I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1015: Harley shows her cards, Zhenglian still loses

The death of Gordon and the birth of the double-faced Gordon are more than just a spice in life for Harley.

Gordon was one of her rare old friends.

An old friend died, and she had some relationship with her, so she spent a lot of energy on Gordon during this period, so that she didn't pay attention to the "initiator" Meng Ge.

It wasn't until various media broadcast the news of the joint trial of Meng Ge by nine judges that Ivy reminded her that this guy had not yet been brought to justice.

"There's no rush. We'll wait until he escapes from prison."

Harley was still as cool as ever, with a nonchalant look on her face, and a hint of sarcasm flashed in her eyes.

"Meng Ge will escape from prison? How do you know? Will you intervene?" Selina asked strangely.

"Tell me, among the super criminals who are enemies of superheroes, who has never escaped from prison?" Harley said sarcastically.

Selina thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was really no one in her mind.

Well, there must be some unlucky ones who lack ability, wisdom, and luck. After being put in a cell, they have been there until now.

But since those kinds of people are unable to escape from prison, they naturally cannot make big moves or make big news. If they don't cause trouble, they will naturally not attract public attention. Naturally, they will not be able to enter Selina's field of vision and be known to her.

This is also considered a kind of survivor bias.

The next night, Selina transformed into "Spring Catwoman" and went to the Batcave to have sex with Bateman and told him what Harley said.

"Harley's judgment rarely makes mistakes, so be careful. If you let Meng Ge escape from prison and cause a lot of casualties, Harley will definitely laugh at you.

Moreover, 'Meng Ge escaped from prison and injured others' will itself become a kind of evidence.

Prove that your "hypocrisy" is totally unworkable, and you will encounter a major "faith" crisis.

That's when Harley smiled even more happily. "

"How do you know she is smiling more and more happily?" Bruce asked doubtfully.

They had secretly competed with her before, and had caused Gordon to die unjustly. If they really saw Meng Ge escaping from prison, she would definitely laugh at them.

But the deeper psychological activities are very strange when Selena swears them out.

Selena said strangely: "She has already predicted that I will reveal her thoughts to you now.

She said that her bright cards in this round were four doubles, four aces, and a straight, so she was sure to win.

She also encouraged me to come and report the news to you, so that you can take precautions in advance. As a result, even if I took all precautions, Meng Ge still escaped from prison, and she will laugh more and more happily in the future. "

Bruce's expression twisted.

"She won't get what she wants." He muttered.

Selena added: "She said you will definitely not let her get what she wants, but the more you pay attention to it and the harder you work, the more painful the slap in the face will be when the results come out, and her pride and happiness will be doubled.

At that time, no matter how ordinary her smile is, it will be dazzling and unbearable to ridicule in your eyes. "

Bruce stood up and left Selina alone on the bed. He put on the Bat suit and began to study alien technology related to the prison.

After staying up all night and suffering from two dark circles under his eyes (PS), Bateman felt unsure, so he contacted his teammates and held a small meeting.

At the giant meeting in the Zhenglian Hall, he solemnly told Harley's "evil intentions".

"We must not let her get what she wants!" Wonder Woman waved her fist: "Otherwise we will have no face to face her again in the future."

"The key is that she is right. The fact that Meng Ge escaped from prison and injured others will become evidence that the justice we insist on is certainly not hypocritical.

But it might shake the faith of some heroes.

If you encounter a powerful criminal like Meng Ge again in the future, some heroes may consider whether to kill him on the spot or assassinate him like Harley?

Once it sets a precedent, what will happen in the future? "The Flash said worriedly.

"No matter what, we must not let Meng Ge escape from prison this time!" Da Chao said with a firm expression.

In fact, it is unfair to say that Bateman's insistence on the bottom line of not killing people is a kind of pathological paranoia.

Because the one who is most paranoid about 'not killing people' is not him at all, but the Flash.

The Flash is truly clean and has no stain on his body - at least he insists on doing so.

After The Flash comes Superboy.

In terms of insistence on not killing people, Bateman barely ranked third.

The Justice League is united and takes three aspects to ensure that Mongo's escape from prison will not happen.

First, during the trial, they took turns participating in the jury and guarded the gate of Mongo Prison openly.

They were very successful, and Mongo remained under control until the U.S. Supreme Court formally sentenced him to 500 years in prison. Mongo's theoretical lifespan was three hundred years, and the judge purposely deprived him of the theoretical possibility of being released from prison. .

Secondly, the Justice League used the most advanced technological materials and "imported alien" prison design concepts to strengthen the Slab Island Prison.

The escape master Mister Miracle led Orion, Ray, Starman and other "Earth heroes from aliens" to design an unbreakable exclusive cell specifically for Mongo.

Finally, they strengthened the early warning measures as much as possible. Once Mengge had the intention of attacking the "private cell", even if he only kicked the cell door hard, Zhenglian would receive the news immediately.

"Phew, after a month and a half of hard work, it's finally finished."

Seeing Mongo being pushed into his exclusive single room, all the superheroes who paid attention to this matter, spent a lot of time and effort on it, and often stayed up late to watch over Mongo, all smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

Half a month later, Si Labu Island.

"Alarm, alarm, there is a level 14 security breach in Area C where special criminals are imprisoned. Meng Ge broke away from the gravity bracelet. Alarm, there is a level 14 security breach. The use of extreme weapons is allowed. Meng Ge violated - boom!"

The "iron ring" made of white dwarfs rented by Bucket was thrown out by Mongo with such force that it flew off the ceiling of the prison and broke the blaring loudspeaker.

"Call the Justice League!" The warden's face changed wildly, and he shouted loudly with the microphone.

"Alarm, alarm, Mongo jumped into the power room, the energy grid was damaged, and the security vulnerabilities in all eight districts were raised to level 14. All special cells were opened, and all prisoners were carrying out sabotage activities."

The monitoring screen was all red, with a dazzling "alert".

"It's over. Meng Ge not only escaped from prison, but also released all the serious prisoners in the prison." The warden's eyes were full of despair and his face was gloomy.

Of course, Mongo was not the only one imprisoned on Si Labu Island.

Major Mighty, who previously "accidentally" killed Green Lantern's girlfriend, and the alien super criminal who was arrested by Hal Jordan for illegal activities on Earth, are all imprisoned in this "most interstellar and representative of human wisdom on Earth" Slab Prison.

Well, after being specially reinforced by the Justice League, Slab Island Prison has reached the standard of "Pan-Galactic Class A Security Certification". It is considered a first-class prison in the galaxy.

For this reason, the U.S. government, which originally planned to send Mongo to an alien prison, decided to regard his case as a symbol of the earth's strength and the integration of culture and technology with the interstellar.

During the Mongo trial, major media outlets frequently publicized Slab Island Prison and its internal security system that met interstellar standards.

Lois Lane of the Daily Planet also commented that it is "the only company on Earth that fully meets interstellar standards."

Well, in the United States, prisons are a business, and many prisons are privately run.

For example, Gotham's Arkham Asylum.

It is clearly a prison, but its ownership does not belong to the Gotham government or any public welfare organization. Its equity belongs 100% to Wayne Group.

If Mongo's escape had not happened, it is impossible to say that Slab Island Prison would still be listed on Wall Street in two years.


"Long live Mongo, salute you!" In the ruins filled with fireworks, hundreds of felons raised their hands and cheered.

Surrounded by thousands of people, the mango-colored Mongo laughed proudly, "Kill all the people on Earth, stop the Justice League, and I'll find the spaceship."

"Boom!" He squatted down with his legs, suddenly rose into the sky, and rushed straight into the giant city suspended in the outer orbit of the earth - the war fortress.

Five minutes later, the White House.

President Truss roared angrily at General Lane and General Minos who came to deliver the news: "Where's the Justice League, where's the Watchtower? Why didn't they take action?"

"They took action, but Mongo released all the prisoners in the prison, and the Justice League was overwhelmed." General Minos sighed.

"I don't care about Silab Island Prison." President Tesla sighed dejectedly when he thought of himself touting Silab Island's security system on TV a few days ago.

"Well, the prison problem is serious too, but our scientists and the Space Force are doing scientific research on the War Fortress.

That fortress, which represents the highest level of technology in the universe, is the future of the United States and Earth's civilization, and the Justice League's primary goal is to protect it. "

General Lane said urgently: "Mr. President, it's too late to say this now. Our team of scientists and space army, more than a thousand people, have been slaughtered by Mongo. Control of the fortress has been lost. Now we must find a way to resist its counterattack." !”

"Counterattack, Mongo didn't escape, but drove the fortress to attack the earth?" Tesla was horrified.

General Minos - turned to the young Asian next to him, "Mr. President, this is Dr. Cai from the Red Room Laboratory, assisting Dr. Stone in developing alien technology on the war fortress.

Doctor, please help us explain the current situation. "

The young man was neither humble nor arrogant, and showed no signs of panic. He said quickly: "All the missiles on the war fortress were unloaded. Only the energy cannon can still be activated, but its main energy cabin was 'cut off' by Admiral Galaxy.

Therefore, the war fortress loses more than 90% of its war potential.

We should be more worried that Mongo threw it to the earth as a meteorite, and he himself escaped in the escape capsule in the fortress. "

Tesla felt a little more relaxed after hearing this, "A free fall is slower than a missile flying. We still have time. Let the two generals talk about it. What should we do now?"

General Lane immediately said: "Mr. President, first you have to determine the hazard level, and then we will formulate tactics based on the hazard level."

"What kind of rule is this? It's so unreasonable. How can I, an ordinary person sitting in an office, judge the intensity of a super war thousands of miles away?" President Tesla said displeased.

"Well, actually the level classification is very simple. If you think the military and government can handle it, there is no danger, the disaster level is 0; if you think you need help from the Zhenglian, the disaster level is 1; if you think the Zhenglian can't handle it, that's Level 2. There are only three levels in total.”

"Well, this is quite simple. I think Zhenglian can't handle it. What should we do now?" President Tesla asked.

"Call Admiral Galaxy." General Minos said solemnly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go and ask for General Galaxy immediately."

General Lane did not move and explained: "This is a presidential privilege granted by the Constitution, similar to a nuclear button. Only you can make Representative Quinn the 'Galaxy Admiral'."

(ps: I don’t know which comic I read this in. Batman seems to only sleep for a quarter of a day, and he can enter deep sleep. Bateman is a man at night, and spends a lot of time during the day.)

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