The whipping plan may seem simple, but the calculations involved are very complex.

After all, the rift of entropy has never appeared before.

Mustache had an idea as soon as he saw Wally. He came up with such a simple and easy-to-understand plan, and it wasn't because he was super smart.

All this was arranged by the Archon.

Faced with Neptune's questioning, the Archon did not hide anything in despair, "Since the discovery of the Zero Hour Crisis, I have summoned all the top scientists of the New Earth Federation to form a crisis response team to search for information and find solutions.

Since I received the news from Lister, I have been discussing with the crisis response team which one is most useful to us, you, the Flash, the Atom, or the Waverider, and for what purpose.

The whip tip plan was not a flash of inspiration. It was proposed by a master of quantum science not long after the crisis emerged.

It's just that our 'Galaxy Admiral' at that time did not have the ability to implement the plan.

Well, my crisis response team will tailor a solution to the 'Entropy Crack' based on the 'Galaxy Admiral's' talents.

The whipping plan has always been on the shelf, but it is remembered in my heart along with hundreds of other plans.

I remember every solution, even if they don't work for a while.

So, the moment I saw The Flash’s name on the list, I thought of Project Whip Tip.

I'm not a researcher, but I manage them.

I told the plan and 800,000 experts and professors immediately went to work.

Finally, a specific plan was devised to use running to create a time vortex, and the vibration of the vortex formed a shock wave that was transmitted to the rift of entropy.

In the two hours before your arrival, this plan was simulated at least 800 million times on the Federation's 390,000 Galaxy-level master brains.

Originally, we would tell the 'Galaxy Admiral' directly about our plans, but this time it wasn't just the Flash who came over.

You are not here to help us either.

Your main purpose is to inquire about information.

And the leader is you.

Although my staff team thinks that you can’t fly, your talents are mediocre, and you’re not worthy of attention, I believe in Harley Quinn. She must have a reason for letting you be the leader.

Still, you're always a superhero.

The weaknesses of superheroes are so obvious that dealing with them is no more difficult than dealing with daily government affairs.

You pursue glory and uphold justice, and you will not let down the people who trust you.

Even an innocent smile from a child can be the reason for you to embark on a thorny road.

The fear that mortals have when facing death often does not appear in you.

I admire your great spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice for your ideals.

To solve the world crisis, we can only rely on this spirit.

He has god-like power and is not even afraid of death. As long as I provide you with the correct method, what problems can't be solved?

However, we tried our best and reached the limit, but God refused to protect us."

"You're a bastard." Neptune clenched his fist, but in the end he couldn't punch it down.

The Archon looked at him and smiled miserably, "Don't say 'bastard', as long as it can protect my people, my motherland, and my world, I am even willing to be a 'devil'."

"Your Majesty the Consul, don't be discouraged, we still have a chance!" The big man "Tank" with the green algae head said excitedly.

"Opportunity." The Archon looked at the Wave Treader with a disappointed expression. He turned to the Atom, his disappointment doubled. Then he looked at the Sea King next to him. His eyes didn't even stay on Arthur. He just passed by and looked up at the wheel. The "white jade plate" is getting brighter and brighter.

"You go, go to the 31st century, go to the 21st century, go wherever you can. The rift of entropy is approaching the 58th century. In about half an hour, it will sweep across the entire universe."

"Your Excellency, what about you?" Mustache's eyes flickered.

"Me?" The Archon smiled bitterly and slowly glanced at the beautiful city below the observatory. "Of course I want to stay with my own people."

Tank said loudly: "Half an hour is enough for us to fight again, go to the time and space portal, and prepare to welcome the 40th Galaxy Admiral."

"Maybe we can find a certain super person in half an hour, but we must prepare a plan to solve entropy for him." The Archon's eyes suddenly widened, "Hey, someone is coming out of the crack."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this and quickly looked up. Sure enough, there was a black spot in the center of the white jade plate. The black spot quickly enlarged and flew towards the observatory.

"Be careful, he is Cun Mo, the mastermind behind this crisis." The Waverider's expression changed drastically.

"Your Excellency, Archon, something is very wrong. The crack of entropy is accelerating! Within two minutes, it will hit our universe." The scientists guarding the observation window of the 'Time Satellite' exclaimed.

"Two minutes?" A look of fear flashed in Mustache's eyes, and he quickly disappeared from the observatory.

"The Master of Deception has escaped, and his helmet allows him to time travel."

Some people yelled angrily, while some uniformed "heroes" kept silent and quickly fled away.

"Let's go, let's go as far as you can, don't stop them." The consul waved his hand to stop the angry tanks and guards, and said calmly: "They have lived up to their heroes for being able to accompany me till now. The name.

Moreover, they are always our compatriots, and I just regret that I cannot let everyone in the New Earth Federation leave. "

Within a few words, Cunmo had already floated above the observatory.

"The performance just now was very good." He smiled happily.

Neptune held the trident, his eyes were like lightning, "You said 'performance'?"

"Yes, you idiots are entertaining me with your life and the destruction of your last hope. You don't know how happy I laughed when I saw the Flash's idiot charging into the rift of entropy in the Linear Chamber." Mohe laughed.

Pain flashed in the Waverider's eyes, "The Linear Room is the core building of the 'Vanishing Point'. It can observe any time segment in the past, present and future, and can even interfere with reality and distort history.

He occupies the Linear Room and has been observing us just now. He may have secretly done something to Wally. "

The fall of the Linear Room only means one thing: the Linear Group is over and the Linear Human Race is destroyed.

"You took Wally's sacrifice as a show?"

Neptune was already holding back his anger. Before he could vent his anger to the Archon, he was stimulated by Cun Mo and was already extremely angry.

He jumped up and extended his trident forward, like a bullet fired from a sniper rifle. The speed exceeded the speed of sound, creating a white sound barrier in the air.

"Boom!" He said with overwhelming momentum.

Cunmo smiled strangely, and slowly stepped aside, leaving the Sea King as a cannonball that fell far into the street below.

"Boom!" A few seconds later, the muffled sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from far away.

On the observatory, everyone had strange expressions.

Atom was originally ready to attack, but when he saw Neptune's frustrating ending, he paused and decided to outwit him.

"Cunmo, we discovered your identity. You are 'War Eagle' Hank Hall. Your brother Don Hall died in Crisis on Infinite Earths. You want to resurrect him, right?

Let’s not talk about whether the new Don Hall who appears after restarting the universe is your brother.

Even if you can get satisfaction from the 'new Bai Ge', Bai Ge is a real hero who died gloriously to save the world. Are you willing to see you now?

Are you willing to let countless innocent people die tragically and let the world be destroyed because of yourself? "

"Are you done? It's a pity that you guessed wrong. I am Cunmo." Cunmo said calmly with his hands hanging on his waist.

Atom Man affirmed: "You are 'War Eagle', the brother of the great savior hero Don Hall. Don't deny it. When you hear the name 'Don', your body is trembling slightly."

Cunmo remained silent for a moment, raised his right hand, fumbled around his neck for a while, and gently lifted the mask off his face.


Atom lost his temper and yelled, Waverider was shocked and angry, and everyone else on the observatory looked in disbelief.

Under Cunmo's mask is a face with golden metal skin and bright red ionic hair. He is clearly the Treader!

"Are you surprised, are you surprised?" Cunmo looked at the Waverider and laughed strangely.

"This is not true, you are lying!"

The Waverider rose into the sky, and the energy beam shot directly into Cunmo's smiling face.

"Boom!" Cun Mo did not dodge or dodge, but also used the same trick, shooting a beam of energy with exactly the same energy fluctuations from his right hand.

Like the reflection of the Treader.

"Boom!" The two energy beams clashed together and annihilated each other, evenly matched.

"You are not me, what kind of trick is this?"

The Waverider roared angrily, increased its output, and pushed the energy beam in the direction of Cunmo.

Cunmo sneered and also increased the output.

"Boom boom boom!"

The two people were about ten meters apart, and the place where the energy collided was like lighting up a small sun, and the dazzling white light even drowned their figures.

"This is an opportunity!"

Atom Man's heart moved, he shrunk down to the atomic state, and with the help of the quantum channel, he quickly flew towards Cun Mo's sneering mouth.

As long as you enter his body, you can cut off nerves, crush brain cells, or even directly enlarge your body to explode him.


Atom was excited, he had already come to Cunmo's lips.

"Hehehehe" Cunmo was still laughing.

"Whoosh!" Atom yelled as he fell into his lap.

Cunmo's expression changed and he sneered again, "Stupid!"


As soon as this idea came to his mind, Atom Man's expression suddenly changed. He could not see any cells or nerves. There was only rich, pure energy in Cunmo's body.

"Oops, Cunmo is an energy body, ah, those energies"

The energy was like a nuclear radiation source, emitting reddish-brown light. Even if it was contaminated even the slightest bit, the Atom would let out a shrill howl of pain.

"No, I, I, I" he said "I" several times in succession. Each "I" had a different pronunciation. It changed from the rich middle-aged male voice to the powerful shout of a youth, and then to the male duck of a teenager. throat, then the childish voice of a child, and finally ending with a baby's "wow".

His voice changes because his body changes.

From the age of 35 in the prime of life, one is visibly young, a youth, a teenager, a child, and a baby.

The energy in Cunmo's body is of course the power of time.

Under the radiation of the power of time, Atom traveled back in time and disappeared directly.

"What an idiot, how dare you enter my body——"

Cunmo sneered and halfway through speaking, he suddenly felt a little sticky in his throat.

"Mother Falk!" After understanding this, he felt sick in his heart. He jumped up, avoiding the Wave Treader's energy wave, and jumped directly in front of him. He struck out with lightning with both hands and retched in his mouth, "Bah!"

A mouthful of "thick phlegm" was spat at the Treader.

The Waverider subconsciously raised his hand to block.

"Pa!" A lump of milky white mucus landed on the red Flash uniform.

Well, the Wave Treader kept tugging on Wally's uniform.

"Boom!" He raised his hand to block the phlegm. Naturally, he was unable to block the Waverider's lightning attack, and was directly stabbed through the chest.

"Ahhh!" The Wave Treader screamed miserably, struggling hard, and Wally's clothes were thrown off.

"Do you know why I look like this?" Cunmo put his mouth to his ear and smiled proudly: "Because in 10 seconds, I will absorb all your energy and wisdom, idiot!"

He restrained the Wave Treader and took two steps back to avoid Sea King's harpoon blow.

"I won't play with you anymore. In 5 seconds, you will all be dead."

He smiled mockingly downwards, a circle of white light appeared behind him, and he was about to leave.

"Well, I almost forgot. Lord Archon, you have to live a little longer."

Before stepping into the Gate of Time, he paused and threw a transparent time bubble that enveloped the person in front of the stunned Archon.

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