I want to have a date with Superman

Explain the plot of the past few days

For example, why not kill Mongo and Major Divine Power directly? Why have you been struggling for so long?

1. Why are there these two plots?

Both of these things are closely related to major events. Mongo destroyed Beach City, leading to the subsequent Zero Hour and Infinite Crisis.

Major Mighty created the "allusion" of "the woman in the refrigerator" and was related to the birth and growth of Kyle Rayner.

The plot requires it and cannot be exceeded.

2. Why didn’t Harley just kill them?

In the chapter released today, the chapter "Breaking Out the Cocoon", Harley and the heroes peel off the cocoon to explore Cunmo's identity. One thing mentioned is how many superheroes have encountered misfortune.

Many, even the titans of the Justice League were scared.

A significant difference between DC and Marvel is that DC is relatively realistic. Super villains can really kill people, and they also specialize in killing heroes and their families.

Today, when Zheng Lian and Harley discuss who is the unluckiest hero, everyone will think of Kyle and Hal.

But looking at the entire DC universe, Kyle and Hal may be miserable, but they are really not close to competing for the first place.

For example, Da Chao personally killed the pregnant Louise, which was horrific.

For example, Red Robin, whom Batman regarded as his own son, was beaten to death by the Joker with a stick. The severity was as brutal as Zhang Sanfeng's witnessing Zhang Cuishan committing suicide in "Heaven and Dragon Sword".

In addition, please don’t scold Batman for not seeking revenge from the Joker. In Universe 51, he killed the Joker, and not long after, the universe was destroyed (dog head).

For example, Gordon's daughter Barbara was beaten to a paralysis by a clown, and she stripped off her clothes to take nude photos. Then she kidnapped old Gordon, stripped him naked, and forced him to look at erotic photos of his daughter. Terrible in capital letters.

For another example, in The Flash, Barry Allen’s mother was killed in front of his eyes, his nephew (his wife’s nephew) was sacrificed, and his grandson was beaten to death.

For another example, Neptune's son was killed by Black Manta, his father was also killed, he cut off his hand, and lost his throne.

For example, in Wonder Woman, her mother was killed, her tribe was wiped out, and Paradise Island was destroyed.

There are many more. Among the eight giants of Zhenglian, Cyborg is the only one with only one father. He has low popularity and relatively few tragedies.

Well, Cyborg is also quite miserable. Because the power of the Mother Box is integrated into his body, he is often captured by Darkseid for experiments.

Even the giants of Zhenglian are so unlucky. It cannot be said that it is unlucky. This has nothing to do with luck. It simply proves the saying of us Chinese people that "people cannot help themselves when they are in the world." "Stepping into the world is equivalent to stepping into this bloody storm."

Superheroes are not only cheered by the crowd and praised by the media, but also enjoy the joy of saving the world with like-minded people. There are also many practical problems behind them - if you provoke so many super criminals, will they not retaliate against you?

The giants of Zhenglian all have this fate, and the living conditions of the superheroes in the DC universe can be imagined.

So, going back to the original question, why didn't Harley just kill Mongo and Major Mighty?

Do you have the answer now?

Why did she want to kill?

On Earth in the DC universe, tragedies occur almost every day. She is the chairman of the Sky Eye Society. Every time a new hero debuts, Amanda will send her an email. Every time a superhero dies and how he exits, the Sky Eye Society will also record it. Then She can know.

She was almost numb.

In the chapter "Breaking Out the Cocoon", I heard that superheroes had a tragic ending. Superhero was shocked, Bateman was shocked, and Harley looked very calm and didn't care about their shock.

There are so many scum in the world, how can she kill them?

If she really kills anyone she encounters, it means that she alone bears everyone's karma and sins. How tiring is this?

Can she live her own life comfortably?

If Harley killed Major Power, then she should kill someone else.

If Harley kills bad guys on sight, how will Zhenglian react?

At least she'd lose a lot of friends.

The government will also be afraid of her, the people will hate and fear her, and she will lose her current comfortable life.

So what does she get?

She has nothing but the satisfaction of saving the world.

Therefore, it is a normal reaction for Harley not to directly kill Mongo and Major Mighty.

Of course, it's not like Harley doesn't kill people.

If Mongo or Major Power interfered with her normal life, or hurt her friends, or Kyle asked her for help, they would be dead.

The problem is, Major Mighty hurt Kyle, and Kyle agreed to his imprisonment as punishment. What does Harley have to do with him, to help him make the decision?

3. Did Harley not violate her previous character design by not killing Major Mighty?

There were times when Harley needed superheroes to help her.

When she was young and weak, she was hunted down by the Crusaders.

At that time, the only people who helped her were Gordon and Bruce.

The old silk soul, Laurie, also helped her.

Their help is just a drop in the bucket, insignificant.

Harley relies on herself.

At that time, there was no hunk from heaven to help Harley.

At that time, Laurie also told her: Be your own hero and don’t always rely on others.

Kyle Rayner is a hero himself. She helped him kill Major Mighty, but he still didn't agree. Wasn't he disrespecting him?

Her own character and life experience doomed her to be unable to become a "passionate hero" who takes the initiative to help strangers solve their problems.

Strangers are the point.

She will not compromise with evil, and she will yell at injustice when she encounters things that are beyond her eyes - for example, her God's exorcism, she only takes action after encountering, seeing, experiencing, and feeling.

For example, she wanted to kill Mongo to avenge the people of Beach City.

Harley is neither cold-hearted nor overly enthusiastic. She understands darkness, has experienced darkness, and has a high tolerance for dark affairs - she doesn't feel anything when she sees people dying on the news.

But when it comes to her life, she will retaliate and do whatever it takes.

Of course, I now understand how my readers feel.

Major Mighty and Mongo appear as plot characters. Their evil deeds will arouse everyone's anger. This anger needs a fair and sharp trial to calm down. As a result, Harley is "grinding and chirping" and has never dealt with those two people. Everyone I felt aggrieved, and naturally I felt unhappy while reading.

I apologize here, I got sidetracked in this regard.

When I first wrote about Mongo and Major Mighty, I had the idea of ​​letting Harley take action directly and give them a miserable ending.

Not gonna lie, I really thought about it.

But later I felt that it was too crude and direct, and too untechnical. Uh, don’t hit me, I surrender (dog head).


4. Let me explain my thinking to everyone.

Author's point of view: Blood debt must be tasted with blood, justice that is delayed is not justice.

I want to express my point of view through the plot of the novel. In other words, my starting point for writing the plot of "The Death of Mongo" is not that I am crazy and amused. I have my own purpose, which is is to express the above point of view.

Meng Ge destroyed the coastal city and killed millions of people, so he should pay with his life - this is the first level of logic, and it was also my initial thought.

But think deeper.

What was the reason why Mongo destroyed Beach City?

Is he the only one responsible for this?

By killing him, does it mean that "blood debt must be paid with blood"?

I don't think so.

As "one of the two catastrophes of the DC material universe", Mengge is almost synonymous with destruction and conquest. It is normal for him to destroy the coastal city, and it is his daily operation.

Of course you can blame Mongo, he is guilty and he should have died long ago.

But he will focus on the earth. It is the attraction of superheroes. He can enter the earth. It is the superhero's "one man defends one city". He can destroy the seaside city. It is due to many reasons: the hero is slow to react, and the little blue man creates a ghost trap. Hal, mechanical hunter and so on.

In short, Meng Ge is guilty, but he should not die alone.

Meng Ge's death is not enough to end the case.

At least the superheroes should be held responsible for this incident.

According to the view of "blood debt must be paid with blood", they should pay the price.

Then the next plot is that Harley is looking for the Justice League to "repay the blood debt".

Well, in the Meng Ge case, it was necessary to kill Meng Ge, but Meng Ge was not the only "murderer". This was the reason why everyone later felt that "Meng Ge's plot was dragging".

The way Harley goes to the Justice League to repay her blood debt is not very direct. I personally think it is more "high-end", but readers did not get it, which is very embarrassing. This is my failure and the reason why I should apologize.

5. How did Hallie make Zheng Lian repay his blood debt?

In fact, it is not easy for the Justice League and superheroes to "pay for their debts with blood."

Make a fight with them and beat them up?

You can try when you encounter small things, but in the Mongo case, this kind of childish behavior disqualifies Harley from saying that she is "paying for blood."

Kill the Seven Giants of Zhenglian?

They just didn't fulfill their responsibilities.

To put it bluntly, they originally wanted to do good things, but if they failed to do good things, would they risk their lives?

This is too extreme.

Secondly, killing can solve problems, but it cannot solve all problems.

Maybe old readers who have read my books will find a question of mine: Hot Dry Noodles, what are you doing? Let the protagonist kill them. He was very decisive in killing them before, but why has he become a virgin now? Not happy, not happy at all.

Well, this is mainly due to technical reasons, my writing skills are not very good.

In addition, I don’t like to use murder to solve problems. Killing is too enjoyable, not painful enough, not heart-wrenching enough, and not torture enough (as I grow older, I feel more and more that death may not be a blessing from the gods, but a great liberation— —Well, it’s not that I’m negative. I want to see the dawn of the 22nd century! Hehe. Mainly because I’ve seen things worse than death).

Once a person dies, his consciousness dissipates and he no longer feels anything. But pain is just a feeling. No feeling means no pain.

——It’s a pity that I don’t seem to have written the kind of technology where people don’t die, but people are in pain. It’s embarrassing.

For example, the little devil Tyrion in the previous book "Mother of the Dragons" was raped by men, raped by dragons and insects, tortured by Quexi as a medicine man, fell into a manhole and drank shit, was kidnapped and tortured by an evil mage, was raped, and lost. True love (female dwarf), the level of magic improves slowly. But readers think I am too good to him.

Without further ado, let’s talk about Justice League.

The last thing the Justice League fears is death.

The Justice League isn't even afraid of Darkseid, so why is it afraid of death?

The threat of death can only strengthen their will and sublimate their faith.

——Anyway, I have never seen any Zhenglian giants kneel down in front of death. They are all so brave. The more they face death, the more they feel that they are taller and the more they act taller. They are taller than others. Do you want to kill their people?

Harley wants to be tall and make Zheng Lian short.

It can be said that the justice of Zheng Lian is hypocritical, but the backbone of the heroes of the Justice League must not be doubted.

Therefore, killing people does not solve the problem, but makes oneself become unreasonable.

The method Harley chose was to kill her heart.

Attack the Justice League's belief as heroes and destroy their brand of justice.

How Harley was so heartbroken has been described in detail in the previous chapters, so I won’t go into details here - if you found that episode unpleasant before, you might as well go back and read it after reading this chapter, you may have a different feeling.

As for the heart-killing effect, the Zhenglian heroes themselves said that facing her, it would be better to have a life-and-death fight with Darkseid, which would be very uncomfortable for them.

Not only was the soul traumatized, but also the faith was shaken.

Faith is the core element of superheroes.

Some readers said that Harley helped wipe the Justice League's butt, and they didn't like it. Well, I apologize if I didn't like it, but I had other reasons for writing this.

If the mess caused by the Justice League is cleaned up by themselves, Harley can still stand in the Hall of Justice and curse people with confidence, while the other heroes lower their heads and remain silent?

She is actually robbing the Justice League of their "reason" and making them unreasonable.

Even if Harley doesn't take action, will the earth still be destroyed?

Obviously not, DC Comics proves this.

Without Harley, the earth would still rotate, but Zhenglian would be more just and more glorious because they have made more contributions to the earth.

The appearance of Harley is to rob them of their glory and attack the rationality of their existence.

Some readers also pointed out Hallie's attitude towards Zheng Lian. She helped Zheng Lian, but Zheng Lian didn't appreciate it and questioned her.

Harley is not helping Zheng Lian, but the earth. Her "enthusiastic" purpose is not to make Zheng Lian feel comfortable, but to make them uncomfortable.

Readers may have more doubts than the above, but the number of words is really a lot. I am here today and will talk to you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

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