I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1003 Miserable Zha Kang

"Oh, John Constantine." Dachao nodded: "I know his story. He even sacrificed his precious love for the sake of the earth.

Bateman spoke highly of him and believed that Constantine's strong will to uphold justice surpassed his own. "

The subtext of this statement is that if it were Bateman himself, he would probably hesitate to trade his woman for world peace, at least not as "free and easy" as Constantine?

After doing the same thing as Constantine, will he become depressed and lose his former courage and fighting spirit?

"But does he agree?"

Dachao agreed to let Constantine become the representative of the earth and the messenger of the heroes, but only if he agreed.

"Let Zatanna give him good words. In addition, you Zhenglian will go out as a group, bow around him, and say, 'Please, the safety of the world depends on you.'

If he hesitates, bow again, infect him with your righteous eyes, and activate the righteous heart in his chest. "Harry said while holding back a laugh.

Dachao looked at her suspiciously, "I feel like you are trying to trick everyone, Constantine and our Justice League."

"Then do you want to choose an absolutely reliable messenger to go to Apokolips?"

Dachao nodded hesitantly and sighed: "I will go find John Constantine, but I will not invite him in the way you said. I will tell him the risks and the necessity of this trip.

I will never force him or put any pressure on him. "

Two days later, Zha Kang, who had disappeared for a long time, reappeared in the United States and took the initiative to come to Quinn Manor.

His appearance has not changed much. From the handsome face of Leonardo DiCaprio when we first met more than ten years ago, he has settled into the slovenly middle-aged image with a stubbled beard and a bit like Keanu Reeves.

It's still a Burberry coffee yellow windbreaker, but the clothes are brand new. This guy is not short of money. Harley often pays for exorcisms. He performs exorcisms for wealthy people, and every time he performs exorcisms, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars are paid into his account.

"I heard that you recommended me?" He blew out a smoke ring and said slowly.

"You agree?" Harley smiled.

Looking at her bright and smiling face, Zha Kang said calmly: "I originally didn't intend to get involved in the bad things between you and Darkseid, but Tearman is a good old man and didn't force me.

However, it was Xiao Zha who led him to find me in Ireland.

I can see that, whether for the sake of bullshit justice or for the sake of face, if I refuse to tear Man apart in person, Xiao Zha will most likely be enthusiastic and want to fight in person.

She has good strength, but has a straightforward personality, so she is no match for Darkseid. I don’t want her to get hurt, so now you get what you want. "

Harley looked at him sincerely and said, "I also want to help you. Since what happened with Nick, you have become increasingly depressed and even broke up with Xiao Zha.

I am creating opportunities for you to regain a new life, renew old relationships, reincarnate yourself, turn from darkness to light, join Zhenglian, honor your ancestors, be famous throughout the ages, and achieve great achievements in this world. Can you understand my painstaking efforts? "

Zha Kang looked at her steadily for a while, then turned his head and wiped his face, "I almost believed it."

Harley smiled instead of being angry, nodded and said: "Very good, you must maintain this mentality of being resolutely vigilant and skeptical in the face of the truth, so that you can not be deceived by Darkseid."

"Okay, tell me your plan."

"Tell me first. According to your ideas, we hope to achieve several goals this time." Harley said.

Zha Kang thought for a while and said: "First of all, let's find out Darkseid's condition, whether he is alive or dead, what effect the Tears of Death will have, and whether it is possible that his body is dead and his soul has fallen into the tomb of the gods. Sending thoughts outward to control the overall situation

In short, you must expose his lies during the meeting.

I have to say that there is no one on the entire planet who is more suitable for this job than me. "

After boasting about himself, he added: "Secondly, try to appease Darkseid's angry heart, so that he can look good and stop worrying about and hating the earth.

That’s pretty much it. Do you have anything to add? "

Harley applauded him with satisfaction and said: "This time the messenger must have two qualities, the sharp eyes to detect Darkseid's reality, and the eloquent tongue to persuade Darkseid, which you happen to have.

Not choosing you as an ambassador is a sign of contempt for your outstanding talent, which is like a hundred-watt light bulb in the dark. "

Zha Kang rolled his eyes at her.

Harley continued: "However, although you roughly stated the mission of this trip, you ignored an important point in the content.

You tell Darkseid to stop paying attention to us. You can't rely on your words. You have to use more practical gains and losses to impress him.

To put it bluntly, find a target for him and give him something to do. "

"Who are you looking for as a target? The new god of the Genesis Star is a thief and wants us to be a target." Zha Kang asked.

Harley's lips did not move, and the "voice" was transmitted into Zha Kang's mind through mental power: "You quietly tell Darkseid that I discovered the equation of life, the complete equation of life, on the Origin Wall.

This secret has been obtained by his 'lifelong enemy'.

There is not much time left for Darkseid, and soon the 'enemy of life' will get the life equation.

The most bizarre thing about the life equation is that it can forcefully distort the essence of human life, and even I can't resist it.

You ask Darkseid to think carefully about what his lifelong enemy would do to him if he got hold of that thing. "

"Are you serious? About the equation of life." Zha Kang said in surprise.


Zha Kang didn’t just go directly to Apokolips.

The Justice League first sent an unencrypted broadcast signal to the "New City of Pain" through the sonic boom channel, asking whether to continue the previous negotiations.

In the open letter, Zheng Lian said it politely but not condescendingly. The general meaning is: Last time Darkseid allowed Harley to take revenge. If Apokolips withstood the revenge and proved capable of negotiating with Harley, he would immediately sign a peace agreement. Now Earth recognized the Dark Lord's power.

If Apokolips agrees, please allow messengers on behalf of Earth, on behalf of Harley, and on behalf of all superheroes to visit Darkseid.

After waiting for two days without any response, the heroes of Zhenglian thought that Apokolips was going to use silence to express rejection, but on the third day, the kind grandmother actually appeared in person.

And she did not act as the messenger herself to restart the negotiations between Darkseid and Harley.

Instead, he took the messenger Constantine to see Darkseid.

"If Darkseid is in a bad state, he should refuse to meet the messenger, but he is a smart man, and if he refuses directly, it will make us guess that he is in a bad state.

The problem is, now that he has delayed replying to us for two days, we will also guess that he is not in good condition. What arrangements are he making in the past two days? "Dachao was puzzled.

"When Constantine returns, all questions will be solved." Harley was very calm.

They waited another day before seeing Zha Kang.

"Ah ah ah, please go away and don't pester me. It hurts -"

"BOOOM!" The sonic boom tunnel exploded, and a "madman" with wild eyes and a hoarse voice appeared outside Quinn Manor.

He was yelling like a madman, pushing the air around him, and scratching the skin on his body. His clothes were torn into rags, stained with blood, and the skin on his body was dripping with blood, as if he had been attacked by ten thousand cats. .

Wisps of purple-black smoke as thick as a thumb also emerged from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears, like pythons, wrapping around him.

Quinn Manor actually includes the entire Indian Hill and a pier. Outside the manor is a road connecting downtown Manhattan. At this time, the madman appeared on the road at the door and immediately alerted the manor gatekeeper.

"Who are you and what are you called here - ah~~"

As soon as one of the handsome black men came within ten steps, a wisp of purple-black smoke from the madman's body immediately separated, stretched out a smoke line of seven or eight meters, and fell into the black guard's eyebrows.


While screaming like a madman, thousands of holy white lights suddenly emitted from his body outside the door, and a pair of white wings popped out from behind.

He is an angel.

Harley really wasn't bragging, her doorman was actually an angel from heaven.

After performing "great service" for God during Crisis on Infinite Earths, she was promoted to the King of Heavenly Mountain and became the God of War of Arkham. She was assigned ten Eagle Angels as personal guards, two of whom were assigned to guard the gate of the manor.

Two doormen, one white man stayed in the guard room, and one black man came forward to check. The black angel was attacked by the purple and black smoke. The white angel on the other side was frightened and immediately prepared to send a message to Arkham God of War. But in the next moment, the black angel was covered in smoke. Another plume of purple-black smoke flew out, like a greedy python, rushing towards him.

"Lord, these are the tears of death!" The guard who can be called the "God of War" is no ordinary angel. He is very knowledgeable and reacts quickly. He yelled and fled quickly until he reached the manor halfway up the mountain. Smoke catches up.

"Ahhh——" He became the third "madman".

"Whoosh whoosh-" Several phantoms flashed by, and Harley stepped on quantum displacement and quickly came to his side, recognizing the essence of the purple-black smoke at a glance.

"Fake!" She cursed lowly, grabbed the angel's wings with her left hand, opened the experience jar of the ninth life defense specialty, and absorbed all the tears of death coming towards her. The jar bubbled crazily and immediately opened level 0. Destruction defense.

Tears of Death and Life Connection are opposite to each other, but they are both related to life and belong to the ninth defensive specialty.

Harley had planned to use the Tears of Death to activate the ninth defensive specialty, but the earth suddenly encountered the Doomsday event. She had an idea and used the Tears of Death to assassinate Darkseid.

Therefore, it is only level 0 today.

When I carried the white angel to the mountain gate, she was already at level 2, while the white angel was almost back to normal, but his whole body was weak and weak, as if he had a serious illness.

Harley followed the same example and rescued the black angel first, and then went to see Zha Kang.

Black Angel is more serious than Zha Kang.

Zha Kang was still screaming and jumping wildly, but most of Angel's body had become illusory.

An ordinary person would not be able to see the black angel at this moment.

Harley even sensed a portal full of depravity that was about to swallow him whole.

If she had arrived a few seconds late, she would not have been able to save her own guard.

Angels are gods, Zha Kang is still a human being, and Tears of Death is specifically aimed at gods.

Two hours later, at the cost of upgrading his Tears of Death defense expertise to level 6, Zha Kang regained his sanity and slowly woke up.

At this time, the Zhenglian heroes also arrived after hearing the news. They all gathered around the sofa and looked at him with concern.

"Darkseid is really dead." He suppressed this sentence first.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then curiously asked: "Are you okay now? Why are there so many tears of death on your body?"

"He said he wanted to test Harley's ability to expel the Tears of Death. If I die, it means she is cheating on him and deserves to lose her best friend—fuck, this is a huge misunderstanding."

Harley said with a dull face: "You mean, you are not my good friend?"

Zha Kang's bloodshot eyes widened and he asked: "You will feel pain and torture because of my pain and torture? After I die because of you, will you be heartbroken?

Mother Fuck, they say Darkseid is cunning and cunning, how could he have such a stupid idea. "

Harley patted her chest happily, "God bless you, nothing happened to you. If you suffer misfortune because of this, I will really feel guilty and sad for the rest of my life."

Zha Kang was not moved to tears, but his face immediately turned green.

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