I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 963 First day at work

After receiving Harley's promise that the Pope's future promotion route would go directly to Silver City, the old exorcist immediately led a group of exorcists to join the Heavenly Mountain Cult.

Since then, the "Van Helsing Exorcism Sect", which has been passed down for thousands of years, has become part of the Paradise Mountain Sect.

Harley also changed the name of this department to the Knights of Judgment of Heavenly Mountain.

From now on, all the exorcism and martial arts business of the Paradise Mountain Sect will be handed over to the Knights.

"If this development continues, in the future, even if Paradise Mountain Church cannot surpass Catholicism, it will at least not be weaker than Anglicanism and Presbyterianism, becoming one of the mainstream beliefs of the American people." Ivy said excitedly.

"Harry has already become the Young Lord of Silver City, what's the point of starting this kind of human sect?" Selina said disapprovingly.

Ivy said: "Why does it make no sense? Christianity includes Protestantism, Catholicism, and Orthodox Christianity. The major sects are divided into dozens of small sects, and each sect has different classic theories.

They are to the majority of pan-Christian believers what the news media is to ordinary people.

Only by mastering the sect can we promote our own ideas, the doctrines that are beneficial to Harley, and the new Christian order.

For example, we are currently building a statue of Shaojun that ‘represents war and wisdom’.

If you secretly bribe or persuade other churches to promote it, not only will the cost be extremely high, but the efficiency will also be very low.

They were not even happy because adding idols meant revising their teachings.

With my own Heavenly Mountain Church, the situation is completely different. As long as Hallie is willing, it doesn't matter if she lets me be the Holy Mother.

Now Pope Carlisle has issued an order, and within a few days all the dozens of churches under our control will have the 'God of War Counterinsurgency Painting' painted on the church domes, and within a week they will erect statues of the Young Master of Wisdom and War.

The Paradise Mountain Sect has also invested a lot of manpower and material resources to promote the new teachings to dignitaries and ordinary people in Gotham, New York State, and the east coast of the United States.

Now that Van Helsing is the pope, with his huge influence in European dioceses, sooner or later our Paradise Mountain Church will break out of America and go global.

Therefore, the role of a regular church and a capable pope should not be too strong. "

"Of course I know what you are saying, but I think Harley is already a 'very popular minister' and can take hundreds of years to let her reputation slowly ferment in the world. There is no need to be so eager and direct, as it will easily make people jealous and make people jealous." Michael is disgusted," Selina said.

Ivy said: "Who knows what will happen in a few hundred years? With the speed of Harry's promotion, he may have inherited the position of king in a few hundred years, and then he will have to change his teachings."

"Ahem, Ivy, don't say such things. I am not a king, and I may not inherit the position of king." Harley felt that she seemed to have exerted a little too much force.

Now let alone ordinary people on Earth, even those around her feel that she is deeply loved by Michael and has become the heir to the throne.

But her official position is only the fifth rank, and she is still a military general. She is still far away from being a second rank official and entering the cabinet.

It was already early morning two days later.

On the "helipad" on the rooftop of the second floor of Quinn Manor, the Archimedes airship slowly closed its hatch, carried four passengers into the sky, and disappeared into the material world.

In the cabin, there were Louise and Mrs. Luther who looked excited, Harley, who looked indifferent, and the old priest Carlisle, who was so nervous that his palms were sweating.

There was no hot pot and no one sang.

Mrs. Luthor is Lex Luthor's mother.

It was Mrs. Luther who proposed to open a town in Paradise Mountain.

Old Kamai and a group of old men and women did not return to Earth at all after the end of the Crisis on Infinite Earths. They stayed in the mountain town to cultivate themselves, eat fast and chant Buddha.

Luther's mother originally didn't want to go back, but her son became a super criminal for crimes against humanity and was imprisoned in Stryker Island Prison for life.

Some time ago, Luther's spine was crushed again and he became paralyzed. Luther's mother could only continue to stay. It was only now that Luther was able to get out of bed and move around, and Luther's sister Lena gradually became the pillar of the company, that she decided to return to heaven again. Mountain town.

There is no way, if you don't work hard now, you will be sad after death.

"Harley, Lex recently upgraded his armor. It's very powerful, stronger than most heroes." Luther's mother suddenly said with a smile.

"I heard him say that on the day Superman returned, he called me and complained that I concealed the fact that Superman was being resurrected. By the way, he talked about the 'Superman Annihilation Eighth Generation Machine' he was building."

The excitement on Louise's face immediately disappeared, and the little eyes slanting towards Luther's mother became wary.

Luthor's mother was a little embarrassed, "Luthor is indeed too obsessed with Superman, but please believe me, he is a good boy. The only problem is that his father passed away early, and he lacked a wise leader in his life."

These words made Harry a little confused. What did Mother Luther mean? Why did you say this to her?

Do you want her to be Luther's father? !

"you mean?"

"Hey, Harley, if you have missions like saving the world and heaven in the future, especially jobs that can earn you merit in heaven, please pay more attention to my Lex." Luther's mother blushed slightly.

This was said so straightforwardly that Harley finally understood what she meant.

Although he wanted to complain, no matter how many meritorious tasks he was given, it would not be enough to offset his own sins.

But what she was facing now was her son's mother.

Although she guessed that Luther's mother wanted to get some merit from her "hero son", she might even be promoted to a card

"Okay, Luther and I have actually worked together several times."

After first sending Luther's mother to the town of Paradise Mountain, Harley came to Silver City again.

Michael did not show up, and only Raphael and a group of eagle angels greeted her at the city gate.

"Eh~~~" When facing the archangel's true appearance, Louise and Carlisle felt the sun rising in front of them, emitting golden light like sharp arrows, piercing their eyeballs and penetrating every pore of their eyes. , melting their skin, muscles, and bones.

Fortunately for Carlisle, after a moment of adaptation, as long as he no longer stared at the archangel seriously, the feeling of being burned would disappear, and the exposed skin would only feel a burning sensation.

Louise. If Halle did nothing, she would be like a candle, completely melting in front of Raphael.

"Wow, you are so beautiful."

When Harley enveloped her in the God's force field, when the guy saw Raphael's true appearance, he screamed like an idiot again.

After shouting, she immediately returned to her senses and bowed to the archangel in embarrassment to apologize, "I'm sorry, Your Highness, I never thought that a life could be so perfect."

In fact, Harley can understand her.

Because Raphael was so beautiful, she secretly sighed in her heart when she saw him for the first time.

"Beautiful Angel" Raphael, who originally frowned and was about to get angry, after hearing Louise's words and seeing her sincere and even pious face, couldn't help but smile lightly and said in a gentle tone: "You are a mortal, why are you here? Silver City?"

"She is the name of the universe. Oh, no, now that she has transcended the material universe, she should be considered a 'five-dimensional name'.

Well, she came to make a feature film for me.

The people of the earth all know that I joined the job today, and they are also very curious about what kind of official position the Silver City Guard is and what my residence is like. "

When the archangel frowned again and was about to say something, Harley added: "This is normal on Earth. Presidents, mayors, congressmen, and even football club coaches will shoot short videos to let the outside world know when they join the job.

Only by showing it openly to others can outsiders not make random suspicions.

Human beings are accustomed to conspiracy theories and like to think about problems from a dark perspective. In order to prevent believers from tainting the thoughts of Silver City and Silver City's official positions, I reluctantly allowed Louise to follow. "

What else could Raphael say?

Let Louise go away, let Earth believers speculate wildly, and let Silver City become an object of gossip?

"Harley Quinn, now let me tell you about the responsibilities of the defense and the situation of the Silver City Council."

Raphael made a gesture, directing Harley to fly in one direction with him, while saying.

Louise and Carlisle continued on the Archimedes airship, following behind them.

"There are nine members in the parliament, Lord Michael, Lord Gabriel, me, Metatron, Uriel, Sariel, and Raguel."

Basically, they are the twelve archangels, what's left after excluding Lucifer, Duma and Remiel.

"However, Uriel committed a crime during the advent of the Son of God and is not free now, while Lord Gabriel has always stayed on earth and ignored the internal affairs of heaven.

Lord Michael delegated power to the parliament and rarely appeared in the Silver City.

Therefore, the daily affairs of heaven are handled by the seven of us through discussion, and the speaker of the parliament adopts a rotating system.

From today until the year 2000, I will serve as Speaker.

I am also directly responsible for all your angelic commanders. "

Two thousand years? Isn't it equivalent to "the designated heir of the real Michael"?

However, the previous heir Uriel committed a crime and still had to go to "jail".

What if this "beautiful angel" also committed a crime?

Harley looked at the archangel sideways in a strange way.

"Do you understand?" Raphael felt a little uncomfortable, but didn't know why, and his brows furrowed deeper.

"I understand, I understand very much. Michael is the great king and you are the middle king. Now you make the decision in Silver City." Harley nodded and smiled.


Raphael glanced at her. If she hadn't been here as a young master, he might have liked the title of "Zhongjun".

"This is your garrison and the Silver City garrison."

The few people moved very quickly, and while they were talking, they had already arrived at a school field on the outskirts of the west of the city.

There are no angel civilians or civilian buildings around. There is only a 50-story silver metal tower in a radius of ten kilometers, surrounded by squares used for martial arts performances.

The foundation area of ​​the tower is not large, only 40 meters in diameter, but it is not circular, but hexagonal.

On the whole, it looks like a mace whip standing on the ground with distinct segments.

"I've met Mr. Shaojun!"

In front of the garrison, a deafening cry came from the angelic phalanx of two thousand people.

He was very energetic, his attitude towards her was very respectful, and he even called her her favorite name.

Harley frowned, "Is this the number of people?"

"In the past month, Silver City has carried out a top-to-bottom reform. After discussion and discussion by the council, it was decided to divide Silver City's security level into five levels.

The first level is the normal state. To maintain the daily order of Silver City, two thousand angels are enough.

The second level is the combat readiness level. No matter who or what the force is, as long as they show hostility to Silver City, they will immediately enter the second level alert state, and the military strength of the garrison will be increased to 20,000.

Level three is the dangerous level. The Gate of Heaven is lost and the garrison's military strength increases to 200,000.

When the war spreads to the gate of Silver City, the level four alarm will automatically sound. You will command an army of 2 million angels to defend the angel home.

Only the Archangel Council is qualified to issue a Level 5 alert order. "

"Level 5 alert, how many troops can I command? 20 million?" Harley asked in anticipation.

Raphael shook his head and said: "No, only two thousand. Only after you fail will we issue a level five alert order.

Even if I give you two million, you won’t be able to use it, and twenty million will have no effect either.

At that time, just like in the giant beast incident, the four angel clans will form four legions, with the archangels of each race serving as legion commanders. The entire Silver City army will be dispatched, and a ghost will be selected as the general marshal. "

"You might as well choose me as a ghost!"

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