"Beach City, the hometown of Green Lantern, was destroyed? More than 7.5 million people in the city died?" Louise exclaimed in horror.

Mrs. Crondeau's expression changed greatly.

"What happened?" Harley asked in a deep voice.

St. Peter shook his head and said, "I'm not sure. I just took a look at the place where she died when I was greeting Holy Spirit Crondro. Millions of dead souls were wailing blankly. It was very tragic."

"Everyone, I have to go back to Earth. Farewell."

Harry left a message and immediately took the worried Louise into the Archimedes airship, leaving Carlisle alone to guard the "Garrison Mansion".

During the flight, they had already taken out their mobile phones and checked relevant information through the watchdog.

Search keywords, "Beach City Destruction", did not find any formal news reports.

On the contrary, there is news that "aliens are coming to the earth, and Superman goes to stop them."

It's not surprising that Klondor went to heaven immediately after his death.

She had just died at this time, which represents the disaster that had just occurred in Beach City.

In fact, until the Archimedes airship jumped over Beach City, her cell phone did not receive a distress message from the Justice League.

Most of the heroes haven't even had time to figure out what's going on in Beach City.

"God, there was a bustling city here?"

Over Seaside City, California, Lois Lane exclaimed in disbelief.

Seaside City is one of the most prosperous and populous cities on the west coast of the United States.

There used to be many high-rise buildings and traffic here, and it was as beautiful as a shining shell on the seaside.

Now all that remains is a huge crater with a radius of fifty kilometers.

Broad streets, lively parks, international docks with frequent ship traffic. All the prosperous scenes of human civilization have disappeared.

The soil on the surface of the giant pit was scorched red, steaming out, and seemed to contain the burning smell of millions of corpses.

"Where did Beach City go?" Louise trembled and couldn't believe what she saw.

"Probably vaporized by the energy cannon." Harley spoke with difficulty.

Above the ruins of Coastal City, a space fortress larger than the city is suspended.

It is made entirely of jet black and silver metal and is in the shape of a huge sphere, with muzzles of varying thicknesses and lengths extending from its surface, like the burrs on the surface of a wild boar's skin.

Green Lantern Hal Jordan was furious, wailing like a beast losing its cubs, and desperately attacked the space fortress, but was saturated with missiles and laser cannons and was blocked outside.


"I'm online."

The Kryptonian commander's voice sounded on the console.

Harley ordered: "From now on, you will automatically pilot the Archimedes airship."

"The airship energy cannon cannot break through the energy shield defense of the space fortress." Fiora said.

“You don’t need energy cannons, just follow me, crash into it, and use the airship’s propeller to drag this space fortress away from the earth.

This is a space fortress that carries star weapons and is too threatening to the planetary land. "

Harley turned to Louise behind her. It was too late to send her away now, and she left her nearby, unable to explain to Clark in case of accidental damage.

"Louise, put on your seat belt, hold on to the armrest, and sit tight!"

Louise said nervously: "I read on the news that when the Battlestar came, Ripman took the initiative to fight against it. Where is he now?"

"Probably inside the fortress, I'm not sure."

Harley said casually, opened the hatch and jumped out.

"Boom, boom, boom -" It was impossible for the space fortress not to notice the airship more than a thousand meters above. Immediately, seven or eight "real rockets" flew in, covering several kilometers in the strong magnetic and high-temperature range of light and fire. .

The missile is too big.

It's the same size as a rocket launcher on Earth, but it's loaded with "gunpowder" tens of millions of times more powerful than TNT.

"Fake, what do you think the Justice League is doing, letting a heavily armed space fortress enter the interior of the earth?"

The space fortress launched interstellar missiles, which were very powerful. Harley took a few of them, her head was dizzy, and it was difficult to distinguish between east, west, north and south, and the 'Shaojun's jersey' on her body began to burn.

At the center of the explosion, there were tens of thousands of degrees of heat and super strong electromagnetic radiation. The leather armor and leather skirt were immediately burned to ashes, leaving only a dreamlike nightmare robe wrapped around the body.

Even with a body of steel with 96 points of defense, Harley was burned to pieces, like a roasted sweet potato.

She has a miserable image, and the other party also feels uncomfortable.

While receiving damage, the black vortices of thorns were launched one after another, and the muzzles attacking her below exploded continuously, "Boom - BOOOM!"

The jar's self-directed attacks and counter-injury mind spells cannot directly destroy the turret, but once the continuous explosions detonate the interstellar missiles in the turret, triggering a martyrdom explosion, a big explosion will occur.

Harley stepped on her feet continuously, triggering quantum displacement.

Whoosh whoosh, passing through the flames of the star missile explosion and the debris of the turret and deck, she entered the interior of the battle fortress.

Less than two breaths after she entered, Hal Jordan, who had been looking for opportunities outside but had no way in, also chased the Archimedes airship and entered it third.

Well, the airship has been following Harley, and the second one rushed into the fortress, slammed into the interior, and then turned on the engine at maximum power, forcefully pushing the huge fortress upwards and away from the surface.

"Meng Ge, I want you to die!"

After entering the fortress, Hal cried blood and screamed.

"Calm down and push this damn thing off the earth first."

Harley used her mental power to send a message coldly.

Inside the battle fortress, there is a space ecological city that is larger than the seaside city with a population of 7 million.

There are virtual projections of blue sky and white clouds, a small artificial sun hanging high in the sky, neatly planned streets and buildings, and tens of thousands of alien warriors ready for battle.

This spherical space fortress with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers is almost equivalent to a small world.

At this time, the alien warriors acting as internal defense forces excitedly shouted alien languages, held laser guns, or drove mechas or maglev armored vehicles to shoot wildly at Harley and the Archimedes airship.

Harley stayed around the airship to act as a human shield, standing there motionless as explosions continued in the streets below.

The black vortex of thorns in the second-level jar has two counter-injury effects.

One is that the jar absorbs attacks and directly reflects attacks of the same type.

The limit of energy absorbed by the secondary tank is 25 kilograms of TNT equivalent each time.

Whoever attacks Harley with an energy cannon will also be directly injured by the explosion of a TNT bomb with a maximum limit of 25 kilograms.

The relatively squishy ordinary mecha soldier fired an energy cannon at Harley with his front legs, and then exploded into a ball of fireworks himself.

Even if it can withstand damage equivalent to the explosion of 25 kilograms of TNT, the Black Vortex of Thorns still has a second level of counter-injury - price counter-injury, the mind curse.

Harley has just studied God's Sevenfold Retribution, and cannot retaliate by 700% like God. Currently, it is about 6%.

Harley's body takes 100 points of real damage, and 6 points will be used as a mental attack, acting on the target's brain.

Therefore, even if small airships and armored motorcycles block the black vortex's "treat him in kind", there are also mind curses and alien devils holding their heads and howling in agony.

Alien warriors with low resistance to mental attacks even bleed from their orifices and suffer brain death on the spot.

Harley's hands were hanging on her waist, her body was suspended in mid-air, her body was charred and scabs quickly fell off, and her fair and tender skin was restored. Only a layer of golden film blocked the attack and caused heavy casualties to the individual soldiers attacking her below.

"Gudong, gudong." The experience jar continued to grow.

Even if your hands and feet don't move, you can still kill people and earn experience without any delay.

"Harley, it's Mongo. This is Mongo War Fortress. He destroyed Beach City!"

Seeing Harley standing still and letting the space soldiers fall in large numbers, Hal finally regained some sense.


This name alone would make Harry feel very unfamiliar.

But Mongo plus War Fortress immediately set her sights on the target: a combination of copycat Darkseid and copycat Gao Tianzun.

He has a similar appearance and build to Darkseid, and like Darkseid, he likes to invade civilized planets.

But conquering the world is only a means, not an end.

Meng Ge's biggest hobby is the same as Gao Tianzun from Marvel next door, capturing powerful warriors to participate in gladiatorial battles.

The shape and weapons of the War Fortress are similar to the Death Star in "Star Wars", but it is actually a famous cosmic arena.

The reputation and business level are much higher than Harley's "Cosmic King of Fighters".

It is famous throughout the universe and attracts countless heroes from the universe to compete.

Before Crisis on Infinite Earths, Harley received news from aliens that the "cosmic tyrant" Mongo was eyeing the earth and wanted to capture "the only Kryptonian" to be a gladiator.

Unexpectedly, he actually came, even though it was two years late.

"Where is Mongo? Where is Ripman?" Harley asked.

"Rip Man chased Mongo into the war fortress and should be fighting now." Hal said.

Ghost battle, although the war fortress is bigger than the city, it cannot cover up the superhuman level battle.

If Da Chao was fighting fiercely with Meng Ge, there was no way she wouldn't notice any movement.

There is no movement now, which only means one thing: Dachao has been plotted, and the battle between him and Meng Ge is over.

Thinking of this, Harry felt more anxious and worried.

"Hal, you stay here, cooperate with the Archimedes airship to move the war fortress outside the earth, and then jump outside the solar system. I will go find Mongo and Ripman.

By the way, where are your other teammates? The seaside city has been destroyed and you haven’t come yet? "

"I want revenge on Meng Ge!" Hal's eyes were red, and he was more anxious than her. He said excitedly: "Harley, you come and move the war fortress, and I will go find Meng Ge."

After saying that, without waiting for Harley's reaction, he immediately turned into a green light and disappeared at the end of the city street.

About five seconds later, the fortress city trembled slightly, and a battle broke out in the northwest.

Harry secretly cursed 'Fake' and asked: "Fiora, how high is the war fortress from the ground now?"

"More than eight hundred meters."

"Only this tall?"

The space-time fluctuations caused by forcibly turning on hyperspace teleportation at such a height will tear apart the continental plates below.

"At least leave the atmosphere." Harley said.

"The fortress is struggling. Its propellers are millions of times more powerful than Archimedes's. We can't push it."

After a pause, the Kryptonian female commander cheered up and said: "During the competition, I uploaded the data information of the War Fortress to the Heaven Mountain host.

By now Ritchie had cracked its calculations and signal format, and was ready for hacking. "

"Very well, all of the grass-headed gods of the Heavenly Mountain are here to invade the war fortress. There are two goals: to find the key nodes that paralyze the fortress' engine, as well as the dangerous areas that may cause explosions and violent energy leakage; secondly, do not Seek to control the fortress mastermind, but we must try our best to interfere with it and paralyze it."

"Yes!" More than a dozen voices said in unison.

In addition to Richie, there is also the grass-headed god who transformed the hero's soul.

Now, all their souls have been digitized, turning into a torrent of data, rushing towards the mastermind of Battlestar under the leadership of quantum magic master Rich.

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