I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1030: Peeling off the cocoon

Upon hearing the words ‘Master of Time’, the Waverider’s expression immediately became solemn and solemn.

"He is the 'God' of all 'life in the mother river of time', and the guardian is the knight who serves Him. We all regard pleasing Him as the highest honor!"

"He is so powerful, why didn't he stop this time crisis?" Bateman asked doubtfully.

The Waverider shook his head slightly and muttered: "Heavy rains caused floods, and floods drowned countless believers, but God never appeared to stop the rain from coming.

In the eyes of the Lord, maybe the time disaster at this time is just a 'natural and man-made disaster' that conforms to the laws of nature? "

His expression was pious and his tone was firm, "I firmly believe that even if Cunmo really returns the river of time to zero, it will not affect the master!"

"Okay, who is Cunmo? The mastermind behind this?" Harley asked.

Da Chao glanced at her with a complicated expression, "You guessed wrong, Black Hand is not Hal. But you seem to have guessed right again, he may be an acquaintance of ours."

He turned to look at the God of Knowledge suspended in mid-air, "Metron, can your chair replay what happened?"

Metron nodded slightly and projected a 300-inch giant screen in mid-air.

The battle was extremely brief, with just a beam of light wave being fired at them. Some reacted quickly and dodged in time, while others reacted slowly and did not dodge.

Then Metron saw that the situation was wrong and decisively led others to run away.

However, the conversation between several people before the fight did reveal a lot of information and was replayed more than a dozen times.

"Cunmo is indeed not Hal Jordan." Harley said slowly.

"How are you sure?" Now Dachao was surprised.

“Hal Jordan wouldn’t wear a face mask or choose black and red as his uniform colors.

If Cunmo were Hal, even if he hid his identity, he would only wear eye patches and green clothes. This small habit represents his identification with his previous identity and is difficult to change.

He just wants to go back to the past, not deny his life.

In addition, from his tone and attitude, it can be seen that he only has anger in his heart, but nothing like that."

Harry tilted his head and thought for a moment, then said, "Hal should be mostly sad and regretful. He may act arrogant, but he won't be furious with you."

"Is it some super villain? That's why he hates us?" Wonder Woman said.

Harley shook her head and said: "It can't be a villain. I have two guesses, either he is an ordinary person who trusted superheroes but had his life ruined by heroes - maybe he thought he was, like Hank Shaw.

It may also be a superhero who has experienced some unfortunate event, and similar to Hal, lost a very important part of his life.

The 'unfortunate incident' is probably related to other superheroes. It's just related, but the responsibility does not lie with the hero. Otherwise, if he gains such power today, he will definitely take revenge. "

"After this analysis, the scope seems to have been narrowed a lot." Neptune looked at Cyborg thoughtfully, "Check it in your database and search for heroes that meet the above conditions first."

Cyborg's electronic eye flashed a few times and said: "The number is a bit large."

"How many?" Bateman asked.

"There are 328 people who have been superheroes but lost an 'important part' of their lives after becoming heroes. This is just North America. The scope has expanded to the whole world, and the number is probably close to 500!" Cyborg said slowly.

"Oh my God, why are there so many?" All the heroes were shocked.

Wonder Woman doubted: "Cyborg, are you right? There are only so many superheroes in North America. How come there are more than 300 heroes who have suffered 'Hal-like' misfortunes? Are our superheroes so unlucky?"

Cyborg said: "I started counting from the 'Watchmen' era many years ago. Most of the heroes of the older generation are in bad shape in their old age.

If Harley were announced as the 'Mayor Man', the number would be reduced to 215.

Later, with the establishment of the Justice League, the number dropped to 186. "

"Even 186 people are still too many. How many years have they been here?" Da Chao frowned.

"The Justice League has been established for almost six years." Cyborg said seriously.

"It's still too many. How many American superheroes are there?" Da Chao said.

Harley glanced at Kyle Rayner. Judging from his experience, 186 cases in six years was not an exaggeration.

Even the super-S-level Green Lantern has been screwed, and the living conditions of other heroes are probably far less glorious than those of the eight giants of the Zhenglian Alliance.

Then she recalled her experience in high school. She was sent to a church orphanage, met a perverted administrator, offended the forces behind the church, and killed many people.

Now that she has become a big boss, the scandalous things in society can no longer be blamed on her, but it does not mean that those things have disappeared.

The world has not changed, it has become her.

Cyborg said seriously: "This is a fact. You think there are not many superheroes because there are very few heroes who truly stand up and make a name for themselves.

Last year, a total of 323 new heroes announced their debut, an increase of 30% from the year before. However, only 5% have persisted until now. This proportion will definitely continue to decrease in the future.

Not to mention anything else, the hero talent show now renamed "I am a Young Hero" has been launched into its fifth episode, with at least 10 young heroes being introduced in each episode.

The key is that behind the ten proud men, there are thousands of young boys and girls who long to become heroes.

Even if they are eliminated, as long as they show a certain amount of talent on stage, there will still be agencies willing to train them.

In other words, in each issue of "I Am a Young Hero", in addition to the dozen or so heroes who are determined to debut, there are nearly ten times more heroes who have been packaged by the agency and made their debut on the streets. "

A small number of heroes were thoughtful, but most of them were dumbfounded.

"So exaggerated?"

Cyborg sighed with a complicated expression and said: "I used to be a rugby player and I pay more attention to sports events.

Just last year, football, the world's number one sport, had abolished the Champions League and officially announced the establishment of the European Super League in response to the massive loss of fans.

Well, compared with superhero videos and programs, football matches between non-rich clubs seemed ‘boring and unhurried’, so the Europeans formed a league with all rich clubs.

However, the effect is not very effective. Outside of the wealthy competitions, people are more willing to watch puppy videos or watch hero talent shows.

Alas, it’s not their fault. The little tricks of ordinary heroes are more exciting than Messi’s trick of passing four people in a row. "

Bateman said solemnly: "What kind of misfortunes do most heroes encounter?"

“Loss of loved ones is a common part of ‘misfortune’, when someone’s identity is revealed and they are blatantly retaliated by the enemy.

There are also inexplicable accidents, and the hero’s relatives are also part of the superhero team.”

Cyborg glanced around at the heroes, "It's very common among us to let relatives and friends join your logistics team.

You yourself should be deeply aware that the closer you are to a superhero, the more dangerous your relatives and friends will be. "

"Oh, so many people died, I didn't notice it before." Dachao blamed himself.

"There are too many new heroes who have appeared, and many who have left the scene, but the media and the public have paid very little attention." Cyborg sighed.

"No matter what they have experienced, superheroes are not considered a vulnerable group in society. What extra attention do they need?" Harley said lightly: "When making a choice, you should be aware of the corresponding costs.

Superheroes enjoy public praise and receive high endorsement fees.

The gains from fame and fortune have even squeezed the living space of sports stars.

This huge benefit naturally comes with huge risks. "

"So many heroes have died, and you still make sarcastic remarks." A hero muttered in a low voice.

Harley turned around to look, but it was Firestorm standing behind the crowd with his head shrunk.


As soon as she called her name, Firestorm defended loudly like a reflex: "I have never received any endorsements, participated in any variety shows, and have never been a mentor for hero talent shows.

I didn't make half a dime of profit as a hero. I still rely on my job as a car mechanic to make a living. "

Harley said calmly: "You look down on Wonder Woman and Rip Man who film commercials. You think Aquaman shouldn't participate in variety shows. You think it's wrong for Animal Man to direct 'Young Heroes'?"

"I didn't, you said it." Firestorm said immediately.

Harley said with a straight face: "I only said that benefits come with risks. You specifically pointed out that you did not get endorsements, participate in variety shows, or be a draft mentor to prove that you are noble and arrogant and a well-deserved superhero.

But this also shows that you subconsciously look down on superheroes who behave like the above.

What do you think heroes do that don’t deserve to be called heroes? "

"No, I didn't. You're talking nonsense."

Firestorm turned to the heroes who were getting endorsements, participating in variety shows, and being draft mentors, and said quickly: "Don't get me wrong, if a businessman comes to me, I will probably accept the invitation.

It’s just that my image is not very good and the money they gave me is too little. "

"Oh, you think the money is too little." Harley smiled.

"No matter how small the money is, it is still more than my salary. I just don't want to ruin my reputation for that little money." Huofeng said anxiously.

"More hypocritical." Harry said with a smile.

Neptune touched his beard and raised his voice to remind: "Don't go too far, we are looking for Cun Mo's identity."

Then he turned to Cyborg and said: "There are too many people, 180 people. Please sort them out and rank them according to their abilities. Who is the first?"

Cyborg said: "Of course it's Hal Jordan."

"Cunmo is not Hal, where is the second place?" Poseidon asked.

Cyborg looked at Kyle Rayner.

Everyone also followed his gaze.

Kyle was embarrassed and sad, and wished he could fly away immediately.

"Okay, what about third place?" Neptune was a little embarrassed.

"War Eagle."

"Which War Eagle?" Neptune didn't remember who it was for a moment.

"The elder brother of War Eagle and White Dove, they are a brother team. The younger brother White Dove died in the early stages of Crisis on Infinite Earths. War Eagle was so sad that he even lost his fighting spirit and gave up on the path of a superhero since then." Cyborg said.

"So it's him." Dachao sighed and said doubtfully: "I remember that he is just an ordinary person, and his power comes from the gods. In other words, without the blessing of the gods, he is not very powerful."

"Is that so?" Cyborg's electronic eyes flashed again and he said: "Then he can only be ranked 178th, and Star Man will take the third place.

Unlike the "original Star Hero" of the Justice Society, he came from the Earth-0 universe. After his death in battle, his girlfriend "Star Girl" was devastated and even suffered from mental illness. "

"Let's go find the Star Girl." Da Chao said immediately.

"Cunmo is not a woman at all, who are you looking for?" Harley rolled her eyes.

"Uh, what about fourth place?" Dachao was very embarrassed.

"The fourth place is——"

"Wait!" Harley raised her hand to interrupt him, "Search for information about War Eagle first to see if he can be found on Earth."

"He is just an ordinary person, but Cun Mo is extraordinary and powerful." The heroes were puzzled.

Harry sneered: "Is it possible that in your eyes, all gods are idiots?"

"What do you mean?" The heroes became more and more confused.

Harry said: "The gods are not stupid, but very cunning and snobbish. They will never do anything that is not beneficial.

When you are gifted $10 by the gods one day, don’t rush to thank Him. Instead, think carefully about whether you have possessions worth $1,000 hidden in your body. "

"Why do you say that? Could it be that the gods can get something else from the war eagle?" Dachao asked strangely.

Wonder Woman looked complicated and said: "She is a god. That's probably what she thinks and does."

Da Chao was stunned and all the heroes were speechless.

Neptune felt uncomfortable all over. Could it be that he also had 1,000 US dollars hidden on his body?

Seeming to sense his worries, Harley quietly sent a message: "What do you have to worry about? We are old friends. In order to compensate for your efforts, I gave you my divine power."

By the way, I see that your vitality is extremely full. Has your vitality returned to its original state?

Let's talk privately after the meeting is over. Well, I have something good for you. "

"No, no, I don't want good things." Neptune trembled and refused quickly.

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