I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 103 Live broadcast (an update of 11,000 words in three chapters, please subscribe, be sure t

Wayne Manor.

"Hi, audience, you are familiar with my cute face, right? Hahahaha!"

"Don't worry, don't be afraid. We are not robbers, but a group of cross-dressing heroes. The team is called 'Gotham Conscience', hahahaha"

"We are here not to cause destruction or killing, but to uphold justice for God."

In front of the TV, Bruce felt cold all over.

Even though she put on smoky makeup, bright red lips, and her hair turned red and blue again. Even though she smiled exaggeratedly and crazy, these non-mainstream styles still couldn't hide her beautiful face.

But he just had an inexplicable fear: she had become so strange!

He knew that she was innocent at first, so whose fault was she in this situation? She killed so many people, who should be responsible?

"Someone come over here and help me connect the laptop screen to your camera." On the TV, Harley smiled and waved to the people outside the camera.

After a while, the TV screen flickered, and the camera shifted from the recording studio to the laptop screen in her hand.

Three sets of images flashed on the computer screen, one downstairs, one outside the building, and one on the roof.

Downstairs, two hooded men armed with machine guns guarded the door, and behind them in the hall, bundles of bombs were tied to load-bearing columns.

Outside the building, from the window of the director's office on the 18th floor, a long steel wire hung down, and hanging on it was a long list of wailing and groaning men and women in suits. There were more than 20 people, including almost all the existing high-rise buildings in the news building.

On the top of the building, under the towering signal transmission tower, there were two more hooded men, who were busy doing something at the signal tower workbench.

"Seeing this, some people who are ready to make a move should give up some impulsive plans, right? Otherwise."

The camera returned to Harley, who shrugged helplessly.

"Actually, I'm not a bad person, and I don't want to hurt anyone, but ordinary people have no way to speak out."

"You may be wondering why I didn't surrender directly, go to court with the gcpd, or find a reporter for an interview.

Haven't I tried these normal routes?

For the monastery case, my high school friend, Bruce Wayne, hired the top team of lawyers in the United States for me.

But what's the result?

Obviously the lawsuit is still going on, and I am also the plaintiff. Then one day, GCPD surrounded my door.

Another example is the case in the cathedral last night.

First of all, I do not deny that I participated to a certain extent and broke the law, but I apologize for putting all the blame on me, I can't help it. "

"Without further ado, let's settle the monastery case completely."

Harry worked on his notebook for a while, and a video appeared in front of the audience in front of the TV - in the guest room in the backyard of the cathedral, the black-armored Harry said coldly: "Give me that recording, it's the night of December 3rd, Harvey Dan and I." Special, Jim Gordon's phone call record, which records everything that happened in the old woman Theresa's office.

Give it to me, and the monastery incident will come to an end, and I will leave immediately. ’

‘No more, it was deleted long ago. ’ cried Fernando.

‘Tell me clearly, how was it deleted? Did you destroy Harvey Dent's tapes, or format the memory? ’

‘First format and then physically destroy it, completely irrecoverable. ’ Fernando said.

"The monastery is a monastery for fallen Americans. What they do has nothing to do with us," Brother Robbie said.

'Yes, we used the church's unique method to brainwash Harvey Dent, but the brainwashing did not use magic. We cannot remove the magic and make him recover instantly!' Fernando wailed.


"Alas, she won," Falcone sighed.

Wayne Manor.

"In this case." Bruce suddenly had a terrible thought.

Harley could at least make a clean comeback on the Abbey case.

Then here comes the problem.

He spent a lot of money to hire the most luxurious team of lawyers, and the pressure of public opinion brought about by the overwhelming publicity in major media, and even the President of the United States

All legal means, almost to the extreme, still failed to defeat the Crusaders.

But now, through illegal means such as murder, torture, and fraud, Harley can easily accomplish things that are difficult to do under the law.

"Legitimate means cannot win justice, but unjust actions actually attack crime and defend justice. The world shouldn't be like this!" He held his head, and his views began to waver.

"Master Xiaobu." Ah Fu hugged him quickly and comforted him softly.

Old City, Gotham Police Department, rest room.

In front of the TV, a group of GCPDs gathered around.

They were all wailing now.

"Holy shit! It's over, everything is over." Harvey slapped his forehead and shouted: "The witch is too smart, and those two monks are too stupid. Don't you even know she is recording? It's so clear, everything you say is blocked. Fraudulent.

They are finished, and so are we.

Now, people all over the world will regard the witch as a pitiful victim and a brave and wise avenger, while we are the stupid and bad villains, shit! "

The black girl police inspector looked ugly, "Videos obtained through illegal means cannot be used as court evidence."

Gordon looked disappointed and murmured: "BOSS, haven't you seen it yet? She has completely given up on obtaining justice through judicial channels.

Now, she only believes in herself. Now, she is seeking justice for herself.

It was enough for others to believe she was innocent.

As for the law"

His smile was bitter and his voice was painful: "At least in Gotham, after tonight, the majesty of the law has been seriously affected.

More people no longer trust the GCPD, the prosecutor's office, the Supreme Court, the city government, or the laws we are sworn to defend. "

"This is not enough!" Edward Nygma's eyes were shining, his body was trembling slightly, and he said quickly: "Only this kind of indirect evidence cannot make everyone believe her.

For example, some people would argue that maybe she abused them before and made them cooperate in this scene. After all, Brother Robbie's arm was blown off, and Fernando was also shot in both legs, which was horrific. "

Maybe hearing his voice.

Immediately afterwards, Halle appeared in front of the camera again and said mysteriously: "It was just an appetizer. Maybe you will think it was just a show. Next, um."

She touched her chin and thought for a while, then sighed: "I'm sorry, Emma."

On the Upper East Side, Elliot's family is holding a New Year's party, and many classmates are here, including the three girls from the Queen's Club.

"Emma, ​​are Harley talking about you?" Dotty, the busty bully, turned to her friend.

"No way, I haven't seen her for a long time." Emma said anxiously.

Serena frowned and said: "The last time a Crusader reporter came to our school for an interview, Emma, ​​did you say anything bad about her?"

"No," Emma said uncertainly.

"Yes, you said that when her father Andy was a teacher at school, he used to look at your butt lewdly." A classmate immediately corrected her.

"They also said that she has been in PUA Bruce, so Bruce is willing to support the Crusaders for her." Another classmate said.

"Really, did I really say that? But Harry shouldn't be so petty, it's been so long," Emma said quietly.

"Sorry, Emma, ​​I didn't mean to target you. Among all the classmates in Gotham High School, you are definitely not the worst.

I actually don't hate you.

If possible, of course I would like to take the opportunity to severely retaliate against those bastards, but their family status is too low and they are not qualified to 'break in'. "

On the TV, Harley said with a troubled face: "Emma, ​​this is really a coincidence. You have to be strong."

Then the screen changed.

"Oh, no!" Emma screamed, "This is fake, it's an act!"

At this time, Harley's voiceover came.

I also have footage of live victims.

But compared to people who have passed away, living people can't stand their own unbearable condition, appearing on TV and being watched by everyone.

The dead have gone to heaven, but the living are still suffering in the world.

Well, I have a lot of videotapes, but I have carefully chosen to only show videos of children who died young in orphanages. "

To prove her statement, she also posted a large high-definition photo: a huge suitcase filled with video tapes and data cards labeled with characters.

In the close-up, the audience can see dozens of familiar names on the label, Gotham celebrities, and world celebrities.

"Oh, No——" Unable to bear the blow any longer, Emma howled, covered her face and ran out of Thomas' house.

"Oh, No——" Justice Payton was wailing. In the living room, his wife, children, and grandchildren were all staring at the old man on the screen in horror.

"Oh, No——" Councilman Lopez was wailing. Outside the office, his colleagues, secretaries, and assistants were all...

"Oh, No——" Wails echoed around the world.

"Oh, yes! I have another scandal. My name is on the label. I'm so afraid that others will think that it's a different person with the same name. It even has a title on it. Fortunately, it's not my turn yet in the video."

London, England, Buckingham Palace, a middle-aged uncle sighed and picked up his mobile phone with a look of helplessness.

"Hey, it's me, you guys watching the news? I don't care if you send Ethan Hunt, 007, or Kingsman who kills people with umbrellas.

Anyway, why did you immediately seal her mouth? Is it difficult? No matter how difficult it is, no matter how famous it is, can it be more difficult than my bitch wife, and how famous she is? !

Haven't you got her done yet? "

Time is limited, and of course Harley cannot play all the videos.

"Now, what else do you have to say!" She lay on her back on the anchor chair, feeling triumphant and high-spirited, laughing loudly.

"Of course, some people may argue that even if they admit that the monastery is dirty, they still insist that the monastery that night was pure and it was me who did it.

It doesn’t matter, I’ve become like this anyway, and I don’t mind threatening all the teachers, monks, nuns, and even hundreds of orphans at St. John’s Convent—if you dare to slander me again, I’ll kill you! "Harry bit his little tiger teeth and said viciously.

"Oh, by the way, I also know something about the law. I know that some videos can be used as evidence and some cannot."

She seemed to remember something, so she switched the camera again and played a video: Archbishop Marvin led her into the cathedral with a flattering look on his face, pried open the floor under the cross of Jesus, and lifted out a large box.

"This is the reason why I can control Gotham and let the justice, gcpd, and city council members break the law against you!" He said proudly.

"Fake Squid, this old man!" At this moment, countless Gotham high-level officials, foreign celebrities, and their relatives and friends all yelled.

Some were so excited that they even smashed the television.

"Hahaha!" Harley smiled proudly, "Well, even though Archbishop Marvin's secretly filming the video is illegal, the process by which I obtained these evidences was completely legal. He gave them to me."

"Why is this happening?" Bruce looked dull.

"Why?" Jim Gordon couldn't believe it.

"Why?" Almost everyone in the audience was filled with questions.

They all clearly saw that Archbishop Marvin looked natural, even triumphant, and did not look forced at all.

In fact, Harley in the video didn't even hold a gun, walking side by side with him like an accomplice.

"Hehehe, at the case briefing in the city hall this afternoon, Director Luo at least said he didn't lie. Last night, gcpd received two alarm calls from the cathedral.

Have you ever thought about why gcpd failed the first time?

Yes, it was Archbishop Marvin who asked them to leave. "

Harley played another video, just ten seconds long, only one shot, one sentence: Archbishop Marvin said impatiently to the church priest - tell the GCPD at the door to get out!

"Why?" The simple young master couldn't imagine the plot at all.

"She can turn her hands into clouds and rain. This little girl is so powerful! I'm afraid she can even clear up the tragedy of hundreds of people in the church." Falcone said with a serious expression.

"How else can I wash it? The Vulcan cannon bullets found at the scene are irrefutable evidence!" Sass frowned.

The old godfather shook his head slightly, "I don't know what she will do, but I have a feeling that she has mastered the situation and can handle it with ease."

"You all want to know what happened in the cathedral last night, right?" Harley showed a malicious smile.

"Actually, the devil is real!"

"Oh, No—" this time, Washington's Lowry began to wail.

"Oh, No——" In Wall Street, Hollywood, Las Vegas and other cities, the big demon in human skin is also wailing, "Who is going to tell her to shut up immediately?!"

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