I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 69 Negotiation with Tiona (seeking the first order!!!)

Harold came to the home of the elves, and met Tiona who was training some half-orc and half-blood beauties.

The half-orcs are powerful and are the main targets of the guards' shooting. The half-orcs are full of blood and like to work hard. Except for these beautiful half-orcs who have been trained by the Paradise Babylon Guild Hall and have lost their fighting spirit, the others are all killed in the battle.

Tiona is also a hybrid of orcs. She has some sympathy for these hybrids who are neither accepted by orcs nor treated well by humans. It is rare to restrain her violent temper and treat them softly and gently.

It doesn't look like it's a joke, it's a bit troublesome now! Harold couldn't help sighing when he saw Tiona comforting those half-orc beauties kindly.

Half-orcs are half-orcs who are not protected by any race, so their status is lower than other demi-humans, and their treatment is worse. Only a few half-orcs are free people, and most of them are slaves.

It turned out that Tiona didn't want to be a Pacific Policeman to join in the fun, but her inner racial consciousness was activated.

Harold's originally planned speech was a little hard to say, but Tiona was very happy to see Harold.

All the demihumans who escaped that day have united with the dwarves, and the slaves are also dissatisfied with the rule of the nobles, and they are ready to resist together! Harold, help us think about what to do!

I myself belong to the aristocratic ruling class! You want me to betray my class?

Although Harold is not an aristocrat, he is indeed considered an aristocrat who rules a large area of ​​land and is attached to Marcus.

Betrayal or not betraying one's own interests is put aside, it is impossible to overthrow the aristocracy and abolish slavery.

This matter is simply nonsense, the power of nobles and commoners is not at the same level, how can the nobles resist foreign enemies if they are overthrown? Besides, why should alien races intervene in human's own system reform?

Muscular, simple-minded dwarves are smarter than you, and know that slavery is unnecessary and out of control!

It is also difficult to protect half-orcs alone. Half-orcs are mixed races and not an independent race. Their overall strength is not good, and they don't even have their own country.

But this matter can be combined with the bald head. The bald head is also a half-orc hybrid, but the human genes are more explicit, and there are no orc characteristics, so not many people know that he is a half-orc.

The most important thing is that the bald head itself is strong enough and resists slavery to a certain extent. Note that it is to a certain extent rather than completely!

The bloodline ability of the bald head is similar to the King of Prague's [Giant Transformation] and the Giant Dwarf's [Avatar], and can transform into a dragon form.

After the transformation, the combat effectiveness of the bald head can be regarded as half a legendary level. It ranks second in the combat effectiveness of the entire Kingdom of Corondo, second only to the King of Prague. It is no wonder that the King of Prague has to find a way to suppress him when he joins forces with Marcus.

Human slaves have nothing to do with you. They are either criminals who made mistakes, or they were sold because their families were too poor. Don't mind your own business!

Just promise me that I don't care about human slaves, and I can help you figure out how to deal with half-orcs!

After careful consideration, Harold gave Tiona a suggestion. Half-orc slaves were basically captured by slave traders for no reason. It was entirely because there was no one to protect them. As long as there were bald heads, it was not difficult to solve it.

Forget about human slaves, there are still a small number of slaves who become slaves for no reason. Most human slaves are criminals or were sold by their families when they were young.

The slave hunting team didn't dare to arrest the nobles' citizens like livestock. It doesn't matter if they catch a few less, anyway, the nobles don't bother to care if they can share the money.

Tiona's eyes widened after hearing this, and she didn't expect Harold to say that. Harold always gave her a positive image of kindness, bravery and wit.

Teona gritted her teeth and said, You mean those slaves deserve to be bullied and oppressed?

This world is ruled by the weak and the strong. Some people have to suffer and others enjoy it. If you free these slaves, new civilians will become slaves. Every slave can only get stronger by himself if he wants to get rid of his fate!

Kryon, do you still remember that he is also a half-orc and used to be a slave, but now? He is the top nobleman in the kingdom!

You help these slaves, but it is unfair to the new slaves. They are obviously harder and better than the original slaves, but because of your intervention, they are forced to become slaves!

Harold began to change concepts secretly, dragging slavery and class contradictions to the law of the jungle.

Saying this makes people feel that slaves, commoners, and nobles are normal status divisions in this world. A person's status depends entirely on his strength, which weakens the manifestation of social injustice.

Teona's mind is average, and Harold would be speechless if Alan listened to this kind of bullshit logic full of loopholes, but she still thinks it makes sense!

After all, although orcs don't like slavery, the idea that the strong are respected and the weak submit is deeply rooted. Tiona's sympathy for half-orc slaves is mainly aimed at half-orcs, and her sympathy for human slaves is by the way .

Tiona is not a sympathetic kind of person who leads good people, and Tiona who likes to fight and kill is more like leading evil people.

It makes sense, they really should fight on their own! Tell me how to help the orcs! Tiona was persuaded by Harold.

Harold breathed a sigh of relief, and finally separated this troublesome matter. It is much easier to deal with the half-orc slaves alone, and it is not a big problem to take in and protect the half-orcs together with the bald head.

Anyway, the number of half-orc slaves is not too much, and it is really impossible to buy them all. With the guarantee of strong force, the price can definitely be kept very low.

Afterwards, the half-orcs were moved to the territory of Tiona and the bald head. With the protection of a big man, the slave traders did not dare to take risks to make such a small amount of money.

Harold made his thoughts clear to Tiona, and Tiona and the other orc beauties thanked Harold repeatedly.

Harold warmly hugged a few half-orc beauties as a sign of friendship. These beauties are all ace technicians of Paradise Babylon, and they are all turbulent and enthusiastic.

If it weren't for Tiona's increasingly unkind eyes, and the posture of wanting to hit someone, Harold really wanted to have an in-depth exchange with these poor girls.

After talking about this topic, Harold hurriedly discussed the next matter with Tiona, who to trouble the Elf Elder when he arrived!

Tiona spoke bluntly, and blurted out: It must be that red-haired man. He is in charge of the junk shop and slave hunting team. He must be responsible. Besides, there are problems with his guards. They will attack as soon as they see each other!

I'm not in any danger. Al and Hathaway were hit by a few crossbow arrows and almost died! I and the rest of the tribe can't swallow this breath without giving him a serious punishment! These are the names of the two elf girls.

It's not a junk shop, it's a paradise full of men's hopes and dreams! Harold only dared to refute inwardly.

Didn't you also make the city of fire into a mess? Ailan also killed hundreds of guards in the end to vent his anger. Everyone calmed down and turned the big thing into a small one, can't it?

Of course not, the elves have the ability to unilaterally retaliate, why should they be calm? Tiona's attitude hasn't changed at all. She and Marcus have never had a good relationship, and they almost got into a fight a few times.

Harold tried to convince Tiona that if Alan was like a big brother among these elves, then Tiona was like a bully, and convincing Tiona was more than half of the success.

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