I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1011 Wei Zheng is here, and Li Shimin is here too

"I just called Harley." Luther said with an ugly expression.

Harley said: "I didn't ask him to come. When I entered the police station, I realized that he had arrived earlier. You want to see me, but he wants to see you. How about I go out and you guys talk first?"

"No need, it's good to have him here, just so everyone can talk clearly in front of each other." Luther turned to Bateman, "Did you just admit that you were spying on Tesla?"

Bateman nodded and said: "In this election, there are three candidates worth paying attention to, Ms. Sheila from the Democratic Party, you and Mr. Tesla from the Republican Party.

Because of the Alien Crime Bill, we at Zhenglian chose to support Ms. Sheila.

But I also noticed that the people are not rational, and they are easily aroused by passionate words. In addition, the Galaxy Admiral publicly does not support Sheila. I am worried that Ms. Sheila will eventually fail.

If she fails, the presidency will fall to the Republican candidate, either you or Tesla.

Do you still remember that at that time, you invested US$2 billion in campaign funds, and the momentum was so strong that you defeated Mr. Tesla?

That is, when you have the best chance of becoming the next president.

This is not what the Justice League wants to see.

However, we did not use unconventional means to deal with you at that time. "

"Afterwards, the Gotham Consortium provided the clown Tesla with a total of 2 billion US dollars in campaign funds." Luther stared at Bateman, "It turns out that you are the one doing the trick."

"If you don't cross the line, neither will we," Bateman said.

Luther sneered: "You were already spying on Tesla before I even crossed the line."

Bateman nodded and sighed: "That's right, at that time I entered the 'witch thinking mode' and predicted what you would do next based on your past style and current investment.

So, I placed miniature cameras in the gemstones on Mr. Tesla’s brooch and pins in advance. "

Harley glanced at him sideways, "Don't put the blame on me every time you do something that crosses the line."

"I don't blame you, the witch thinking mode is just a meditation method." Bateman said in a dull voice.

"Did your camera use alien technology? Otherwise, it's impossible for my instruments to detect it. If you use alien technology to do illegal things, you will be punished with an additional penalty." Luther said excitedly.

Bateman said seriously: "There is no alien technology, it's just a small toy invented by myself after learning alien technology."

"Fake! You are so quibbling, you are more evil than me." Luther cursed.

Bateman said seriously: "Only if we are more cunning than you, can we successfully defend the law and justice. This is the fundamental reason for the creation of the 'Witch Meditation Method'."

Harley said with a disgusted look on her face: "Can you change the name? For example, 'Lucifer Meditation Technique' or 'Darkseid Meditation Technique'. Even the Witch Harley is inferior to those two."

Before Bateman could speak, Luther shouted: "You have broken the law. You are using illegal means to defend the law. You are blaspheming the law."

"This thing was done by me and has nothing to do with other heroes of the Justice League." Bateman said.

"So you are so great when you bear the sins alone." Luther sneered.

Bateman pursed his lips, "I am Batman!"

Luther was baffled.

Bateman explained: "You don't know Bateman? He has always been on the edge of the law. It is normal to beat people to the ICU. His philosophy is not to tear apart Bateman's idea of ​​'bringing hope to people', but to Deter evil through fear.

Installing trackers and cameras on other people is a routine operation for him. "

Harley almost couldn't stand it.

Luther couldn't hold it any longer, twisted his face and shouted: "You shameless villain, are you still mocking me?"

Bateman sighed: "No, I never thought about showing off my power in front of you like a winner, or mocking you.

I came here today and said the above words to you with only one purpose - to warn you.

Justice League doesn't just tear Man apart.

We are not pedantic nerds, there are many heroes who can go into the dark for justice and do more than you can imagine. "

——Not only to warn Luther, but also to warn all people and forces who dare to have evil intentions towards Zhenglian.

Even the president has been kicked down, who else thinks he is better than the president?

Not only because Luther plans to use government power to suppress Zhenglian.

Harley guessed that it was because of the "woman in the refrigerator" some time ago.

However, she was also a little confused. Her girlfriend was "hidden" in the refrigerator, so why didn't Kyle Rayner cause a scene in the Pentagon?

"Harley, did you see it? Bateman was threatening me." Luther shouted.

Harley rolled her eyes at him, "Please, you are Lex Luthor, are you so low? If you failed today, and you will find a chance to take revenge tomorrow, what's the point of complaining to 'adults'?"

Luther was so choked that his bald head turned white, red, and blue.

Now he finally understands that he and Harley are friends, but their friendship is far less than that between her and the Justice League.

"Luthor, superheroes are not saints, nor do they promote themselves as saints. What's wrong with threatening you? It's not illegal." Bateman said calmly.

Luther gritted his teeth and said, "You illegally obtained evidence! The secretly recorded video cannot be used as evidence to accuse me."

Bateman sarcastically said: "You think I will hand over those videos to the prosecutor's office? Don't be naive, I'm not that naive.

Once you know what you did, finding the corresponding evidence is easy. "

"I don't believe it, I didn't leave any flaws." Luther said.

“You are flying on a state-of-the-art aircraft with countless electronic components recording a lot of seemingly useless data.

The process of obtaining that data was completely legal.

In addition, there are not only you and Tesla on the plane, but also waiters and bodyguards, who are neither deaf nor blind.

By the way, Bain also provided important evidence."

Bateman raised his chin slightly, with obvious pride in his tone, "As I said before, you underestimate the Justice League too much.

You think we only have super powers—"

"You have no superpowers," Harley said.

Bateman was choked, and his high aura immediately dropped by half: "Luthor, you think we are fools who only save people from fires and fight super criminals on the streets in a strict manner.

But you forgot, we are Darkseid's enemies!

In what way do you think your strength and wisdom are better than Darkseid?

Are you crazy to dare to challenge the Justice League alone?

Remember, as long as you use dirty tricks against us, you will definitely be targeted by us; as long as you are targeted by us, unless you are not a bad person, we will definitely find evidence that you are a bad person.

Once you have the evidence that you are the bad guy, the rest is simple - follow the process and send you to jail. "

Luther stared at him, his eyes gradually becoming bloodshot, "Baitman, I remember you. Today's humiliation, I swear, one day I will repay you a hundredfold."

"Let's wait until you are released from prison. This time you will be sentenced to at least three hundred years."

"What you said to Luther today was a bit strange. It was too rude, like a nouveau riche who goes wild when he succeeds."

Harley asked doubtfully after leaving the police station.

Bateman sighed: "Those words were not meant for Luther at all. Everything that happened in the prison cell today will be seen by all forces.

Seen by the White House, Congress, the Pentagon, secret military organizations, international superpower research organizations, and people and organizations that may be hostile to Zhenglian. "

"I can see this, why? Is there something wrong with Kyle?" Harley asked.

"Two days ago, Major Mighty, who dismembered Alyx, was sent to Slab Prison. This is the Pentagon's 'justice' for Kyle Rayner.

The person behind Major Divine Force has long been discovered by me, Brigadier General Wade Allyn.

He refused to admit that he had commanded Major Divine Power, and even shouted that if he wanted to cause trouble for him, he should at least provide conclusive evidence first.

A few days ago, Superman got a batch of dirty information on generals, but none of them included Wade Allin, because he was not a brigadier general because he was not high enough.

But lately.”

Bateman looked at Harley with a complicated expression, "Have you noticed the news about Wade Allin? He is being targeted by Zhenglian. Unless he is not a bad person, evidence that he is a bad person will inevitably be found.

Cyborg sent the evidence to many newspapers, but not many viewers paid attention.

Because at the same time, three pieces of news about Hollywood superstars either cheating or having sex appeared one after another.

The Pentagon's response was even colder, issuing a notice temporarily removing Wade Allin from his position in the Special Crimes Defense Section. "

Harley said disapprovingly: "Now that we know the murderer and the man behind it, we can kill him directly.

Why do you want to beat around the bush and try to control public opinion and put pressure on the military?

Isn't this choosing the track where the enemy is best at competing with the enemy? "

"Not killing is the bottom line for superheroes." Bateman sighed.

"Just your bottom line."

"Yes, it's just my bottom line. I don't ask others to do the same, but I can't encourage Kyle to kill people."

"Does he still need to encourage him? Is he a coward?" Harley said sarcastically.

Bateman said seriously: "Don't insult him, Kyle Rayner is a true hero far beyond me."

If you use cowardice as a criterion to judge a hero, he is indeed one.

Harley was sarcastic in her heart and stopped talking about the Green Lantern who had nothing to do with her. She just asked curiously: "What would you do if it were you?"

"I" Bateman struggled, "I once wanted to kill the people who murdered my parents with my own hands, but you killed them all. I was very disappointed.

I don't know if I can hold the line. Maybe you should have let me give it a try. "

"Are you in contact with a psychiatrist?" Harley asked.

"Do you think being too attached to the bottom line of 'no killing' is mental illness?" Bateman said displeased.

"Even the football team has a psychiatrist. The life and pressure of a superhero is much greater than that of a football player. I really recommend that you find a psychiatrist."

The Luther case is still being tried, but the country cannot live without a king for a day. Silas wants to re-elect, but this is not in line with the American system.

According to American law, if the president fails, the vice president comes on.

Although Luther has not been to the White House, he is a veritable presidential candidate.

So, he also has a vice president.

Now that he is in office, Tesla gets a four-year term as president for nothing.

However, the title of "the luckiest president in history" did not fall on him, because the video of Luther threatening him spread, and everyone thought that he was both unlucky and lucky.

"Now, let's revive the Alien Crimes Act!"

In early 2017, Tesla, who had just entered the White House, excitedly announced to the public.

Half a month later, he called Quinn Manor, his voice mixed with embarrassment and depression, "Sorry, Harley, I'm going to break my promise.

Members of Congress don’t listen to me. Both Democrats and Republicans insist on ‘integrating with galactic civilization through legal interstellarization’. "

"Oh, I see."

That night, the god appeared again in Gordon's dream: Wei Zheng went to war!

"Wei Zheng" woke up early the next day and sat on the edge of the bed, struggling for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Lai asked strangely.

"Do you think Mongo, who has been tried by the law, should be murdered?" Gordon asked with bloodshot eyes.

Xiao Lai pondered: "I don't understand what happened, but no matter what decision you make, you must believe that you are right, and I also believe that you are right."

This was like saying nothing, but he filled Gordon's stomach with hot chicken soup.

He dialed the number for Wayne Manor and said, "Do you know Wei Zheng? Now I probably need a Li Shimin."

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