I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 961 The Backlash of “Superman”

"Zauliel recently encountered love, but angels cannot have love. Once they fall in love, they will fall."

Originally, Harley should have concealed this kind of thing for Zauliel, but not only did he secretly descend to earth, he also became very interested in superheroes, and planned to make superheroes his new career after his fall (after he settled on Earth).

He really planned to become a superhero, so naturally there was no need to cover up for him.

Louise was stunned, "Archangel Zauliel. Who did he fall in love with?"

"What, you still want to give her an exclusive interview?"

"If it's possible, I'm really interested." Louise's eyes lit up.

"We are talking about your son now, and logging is more important than work." Harley reminded her.

"Xiao Qiao is very good. Martha takes care of him when I am at work. Martha can educate a Clark, and I believe that Xiao Qiao will become a hero who is upright, kind and in line with American values ​​in the future.

Not only me, but my father agrees with this. " Louise said with confidence.

"Well, today is different from the past. Clark is a child born in the 1980s. What was the United States like in the 1980s, and what is it like now?

The orthodox American values ​​back then are now being criticized as rednecks.

As a reporter, you know the current mainstream values ​​better than I do, such as environmental protection, gender, and black people. If your little Joe is the same as Clark, he is a typical representative of the mainstream American spirit.

Then 20 years later, he will probably be hugging a non-white boy, or lying on a strong man with a shy look on his face——"

"Oh, No——" Before Harley could finish speaking, Louise held her head in excitement and shouted, "No, no, no, absolutely not!"

Harley chuckled and said, "The first law of the wizarding world is that everything extraordinary has a price.

This law also applies to ‘Superman’.

When you define 'Superman' as the ultimate belief of mankind under the American spirit, you will inevitably suffer this backlash.

Just like believing in God, a believer becomes a believer or a believer fails. He is doomed to be coerced by believers throughout his life.

Ever since 'Superman' became a symbol of the United States, he has been unable to help himself and is destined to live the way that American values ​​want him to be.

Martha is of no use either. She is just a remnant of the old America and has no influence on the flourishing present.

Jonathan has been taught since childhood that "Superman represents the United States and represents the spirit of the United States." After entering school and entering society, Jonathan involuntarily moved closer to contemporary American values, and even worked hard to become its incarnation, so as not to live up to his status as the successor of "Superman" .

In this way, what is normal in the eyes of future people and what is abnormal and distorted in your eyes will inevitably happen. "

"No, what you said can't happen." Louise shook her head repeatedly with an unacceptable expression on her face.

"What did I say wrong? It was you who said that Superman is the ultimate spiritual belief of the United States."

Louise said: "I said Superman is mankind's ultimate belief in justice and hope, not the United States, not the spirit of the United States."

Harley chuckled and said, "This is so unpolitically correct. Isn't the United States equal to human beings? Isn't the American spirit equal to the sum of the beauty and great virtues of human beings?"

Which American, American media, and American politician doesn’t think so? "

Media person Louise was speechless.

"Even though 'Superman' is the embodiment of America's beautiful values, America's values ​​are beautiful and just and will not be distorted to the extent you said." Louise said weakly.

Harley sneered again, "If you don't talk about what has happened or is happening in reality, first of all, there is a big problem with your idea.

If everyone thinks that values ​​are distorted, how can those values ​​become mainstream values?

All Americans, like you, feel that their values ​​​​are beautiful and just - this behavior itself is a distorted value system. "

How could an American elite like Louise, who could win the Pulitzer Prize, not understand what she said?

But in order to fool ordinary Americans and spiritual Americans abroad, something must be said.

"Xiao Qiao will no longer be 'Superman'. Let Superboy, Iron Man, and Annihilus be the 'Superman's heirs.'" She finally said helplessly.

It’s perfectly fine to fool people and lead them into a ditch.

But your own baby cannot be distorted or magically altered.

Louise made up her mind: First of all, from now on, she would never mention the words "Superman represents the great spirit of mankind". Not only would she not mention it, she would also deny it in front of her son.

"Superman" is just an ordinary good person with his own real life. He represents nothing and does not bear anyone's expectations.

Secondly, when my son enters middle school and begins to form values, the family will move to Smallville (Superman’s hometown) for a few years, even if they give up their career prospects at the Daily Planet.

The simple town where Clark was raised can protect his son from the poison that will distort the spirit of the United States in the future.

I don’t know how much time passed, but a beam of white light fell on the window of Archimedes’ airship and transformed into an old white man with a kind face.

"Harry, Kal-El has been perfectly resurrected, and control of the Fortress of Solitude has been completely handed over to him. You can go back." The old man said directly.

"The efficiency is good." Harley nodded with satisfaction and asked, "Where is the Annihilator?"

Ruiou hesitated for a moment and sighed: "I can't recycle him, he will stay in the main universe, and it is very likely that he will always stay on the earth.

However, I believe he will not harm the people of Earth. Like Kal-El, he has a heroic heart.

Eventually, he would become Kal-El's assistant. "

Was this to persuade her not to hurt Annihilus?

Harley frowned and said, "How are you sure he won't be perverted? If he goes crazy, he can destroy a city with just one blow, and it will be too late to regret by then."

"No, Annihilator was originally a defense system, essentially a program to protect life. In countless incidents in the past, he has never mutated from a guardian to a destroyer."

"What kind of events?" Harley asked doubtfully.

Ruiou was silent for a moment and said: "The main universe at this time is Earth 0. There have been countless parallel universes. Many universes have Krypton, Tearman, and the death of Superman."

"In other words, this isn't the first time Annihilus has saved Ripman?"

Intellectually, Harley should understand this situation, but psychologically she cannot accept that Superman died countless times and was then resurrected by Leo for the same reason of "protecting the last hope of Krypton."

It feels like "The Death of Superman" has become an important "plot". As the protagonist, Superman's fate is not up to him.

Of course, there are many "Harley Quinns" and many Batmans in the multiverse. We are all the same, and no one has the right to pity anyone else.

Lois was also nearby. When she heard this, she couldn't help but said angrily: "Why must Superman die? If your purpose is to save him, why don't you stop this incident?"

She didn't expect to get the answer, but Riou did answer.

"This is fate, but fate is not arranged by me."

"Why is there such a fate?" Louise said excitedly.

"Perhaps, it's because you people on earth like this trick. Resurrection from the dead is the saint and the greatest miracle."

Harley felt that Leo was complaining about the Earthlings, but she had no proof because Leo's expression was serious.

"The era of being resurrected from the dead and becoming a saint has passed. Now the people of the earth have seen with their own eyes a greater miracle - the war god of heaven has wisely captured the hypocrite.

In the future, the cost of imitating the behavior of saints will increase tenfold or a hundredfold.

Resurrection from death is easy, but you have to find a hypocrite in heaven, Lucifer the Third, which is rare to encounter only once in tens of billions of years.

If you really meet Lucifer, you may not be able to defeat him. "

Ruiou looked at her deeply and said, "I'm actually also very curious about how her destiny will evolve in the future."

After the God of Krypton left, the Archimedes airship immediately jumped back to the material world, and sure enough found that Superman had awakened.

"Clark" Lois burst into tears.

"Louise" tore Man's eyes wet.

The two embraced each other passionately under the crystal dome of the Fortress of Solitude, and the colorful crystal light was reflected around them, making it dreamlike, beautiful and romantic.

Harley looked around, but couldn't find Annihilator. She walked to the Life Matrix and took Richie's digitized soul from the host.

"Is Annihilus up to something?"

"I didn't notice it, but there is a 1.23% gap between Superman's soul data and before entering the life matrix." Rich said.

Harley frowned and said, "Can you analyze the direction of the change? Is it an evolutionary adjustment or the hands and feet of the Annihilator?"

"I need Superman to cooperate with me in testing. No one knows the effect of those data soul fragments unless they try it themselves." Rich said.

Harley turned and said this to Superman.

"how do you feel?"

He closed his eyes and felt every muscle in his body.

"It's great. It's like taking a deep sleep after being tired. My whole body feels relaxed and happy."

"It's better to let Richie check it out. I think Annihilator and Kryptonian God are both a little weird." Louise advised with a worried look.

"I also want to know more about my physical condition." Clark did not refuse.

Two days later, Superman officially returned, causing a sensation in the American media. The American people were surprised and happy. Only a few giants of the Super League knew about his situation. Others thought he was really dead, and they were also surprised and happy.

"Oh my God, Isn't Tearman dead?!"

Luther looked at the familiar figure on the screen, his head felt a little dizzy, and a strange power spread from his heart to his limbs.

He was like a traveler who had been lost for many years and found the right direction in life again, suddenly full of energy and passion.

"Messie, get my campaign team moving. I want to enter the White House early next year. I want to salute me." He immediately called his secretary.

It's an election year, and Luther is running for president.

"BOSS, during the months when you were paralyzed in bed and unable to get off the ground, your campaign came to a standstill, and you lost your ambition. Therefore, the Republican Party abandoned you and chose Apollo Tesla with its nose in their hands," the secretary said calmly.

"If you choose that Hollywood stand-up comedian, aren't they afraid of being laughed at by people around the world?"

"It's not that you've tricked them. It's almost the end of the year and you suddenly lose your motivation. They don't have a third option."

"Okay, help me apologize to them. Well, invest another 2 billion in campaign funds." Luther said angrily.

The whole world seems to have become more vibrant, peaceful and peaceful because of the return of Superman.

Harley also had to admit that she felt more at ease now that Chao was on Earth.

When something happens, calling him for help is more effective than the other giants in Zhenglian put together.

At this time, it was time for her to officially join the Silver City defense.

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