I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 10 Debut with Dr. Manhattan

Manhattan, Rockefeller Building.

People were coming and going in the magnificent hall, including Harley and her female agent.

"Did I get the wrong person? Is that Li Zi? He also came to apply for Big Money?" Harley said in surprise.

"Yes, that's him." A few wrinkles formed on the female agent's broad forehead, "It doesn't seem to have the same smell as in "Big Ship", it's a bit greasy."

"Not bad, more mature than before."

Harley is not that picky, after all, she has seen the water gun version of DiCaprio.

DiCaprio was wearing a formal suit and big sunglasses. He was also led by his manager and took the VIP elevator, which was not the same as Harley and the others.

But on the 37th floor, they saw him again.

"Oh, you're probably out of luck."

Jessica was not sure before, but now that she saw Xiao Lizi entering the National Bank boardroom directly without waiting, she understood everything.

"Why? Isn't he a professional actor?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"This," Jessica said uncertainly, "Maybe I made a mistake. The National Bank does not plan to select real banknotes, but uses the name of 'second-generation banknotes' to advertise, just like mobile phone advertisements."

Harley said blankly: "Then what's wrong with me? I'm not a star."

Jessica whispered to a group of candidates beside her, "You are always better than them."

Waiting in a lounge with Harley were seven or eight handsome men and women, all of them young and energetic, at least the kind who could become Internet celebrities.

"Where did they come from?" Harley asked in a low voice.

"There are newcomers on Broadway and undrafted players from major sports leagues," Jessica said.

About half an hour later, Xiao Lizi walked out of the conference room.

But these little transparent ones haven't been summoned yet.

"I'm going to inquire." Jessica got up and went to find an acquaintance.

Not long after, she came back with a gloomy face.

"What?" Harley asked curiously.

"The directors are waiting for the elf prince Bloom and the football star Beckham to finish before it's our turn." Jessica sighed.

"Before, I thought big banknotes were too cheap." Harry held up his forehead.

"Dr. Manhattan's teammate and the only remaining Watcher in the modern era, how did you come to the conclusion that 'big money' is low?" Jessica said lightly.

Harley sneered, "It's just for fun. You said you are a teammate of God on Earth. If you call him, will he agree?"

Jessica was silent.

About twenty minutes later, Beckham made his debut accompanied by Beckham. Halle couldn't help but forced Jessica to get an autograph.

After Xiaobei, the elf prince never came.

Not long after, a female secretary with a curvy butt came over and informed Harley that she was the first among ordinary people.

"Let me tell you, you are still somewhat famous." Jessica smiled.

The two entered the conference room together.

It is very spacious inside, nearly 200 square meters. The side facing the street is completely transparent with floor-to-ceiling glass windows. There are four bald old white men sitting on the long oval conference table.

"Harley Quinn, tell me how much you know about big money." The man with glasses said directly.

“In the 1930s and 1940s, the first cross-dressing hero appeared in Gotham, and he was the Hooded Judge.

In the process of fighting criminals, the Hooded Judge quickly rose to fame. Under his leadership, cross-dressing heroes became a trend.

In Jersey City next door, there’s even a ‘Drag Hero Costume Custom Shop’ that specializes in providing personalized costumes for people who want to be drag heroes or cross-dressing criminals.

Dollar Dill (hero name: US dollar bill, hundred dollar bill) was born in this environment.

In order to build up the image of American National Bank, the bank's board of directors decided to launch its own cross-dressing hero.

Just like today, the board of directors advertised the job in the newspaper and then selected a young Broadway actor from among the many applicants.

Of course, that actor was a former failed football player. "

"You've done a lot of homework!" The cigar man's eyes lit up, a little surprised.

Harley glanced at Jessica quietly and continued with a smile: "Among the cross-dressing heroes, Captain Washington and the Silk Soul are the most famous.

One day after World War II began, they planned to call on cross-dressing heroes to form a team.

Dachao saw the recruitment information in the newspaper, went to Washington, and successfully passed the interview to become a member of the team.

That team is the ‘militia’ organization. "

From the name of the hero team "Militia", to the captain of the team - "Captain Metropolis" who is a copycat of Captain America next door, to the members like Da Qian. There is a strong rustic atmosphere from the inside out.

It's just so rubbish.


"Later, after World War II, the militia lost many members. Some died in accidents, some died in murders, and some retired. If no new blood joins, the militia will inevitably disband.

With the addition of Dr. Manhattan, Rorschach, Pharaoh, the second-generation Night Owl, and the second-generation Silk Soul, the famous 'Watchmen' was officially established. "

The bald-eyed man nodded and said, "Let's talk about the endings of each hero."

Harley had a strange expression, "Including the previous generation of big banknotes?"

The bald man shrugged, "It doesn't matter, just tell me."

Harley coughed a few times and tried to keep her tone calm, "Captain Metropolis died in a car accident. The hooded judge. He always wore a hood. The current mainstream theory is that he was a boxer and was killed long ago. A sea of ​​corpses.

A generation of night owl also wrote a memoir after his retirement, and his identity and address were fully exposed. One day, a group of drug-addled gangsters broke into his house and beat him to death with fists and baseball bats.

A generation of silk souls got married and had a daughter after retirement, and later divorced. I heard that she also worked as a model for pornographic comics and novels for a period of time.

There are also rumors that she worked as a technician for a period of time."

Speaking of this, Harley glanced at Jessica quietly again.

These secrets, and even the gossip about every cross-dressing hero, were all heard from her.

Jessica's last name is "Sheksnard".

At some point in time, a generation of Silk Soul also had this surname.

Well, Jessica's grandfather was the husband of Silk Soul, but Jessica and Silk Soul were not related by blood.

Silk Soul gave birth to a daughter during marriage, which is the second generation Silk Soul. However, the biological father of the second generation Silk Soul is a comedian. This is such a mess.

In fact, the old man was also the agent of a generation of silk souls, and later became the agent of the entire militia organization.

Therefore, Jessica is indeed from a family of agents.

“Another female member of the militia, a black silhouette, came out as gay and was killed by thugs who broke into her home and killed her along with her girlfriend.

The Mothman was very lucky. He suffered from mental illness and has been living in mental illness since his retirement. He died a good death.

The comedian, also after his retirement, was broken into his home and beaten to death by gangsters. Big banknotes.”

“One day, the National Bank of the United States was robbed by robbers, and Big Money showed up in time. As usual, he heroically defeated the robbers.

However, he was unlucky. While chasing the escaping gangsters, the stars and stripes cape behind him got stuck in the revolving door of the bank. He was stuck there and could not move. The gangsters turned around and beat him to death. The fate of the remaining people is unknown. "

The man with eyes shook his oily face a few times and asked: "What do you think of the capes of cross-dressing heroes? The Avengers, Batons, and Mr. Shadow who have been more active recently either don't wear capes, or they wear short, narrow capes."

Harley said sternly: "The long cape like a flag is the real soul of the cross-dressing hero and is absolutely indispensable."

The man with a big belly had been indifferent, but when he heard this, he raised his head in surprise and said: "This point of view is really interesting, how to solve the safety problem?

Most people lose their flexibility and speed when they put on a cloak. "

“The big bills need to be unique, not like ‘most people’ do or do that,” laughs Harley.

"Can you be unique?" the cigar man asked.

"For me, jumping in a cape is no more difficult than a one-arm giant pirouette." Harley said confidently.

Several old white men looked at each other and communicated with each other with their eyes. Finally, the man with glasses came forward and said to Secret Technique: "Lucy, take Miss Quinn to change clothes."

Harley was a little hesitant. Who knew if those clothes would become perverted? Think of silk stockings, fishnet stockings and tight leather briefs. How could they be wearable?

But Jessica looked ecstatic and pulled Harry, who was stunned, to the dressing room next door.

"This is superstar treatment! The reason why Beckham and Leo were delayed for half an hour was because they had to change their costumes," she said excitedly.

"If the clothes are too ugly, too revealing, or too silky, I will never wear them." Harley insisted.

Lucy, who opened the door in front, turned back and smiled: "Don't worry, National Bank's customers are relatively conservative middle class, and Silk Soul's style is not suitable for us."

The female secretary did not lie, they were not fishnet stockings and briefs. Harry saw several sets of dark green skirts of the same style and different sizes.

Lucy chose a medium-sized dress for her.

Long boots, pleated skirt, long-sleeved slim T-shirt, stars and stripes cape, and a huge "S" sewn on the chest with silver thread, which looks like Superman, but the S has an extra vertical line, "$", which makes it look beautiful. symbol.

From the "hope" of the Kryptonians to the "money" of the Rice Emperor.

This dress is a hundred-dollar dark green color with silver lines and white stars.

"It's actually not bad, fashionable and simple, beautiful and elegant, and it fits well." Harley breathed a sigh of relief.

"Very handsome." Jessica touched her chin and commented: "This uniform on you not only highlights the cuteness and charm of women, but also adds a dash of heroic spirit that is difficult for other women to have. Maybe you are really suitable. Be a hero in drag.”

When Harley appeared in the conference room wearing this outfit, the eyes of the four old white men all lit up and they praised her without hesitation.

The man with glasses said: "Your hair falls to your waist. It is too long and does not match the cloak. It is best to cut it short, only five centimeters longer than your shoulders."

"Am I chosen?" Harley said.

The man with glasses shook his head, "You do a forward somersault and land on the conference table. Then you put your left hand on your hips and your right hand pointing forward, condescendingly, like a queen, with an expression full of justice and majesty, and said loudly - Robber, this is Banks guarded by hundred-dollar bills, your end has come!"

"Is this a script?" Harley said blankly.

The bespectacled man nodded lightly, "We will make a promotional video for Big Money, and even buy advertising time in the Super Bowl. We will also have a variety of variety shows. We may also release records, make guest appearances in popular movies, and finally reach the goal of selling it to the world. The purpose of promoting 'Doctor Manhattan's Teammate - The Hundred Dollar Bill'."

"So, not only must you be able to run, jump, and perform various complex movements while wearing a cape, but you must also show considerable acting talent."

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