I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 82 Treasure Exhibition

Relying on the dwarf elders he made friends with when he sent the Tianshan Yulu last time, Harold won several VIP places to participate in the exhibition.

VIPs can not only observe the treasures at close range, but also participate in the auction. Some dwarves want to keep the treasures as family heirlooms to show off from generation to generation, and some want to sell them and spend money to buy materials to make better ones. Many treasures will be auctioned on the spot.

Speaking of the delicious wine Tianshan Yulu, the elder dwarf even dragged Harold to a secluded room and secretly asked him if he had any more.

Of course there are, [Item Management] After upgrading to lv3, the upper limit of the grid is 18, except for those precious things such as dragon eggs and inextinguishable lanterns, there are still many empty grids.

Some are smuggled and contraband, such as the water of heroes, such as high-end military weapons, these things are officially traded by various countries, and even the nobles of the kingdom cannot sell them privately.

It was by hiding these things in the inventory that Harold opened up business channels between countries, especially Earl Ramon, who became a brother and brother with Harold after receiving a lot of heroic water.

The remaining grids in the inventory are to store the wine produced in the wine cellar and the associated metals produced in the mine.

Associated metals include fine gold, mithril, orichanite, obsidian, and the total amount is not too much, especially mithril. After creating a necklace, the rest is only a few grams, even small items such as earrings and rings are difficult build.

After building a good relationship with the dwarf master this time, you can ask him to create some top-quality equipment.

Good wine is also good, [Tianshan Yulu] temporarily increases all attributes by 1 point within one day after drinking, [Amberis] increases agility by 3 points within one day after drinking, [Abyss Rum] the upper limit of HP within one day after drinking +20.

These three are at the same level, and the quantity is about 10 bottles. There is also a bottle of fine wine that was given as a gift when the wine cellar was just built, [Sacred Wine-Dionysus's Death], after drinking it, you will be shocked by powerful divine power. Life value -100, strength, agility, and charm +2 permanently, and the achievement [Wine Tasting Master] has been obtained.

Harold guessed that this wine should be a heaven-defying treasure absorbed by the system from an unknown plane. You can tell from the name that it is unusual, but Harold's current upper limit of health is less than 60. After drinking it, he will immediately gg, even if he cooperates with [Abyss Rum] +20 HP upper limit, his own HP must be more than 80 points, who knows if the system can revive him if he is killed by Divine Impact after drinking this kind of thing.

Now that the dwarf elder wants to order some fine wine, Harold can of course give him another bottle. Anyway, he can randomly get a bottle every month, and there is not a shortage of it except for [Sacred Wine].

Of course there is that kind of wine, but what do you want to exchange? Harold rubbed his fingers, don't tell you that you can buy me with a few VIP seats.

The dwarf elder showed a smile on his face, as long as he had wine, he had something to exchange.

In this treasure exhibition, mention my name when you are looking for an offer. As long as the price difference is not much, I guarantee that the treasure will be yours!

After finishing speaking, the dwarf elder secretly took out a piece of parchment from his arms, The title deed to No. 8 Themis Avenue.

Don't you want to build a large chamber of commerce? How can you do it without a storefront? You can use this land without charging you rent, and I guarantee that no one will dare to make trouble! Elder Harold forcefully stuffed the title deed into Harlow Te Wylie.

Then I'll thank the elder first, don't worry, I'll go back and bring you fine wine! Harold was overjoyed. Although the Buluo Fortress is big, there are not many empty stores, especially Temis over the market. On the main street, he bid tens of thousands of gold coins, but no one was willing to transfer them.

Harold's current caravan can only live in hotels, and the scope of this land deed is quite large. In addition to the facade facing the street, the yard behind it is not small. It will be three or four floors and the basement will be counted. , not only can accommodate hundreds of people, but also can put down a lot of goods, so that the dwarf branch can be considered complete.

Harold's business empire has made great strides forward, and soon there will be three large branches: the main store in Corondo, the branch in Babylon, and the branch in Dwarf.

Oh, why do you still call me elder? We will be brothers from now on. My full name is Brian Bronzebeard. Just call me Brother Brian! The dwarf elder patted Harold on the shoulder to show his closeness.

Harold cheerfully called Brother Brian, thinking that he had a backer. The status of the dwarf elder in the dwarf kingdom was second only to the dwarf king and several legendary powerhouses. And two elderly elders who are higher than Brian.

Harold pretended to go back to the caravan to get the wine, but actually took a bottle of [Abergris] from the inventory and gave it to Brian, telling him that the wine tasted different this time! This time Brian didn't blow on the bottle as he did last time, but treasured it up like a treasure and took it out for special occasions.

When the exhibition started, it was held in the open-air square, surrounded by dark crowds, and on the high platform in the center were VIP seats and booths.

The dwarves didn't advance the entire list of items, and Harold and other VIPs didn't know what was on display, and they waited with anticipation for the baby to appear on the stage.

The Frost Giant Belt is very exciting. The material is obtained after killing a Frost Giant. It can make the wearer immune to cold, and increase the strength according to the wearer's physical strength. It can have about 60% of the Frost Giant's power at most.

This is amazing. Frost giants are the most powerful creatures on the mainland, and even giant dragons are weaker. At their peak, the power of frost giants is almost a hundred times that of humans. Converted to a system value, it is 600, and 60% is 3,60 Point, enough to wrestle with ordinary legendary creatures.

The price of this equipment is also very outrageous. Harold didn't even rush into the first round of bidding, and the belt went for 200,000 gold coins as soon as it came up.

Damn, these are rich enough! Harold looked angrily at several rich men of other races around him, especially a winged girl who seemed to be a direct descendant of the Queen of the Winged People. She added 100,000 to the starting price of 50,000 gold coins, reaching 150,000. The sky-high price, Harold's small assets are not enough to look at.

In the end, 320,000 gold coins landed, and the belt was bought by the Yiren girl. The most angry thing was that the little girl looked at Harold with disdain and snorted, Poor ghost!

Facing the contempt of a little girl, Harold was almost unable to suppress his anger. Bias comforted him again and again before he calmed down. The fact that the winged girl picked on him was not because Harold had the mocking halo of the protagonist.

In the eyes of others, Harold is also a 16-year-old boy. The other distinguished guests are uncles, ladies, and old men. Only Harold and the Winged Girl are young people. Of course, the Winged Girl is out of the sense of competition among her peers. For Harold.

The rest of the various treasures are also full of surprises, but none of them can compare to the first heaven-defying belt.

Among them, the Invincible Hammer is worth mentioning. In the demonstration, this hammer easily smashed an iron ball with a diameter of one meter. It was as easy as smashing tofu. The hardness of the weapon almost caught up with that of diamond. I don't know how to do it of.

When Tiona saw the hammer, she desperately begged Harold to borrow money to buy it for her. The hammer was carried up to 90,000 gold coins, but Tiona only had 60,000 gold coins and it was still in the castle. After all, she didn’t have a caravan or Item column, how can you carry so many gold coins with you.

Harold certainly didn't lend it to her.

You still want to borrow money even if you haven't returned the Dragon Tears Gem? Besides, what do you pay for it? There are only a few hundred orcs in the Elven Homeland, and they can only earn 30,000 gold coins in the year of the monkey to make up to 90,000. Do you want to pay for it?

Harold wasn't really reluctant to give up the 90,000 gold coins. After all, she might be able to pay her debts. The key was that Tiona wasn't tall enough to use a sledgehammer.

The use of heavy weapons is not only about strength. Tiona is only 1.7 meters tall and weighs 100 kilograms. The sledgehammer weighs more than 400 kilograms, which is more than twice that of Tiona. It is really difficult to maintain the center of gravity when using it.

Tiona has orc blood. She has a plump body and denser bones and muscles. 100 kilograms is not an exaggeration, and she is a heavyweight player with a bald head weighing more than 200 kilograms.

Harold refused Tiona's loan, and Bias was a simple girl who couldn't spend 100 gold coins all over her body. After her potion was sold, the money was used to buy rare herbs, and Tiona didn't buy big ones. Hammer angrily gave Harold several punches.

The defense of 110 is not enough, Harold thought uncomfortably, this boxer is not easy to provoke, for the sake of health, Tiona can't get too close to Bias these few days before her anger subsides, in case she really gets angry Both she and Bias will be beaten.

The exhibition continued. In addition to all kinds of armor with great power and excellent defense, there were also a lot of extraordinary equipment, and several legendary equipment of the same level as the belt of the Frost Giant also appeared. Without exception, they were all sky-high prices. rise.

The invincible armor of the dwarf master also appeared, and it was very popular. The price even reached the point where it was similar to those legendary biological equipment, as high as 220,000 gold coins. In addition, it is also mixed with a lot of rare metals, which can be immune to many low-level magic.

This piece of equipment is not very valuable to the strong. They can fight against heavyweight armor weighing hundreds of catties, such as the Rune Heavy Armor Suit worn by giant dwarves. The full set weighs half a ton, and the defense effect is no better than this invincible armor Bad or even better, but can normal people wear such heavy armor?

As far as the current Harold is concerned, with 20 points of strength, he can wear armor that weighs less than 100 jin. Any more will seriously affect his agility. You must know that the equipment of the system itself has already reduced his agility by 3 points.

What is surprising is that the dwarf master didn't sell the armor to anyone, but gave it to Harold for free, saying that it was a thank-you gift for Harold's kindness.

This made Harold happy and at the same time a little embarrassed. The gift was too expensive, but he couldn't resist the stubbornness of the dwarf master, so he could only decide to give half of the associated metals in the inventory to the dwarf master, and then subsidized some gold coins. The dwarf master is not too bad.

After all, the friendship of a forging master is far from something that can be exchanged for a small amount of money. Those associated mines are also given for free by the system, and will continue to be provided in the future. Harold does not feel distressed when he gives them away.

As long as he can establish a good relationship with this dwarf master, he will get a lot of rare metals in the future, which can be transformed into excellent equipment.

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