I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1028 The black hand appears

The Earth in the 31st century has completely fulfilled the long-cherished wish of politicians in the 21st century: to complete the interstellarization of the Earth.

Earth's civilization not only moves toward the stars and becomes a member of the Milky Way family, but its status and authority are also very important.

The Justice League has long since disappeared in the course of history, but has been replaced by a more powerful legion of superheroes.

The Justice League was established in the United States and claims to serve all mankind.

The Legion of Super-Heroes is a heroic organization that transcends the earth and is a galaxy-level hero organization. It includes not only earthlings, but also super heroes from various galactic civilizations.

At this time, the Kahn star is close to the boundary of the universe.

Superheroes Legion Fortress Laboratory.

"How are you, Omaika, Rip Man, Green Lantern, Time Man, and Star Man all these years? How come you found this place without notifying me in advance?"

Seeing their former comrades again, heroes such as Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, and Saturn Girl were surprised and happy, with smiles on their faces.

Da Chao said: "We went to Earth first, but many people didn't know us. Ordinary people know that there was a Justice League in the 21st century, but the officials regarded us as interstellar citizens who entered the Earth illegally.

Even if we find the headquarters of the Legion of Super-Heroes, the heroes stationed on Earth such as Gigantamax Boy and Phantom Girl are still unfamiliar to us.

However, they did not embarrass us and explained to us the crisis we are facing in the 31st century.

That’s why we know that you built a ‘time and space fortress’ on Karn to cope with the crisis. "

Brainiac 5 said with a complex expression: "After the crisis on infinite earths ended, we returned directly from the origin of time to the 31st century. Except for a few of us, no one else remembers the previous crisis."

Dachao nodded, and he also guessed that it might be because the universe was restarting.

"Why do people in the 31st century forget the crisis, but not Harley Quinn?"

Old Green Lantern held a copy of the "History Textbook for Second Grade American Middle Schools" and said in a complex tone: "I have seen many statues and murals of Harley Quinn on the earth, and her deeds have even been written into history books.

What an ancient ancestor, the first saint, who led the human race through all kinds of obstacles, bulldozed evil gods, and spread the glory of God. Even Jesus respected her as the ‘Holy King’. "

"We are also puzzled as to why Harley suddenly became the God of War. Not only are there documentary records, archaeologists have also unearthed many stone tablets and carvings from tens of thousands of years ago, all of which prove that the history of King of War is true." The karate boy shouted. road.

"Well, our Earth in the 21st century also has the ruins of the God of War. I didn't expect that even the 31st century would be deeply poisoned." Da Chao said with an awkward smile.

"What's going on?" The superhero of the legion was puzzled.

Dachao quickly recounted Harley's participation in the restart of the universe at the place where time originated.

"So, these false histories are all plots written by her? Is this still possible?"

After returning from the place of origin of time, Harley explained the "new history" to the heroes of the 21st century Earth, but the heroes of the 31st century teleported directly back. Today they just learned the truth of the matter, and they were all shocked and felt ridiculous.

Da Chao sighed: "We thought you were annihilated in the restart of the universe. After all, during the previous multiverse period, you were from the 31st century of the Hades universe, not Earth 0."

The Wanderer interjected: "The current universe is not purely Earth 0, it is the fusion of Earth 0 and the Hades universe."

Da Chao frowned and said: "Harley participated in the restart of the universe, and it is not sure whether the 31st century will still exist.

In our 21st century, those remembered by her retain their memories.

She has been to the 31st century and met many people, but they have all been rebooted. "

"The 31st century belongs to the future, exists in the river of time, and is different from the 'real' universe." The Waverider said.

"The focus now is not on studying the past, but on the zero-hour crisis." Metron reminded.

"Sorry." Dachao smiled apologetically, looked at Brainiac 5, and asked, "You also discovered the time crisis, right?"

Brainiac 5 did not answer immediately, but took everyone to the "Universe Observation Room", turned on the monitoring screen, and showed everyone a very abstract and difficult-to-understand picture composed of layers of ripples.

"As early as three years ago, I noticed an anomaly in the river of time. After detailed experiments and observations, I came to an incredible conclusion - the universe is collapsing at an extremely fast speed.

Time is a dimension of the universe, and this dimension is about to return to zero.

It's like a crack appears at the bottom of the river of time. The bottom of the crack is infinitely wide and can swallow the entire river's water.

At this time, a huge whirlpool emerged on the surface of the river, connecting the cracks at the bottom.

If we don't do something, the 31st century will be sucked into it in a few weeks, like a leaf on egg drop soup, sucked into the greedy mouth. "

"We discovered the time crisis less than half a year ago." Shi Xia said strangely.

The old Green Lantern said: "In our world, less than four years have passed since the Crisis on Infinite Earths, and Cosmic Boy seems to have aged ten years."

The "old boy" touched the beard on his chin and said with an awkward smile: "It turns out that I don't look old, because it has been 13 years since the Crisis on Infinite Earths, which is three years more than 10 years!"

Da Chao was moved in his heart and said: "Xiao Bu, you compared the crack to a mouth. Could it be that the energy of the river of time did not flow away, but was swallowed up by the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"Of course it was swallowed. The energy will not disappear in vain, it will only flow from one place to another. The mastermind behind this is exactly the same as when the Anti-Monitor devoured the single universe and obtained energy.

He also destroyed the River of Time while seizing the energy within it. "

The faces of the heroes of the 21st century changed drastically, "So, the longer the delay, the stronger the black hand will be?"

"Xiao Bu, are you sure?" Da Chao said seriously.

Brainiac 5 pointed at the screen and said speechlessly: "Where is the data, can't you see it? I launched a space-time detection bubble to the center of the 'whirlpool', which can monitor the information on the other side in real time.

The other end of the vortex is like a sun, with an energy index so high that it explodes. "

The old heroes of Zhengxie stared at the screen for a long time, their heads were swollen and they couldn't understand it at all.

Da Chao, on the other hand, activated his super intelligence and looked at it carefully for a while, his expression became more serious, "Xiao Bu is right, he is becoming more powerful."

"So, we should take action immediately and eliminate the black hand by the end of time." Waverider shouted excitedly.

The old boy from the universe glanced around the "21st Century Advance Team" and asked: "The Justice League is just here to get information this time?"

"That's the case at the moment, because we have limited understanding of the crisis." Dachao touched his nose, a little embarrassed, "What are your plans?"

"When the crack reaches the 31st century, concentrate the firepower of the entire universe and carry out a saturation strike to see if it can be destroyed."

Brainiac 5 pointed at his feet and said proudly: "This fortress is loaded with my newly developed 'time and space energy cannon', which can accept energy infusion from the material universe even if it is in the river of time.

Inspired by The Flash's cosmic treadmill, the power is endless.

If it can't fix the cracks, no matter how hard we try, we can only accept our fate. "

"Oh, it's just like us, we're all waiting for the crack to arrive instead of entering the end of time." Da Chao felt much more at ease.

"Our time bubble can't reach the end of time, it's too far." Brainiac 5 said helplessly: "When we went to the origin of time, we relied on the two Flashes to continue to charge the time bubble."

"Then why don't you go to the 21st century to find us?" Old Green Lantern asked.

"After the Crisis on Infinite Earths is over, we want to find you. But for some unknown reason, the time bubble has never been able to get close to the 21st century." The Saturn girl said.

Dachao looked at the Waverider subconsciously, and the Waverider shrugged, "Not surprising, I said that the 21st century is a restricted area, not specifically for the time guardians.

Rather, all 'abnormal persons' who can affect the timeline will be in danger if they approach the 21st century. "

Da Chao frowned and said, "A legion hero was killed?"

Brainiac 5 shook his head and said: "There was an accident, but no one died.

We are not stupid. The time bubble bursts when we get close. How can we dare to break through? "

Dachao looked at the Wave Treader again, how did those dozen time guardians die?

So stupid?

"It must be Harley Quinn, she treats her differently!" the Wave Treader murmured.

I have to go back and ask Harley about this question, but they can't come up with a solution just by discussing it.

Dachao ignored the topic and pointed at the Waverider: "He is the 'Guardian of Time' from the end of time. He can travel freely on the timeline and can also take us to the end of time.

Now he wants us to go to the end of time and eliminate the mastermind once and for all. "

Then, he pointed at Metron, "This is the God of Knowledge from the Creation Star, Metron. His Möbius Chair is magical and can take us through time.

He observed your plan and suggested that the entire Justice League mobilize to join the "concentrated fire attack" in the 31st century.

Xiaobu, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy, Starboy, what do you think? "

Without waiting for the legion hero to answer, Metron said first: "I didn't know the route to the end of time before, but now I support the Waverider and solve the crisis from the root."

Brainiac 5 and several legion giants looked at each other and said, "Next, you are going to the end of time to find out the news, right? We will send people to join you."

"You are not willing to have a decisive battle at the end of time?" Waverider frowned.

"This." Brainiac 5's eyes flickered, "Reconnaissance first, and then consider the decisive battle."

What’s special, ‘Expedition to the End of Time’ sounds ominous, and it is too similar to ‘Expedition to the Origin of Time’.

Don't be afraid that the process will be similar, just be afraid that the results will be the same.

The home of the Time Guardian is called the "Vanishing Point", which means that the river of time ends here.

The heroes originally thought that the 'vanishing point' was within the river of time, and that it was very far away from the 31st century, at the end of time.

The results far exceeded their expectations.

"How come it's so fast? Besides, this place seems to have left the river of time, right?" Dachao looked around, and finally locked his eyes on the red floating island in front of him, "Is that the 'vanishing point'?"

"The 'vanishing point' is at the end of time. In the past, it would have been very difficult to reach the vanishing point, but now the river of time has shortened, and the end point is closer to the 'now'."

The Wave Treader led everyone as they quickly approached the floating island and explained: "The mastermind behind the scenes is at the end of time. Since you don't want to fight him immediately, of course you can't go to the end.

As for the vanishing point, it remains outside the flow of time.

If the material universe is composed of three space dimensions and one time dimension, then the 'vanishing point' breaks away from the axis of the time dimension and enters the pure space dimension. "

"In other words, although we are also at the end of the river of time, we are separated by a dimension from the mastermind behind the scenes?" Dachao thought thoughtfully.

The Waverider nodded proudly and said: "Yes, it is absolutely safe here, but every move of the Black Hand can be monitored."

"Hehehe, I didn't find this place originally."

A man wearing a red and black hood, a black and red tight-fitting uniform, and a purple and black cloak suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

It's like inserting a disharmonious picture into a smoothly played picture.

"This is a great place, thank you for bringing me here."

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