I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 110 The dark world does not allow light to exist

"With the video tape in hand, will she be crowned the Emperor of Gotham and do whatever she wants?" Gordon said angrily.

"Of course not, but we can't specifically target her. The case at St. John's Abbey and Gotham Cathedral is over, she's the victim and she's the hero.

If we deliberately stir up trouble and use means against her, then she can use means against us.

This is a tacit understanding, and under this tacit understanding, Gotham, which has been in turmoil for several months, has once again returned to calm.

Don’t you understand such a simple truth? "Superintendent Black Girl said excitedly.

Gordon's face looked better and he said confidently: "Superintendent Aisen, don't worry, I won't target her specifically.

My arrest has nothing to do with the case at the convent and the cathedral.

Well, I will launch an investigation into her based on the Bali Street police massacre case. "

"Why bother? None of the police officers killed that day was your friend." Superintendent Eisen sighed.

“I am a police officer, and it is my responsibility as a police officer to defend the dignity of the law and uphold fairness and justice for the people.

Don't say they are my colleagues, even if they are my enemies, as long as they are victims, I will help them seek justice. "Gordon said firmly.

Superintendent Eisen smiled bitterly and said: "I'm afraid the difficulties you encounter will not be less than when you helped her fight against the Crusaders."

"I'm not afraid." Gordon said.

"You should be afraid. You have a girlfriend. I heard you are getting married soon, right?"

Gordon nodded and said with a complicated expression: "I understand what you mean, but..."

After hesitating for a moment, he smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, I got the news half a month ago that Harley Quinn often appears in Dr. Strange's private clinic.

I hesitated before, not because of Barbara, but because of her."

"Why did the GCPD surround her residence that day?" he asked in a low voice.

The police inspector didn't know his intention, but he still said: "Chief Luo obtained her exact location and daily habits from the Crusaders."

Gordon said bitterly: "Where did the Crusaders get this information?"

"It's me!" Without waiting for the police inspector to answer, he pointed at himself with a painful expression.

"Earlier, Harvey and I were investigating the disappearance of Chief Reeves and accidentally ran into Harley disguised as a nun.

Harvey and I never considered selling her for money.

In fact, we are working hard to restore her innocence.

Later, I went to Jersey City to look for orphans who had left the convent, hoping to get testimonies from them about the evil deeds committed by the convent.

It went well and I almost had a hit.

Harvey and I were then surrounded by Crusaders.

We did not give in, and exchanged fire with the Crusaders, wounding and killing five of them. I was shot once in the arm, and Harvey and I were eventually captured.

Just when the monk was about to end my life once and for all, Harvey"

He couldn't speak anymore.

The superintendent already understood that Harvey had exchanged information about Harley Quinn for his and Gordon's lives.

"It's not your fault, you've done your best." She said softly.

"It's not enough!" Gordon pulled his hair in pain, "I tried hard, I tried my best, I risked my life, but it's still not enough.

I promised Hallie that I would help her get justice.

Promises were made several times but never fulfilled. "

"The Crusaders are too powerful, you. You are not an omnipotent cross-dressing hero." The police inspector sighed.

Gordon is upright, honest, hates evil, is perseverant, uncompromising to evil forces, and has the perfect character to become a police officer, but his ability

The superintendent was stunned. It seemed that Gordon, a former elite special forces soldier, was already the strongest detective in the history of the Gotham Police Department?

"Maybe you just need a suit of the same style as Harley Quinn." She blurted out.

"What?" Gordon felt confused.

The police inspector blushed with embarrassment, "It's nothing."

"It's all my fault." Gordon returned to his emotions again, his face full of self-blame.

"If I could solve the Crusaders, there would be no subsequent Bali Street War, and Harley would not be completely disappointed with the GCPD and the law."

"Since you have such an idea, why did you arrest her?" the police inspector asked puzzledly.

"No, one code is the same and cannot be confused." Gordon shook his head and said: "I'm sorry for Harley, but it doesn't mean that she committed no crime by massacring GCPD.

I am not qualified to give up the trial of Harley because of my own guilt.

Law and justice are above all else, including my life, my conscience and my private emotions. "

"Your words and this realization make me embarrassed to face you." Superintendent Black Girl said in shame.

There was no pride on Gordon's face, but more pain: "I should have realized it earlier, but I hesitated for half a month.

Until the evening of the day before yesterday, when I was passing by Bauhinia Road, I saw Aiya leaving the Difeni high-end apartment complex with a heavy belly and a heavy salute. "

"Who is Aiya?" the police inspector asked doubtfully.

"Deputy Inspector Flamenco's new wife. We attended their wedding banquet half a year ago."

"Oh, it's her." The superintendent recalled that on the wedding day, the Maine girl smiled as brightly as a hawthorn flower.

Gordon lowered his head, his voice lifeless, "Aiya is already seven months pregnant, but now she has not only lost her husband, but her house has also been taken away by the bank because she cannot afford the monthly payment.

She greeted me and said she planned to take her children back home to Maine.

She also asked when the witch Harley who killed her husband would stand trial.

The reason why she stayed in Gotham for a few more months was to wait for the court to judge the witch, at which time she would appear in person in the audience. "

"Looking at her pale and swollen face, her expectant and bloodshot blue eyes, I almost ran away.

I didn't run away. My whole body was numb and my legs were disobedient, as heavy as lead.

Then, I heard myself saying to her - the witch will soon be held accountable for her crimes, I promise!

She smiled reassuringly and said she would rent a cheaper house."

He covered his face with his hands, tears moistening the corners of his eyes.

Inspector Eisen stared at him blankly for a while, then suddenly asked: "You once promised to help Harley Quinn find the murderer of her father, right?"

Gordon was stunned, then nodded slightly and sighed: "I broke my promise again, but I didn't give up on the case either. One day, I will give Andy Quinn justice."

"No need, Harley Quinn has already avenged her father." Superintendent Eisen shook his head. (ps: Chapter 81, come up with the names of those unlucky guys)

"I, I don't quite understand, which detective did she kill recently? How do you know who the murderer of Andy is?"

Gordon's heart skipped a beat and his voice trembled.

"Yes, it was Flamingo! I knew very early on that it was him who killed Andy, because after strangling Andy, he came to my office in person and openly asked for the prison surveillance video."

Even though he had had a premonition before, Gordon was still shocked when he heard the truth with his own ears.

The black girl police inspector said bitterly: "You know, there are always monitors in the corridor outside the prison.

Even if a mouse passes by Andy's cell door, the surveillance will clearly record it.

Flamenco took Tim and Duncan to Andy's cell.

Therefore, he had to replace the surveillance video from that night with the video from the previous night. "

"Why, why did you help him, why didn't you expose him? Did you also receive black money?" Gordon twisted his face and asked loudly.

"I won't take a penny, I swear." The black police inspector sighed sadly, "I also have a dream and want to be a good policeman, but only after I came to Gotham did I realize what a luxury a 'good policeman' is.

I can only try my best not to be too bad and survive peacefully.

There's a big shot behind Flamenco, I know, but I don't dare ask.

If I ask, I will be dragged into the water and join their group. "

After a pause, she continued: "It was precisely because he knew that he was the murderer of Witch Harley's father that on the day of the Bali Street shootout, Flamenco was so impatient and charged so bravely. He was eager to eliminate the root cause."

Gordon closed his eyes for a long time and asked, "Does Harley know?"

"Of course, she has many big bosses under her control, how could she not think of forcing Chief Luo to hand over her father's murderer?

But Rob and I really didn't know the identity of the person behind Flamenco, which made her very unhappy.

But she was also smart and believed us immediately. Because if we knew who the big shot was, we would have been silenced by the big shot long ago. "Superintendent Aisen said with a wry smile.

With a sigh of relief, Gordon's expression became firm again: "Even if Flamengo deserves to die, his wife and children should get the justice that belongs to them."

"You can only fight alone. No one in the police station will help you." The police inspector said.

Gordon smiled miserably, "When will I stop fighting alone?"

The police superintendent was a little embarrassed, turned around and asked, "What are you going to do? Without evidence, Harley Quinn can only be detained for 48 hours."

"48 hours is more than enough!" Gordon had already planned and seemed confident at this time.

“To confirm her crime, it is very simple, just prove that the girl wearing the mask on the day of the Bali Street shooting was her.

She can deny her identity, but there are many witnesses in the building where she lives! "

"Are they willing to testify?" Superintendent Eisen asked doubtfully.

"They were unwilling before because they were afraid of the witch's revenge, but now that I have taken down Harley, I have created an impression for them - I have defeated the witch and she is not invincible."

Gordon's lips curved into a proud smile, "Find residents with criminal records and threaten them with prosecution, supplemented by coercion with fists and shackles, and the inducement of money and fame, they will obey."

The police inspector's eyes lit up and he praised: "Gordon, your plan is very feasible."

Then, she frowned and said: "Even if it is proven that she is her, she can still argue that she was acting in self-defense. After all, the gcpd did not have a wanted order at the time, but they took the lead in besieging her."

"The trial is the responsibility of the judge, and my task is only to arrest the criminal." Gordon said.

"Okay, I support you. I will help you block the big shots' calls, and you can convince a group of witnesses as soon as possible." The police inspector smiled.

"Thank you." Gordon said sincerely.

"I also want to be a good policeman." Eisen said sincerely.

"Bang bang bang!" Suddenly, a series of gunshots appeared in the lobby outside the office.

"Gordon, Jim Gordon, get out of here!" a man shouted.

"Oops, it's Victor Sass! He came to the police station this time, must be about the Penguin. Gordon, you should have surrendered honestly last time. I really can't help you this time. ." The black girl police inspector's face turned pale.


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