I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 78 Civil War

Harold calmed down and understood that there was no rush to become a nobleman. All he had to do was to be mentally prepared and not to be cowardly when he needed to muster up the courage to fight to the death.

Marcus and Kryon began to send invitation letters to other nobles. The problem of dwarves and other demihumans was not unique to today, and there were some movements before, but this time the riots really came to the fore.

Harold returned to the forging city and told the dwarves that the nobles of the kingdom were about to start a noble meeting, and that they would invite the dwarves to discuss together. I hope they can refrain from messing around before that.

In this regard, the dwarves said that it was good to have done so early, and we had to discuss it after we launched an armed riot and asked for military support from the dwarf king, which caused so much loss to both sides.

Don't shed tears when you don't see a coffin, don't give up when you don't see the Yellow River, human beings are such a race.

The elves are easy to talk to. Tiona has already helped convince the elves that Marcus will never pursue it as long as he is willing to make an apology.

However, Harold was very curious about the information about the Sun Orb. His rebirth this time was definitely related to the Sun Orb. After the rebirth, everything else was in the inventory, but the Sun Orb disappeared.

It's a pity that neither Tiona nor Bias is very clear about the use of the Sun Orb, but it is said that it contains the divine power of the sun and has very magical effects. Those elf elders who like to study are quite rare about this thing.

Marcus also talked about the acquisition of Sun Orbs. The Temple of the Sun has a lot of Sun Orbs in stock. Although these orbs are jointly owned by the three countries in name, anyone who wants to use them has to spend money to buy them.

Different statuses and different reasons have different purchase prices. At the beginning, the Land Reclamation Alliance only spent tens of thousands of gold coins to ask the elves to help open up wasteland to buy the Sun Orb.

Now Marcus is using it as an apology to make up for his mistakes. It is estimated that there will be more than a hundred thousand gold coins, but Marcus is not at a loss.

Giving the elf a little compensation casually can handle it with Harold's help, but it will make the elf's impression of him much worse, and it will be difficult to ask for help in the future.

On the contrary, if he gave the Sun Orb so generously and boldly, he might establish a relationship with a certain elf elder. If there was any trouble, he would need the help of the elf using legendary magic.

Hundreds of thousands of gold coins? Harold has a headache, this is too dark, and this is the purchase price of Marcus, I am not even a nobleman, how much will it cost? Can this thing be purchased?

Of course not, the sun priest said: This is the sublimated crystallization of the remains of the predecessors, which contains the power of the sun. You must come to buy it in person. Reselling or purchasing it is an insult to the martyrs!

In fact, this is nonsense, it is nothing more than the priests of the Sun Temple looking at the dishes, and the powerful nobles sell you at a low price to save face, and if the wealthy businessmen want to buy you and exploit you, then I am really sorry for the inheritance of the predecessors.

Gold in this world contains magic power. In addition to its own currency value, gold can also be used to help human sun priests upgrade their level, better perform magic, and help lizardmen perform bloodline transformation rituals and move closer to the dragon. .

I heard that some ancient lost civilizations can use gold to refine magical items such as longevity potions and healing potions. Other races also have somewhat magical uses of gold. Because of this, gold coins can be used in different countries, cultures, and races As a stable and reliable common currency.

The purchasing power of silver coins and copper coins is average, and many races don't like them at all, but gold coins are universal and stable in value, so there is no need to worry about spending more.

This resurrection coin is too expensive! Harold could not help crying tears of poverty.

Time passed quickly, and a month later, most of the nobles of the Kingdom of Corondo had time to rush to Marcus's territory and met with the demihuman alliance represented by the dwarves.

The King of Prague didn't say a word after meeting Marcus, and the other nobles more or less understood the struggle between the two, and they also secretly supported Marcus. The King of Prague was indeed a bit domineering.

But today's topic is not about the nobles working together to contain the King of Prague, but about how to deal with the desire for power of hundreds of thousands of Asians in the kingdom.

Among the demihumans, there are a lot of winged people, halflings, and lizardmen. In fact, everyone doesn’t even bother to take a look at them. These races are of average strength and have no qualifications to challenge the nobles. The real trouble is actually just over ten thousand dwarves.

The representative of the dwarves is the half-step legendary giant dwarf, even without the heavy armor weighing several hundred kilograms, it still gives people a sense of thick, strong and unshakable oppression.

Our dwarves' philosophy is that since we live in the territory and pay taxes to the country, we have the right to participate in the management! The giant dwarf expressed his opinion loudly.

This land belongs to us humans. We nobles led troops to fight it down. We drove away the centaurs. This land should belong to our rule!

No, the root of the country is not the land, but the people. The land that has been conquered is nothing but wilderness. Only the people live, build, and work to count as a country. The number of our Asians is as high as 400,000, which exceeds 20% of the country's population. , this country also belongs to us demihumans!

Is the foundation of the country the territory or the people? These are not important at all, strength is the most important thing, if the fighting power of the dwarf kingdom is enough to destroy the kingdom of Corondo, no nobles have the time to listen to you talking about the root of the country lies in the people.

Under the tough negotiations of the dwarves, the demihumans successfully shared the power of the human nobles. A total of 6 representatives of several demihuman races headed by the dwarves were granted noble status by the kingdom.

Three of them are dwarves, one each of wingmen, lizardmen, and halflings, who are entitled to choose their domains from the existing kingdom territories.

Marcus is the most unlucky one. He has the most sub-humans in his territory. The Wingman nobleman and Lizardman nobleman also deliberately targeted Marcus like that, and only picked Marcus' territory.

In the end, a small half of Marcus's territory was cut off by the demihumans, and other nobles were also moved to a lot of land. The most annoying thing is that the King of Prague, who has the largest territory, has no loss. Who would believe it?

At the end of the meeting, the King of Prague took his three subordinate nobles, Lizardman nobles, and Wingman nobles and left with a smile. The dwarves were also busy taking care of the new territory, leaving only a dozen or so human nobles.

It's too much! The legendary powerhouse can't do whatever he wants!

Those three idiots really disgraced the nobles. The descendants of the same heroes are willing to be other people's vassals!

Marcus, we will all support you. The King of Prague wants to learn from the Winged Queen of the Winged Dynasty to be a dictatorial emperor. We will not agree!

The nobles are not stupid. From the inexplicable demi-human riots to the current meeting, everyone can see the methods of the King of Prague. If they don't help Marcus at this time, no one will be able to withstand the pressure of Prague.

Marcus also expressed his uncompromising determination, just fight and see who will have the last laugh. The human kingdom has always been a political structure where nobles divide and rule, and it has not changed for thousands of years. You want to reform centralization when we Is it air?

It’s not like you’re the only legendary powerhouse. There have been three legendary powerhouses in the Erwin family’s millennium inheritance. As a result, it’s no longer an ordinary noble family, with a higher title and a larger territory at most.

After this meeting, the Kingdom of Corondo formed two major forces, the noble alliance headed by Marcus, and the king's force commanded by the King of Prague.

The power of the noble alliance is stronger, but its cohesion is much weaker than that of the king. There is no way to do it. Others just open their mouths to order and ensure that they are implemented. Here, it takes a long time to negotiate. own personal interests.

In addition to the fact that no war broke out, the two major forces have started fierce struggles in other aspects. Not to mention their own commercial trade and military cooperation have been cut off, and other foreign caravans have also been stipulated. I don't want to have a good life inside.

The king's forces have fallen into a disadvantage in this regard. Their territory and population are lower than that of the noble alliance, and they are at a disadvantage in the Cold War.

At the same time, the arrival of the Elf Elder also seriously damaged the king of Prague. One of his knights was directly slaughtered. This knight was the leading knight who disguised himself as the slave-hunting team that day. Several Paradise Babylon guild halls in the territory were destroyed. The rest will also have to pay a large sum of money for compensation.

The elf leader who came this time is the grandfather of one of the two captured elves. Although he does not learn magic and specializes in physics, his strength is no less than that of Iltilan. The king was beaten up.

This elf is also Tiona's master. For the sake of Sun Orb and Tiona, Marcus did not make things difficult, but Harold was almost beaten up. He and Bias and Tiona The ambiguous things are known.

The struggle lasted for a year and finally came to a halt. It was not because either side could not sustain the compromise, or both sides could not sustain the truce at the same time, because the international situation had undergone tremendous changes.

The Kingdom of Chiat, the Kingdom of Lucanir, and the Kingdom of Babylon all imposed a diplomatic blockade on the Kingdom of Corondo.

The cause of the incident was that a big nobleman behind the scenes of Paradise Babylon was seriously damaged due to the elves' problems, and he demanded compensation from the lord of Corondo.

After all, whether it’s catching elves or shutting down elves, you did it secretly. That store was infiltrated by your people. This matter has nothing to do with me. Why should I pay compensation to the elves? You must give an explanation .

The King of Prague and Marcus were both perfunctory and didn't want to lose money at all. After all, they both also lost a lot.

As a result, the great nobleman of the Babylonian Kingdom became angry and united the entire kingdom to exert pressure. This became the trigger. Several human kingdoms put forward excessive conditions one after another, such as ceding the territory and providing heroic water for free.

The reason given is The kingdom of Korendo betrayed the human kingdom and became an alliance of demihumans! This is different from what was said when the kingdom was first established, and compensation must be paid to other kingdoms!

The establishment of the Kingdom of Corondo did rely on the help of other countries, and the population and materials needed to establish the country were not small numbers.

But this is still a deal. The Kingdom of Corondo also provides a large amount of water of heroes as a diplomatic gift. The supplies and population are also bought with money. I am not your vassal state. Do you care if I accept Asians?

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