I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1040 Whip Tip Effect

White Wally, the younger brother of The Flash's "White Wife", is only 18 years old this year, but he has now become the most powerful man on earth.

At least in the 21st century, when the Galactic Admiral obtains the president's application and parliamentary authorization, he has supreme power far beyond anyone else, and can mobilize any manpower and materials that the earth has.

Even Harley, the first-generation galactic admiral, became a "five-ring admiral" as an adult.

Wally broke a record that will almost never be surpassed.

"Admiral Galactic, me?"

Wally pointed to his nose with disbelief on his face.

"Well, in the name of the Archon, I officially grant you the honorary title and substantive power of 'Admiral of the Galaxy'. Flash, you are now our Admiral of the Galaxy." The Archon said solemnly.

To say that Wally wasn't excited would be a lie.

The galactic general who is famous, admired by thousands of people, dominates the world, intimidates all heroes, leads super heroes, is powerful in many ways, and scares gods and demons!

After Superman's death, countless powerful people with super powers competed for the name "Superman".

But the Galactic Admiral is undoubtedly more "supreme".

"Superman" is at most a "martial arts leader", and "Admiral of the Galaxy" is equivalent to the "Universe Supreme".

But few people think about it.

Just like ordinary Americans would dream about Sister A and Kendall becoming their wives, there are also many people who call the sexy and brave Wonder Woman "wife", but no one has ever imagined having Harley Quinn as their wife.

Isn't she beautiful, sexy and charming?

Certainly not.

Many hero forum up owners believe that she has an excellent temperament and can occupy the top spot in the ranking of female heroes' appearance.

Just because the gap is too big, even fantasy can't be achieved.

Therefore, even at the age when he was called "Don't bully young people into poverty", Wally knew that he did not have the ability to become a galactic general at all.

"I'm only 18 years old and I don't know anything."

"Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from youth, and the first generation of Galaxy Admirals also became famous at a young age, not much older than you." The Archon encouraged.

"Honestly, I'm glad that you think so highly of me, but I can't repay this trust with lies. I don't know how to deal with the rift of entropy." Wally said bluntly.

Just as the consul was about to say something, Senator Lister, who was envoy to the 21st century, touched his shoulder lightly.

The consul's eyes were stern, but he did not have an attack. He just led everyone away from the podium, and called a strong man named "Tank", saying: "Tank, you are the leader of the superheroes in the 58th century. For our guests, Introduce your companions.”

Then he turned to Wally and said: "You haven't seen the Crack of Entropy, have you? First get to know your subordinates. Of course, the Galaxy Admiral must know the heroes of 'Earth'.

I'll show you the cracks with your own eyes later. Wally, be confident, we all trust you. "

While Tank was introducing a group of "fancy-dressed" future heroes to the visitors from another time and space, the Archon took Liszt to a corner and frowned: "What did you want to say just now?"

"Your Excellency, didn't you receive the message I sent you in advance? Kid Flash has just debuted and knows nothing. This time he is just acting as a spy to find out about the 'Entropy Crack' and Hal Jordan.

The real leader is Aquaman Arthur, who is also the ‘Admiral of the Galaxy’ recommended by Harley Quinn. "

The Archon said calmly: "Of course I have read your message, Harley Quinn clearly refused to help us.

Not even willing to designate 'Admiral of the Galaxy'.

Because she thinks we are hopeless and cannot waste the power of the earth in the 21st century.

From the perspective of a person on earth in the 21st century, I appreciate her decision.

Decisive, ruthless, precise, not fettered by reputation, not afraid of criticism.

She made the most correct choice and was worthy of being the first-generation galactic admiral who never made mistakes. "

Liszt looked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

The Archon sneered: "Harley Quinn never thought of appointing a galactic admiral.

But other heroes insisted on coming to the 58th century, so she had to arrange for an old man to be the leader.

Aquaman Arthur Curry's mission is not to help us, but to ensure that his team will not be sacrificed by us.

So you get it? Even if the Atom is asked to be the galactic admiral, he cannot choose Arthur the King of the Sea.

Moreover, he can't even fly and is not as useful as a 'tank'. "

"I see, your Excellency is wise!" Councilor Liszt suddenly realized.

After complimenting her, he said strangely: "So, Harley Quinn finally made a wrong decision, and you saw through all her little thoughts."

"Do you really think that someone can avoid making mistakes?" The Archon smiled sarcastically and turned back towards Wally.

No reporters’ questions were answered, and there was no welcome party.

The Archon directly took the four visitors from different time and space to the "Star Observation Deck" next door.

On a platform as big as a basketball court, a giant telescope with a sci-fi feel was set up in the center. There were already more than a dozen scientists working there. When they saw the Archon and the newly promoted Galaxy Admiral, they only nodded and continued to work on their own.


Probably out of sight of the audience, the Archon did not hide his eagerness and worry in front of the hero.

"That is the rift of entropy. It has reached the edge of the 58th century. The world is in danger. We are almost finished. We will die, our country will be destroyed, and we will be completely destroyed."

The "Crack of Entropy" is not a twisted crack, but like a sun rising slowly from the end of the world.

But the light is not strong, just like a white jade plate hanging on the horizon.

That white jade plate is "entropy". It occupies a large area of ​​the sky, reflecting the majestic building thousands of meters high below, like a building block toy, and the visual impact is very strong.

The body of the "crack" is pale white, and it can be seen with the naked eye that it is absorbing the surrounding space and time.

Time and space are dissociated into the tiniest particles in entropy, and the particles form colorful, wave-shaped smoke, which seems to be slowly but urgently sucked into the "white jade plate".

At this time, standing at the 58th Century Observatory and staring at the "white jade plate", your eyes and skin will feel a slight sting.

"What the hell is it?" Wally muttered in shock.

"It is entropy." A little bearded man beside him sighed.

In addition to four visitors from different time and space, as well as scientists from the 58th century, there are also superheroes from the 58th century and those who have wandered here from other time and space.

This little bearded man wears a silver helmet that only exposes the lower half of his face, and wears a weird and iconic uniform. He is obviously a hero.

"What is entropy?" Wally asked again.

"Well, physically it can be simply defined as the degree of chaos."

Xiao Hu held his chin and pondered: "For example, we humans have a nose where the nose is and a mouth where the mouth is.

The positions of the nose, mouth, ears and other organs are fixed, the state is 1, and the entropy value is the lowest.

If you cut off your nose and put it in your ears, and dig out your eyes and put them in your mouth, chaos will increase and entropy will increase.

On the other hand, as entropy increases, the disorder of the human body as a whole increases.

If you put a living person in a meat grinder and grind it into minced meat, its entropy value will not be as good as one billionth of what the "Entropy Crack" in front of us can achieve. "

"Hiss~~~" Wally's face turned pale and he took a breath of cold air.

Neptune Arthur frowned slightly, this little beard

Xiao Huzi sighed: "It seems you understand, entropy is the incarnation of destruction. It can crush all energy, life, and matter."

The Archon looked at Wally expectantly, "Your Excellency, Galaxy Admiral, this force of destruction is crawling back along the river of time, coming to our 'now' from a certain moment in the future, erasing time and space at the same time, you have Any solution?”

"I-" Wally's eyes were flustered and he was at a loss.

"Well, he is still a child and has a limited understanding of time." Neptune turned his attention to the golden-skinned Waverider, "Linear Man is a time manager. What do you think?"

The Waverider said bitterly: "I can span millions of years in a single thought, but entropy is not within my ability.

In fact, this was the first time in my life that I had seen this phenomenon.

Before zero hour, the entropy of time existed only in the theoretical derivation of the prophets.

Only with enough power to leverage the multiverse, coupled with skills that surpass the sum of the linear group's intelligence, can there be a one-in-a-ten thousand chance of creating 'entropy'.

Like Cunmo, controlling such a huge rift of entropy to swallow the river of time is something that linear people cannot even imagine. "

"Have you ever tried to use your power to close the 'rift'?" the Archon asked.

"I tried it, but it didn't work."

In order to prove that he was not lying, the Wave Treader also jumped up, crossed the 58th century and the diaphragm of the river of time, came to the front of the rift of entropy, and shot two beams of dazzling white light from his hands.

It's not obvious to the naked eye. I just feel that the "white jade plate" in the sky is slightly brighter.

However, there are telescopes built with the most advanced technology on the observatory, and there are even satellites launched into the river of time to follow the cracks and observe closely.

Everyone saw the powerlessness of the Wave Treader through the "telescope".

Seeing the Wave Treader begin to retreat, Neptune was moved in his heart and asked: "Green Lantern Hal Jordan, why didn't you retreat after the Green Lantern's energy became ineffective?"

The Archon sighed: "He is too close to the crack. Not everyone can advance and retreat freely in the river of time like a linear human. Almost all the heroes who died before died for this reason."

The return of the Waverider proves this statement.

"The absorption power of the entropic crack is comparable to a black hole in the material world. Don't get close to it easily."

"What to do now?" Wally asked.

"Now we have almost completed the mission assigned to us by Harley." Atom held a detector the size of a mobile phone in his hand, "I have collected detailed information about entropy."

The consul's expression remained unchanged, and he quietly squinted his small beard with the corner of his eyes.

Xiao Huzi nodded imperceptibly, looked at Wally and said, "I know a thing or two about time and the Speed ​​Force. Maybe The Flash is the answer we need."

"What can I do?" Wally asked confused.

"Do you understand the whiplash effect of buildings?" Xiao Huzi whispered to the scientist next to him. After gaining partial control of the master brain, he used three-dimensional projection imaging to give Wally a small physics class.

“To give the simplest example, an earthquake occurs in place A, the vibrations are transmitted 500 kilometers away, and the top of a building shakes violently.

If the frequency of the building is consistent with the vibration wave, it may even cause the top floor of the building to crack or collapse, but the bottom of the building will remain stable.

Kid Flash, do you understand? The key to the whip effect is frequency, and controlling frequency is The Flash's specialty. "

Xiao Huzi looked at Wally with a burning gaze, "Everything in the world has a vibration frequency, and of course there are cracks in entropy.

You regard it as a building, and if you trigger a shock at a safe distance of 500 kilometers away, causing a whiplash effect in the cracks of entropy, will it crack and collapse like the top floor of a building? "

"Genius idea!" Atom was ecstatic.

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