I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 108 The iron fist of justice punched Harley

"Fortunately, we have been monitored, and the FBI's surveillance records can prove that we were indeed not involved in Witt's bad things.

After that day, I suddenly woke up, put down the spatula and lawn mower, and through hard training, gradually picked up the skills I once had.

In my early years, I made many friends in the government. At that time, they were young and promising people but had low status. Now most of them are in high positions of authority.

Relying on these connections, ten years later, I became the head of the FBI. "

Laurie smiled strangely, "Can you imagine, our family was under FBI surveillance before, and now I have become the boss of the FBI."

"Sister, you are so inspiring." Harley praised sincerely.

It is not difficult to make a comeback, but the difficulty lies in changing a career, starting from scratch, and reaching the top again.

Lowry shook his head and said: "Only when I became the director of the FBI did I truly understand how difficult it is to evade the pursuit of the secret service organization.

For example, if you go to a gas station to refuel, a camera will capture your image and compare it with wanted criminals in the CIA or FBI database.

For example, if you go to the hospital or your child goes to the hospital for medical treatment and leave a medical record, it will be immediately included in the FBI database, and then the blood type, family disease, genetic disease, and medical records will be compared."

At this point, Sister Laurie sighed helplessly, "Oh, the US government is just the bastards and old hooligans in the country, and any talk of democracy and freedom is nonsense.

Internal surveillance and monitoring of one's own people, and external surveillance of leaders of allied countries, are not things that humans do.

If you want to live in seclusion, it will only be more difficult than it was for us, because the Crusaders are not only backed by MI6, but they also know magic!

I remember there was divination in magic, right? "

Harley's face turned ugly instantly.

If Laurie hadn't reminded her, she would have almost ignored the prophecy and tracking magic.

"It seems you understand." Seeing her expression, Laurie said meaningfully: "Believe me, people who think they have hidden their identity are often very vigilant and are most likely to get into trouble."

After the tragedy happened the night before yesterday, Gotham Cathedral was completely sealed off, and isolation zones were set up in nearby neighborhoods.

At 7:30 last night, Harley played "Adult TV" at the BBC Gotham TV Tower.

At ten o'clock last night, vehicles with a big "CBRN" logo entered the community with great fanfare.

Well, CBRN is the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Accident Prevention Branch.

A team of troops wearing biohazard suits went to work in the cathedral, immediately attracting the attention of a group of media.

This morning, Hallie accepted two pieces of advice from Laurie.

At noon today, the director of the Luobao Bureau once again held a "cathedral case briefing meeting."

"Yes, we have concealed some information, but it is by no means related to hell, demons, sacrifices, and corruption as Miss Harley Quinn said."

The Director no longer called Harley "Witch", and the face that was once as strong as a rock became more dejected and helpless.

"As you can see, the church tragedy was caused by the leakage of a biochemical virus. Hey, hey, don't panic. It's not a respiratory or contact infection. It's not as exaggerated as "Resident Evil". It's just Archbishop Marvin.

Alas, he'll come to his question later, but the liquid he drank was not demonic essence or blood, as some had speculated, but biological reagents from a certain laboratory. "

"Archbishop, he is sick, cancer," Chief Luo Gao showed a medical report.

It shows that Marvin was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer three months ago. It has a doctor's signature and a very complete medical record. There is no fault in it.

If Marvin were still alive and saw this file, he would think that he had lost his memory and had really done things he did not remember.

"Marvin wanted to stay alive and turned to some experimental drugs. Then we all saw how dangerous untested drugs can be.

The brain tumor in his brain began to grow malignantly, and a deformed head actually grew."

In Gotham's focus news that night, Nobel Prize winner and Dean of the Department of Biology at Gotham University said with a solemn expression: "The Cathedral Massacre is a tragedy, and an even greater tragedy is that some people's irresponsible speculations have led to the distortion of the truth.

I can tell you responsibly that Archbishop Marvin quickly grew a second head, which is very scientifically based. "

BBC Gotham News, Director of the Gotham Biochemical Defense Bureau: "As obvious as Gotham is a beautiful and prosperous metropolis, it is obvious that a small-scale, controllable biological crisis occurred in the Cathedral."

CNN Daily News, presidential adviser with nine doctorates: "The truth must be discovered, tested, and demonstrated scientifically. After scientific discovery, testing, and demonstration, we have reached the only conclusion-this is an unfortunate biochemical leak." event."

The next day, Dr. Harrison Wells from Central City's S.T.A.R. Laboratory appeared in the interview.

"Yes, I received a biological sample from Gotham the day before yesterday. In Marvin's blood, we found an RNA fragment called 'U·R·bigfool'.

what? Have you never heard of this gene fragment?

Well, you must have never heard of it, because the paper about it has never been published publicly.

To put it simply, its existence is only known to a few top laboratories, such as Star, Red Room, and Wayne Biology."

On the third day, Director Wayne Honda of the Biological Weapons Research and Development Department appeared on the TV with a tired look on his face. The Japanese-American minister bowed, bowed again, and bowed again.

"Sorry, fuck you, I'm sorry. It was my dereliction of duty. It's my fault. I failed to manage my subordinates well and allowed a scientific researcher to secretly develop the dangerous U·R·bigfool virus. Once again, I sincerely apologize to everyone. Apologize."

He bowed, bowed again, and bowed again. All the audience felt his sincerity and believed that the same mistake would not happen to him again.

Wayne Manor.

"What?" Bruce looked confused, "Is this my fault?"

"No, Master Xiaobu, it's a problem with the board of directors and the regulatory authorities." Ah Fu said immediately.

"It's really not a demon? Can the biological virus in the laboratory achieve that effect? ​​It's like a bunch of demons dancing around." Bruce doubted.

"This." Ah Fu didn't know how to answer.

In his heart, he felt that the experts were all talking nonsense, but he really didn't want the darkness to infiltrate the blues angel in his heart.

"Just call and ask."

After a while, the call was connected, and Director Goliath, who was in charge of biotechnology research and development, said with a smile: "Bruce, you have to have confidence in our company's technology."

The young master's face darkened slightly, and he said dullly: "I'm not an idiot. Tell me the truth. Is the FBI letting us take the blame?"

"This" Director Goliath hesitated.

His hesitation allowed Bruce to confirm his suspicions and said angrily: "Why should we take the blame? Do you know how much this will damage the reputation of Wayne Group and my parents?"

"Well, I don't want to take the blame. Recently, the stock fell by 7.8%, and the market value has evaporated by hundreds of billions." Goliath's director said helplessly.

"Then why don't you refuse?" Bruce asked excitedly.

"Because... we have a bigger handle in the hands of the FBI." Goliath said sarcastically.

Bruce's face twisted.

Day four.

Day five.

These days, there are more and more heavyweight entertainment scandals breaking out, such as high-flying, domestic violence, cheating, infidelity, and even video tapes leaked.

The people were lost in the entertainment melons that ruined their outlook one after another, and gradually forgot about the devil and the witch Harley.

Half a month later, the "virus leak incident" completely disappeared from news reports in major media.

Then, in the next half month, two other pieces of news began to come into everyone’s attention.

First, on December 3 last year, the case of St. John's Abbey came to a complete end: it was all the fault of Archbishop Marvin, who had fallen and turned the holy cathedral into a hell of flesh and blood, and the orphanage a purgatory for children.

Harley Quinn is not only an innocent victim, she is also a warrior, a little hero who is not afraid of force, violence, justice, and devout faith.

The Holy Advent Crusaders were also somewhat innocent. They were originally noble and pious, but they mistakenly believed in traitors and did wrong things.

Everything that went wrong was the fault of Archbishop Marvin and his old slut sister, Mother Teresa.

The Pope made a public appearance and solemnly promised all believers and reporters: “We will conduct the most thorough investigation of all church orphanages in New York State.

The tragedy that happened at St. John's Abbey has probably happened many times in other orphanages.

But I promise in the name of God that from now on, the tragedy will never happen again in the church’s orphanage. "

Well, the Pope's promise was 80% fulfilled, because the next day, all New York State church orphanages were integrated into the state government's child care agencies.

The operators are still monks and nuns, but the nominal managers of the orphanage have become municipal and government public welfare organizations.

The case at St. John's Abbey was settled, and the tragedy at Gotham Cathedral was also the responsibility of Marvin alone.

At least the Gotham DA dropped the charges against Harley in this case.

Now Harley only has one crime left to be purged - the Bali Street Massacre GCPD.

This is more troublesome. The top brass of the White House, and even the Gotham City Hall, City Council, and City Prosecutor's Office don't care about the life or death of gcpd, and they very much hope to end this matter as soon as possible so that Gotham can return to peace and harmony.

But it was live on TV that day and everyone saw it.

If Harley is forcibly cleared, the prestige of the U.S. judiciary, government, and even the president's own future will be ruined.

Laurie gave Hallie two choices: either deny admission and insist that the girl wearing the mask and trench coat that day was not her, and ask the GCPD to find evidence to prove that she was her; or tell the truth and argue that she was fighting back in self-defense. Litigation with gcpd.

Harley said she wanted both.

She refuses to plead guilty at first, and when gcpd comes up with conclusive evidence to prove that she is her, she will then plead guilty to self-defense.

Harley's current situation is a bit similar to "Brother Money", the gangster of the century in Hong Kong in the early years.

Brother Qian robbed a cash transport truck worth 160 million in cash in 1991. Everyone knew he was the one who did it. The police also arrested him, and the procuratorate prosecuted him.

But there was no conclusive evidence. Not only was he released in court, but he was also compensated a large sum of money for "reputation damage."

Then in 1996, Li Chaoren's son was kidnapped and he extorted one billion in cash. Almost everyone in Hong Kong knew about it. He still has no trouble and is a law-abiding citizen who is under the spotlight of the police.

After that, he was in trouble for several years, and Hong Kong's judicial department couldn't do anything to him. In the end, after 1997, the iron fist of the people taught him what justice is.

At that time, Hong Kong's laws were completely copied from the United Kingdom, and the United Kingdom and the United States. Therefore, before gcpd proved that the "masked murderer" in Bali Street was Harley herself, she was really a law-abiding citizen in theory.

Of course, in addition to looking like a money man, Harley also knows that she is a bit like Epstein.

Well, she is still a little different from Lao Ai.

Lao Ai was prosecuted for the surname trade. Once he was successfully convicted, he would have to tell the details of the surname trade in court, and then implicate a group of big-name prostitutes.

So everyone involved wanted him dead.

Harley is being investigated for her own murder, and the boss is not a person involved in the "Bali Street Shooting Case".

Even if she pleads guilty in court, even if she confesses the details of the crime in accordance with legal procedures, the people in the videotape will not be implicated in any way.

Therefore, the boss is a helper who can help her escape the crime, not a murderer.

Of course, if she completely believes in the boss's integrity and promises, then she is a fool.

Therefore, she was accidentally arrested after hiding carefully for three months.

Well, Harley was still caught.

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