inexplicably much more relaxed.

"You're right, I can't face everyone, I can't face Arthur, I can't face the Karate Kid, I can't face the remnants of the Green Lanterns who were taken in by you.

I couldn't face the people who once trusted me, loved me, and admired me.

No matter what I do now, it can't change the mistakes I made. "

"I killed too many innocent people," Hal said with a painful expression.

"You have indeed killed many people. Your sins are serious, but I will not comfort you. You are an adult, and you have also been a time demon that destroyed the universe. You are a BOSS-level existence. You have enough psychological quality to bear all this."

Hal smiled bitterly and said: "I would rather you comfort me with a few false words."

"I won't comfort you, but I will help you, help you be accepted by everyone again, return to Earth, return to the True Alliance, and resume your ordinary but meaningful Green Lantern life before," Harley said.

She didn't care about the time demon's sins.

The Time Demon destroyed the Green Lantern Corps, and she felt great.

She still felt happy when the Time Demon killed the creatures in the River of Time, such as Time Trappers and Time Guardians, and she wanted to do that too.

The time demon destroyed the river of time, and countless future worlds were destroyed. To be honest, Harley didn't think those worlds were real. They were like data existing on the river of time. They were destroyed today and restored tomorrow. If we go to the 58th century, there is no way we can see them again. To that consul.

As long as no innocent people died in the real physical universe, she could forgive Hal.

Of course, she only represents herself and will not forcefully clear Hal's name and say that he is innocent and not guilty.

A light flashed quickly in Hal's eyes, and then he shook his head and said: "Thank you for your kindness, but you can't help me. It's hard to recover from the overflow, and some things cannot be erased after they happen."

Harley smiled confidently: "Before today, who would have thought that I would 'defeat' the Time Demon and end the Zero Hour Crisis with just a few words from me?"

Hal smiled bitterly again, "You really make me uncomfortable. A few hours ago, I was what you called a 'time demon'."

It was true that he felt uncomfortable. His cheeks were flushed, his back was sweating, and his expression was embarrassing. However, he was also more relaxed, his attitude was more natural, and he vaguely regained some of his previous feelings.

After laughing at himself, he couldn't help but asked curiously: "How can you help me?"

"You're lucky to have met me." Harley said.

"Well, thank you for being willing to treat me the same as before." Hal nodded.

"It's not because you should thank me for this, it's because I stopped you and didn't let you continue Zero Hour to the end.

If you destroy the 21st century, not counting aliens, billions of people on the earth will be almost dead, and not many people will survive.

That's when you really hit the dead end. Now you haven't caused any real harm to the earth, you can still turn around, and you can be forgiven by the people on earth in the 21st century.

The American people have always been particularly tolerant of prodigal sons who turn around and reform. For example, Robert Downey Jr. became a bad person because of Du Ping, and now he has become the famous "Iron Man".

For example, Justin Bieber.

For example, Dr. Neuro and Plastic Man were super criminals before. "

"Can I be like them?" Hal was very unconfident. He is a multiverse-level world-destroying demon. Can people like Robert Downey Jr. and Justin Bieber compare?

"There is no difference in essence, it's just that the operation is more troublesome. With the current situation of the earth, it is not too troublesome." Harley said confidently: "Look at the earth in the past few years, Doomsday, Mongo, Time Demon, major crises... Game after game.

I estimate that it won't be long before another major crisis comes. At that time, mankind around the world will face a life-and-death crisis. I, the galactic general, will be powerless and the Justice League will not be able to count on it. A certain unparalleled hero will descend from the sky and save all people from the fire and water.

At that time, public opinion will say - we are not perfect, we all make mistakes, this is what humans are, and if we were perfect, we would not need God's redemption. "

Hal almost understood what she meant: when the earth faces another crisis and she and Zheng Lian are no longer effective, he will come out to save the world and be forgiven.

"What can I do about a crisis that even you and the Justice League can't solve?" he asked doubtfully.

Harley blinked at him, "Am I helping you? With Admiral of the Galaxy as a mole, even the Riddler in Gotham City can become the ultimate boss threatening the multiverse."

The corner of Hal's mouth twitched, "It doesn't have to be like this."

He still hopes that the earth will really need him one day.

But after glancing at Harley, he began to doubt again: With her here, would there come a day when the earth would have to be saved by him?

——Maybe Harley can do this, but it shouldn’t be so embarrassing to say it so bluntly.

"What, Hal is gone? Where has he gone? When did he leave? Why didn't he tell us?"

The next day, as soon as he heard the news of Hal's departure from Harley, Dachao asked a series of questions excitedly.

"You can't even understand this little thing about human nature, right? He did something like that, so isn't it normal to avoid everyone for a while?"

"I can understand his discomfort, but he should make it clear to us in person and not leave without saying goodbye." Dachao complained.

"He just talked to me in person, openly and honestly," said Harley.

"Why you, not me, not us?" Dachao's tone was slightly sour.

Harley said: "Because I am a 'villain' who doesn't care about killing people, and all of you are noble and perfect.

Facing you is like looking directly at the noon sun, too dazzling and uncomfortable.

Facing me, he felt relaxed and at ease as if he were in the evening when the sun is covered by clouds. "

"Are you mocking us? Just after the crisis ended, you came again?" Da Chao frowned.

"With such delicate and sensitive nerves, no wonder Hal doesn't want to come see you." Harley sneered.

Dachao shut his mouth and didn't dare to provoke her again.

"With Hal Jordan gone, how should we explain this 'zero hour crisis' to the public?" Bateman asked hesitantly.

Harley glanced at him, "Besides telling the truth, what else do you think about?"

"You said last night that he could come back and continue to be a superhero," Bateman said thoughtfully: "If the people don't agree that he should come back, if they fear him instead of accepting him, will he be confused?"

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