I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1048 Mysterious Place

The "Vanishing Point", the lair of the Linear Man, is built "outside" of the end of time.

That is to say, it is at the end of the river of time, but it leaves the river of time and goes to the "shore".

Before the time demon caused the "zero hour" crisis, the vanishing point was on the "bank" at the end of the river of time, because the end of time is the domain of the time trapper.

The river of time has an end and a beginning.

During Crisis on Infinite Earths, Harley and the Justice League also went on an expedition to the origin of time.

There is a difference between the place of origin of time and the 'beginning of time', especially in the Zero Hour Crisis, where the starting point of time has been shortened from the place of origin of time to 49,000 BC.

Many creatures in the river of time are huddled at the starting point of time, because the starting point of time is the farthest from the end of time, and the turmoil originates from the end of time.

They all chose to avoid disaster at the beginning of time.

Even if Zero Hour comes, we will not go to the 21st century, because when Zero Hour comes, the 21st Century will inevitably become the main battlefield.

There is an area "beyond the torrent of time" in the end, and there is also the beginning of time.

Even if Neptune is like a bullet, passing directly through the starting point of time, those time travelers dare not chase him directly and leave the river of time from the starting point of time.

Because there is also a crack of entropy at the beginning of time!

A river of time, with two cracks of entropy at the front and back, approaching the middle.

When Neptune shattered the rift of entropy near the 58th century, it not only alarmed the time demon who was "fishing (searching for time trappers)" at the end of time, but the entire river of time was shaken.

Cosmic vibrations in various time periods of the river of time.

The multiverse shakes.

Therefore, after Neptune killed Cun Mo, almost everyone knew about it.

Those who were ambitious about the linear power in Cunmo's body gathered at the starting point of time, ready to get a share of the pie.

Now that the Time Trappers are on the verge of extinction and the Linear Man has become extinct, the Time Lord Council has become one of the most powerful forces in the River of Time and takes the lead in taking action.

They did not attack the rift of entropy at the starting point of time, but first left the river of time, detoured to the "shore", crossed the rift of entropy from the shore, and then entered the "disappearing river" - after the river of time was swallowed by the rift of entropy, Leave a blank space of time.

"Omaika, the environment here is so vicious. There is no time or space. It is neither the river of time nor the torrent of time. Where is this place?"

A group of time travelers were dumbfounded as soon as they stepped into the "lost river".

If the material universe has four dimensions, xyzt, and the river of time is the "time coordinate axis" t, then entering the river of time is like falling on the t coordinate axis.

The three-dimensional space coordinate system consists of three coordinate axes: xyz. A certain point falls on one of the coordinate axes. For example, if it falls on the x-axis, it means y=0 and z=0.

Falling on the river of time, xyz is equal to 0, there is no space, only the value of t.

Then when entering the "disappearing river" after being swallowed, even t will have no value, and xyzt will all lose meaning, which means there is no time and no space here.

“This is the ‘point of non-existence’, it should not exist and never has existed, but now it does.”

The blue-hooded time planeswalker looked solemn, looking around "left and right" while looking for the aura of "existence". Soon, joy appeared in his eyes, and he shouted: "I found it, the auras of the Sea King and the Council of Time Lords are here. It’s so obvious.”

Following his guidance, the time travelers also discovered that the two abnormal auras themselves were not abnormal, but traces of "existence" appeared at the "point of non-existence", just like an oasis appearing in the desert, like the forehead of a bald middle-aged man. A thick black braid grew out, which was very conspicuous and very unusual.

With the guidance of breath, everyone is no longer confused.

The environment at the "point of non-existence" is really harsh. There is no time and space. Naturally, there is no air, water and other life-sustaining substances. There is no concept of time. It is a double torture for the body and mind.

When the energy consumption in the body was close to half, some travelers were discouraged, "If I can't find Neptune, if I can't get the linear power, I won't be able to go back."

As a result, there were the first batch of people who had no choice but to quit.

The remaining people were also worried, "Where did Neptune go? Could he have been knocked away to the 'point of non-existence' billions of years later? That would be too far."

"How far? There is no distance at all in the 'point of non-existence'. We are always in a 'point', which is equivalent to the zero dimension. As long as we 'fly' along the breath, we will see Neptune sooner or later." Someone said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the lizard-tailed demon shouted excitedly: "Look, the spaceship of the Council of Time Lords!"

At the point of non-existence, even space does not exist, so it is naturally impossible to "see" with the eyes.

However, those who can come here are all extraordinary people. The characteristics of time travelers' "life in the river of time" give them unique means of information interaction.

"Hey, why is there a canyon there?!"

After getting closer, they not only found that the spacecraft of the Council of Time Lords had stopped, but also "saw" a sunny canyon suspended in the distance with the sound of birds singing and flowers fragrant.

"Is this an illusion? How can there be matter and space if there is no point of existence? There is even sunshine, mountains, flowers, grass, and birds there, and it is a small plane. This is neither scientific nor magical."

All the time travelers are shocked and confused.

At the same time, they also understood why the Time Lords were standing still.

It was so weird that no one dared to touch it.

"Do you want to go take a look?" The motorcycle rider was eager to try. "I seem to have seen Neptune. He hit the ridge and made a huge crater. People were embedded in it. Did he burp?"

"Where is Neptune? That ridge?"

When they hear Neptune, they think of Cunmo, and when they think of Cunmo, some people start to swallow their saliva.

"Here, diagonally above the east beach."

A motorcyclist rides a motorcycle-style time travel machine, and the two rearview mirrors of the motorcycle are actually super-high-power "telescopes."

After his guidance, the time travelers who approached the rearview mirror saw the "remains of Neptune".

Although it's not very clear, his golden scales can be distinguished, as well as his golden trident.

"Hey, Cunmo's body is gone. It's not in his hands anymore." Someone exclaimed.

"Neptune was slapped to death and flew for tens of thousands of years. How do you still expect him to hold on to the body?" Blue Cloak disagreed.

"Cunmo's body probably fell into the canyon, let's go quickly!" the motorcyclist said excitedly.

"Don't worry, the Time Lord Council has not moved, which means they are aware of the danger."

"I discovered a beautiful and windy canyon here. The canyon is not blocked by the wall of the plane and is directly exposed at the 'point of non-existence'. I have never encountered such a strange scene in my thousands of years as a time traveler.

It would be abnormal if the Lord of Time rushed in directly. "

"Whoosh!" As soon as he finished speaking, a meteor rushed directly towards the canyon in the distance.

"Ah, it's the Time and Space Escort. Isn't he afraid of death?" Everyone was shocked.

"We can't let him take the lead. With the power of linearity, there's no need to be afraid no matter how weird it is." Immediately, several more beams of light sped away.

"Fake, I understand!" The blue-cloaked mage's complexion changed drastically, and he said in annoyance as he quickly followed up: "The strongest talent of linear people is to reverse cause and effect.

Normal people experience the cause first and then get the effect, which is what the saying goes, "Sow cause and get effect."

Linear people break this common sense. They can control time to get the effect first, and then the 'cause' is inevitably triggered. "

"What do you mean?" the motorcyclist asked confused.

At this moment, everyone rushed towards the canyon, and even the Time Lords started their spaceships.

"Have you seen the process of Cunmo killing the Waverider?"

"No, I don't dare to get too close."

The lizard-tailed demon's heart moved, and he suddenly said: "After Cunmo took off his hood, he was in the form of the Wave Treader, which meant that he had absorbed the Wave Treader's power. But at that time, the Wave Treader was not dead yet and was still fighting with him.

If Cunmo uses the power of the Waverider obtained in the future to fight against the current Waverider, he will definitely win, because the 'fruit' has been obtained by Cunmo, and now it is just a routine, going through the motions, and making up the cycle of cause and effect. "

"So?" The motorcyclist still didn't understand.

"Idiot, as long as you get the power of silence, no matter what danger there is in the canyon, it will no longer be a danger. Because this trip is just a 'cut-scene', a cycle of cause and effect. Uh, motorcyclist, how about a ride?"

As soon as the blue-cloaked time mage scolded him, he realized with embarrassment that he was too slow among the travelers and was far inferior to the motorcyclists.

"Come up." The motorcyclist didn't refuse.

After getting into someone else's car, the blue-cloaked mage could no longer put on airs, so he lowered his tone and explained carefully: "The Wave Treader was furious and tried his best. Zheng Lian was there to assist him. Cun Mo accepted the challenge casually, but relaxed. Pine wins.

He got the 'effect of possessing the power of the Wave Treader', and the 'cause of defeating and capturing the Wave Treader' will inevitably happen. "

The motorcyclist suddenly realized it, and then asked doubtfully: "Now that we don't have Cunmo's power, does it mean that even if we go down, we won't be able to grab Cunmo's body?"

"According to the logic of normal people, this is correct, but when it comes to linear people, it is completely wrong. Cunmo can reverse cause and effect because he first steals the power of other linear people before he can reverse the cause and effect of the Wave Treader.

In other words, reversing cause and effect does not mean getting something for nothing or paying no price.

The Treader goes to great lengths to hunt down the linear people, which is a sacrifice.

Our current act of snatching Cunmo's body is also a sacrifice. When we get the body and gain linear power, we can reverse cause and effect and become invincible. "

Blue Cloak did not make this statement public, and only told the biker through mental transmission.

Once it's made public, no one will hesitate.

But he wished that everyone was hesitant now and allowed him to seize the opportunity.

"Cunmo can reverse cause and effect, so why was he still killed by Neptune?" the motorcyclist asked strangely.

Lan Cloak said disapprovingly: "How can there be a truly invincible existence in the world?

We used to respect linear people as the most noble royal family in the river of time, and thought that time trappers were emperors.

What now?

One was exterminated, and the other was turned into a dog by the Demon of Time.

Cunmo can kill linear people, and Neptune can kill him.

As for what methods they each used, we may be able to get a glimpse of it after we get the power of linearity. Now - I'll buy it! "

In a few words, the motorcycle had already carried the two of them into the canyon.

Going inside, they saw something they couldn't see on the outside.

For example, there is a huge square character on the rocky ground at the entrance to the canyon.

The square font covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters, and the font is not a flat piece.

The ground is rugged with rock and dirt structures.

The reason why you can still see the glyphs is because the characters are too big and the writing is too dark.

If you stand directly in the middle of the square characters, you may mistakenly think that every stroke of the iron painting and silver hook is a river.

"This word seems to be an ancient Chinese text." The blue-hooded mage floated in the air and racked his brains for a long time, but he didn't recognize what the words below were.

The motorcyclist looked around and saw that many people had rushed straight into the depths of the canyon. Only a few people stopped in front of the square characters. He couldn't help but said anxiously: "It doesn't matter what the characters are. It's better to hurry up and find Cunmo's body."

The blue-hooded mage also raised his head and looked around. At this moment, most of the Time Lord's fleet had also entered, and there were also seven or eight hundred-meter-high gods and demons, all with greedy expressions on their faces, revealing their true identities.

"Is there a miniature super brain on your motorcycle? Scan this word and see what it means. I feel a little uneasy for no reason." He frowned.

Although the motorcyclist was anxious, he still used the "headlight" of the motorcycle to shine down. Then he stared at the "instrument panel" in front of him and waited for the result.

"Well, this character has never been recorded in the history of the Celestial Dynasty. However, Superintelligence has found several characters that are similar to the ancient seal scripts of the Pre-Qin Dynasty."

"What word?" the mage asked quickly.

"One of them is a tomb."

"Isn't this a small plane, but a tomb?" The mage was shocked, and then looked up at the mountains in the canyon, "That's not a mountain, but a tombstone?"

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