
Now Neptune understood that the other party's aggressive campaign to kill him was not because they were filled with grief and anger and regarded him as a target to vent their hatred.

They were there for Cunmo's body.

Give them the living Cunmo, do they dare to ask for it?

Therefore, it could only be that the body had some great value that he didn't know about.

"Why do you want to keep Mo's body?"

As he swam faster, he couldn't help but ask.

The old woman was silent for a moment and said bitterly: "We need to comfort the souls of the deceased. It's either him or you. It's a good choice, isn't it?"

"Who are you?" Neptune asked again.

"You can call me Mrs. Addis."

"Are you a superhero or a super criminal, what is your name? Or, are you a government official, what is your position?" Aquaman continued to ask.

"Why are you asking this?" The old woman was confused by him.

——To touch your old bottom, of course!

After the Master of Deceiver incident, Neptune deeply realized the unreliability of his name.

The name was given by his parents and has no meaning to anyone else except to represent himself.

The name is different.

"Only by knowing who you are can we judge the weight of your words." Poseidon said.

"I am the Speaker of the New Earth Federation." The old woman still hesitated in her words.

"Speaker." Neptune immediately labeled her as "absolutely untrustworthy."

"I'm sorry, I refuse. I won't choose any of the choices you gave me. I cherish my life, I don't feel sorry for you, and I won't hand over Cunmo's body to you," he said directly.

"There's only one corpse, why doesn't it satisfy our last and most humble desire for revenge?" the old woman said sadly.

"Haha, Mr. Speaker, you should say this with a mustache. Although I can tell that he used the technique of mental charm, it does sound more 'sincere' than your words.

Well, your words are too hollow and your emotions are too fake, which makes me very embarrassed, hahaha."

On the bridge, the master of fraud touched his mustache and glanced at the old woman with a strange look.

The old woman's face turned red and she said angrily: "All of them, attack."

"We haven't reached the best position yet," the captain reminded.

"I let you attack!" the old woman twisted her face and roared: "That bastard is humiliating me, humiliating the noble patriarch of the Addis family, humiliating the Speaker of the Federal Parliament, I want him dead!"

"Yes!" The captain said helplessly.

Soon Neptune found that there were reactions from life force connections in all directions and from every angle.

This means they have surrounded themselves and an attack is imminent.

He swallowed and continued to swing his legs rapidly like a fish's tail without slowing down. However, he retracted the trident and laid it across his chest, feeling a little nervous.

"Whoosh -" After half a breath, a faint blue beam of light fell on his back, knocking him staggering.

It was just a sudden shock wave that affected the body's balance.

Neptune blinked, confused, "Poseidon's divine power can even block attacks?"

Soon, successive attacks confirmed his suspicion.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish!"

A bunch of attacks fell on the body from all angles, and the flame-like "body protection energy" on the surface of the body also rippled.

As the attack frequency and power surged, the "Poseidon Divine Power" in the body began to boil.

It couldn't be said that he was completely immune to damage. He felt that his naked skin outside the "Poseidon Scales" was bleeding.

But it was only a broken skin and bleeding, not a fatal injury.

"You bastards, do you know what you are doing?" Neptune shouted angrily as he danced his trident into a huge "vacuum ball", blocking most of the attacks.

"Leave Cunmo's body behind and we'll let you go." The old woman said coldly.

Neptune didn't waste any time asking her the purpose of keeping the corpse.

He laughed angrily, "Do you think I'm begging you for mercy? I can't bear it anymore?

Fake, I'm just not used to the river of time. I can't control the strength. I'm afraid of destroying your time and space ship. "

If it were in the physical universe, well, he couldn't fly, and spaceships in outer space couldn't catch up.

But if he were in the sea, he would fight directly right now.

You can destroy the engine, cut open the belly of the battleship, or capture the bridge.

But in the river of time, the engine was destroyed, 80% of the battleship exploded, and everyone on the ship died.

"I know what you are worried about. You are a Zhenglian hero. You don't dare to fight back."

The old woman and the old god were there, speaking out about her "advantages" without any shame.

Neptune was silent for a moment, and charged again, shrinking the trident's defense range and only blocking his head.

"Speaker, our 'time torpedo' has no effect on him." The captain said helplessly.

"I saw it." The old woman said with an ugly expression.

"Moreover, we cannot maintain this intensity of attack output for a long time. Time travel consumes a lot of energy. With so many people on board, the greater the mass, the greater the energy consumption." The captain reminded.

"How long can I hold on?"

"With this intensity, it can take up to half a minute. If you waste one more point of energy, you will not be able to reach the 52nd century, which is the closest to the 58th century." The captain said.

The master of fraud sighed: "We will not be safe until at least the 31st century. The time and space in the 52nd century are very unstable. Let Neptune leave."

The old woman's expression changed, and she suddenly ordered: "Stop the attack, Master of Fraud, leave the mothership and bring a space-time helmet to Arthur Curry."

The space-time helmet is similar to an astronaut helmet, and is used to temporarily protect space-time astronauts in the river of time.

However, in addition to protection, the helmet also comes with a communication system.

"What to do?" the fraud master asked in confusion.

"Just do what I ask you to do."

The deceiver wanted to give her the middle finger, pat her butt, and leave in style.

His helmet also allows him to travel through time.

However, Neptune can withstand thousands of time torpedoes without dying, but he cannot withstand the aftermath of even one torpedo.

Upon hearing the Master of Deception's request for a meeting, Aquaman was tempted to say no.

He didn't want to deal with this group of people anymore.

But his 'swimming' speed is not as fast as a spaceship, so he can't refuse.

"Hey, Arthur, you're so awesome!" The fraud master stood in front of him and gave a thumbs up.

"Believe it or not, I'll stab you to death with a halberd?" Arthur said coldly, holding the trident.

The master of deception handed over the helmet with a wry smile and said: "Although we have been super villains, we have never thought of causing trouble in the matter of the survival of the world. Everything we did today was out of our control."

Neptune stood still, on full alert.

"The Speaker just wants to talk to you privately. There are no traps on the helmet, I swear." The deception master said.

"I have nothing to say to her." Neptune said calmly.

The master of fraud hesitated for a moment, took a few steps closer to him, and said through the message: "The Speaker said that if you refuse, she will order the spacecraft to hit you. Either you will die, or the spacecraft will die. There are dozens of refugees on each space-time spaceship."

"Asshole, how could such a poisonous woman be elected as the speaker?!" Neptune was so angry that his hair and hair were all flabbergasted.

"The Master of Fraud sighed: "In the 58th century, members of parliament were all hereditary and controlled by hundreds of big families from the old earth. Only the consuls were elected by the people. "

Neptune had no choice but to take the helmet.

It is said to be a helmet, but it is actually a pair of sunglasses. When worn on the bridge of the nose, a transparent film immediately opens up and down to protect the head.

The communication technology in the 58th century is very powerful. When the meeting scene is started, Neptune seems to have come to the bridge and stands in front of the old woman. He can even count the bloodshot eyes in the corners of her eyes.

The old woman had no expression on her face and said straightforwardly: "Give me Cun Mo's body. I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life. The survivors of the 58th century will also be grateful to you and will never forget you.

You can refuse, but the energy of the time ship is limited, and the torpedoes cannot be fired infinitely. I can only use the spacecraft as a weapon to hit you and cause a fatal explosion. "

"You——" Neptune's blood pressure soared, and he almost suffered a cerebral congestion on the spot.

"What do you want to do with the body?"

"You don't need to know." The old woman said indifferently.

Without saying a word, Neptune took off his glasses, crushed them, and continued flying forward.

On the bridge, the old woman was stunned for a moment, then her expression twisted and she shouted hysterically: "Kill him."

"Sorry, Speaker, I don't want to die. I still have my daughter on board."

The captain quietly put his hand to the holster on his waist.

The old woman cursed: "Idiot, I am also on the boat. Who asked you to use this boat to hit me?"

The captain was startled and said: "We are not warships, we are private spaceships of major families, and the flagship cannot control them."

It is even more impossible for them to launch a self-defense attack.

Without saying a word, the old woman walked to the console, awkwardly brought up a control interface with her hands, entered the password, and then said coldly: "Now, you can control them."

"This -" The captain was shocked. He tried a few operations and successfully entered the control background of other spacecrafts.

"Do you really want to threaten Neptune?" he said in a difficult voice.

There was a cold light in the old woman's gray-brown eyes, "Are you doubting my courage?"

"No, it's not." The captain lowered his head, turned to the console, and asked in a muffled voice: "Which ship to choose?"

"Varian of the Liszt family." The old woman said calmly.

Congressman Liszt, who had been cowering to the side and pretending to be transparent, became anxious and angry.

"No, you can't do that, that's my family, my son and father are on it."

"Liszt, take a long-term view. As long as you live, you will always have a son."

"I'm going to defeat you, your daughter!" Liszt roared angrily, threw himself at the old woman, and cursed: "I know you are deliberately retaliating, because I have always been a confidant of His Excellency the Consul.

If you destroy my family, will you still allow me to have a son? Fake, I'll kill him——"

"Biubiu!" The soldier at the bridge door pulled out his energy gun and fired a round, burning Liszt into a handful of ashes.

From the beginning to the end, the old woman stood there, motionless, with the air of a general whose face remained unchanged despite the collapse of Mount Tai.

"Mother Fake, that old witch is actually playing it real"

Soon Neptune felt the huge pressure from above his head, and a real spaceship came directly towards him.

From birth to now, he has had many dissatisfactions with his life, but he has never complained about not swimming fast enough.

In fact, he had never seen anyone, or fish, swim faster than himself.

But at this moment, he just hated his mother for not giving him a fish tail so that he could swim faster.

"Wow~~~" During the fierce pursuit, the river of time suddenly set off a huge wave. Neptune was thrown away uncontrollably and flew onto the waves.

Time is like pressing the pause button. The raging river and the flying spaceship all stand still.

Only a grand and majestic voice, like the God of Creation, appeared in everyone's ears, and the huge pressure made ordinary people dizzy.

"You killed my people and ruined my plan, and you still want to run away?"

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