I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1013 The ferocious Gotham Li Shimin

"Why is this happening? Gordon was fine when he left home in the morning, and he didn't work overtime today. Why did he die suddenly?" Xiao Lai broke down and cried.

Harry said: "He didn't die suddenly, but his soul left his body."

She looked around and saw many people watching outside, and said: "Xiao Lai, Gordon's body is left at the police station. If you want to know the cause of his death, come back to the manor with me first.

Death is not the end. As long as Gordon is not so unlucky that he loses his soul, you will definitely meet again.

The worst outcome is that I will get to Heaven Mountain one step ahead of you. "

Although there were still doubts in his heart, upon hearing these words, Xiao Lai immediately lost most of his sadness.

During Crisis on Infinite Earths, she took her two children to Heavenly Mountain and learned that death is just a new beginning.

"Miss Quinn, how can I help you?"

When Harley left with the Gordon family, Fat Harvey came over with a smile on his face.

He wanted to greet people with a smile, but now that his old brother had died, he felt really uncomfortable.

"Although Gordon's death was not sudden, it was not murder either. You can do whatever you want."

After getting into the car, Harley said to Xiao Lai again: "You follow the driver to the manor, and I will look for Gordon's soul first."

Gordon's soul is not in Hell.

When she came, she had summoned Yerby to go to hell and bring Gordon back.

It looked around and couldn't find it.

"Gordon is not in hell, which means his sin is not high enough. You are his 'god', so you should be able to vaguely sense the location of his soul." Yebi said.

Gordon didn't go to hell, which surprised Harley.

In her mind, Gordon, who committed murder frequently, compromised with criminals many times, and often made promises but never fulfilled his promises, should at least be guilty of murder and breach of oath.

"It's true that he is my 'spokesman of God', but he doesn't believe in me, but he does have a weak feeling."

In Limbo, Harry closed his eyes, focused all his thoughts, sensed the almost nonexistent connection, and then drove the dog to run in that direction.

The process went much smoother than she expected, because the closer she got to Gordon, the stronger the feeling.

Yebby ran wildly in Limbo for about five minutes, and Harley finally saw Gordon, who was howling miserably.

"Save me, Harley, save me, God save me, it hurts, it hurts so much"

His soul is a light gray, neither holy light nor fallen darkness, like a cloud of smoke that keeps evaporating outwards.

He died a little early, four or five years have passed since he disappeared, and 60 to 70% of his soul was dissipated in Limbo. His limbs began to blur, and his consciousness had long been blurred. He could only cry out for help unconsciously in pain.

"Fortunately, he has been a black magic apprentice for ten years. Although he has not learned a few black magic, his spirit and soul are dozens of times stronger than ordinary people." Yebi said.

For an ordinary person, it would take less than ten minutes to enter Limbo and disappear without a trace.

"Hey, this place is very close to heaven."

Harley raised her head and "looked at the sky". She could not see the dazzling Silver City with her naked eyes, but she could sense the location of heaven, which was not far from here.

If hell and heaven are each a community, 100 streets apart, Gordon is equivalent to being on the street outside the paradise community.

"There shouldn't be a saying that the 'good' a person is, the closer he will be to heaven after death, right?" she asked strangely.

Yerby ran circles around Gordon, and from time to time stretched out his dog's nose to sniff.

"It seems to be related to you." Gouzi guessed: "Whoever you believe in during your lifetime will determine where your soul will go after death.

No matter how shallow Gordon's faith in you is, he is still your 'spokesperson for God'.

He regards you as the God of War in Heaven and the Young Lord of Silver City, so the Kingdom of God of War in Heaven is where he belongs.

But heaven cannot allow a second ‘god’ besides God.

The Lord is the only God, and there is no Kingdom of God without God, so Gordon was blocked from the door. "

"Well, that makes sense." Harley felt a little more pity for the confused and wailing Gordon, "Yeb, help him, he's going to dissipate."

"If you want to help him repair his spirit body, it's safest to find the Voice of Heaven."

Harry said: "Perfectly repairing the soul requires at least 20 to 30 million merit points. I don't have that much money now.

Ordinary 'blank slate' soul repair may affect his current memory and future potential.

If you immerse him directly with magic power, he should be able to regain his consciousness.

The spirit body is filled with magic power first, and the missing parts can be left to be repaired slowly in the future. "

"How to repair it slowly? It's difficult to repair the spirit body through pure cultivation." Yebi asked doubtfully.

"Let him earn his own merit and repair himself."

Yerby opened his mouth and swallowed Gordon in one gulp.

The source of magic in its belly was churning, and Gordon was like a stinky sock in a drum washing machine, being washed away from the stench and filth, and dyed with the "fresh fragrance of fruity laundry detergent" belonging to Yerby.

It took a full half hour.


Yebi opened his mouth and vomited out a ball of colorful light into the emptiness of Limbo. The ball of light dispersed, and a middle-aged man with sound limbs curled up into a fetal state. Then he stretched his limbs and opened his eyes.


Unlike Richie before, Richie not only had a broken soul, but also fell into the "magic path" and lost his mind and rationality.

Gordon's situation is much simpler. Only part of his soul dissipated in Limbo, similar to the Kryptonian commander back then.

After completing the magical impregnation, the soul body not only resists the corrosive power of Limbo Hell, but also quickly restores its previous memories.

"What's wrong with me?" He looked down at himself and asked blankly.

"I also want to know how you ended up dying on a seemingly simple task."

"Am I dead? Damn it, I haven't lived enough yet." Gordon shouted.

Harley's mouth twitched a few times and asked, "How did you die?"

"I don't know. I will follow your instructions last night and take a short nap at noon today. Then my soul will leave my body and speed towards Si Labu Island.

Probably Yebi’s divine power blessed me, the speed was very fast, and the process was very smooth——”

Gordon's expression suddenly changed slightly, "Harley, you said that my soul body was protected by Yebi and would not be harmed by any harm. As a result, I hit a wall outside Meng Ge's prison door.

There are many magic runes on the wall, which should be a defensive circle.

After just being rubbed by it, I lost consciousness in pain.

Why didn't Yabi protect me? "

Yebi shouted: "If it weren't for my protection, would you be able to leave your body smoothly? Can you roam freely in Limbo?"

But there are limits to my protection.

First, you have to call me by name and let me know that you need protection.

Secondly, I am not your nanny. I will only protect you from demons and black magic when you do tasks for Harley.

Finally, I am in hell and cannot perceive the situation in the material world unless I am summoned. I have no idea what you will encounter in prison. "

Harley asked: "When you hit the defensive circle, did you call Yebi?"

"It was too late, I lost consciousness all of a sudden." Gordon lamented.

Harry frowned and said, "Why is there such a powerful magic circle outside Meng Ge's prison?

I specifically checked yesterday and found out that Meng Ge was imprisoned in a restraint cell made of pure technology and had no magic defense system at all. Otherwise, I wouldn't have let you "slay the dragon" without hesitation.

Moreover, you are not an ordinary character. Your soul strength is at the top among mage apprentices. After all, you have also been the 'spokesperson of God' for half a year.

A magic circle that can kill you instantly and prevent you from even calling for help cannot be arranged by ordinary masters. "

Gordon was stunned, then held his head and wailed: "It's the Justice League. They have been prepared for a long time and prepared a killer trap for me. Why do you do this to me? I am wronged!"

"How could they be on guard? And how do you know it was their handiwork?" Harley narrowed her eyes.

"I" Gordon lowered his head, his eyes wandering, and murmured: "This morning, I called Bruce and asked him if he would like to be a 'Li Shimin'."

"Oh!" Yebi pointed at him with his dog paw, "He betrayed you. The spokesperson of God betrayed the gods. No wonder there is such retribution."

"I didn't betray Harley." Gordon hurriedly defended, "I was just too hesitant."

"Why are you hesitant? This is not the first time you have performed an 'oracle'." Harley asked.

Gordon sighed: “When I promote ‘God’s exorcism,’ I will not hesitate, but I will feel comfortable because those scum have escaped the punishment of the law.

God's exorcism is a supplement to the flaws of the law itself, making justice and justice more complete.

But this time 'Beheading Meng Ge in a Dream' was different. Meng Ge did not escape legal sanctions.

To murder him would be to break the law.

I'm not sure this is an act of justice.

Or is it a kind of twisted justice? I am confused and need guidance. "

Harry sneered and said, "You don't need any guidance. You colluded with Li Shimin and really betrayed the plan of 'Slaying the Dragon in a Dream'."

"No, I didn't give up the mission completely, otherwise I would reject you directly." Gordon said with a bitter smile: "I was in a conflicting mood at the time, so I decided to leave everything to fate.

Since I want to be Wei Zheng and Meng Ge is regarded as the Dragon King, then I will completely copy the fate of "Slaying the Dragon in a Dream".

If Li Shimin comes out again, if fate is on my side, I will successfully kill Meng Ge, my thoughts will be clear, and I will no longer have any doubts.

If I am blocked and prove that my destiny belongs to the ‘Justice League’, I will feel at ease and have a clear conscience. "

"Now that fate has given the result, you accept it with peace of mind and a clear conscience?" Harley sneered.

Gordon held his head, ashamed to see her.

"Idiot! You are so stupid." Harley scolded.

"How could I have imagined that 'Gotham Li Shimin' could be so ruthless? In the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin only played chess with Wei Zheng, but I encountered a master-level magic circle."

Gordon also felt extremely wronged, "If Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty had prepared 500 ax hands, Wei Zheng would not have been able to kill the Dragon King."

After calling out, he said again: "Harry, I want to see Bateman, and I want to find out the reason."

Harley stretched out her hand, held his soul in her palm, rode on Yebi's back, and returned to the manor.

Xiao Lai and his two children were already waiting there with Bruce.

Seeing Harley returning from riding a dog, Xiao Lai quickly asked with concern: "Have you seen Gordon?"

"Found it, let's go to the house to talk. By the way, let Barbara and little Gordon stay away for a while. The content of the next conversation is a bit inappropriate for children."

"I'm an adult now. I'm not afraid of anything. Let Jim leave." Barbara stood up and said with a tight face.

Harry looked at her. She was in her early fourteens and over one meter six tall. She looked really small.

"Your father died a bit 'tragic', are you sure you want to know?"

After all, she still didn't say the word "stupid" in front of the two children.

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