I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 9 Winning

Harold went back to the cell and went to bed after eating and drinking. Harold was going to get up and read a book at night when no one was around, and now he would wake up in the middle of the night after going to bed.

Soon, Harold fell into a deep sleep, sleeping from the evening until the middle of the night before waking up.

Harold yawned, looked at the bright moon in the night sky, lamented that he was lucky, and took out the Sword Fighting Manual from the inventory and began to study.

Sword Fighting Manual does not have many pages in total, and the number of words is only a few thousand words. However, it is different from reading novels. It must be read carefully. The book describes various skills and training methods of using swords in detail.

Harold scrutinized it carefully and understood the content bit by bit. He had to sigh that the writing was really good, and Harold benefited a lot from just reading a little bit of the content.

Just as Harold was engrossed in reading for more than an hour, he suddenly heard footsteps. The sound was not loud, but it was still particularly harsh in the dead of night.

Harold quickly put the book back in the inventory and lay down pretending to be asleep. The book in the inventory showed a reading progress of 7%. Harold couldn't help but wonder who came to the cell in the middle of the night.

Soon Harold's doubts were resolved, and the thin middle-aged man with a long scar on his face sneaked close to Harold's cell with two attendants.

'Scar' is him? What is he here for? Harold thought silently, and continued to pretend to be asleep.

Scar asked the attendants to wake Harold up, and one of the attendants took out a water bag and poured water into the cell through the iron railing, just right on Harold's head.

After pretending to be asleep, Harold shook his head and looked at the three people at the prison door as if he had just woken up.

Hello, new gladiator, I'm the steward of the arena, I have something to say to you.

Scar whispered after Harold woke up.

Harold had nothing to say to this scumbag, but he didn't want to offend him for no reason, so he replied, What are you talking about?

Seeing that Harold didn't drive him away immediately, 'Scar' thought there was something to be done, before he asked other gladiators to let him go away without saying a word, and finally there was someone who could communicate, so he must find a way to win him over.

Are you interested in being my man?

Don't look at the 'bald head' being very arrogant now, but my status in front of the Earl is much higher than him. I will kick him away soon. You will have no future if you follow him.

As long as you submit to me, after I drive away that bald barbarian, I can give you the privilege of not having to fight on the stage. You just need to help me teach those disobedient gladiators, and I can even find a way to release you , Let you be my confidant!

'Scar' thought of a good way to deal with 'Baldhead', and couldn't help smiling proudly.

Now that the existing gladiators have completely turned to bald heads, then I will recruit newcomers!

As long as he accumulates slowly, he can make up for the embarrassing situation that he has no gladiators after his power is fully formed, and he can logically propose to the earl to drive away the bald barbarian.

More importantly, after seeing the fighting power of the 'bald head' during the day, 'Scar' did not dare to continue to confront the 'bald head' head-on, and was very eager to have a powerful master under his command.

Harold couldn't believe it after hearing the words of 'Scar', win me over? are you serious?

Looking at Scar's serious expression, Harold couldn't help but feel a little funny. Doesn't this fool know that his reputation with Gladiators is a constant negative number?

'Scar' himself is an insidious and despicable villain, not to mention that he also set up a game full of hatred such as 'human-beast fighting', and he was born as a slave trader and never regarded gladiators as human beings in his bones.

In contrast, the bald head has full prestige, and it almost benefits the gladiators to the greatest extent without harming the interests of the arena. He has also been a gladiator himself, and he has completely gotten along with the gladiators and become brothers.

Under such circumstances, do you still want to win people's hearts? What's more, the conditions you offered are not only extremely stingy, but also can't be fulfilled immediately! Are you out of your mind or do you think I'm out of my mind?

Harold was really shocked by Scar's stupid behavior.

Harold knew that as long as he didn't accept the olive branch thrown by 'Scar', he would definitely offend him to death, so there was no need to say good things, so he just tore his face and pulled him down.

Take care of you? Go ahead and dream, you bastard, I wish I could wring your head off and kick it like a ball!

During the day, Huck and Shitou, who were beaten by Scar, can be regarded as the first and second friends I made in another world, and now I feel a lot more comfortable scolding him.

What? You, you lowly slave, how dare you reject me! How dare you scold me as a slave!

'Scar' clenched his fists angrily, his veins bulged, and he trembled a little when he spoke. He stared at Harold with wide eyes. He wished he could whip this ignorant slave hard. It's a pity that he There is no way to take Harold now.

You wait for me, I want to let you know what will happen to you if you offend me!

Leave a cruel word 'scar' and leave.

'Scar' is a scum who only believes in profit and doesn't care about feelings, and has a deep aversion to slaves, thinking that slaves should be treated as beasts and have no right to resist him as the master.

Aside from his anger, he really couldn't understand why Harold was still unmoved by the generous conditions he had put forward. He gave Harold a chance to become his own personal guard from a slave without human rights. This is the greatest gift for a lowly slave!

In an era of lack of knowledge and education, most people will regard the knowledge they have learned from life as the truth and use it as a benchmark to look at all things in the world. For those who are on the wrong path, his life experience The richer you are, the easier it is to make stupid moves.

After Scar walked away, Harold sneered, this is really an idiot, he doesn't know when his death is imminent.

Harold could have chosen to be hypocritical or to be a fool, so as to avoid falling out with 'Scar' so quickly, but he firmly chose to stand by 'Bald'.

This is not all because of emotional problems, but after seeing the stupidity of 'Scar', Harold thinks that 'Scar' can't fight 'Baldhead' even on a realistic level.

It's very simple. From Harold's point of view, 'Scar' is nothing more than a cannon fodder or a target thrown by the Earl of Salik, not even a pawn. But he still thought that he was the earl's confidant.

Harold has received a modern education, and often reads Yi Zhongtian Hundred Schools Forum, and is very familiar with the political routines of the superiors.

Whether it is Huck or the bald head, they are all of civilian origin. Even if they have received cultural education, they are extremely limited. In addition, the upper class deliberately blocks those important knowledge. Harold of the traverser is clear.

Earl Salik is the eldest son of the Marquis of Harlaus, and his resources and contacts are much higher than those of ordinary earls. Besides, there is an old Marquis behind him. Babel.

Why can't Lord Earl himself find monsters and monsters that a mere slave trader can find?

Why didn't Lord Earl think of such an easy-to-think routine of human-beast fighting? Even if he doesn't pay much attention to the arena and doesn't want to think about it, there must be someone under him who can think of it, right?

The core of the arena is the gladiator. Without an excellent gladiator, who will hunt down monsters if you catch them? Don't you understand such a simple truth?

If Earl Salik was an idiot, he wouldn't have promoted 'bald' to replace 'fat man' to manage the arena.

The nobles in many novels and movies are all stupid, greedy and lustful waste, but this world is a magical world where powerful monsters and monsters exist! A magical world where powerful demihumans such as elves, orcs, and dwarves exist!

In Harold's memory, subhumans other than humans, such as orcs, dwarves, and elves, are stronger than each other. Warcraft, monsters, and various hazards occur frequently. It can be said that it is very difficult for weak humans to survive in this world.

Harold didn't believe that the high-level nobles of the human kingdom in this world would be trash!

Obviously, the shrewd Lord Earl already knew how to make a lot of money and make huge profits, but it was better for someone else to bring up this kind of thing than himself.

Harold maliciously guessed that Earl Salik had specially asked someone to mention the 'Scar'.

'Scar' thought that he approached the Earl on his own initiative and offered the Earl a good idea to make a lot of money, and became a popular person in front of the Earl. But in fact, it was the earl who specifically picked out a well-connected idiot like him as a target.

When the dissatisfaction of the gladiators and other managers of the arena accumulates to the point where they are about to erupt, throwing the 'scar' out for 'popular anger' will not only not damage their reputation, but also gain the loyalty of their subordinates.

Even if you don't think about it from the perspective of conspiracy theory, but from the perspective of those in power employing people, 'Scar' is also an abandoned child who will be abandoned.

'Baldhead' was promoted by the earl from among the gladiators. He has an upright and kind personality. In order to repay the earl's kindness, he must do his best, and his ability and loyalty are guaranteed.

And what about 'Scar'? He is insidious and cunning, formerly a slave trader, he values ​​money and despises feelings, has no loyalty at all, and his abilities are nothing more than low-level methods that cannot be put on the table.

No matter how you think about it, the value of 'Scar' cannot be as high as that of 'Bald'.

After analyzing in his heart, Harold felt unsteady, and when he was about to continue to take out the book to read, he was interrupted again.

Not long after 'Scar' left, 'Baldhead' came to the door of Harold's cell.

Harold thought that the bald man must have seen Scar when he left. There was no misunderstanding. He was about to explain aloud, but the bald man dispelled his worries first.

I heard your conversation with 'Scar', to be honest, you can support me so much when you first came here, I am very touched!

Harold was stunned for a moment, luckily he didn't think about making a fool of himself or being an idiot, otherwise he would be heard by the 'bald head', and he was grateful in his heart, but he replied: What is that bastard, let me take refuge in him, I would rather Die!

It's rare to have the opportunity to meet the boss alone, but he has to make a good impression. Harold knows that cursing 'Scar' at this time is the best way to bring the two of them closer.

Sure enough, the corners of 'Baldhead' raised his mouth after hearing Harold's words, and cursed a few bad things about 'Scar' as well.

Afterwards, the 'bald head' opened the door of Harold's cell with a key, turned his head and left, and waved his hand for Harold to follow.

What is this for? Although Harold was puzzled, he still followed.

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