I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 65 Complicated Situation

In addition to the escaped slaves, the rebel army also added a large number of other demihumans who were not used to it. The disadvantage in numbers disappeared at once. At the same time, many slaves in the city also rioted one after another. Soon, the small conflict of a hundred people spread to the whole city. Nearly tens of thousands of people started rioting.

Harold looked thoughtfully at the chaotic Fire City. Today's riots were not due to racial issues, and not all slaves were demihumans. On the contrary, the number of human slaves was the largest.

It's not because of the oppression of slavery. Slavery exists in a large number of other races besides human beings. Winged people, lizard people, jackals and other messy races also have slavery. Except for a few races, other races have slavery.

The strong can trample and bully the weak at will. Although this view is cruel, it is very realistic, and the vast majority of races agree with it from the bottom of their hearts.

Even a petite and cute winged girl might have fantasized in her heart that she could have powerful strength and manipulate other people at will.

So how did today's riots happen? It should be that all the upper-level rulers are human beings who bring uneasiness and dissatisfaction to other races!

Some multi-racial UN upper-level rulers have all races, such as the Kurt Union, the 18 highest-level rulers have mixed races and pure blood.

In the Kingdom of Corondo, a winged human race would feel uneasy and angry when he saw his compatriots being enslaved and bullied by others. Why should our race be bullied?

However, in the Kurt Alliance, a lizardman who sees his compatriots being enslaved and slaughtered will only feel that the lizardman himself is weak and incompetent, and has no value in living, so he will never feel fear or anger.

Will the nobles give demihumans the status of nobility to make them equal to themselves? What are you kidding, the centaurs we drove away desperately, bought slaves at a high price to introduce the population to establish a country, and just because some sub-humans made trouble, we distributed them to them?

Is it because my soldiers don't have enough to eat or the knights don't get paid enough? Do you have the strength to negotiate terms with me?

Marcus is no exception. He supports the slave system and the human race. In the battle with the centaur, those wingmen, lizardmen, and half-orcs did not contribute. How can they get a special status?

If you want to stay, you can stay. If you don’t want to, you can go to a country of your own race or a mixed race. The Kingdom of Corondo lacks population, but there is no shortage of nobles.

The Kingdom of Corondo has a vast land and abundant materials, and it is indeed very suitable for settlement. Of course, the demihumans left reluctantly. If they go to other countries, they will be exploited by high-handed rule. The weak races in this world are sad, and humans are no exception. The nobles are only a very small part, and the life of the common people is not easy at all, as you can see from the sad experience of the original owner before Harold crossed.

Harold is unable to change these problems and doesn't care about them. What he can do is to increase his strength so that he can feel more relaxed.

The battle was coming to an end. Tiona and a few heavily armored dwarves broke through the city gate, preparing to flee with a large number of slaves and demihumans. The destination was the Elf Homeland, where tens of thousands of people could easily be accommodated. If villages are built on the outskirts, hundreds of thousands of people can easily live in peace.

Harold could only do his best to prevent those furious slaves from committing arson, robbery, massacre and other bad behaviors. Marcus' main force followed him to expand the territory in the east. There were only three knights guarding the city, and soldiers It is mainly recruits and not elites.

Not to mention the huge number of rebellious troops, there are also powerful vanguards such as Tiona and heavy-armored dwarf elite soldiers. The guards couldn't resist being driven out of the city gate by them.

It is worth mentioning that Alan also rushed over to respond. Seeing that the three fellow elves had suffered varying injuries, facing the crossbowman who brutally shot and killed the slave with a heavy crossbow, the enraged Alan shot high-level magic The roar of the fire dragon destroyed several buildings, the city wall exploded directly, and hundreds of soldiers turned into coke.

The elves are not as gentle and kind as the rumors say, and they are more angry than anyone else. The reason for such false rumors is that no one dares to provoke the elves, and the elves rarely get angry.

Tiona didn't feel that she had done something wrong, instead she chanted slogans of racial equality and abolition of slavery under the instigation of others.

Harold didn't bother to say anything. The dwarves had the right to be dissatisfied. They were powerful but they didn't get the corresponding status. If other races took advantage of the ride to shout, the elves were making trouble.

The elves are actually very arrogant, this is what he discovered after getting along with the elves for more than ten years. The arrogance of the elves is not reflected in their words and deeds. Even objectively speaking, the elves are very friendly, and they are more merciful to weak races and malfunctions.

The arrogance of the elves is engraved deep in the soul. From the slogan racial equality, it can be seen that the elves can arbitrarily raise the status of other races, because the elves are still at the top no matter what.

The soul of the elves is three times that of other races. They can learn to use powerful magic. The weakest physical attributes are also top-notch. Bias is the bottom of the elves in hand-to-hand combat ability. They also have superb attributes of 10 points of strength and 15 points of agility. , Hanging and beating a few ordinary human soldiers with ease.

The struggle between races is cruel and ruthless. No one can guarantee that any race will treat other races equally and tolerantly after its rise. Human beings have also been slaughtered by lizardmen, enslaved by winged people, and defeated by orcs.

Humans are not a superior race now, and they are not qualified to talk about racial equality. Besides, there are already differences in combat effectiveness and intelligence among different races. Why should I be equal to you?

In the eyes of the elves, other races are scumbags. What is the difference between high and low among a group of scumbags? Isn't it good to get along with each other as equals?

Of course not! Races that have not been oppressed are not qualified to talk about racial equality. The racial equality that the elves talk about is just an arrogant idea, Harold thinks so.

Harold didn't plan to participate in Tiona's nonsense, and took Rand and Lucius back to his territory, waiting for Marcus to come back. This matter was a big one, and Marcus must come back to deal with it. Maybe the entire Kingdom of Corondo will also be in turmoil.

While Harold was teaching Rand to train, he was distracted thinking about the mastermind behind this incident. There were too many coincidences in today's riots. Why did the slave catchers try to catch the elves?

Why did the slaves and guards attack as soon as they met, at least not saying a few words before fighting? Why did the slaves and demihumans in the whole city know about the riot so quickly and get involved?

There are only two people who have the ability to arrange these things. One is Marcus, the ruler of the Fire City. He can order the guards and slave catchers as he pleases, but he has no motive, and in Harold's impression, Marcus Don't like this kind of intrigue.

The other is the King of Prague, whose power is supreme in the Kingdom of Corondo, and Marcus can't guarantee that the territory will not be infiltrated by the forces of the King of Prague.

The King of Prague is not satisfied with being a superficial king who is only half a head higher than other nobles. What he wants to be is the kind of unique dictator of the kingdom who responds to everyone.

Marcus is his biggest stumbling block. Marcus formed a faction to expand his territory and planned to establish an independent province. Marcus is a Marquis with a high prestige. Hope the king of Prague is too strong.

The second biggest stumbling block is the dwarves and elves. The king of Prague had sent a request for reinforcements from the sub-humans at the very beginning of the land reclamation. What he was afraid of was the current situation. Neither the dwarves nor the elves could accept his rule!

It was in the best interest of the King of Prague to stir up a fight between Marcus and the demihumans. This matter was not done by the King of Prague himself and was definitely arranged by one of his subordinates.

Harold sighed, I don't want to participate in these struggles and conspiracies, he can only pray that this matter will not be involved in him, he can't wait until he is 18 years old, and he will recruit when he is 16 years old after completing the [Ever Winning Champion] achievement To establish a territory that belongs only to oneself, men in this era are considered adults at the age of 16 and can be independent.

Just when Harold and Rand finished training and were ready to have dinner with their mother, Alan came to Harold.

Harold asked Lucius to take Rand to dinner first, while he and Alan found a quiet place for five people to talk.

I'm going to go back to the Forest of Elves. The King of Prague is a legendary powerhouse. We can't fight against it. Considering the worst situation, we must invite an elder to sit in charge. Alan spoke surprisingly, and the tea in Harold's mouth Almost spit it out.

The elders of the elves can only be competent at the legendary level. Harold is not sure how many elders there are in the elf forest. I heard from Alan that there are at least a dozen of them. The elf queen is even rumored to be a strong person beyond the legendary level.

Not all legendary elves can release legendary magic, but advanced magic is definitely at their fingertips. Of course, there are one or two strange ones who are as ad-like as Tiona.

Harold was shocked. Why did Alan invite the legendary strong man here? It's just a small trouble, so there's no need to be so serious, right? Do you really want to fight for those demihumans and slaves?

Then why are you looking for me? I don't want to go to the forest of elves with you! Harold was terrified that Tiona and Bias could confirm their reincarnation with an inexplicable necklace. Master Lan's fear level soared, how dare he go to the forest of elves to die.

Don't worry, I just want you to help restrain Tiona. As the city lord of the 'Elf Homeland', she can't act recklessly. I'm not going to stand up for the demihumans or slaves, but the struggle between humans should not involve elves! You I have a good relationship with Marcus, help me to negotiate with the two of you!

Alan is a sensible person and knows that Tiona is messing around. Slaves and demihumans have nothing to do with them, but he can't forgive humans for capturing elves. This time the two elf girls were lucky and didn't get hurt, but this matter It still pissed him off.

Harold was relieved when he knew Alan's plan, but arranged for Marcus to negotiate with Tiona? The two started fighting in less than three minutes. Tiona's mouth was stinky enough, and Marcus' temper was not that good. His dignity as a nobleman could not be offended, and he would never bear it.

I'll leave this matter to you. I have to leave as soon as possible. I will definitely bring an elder to help. Don't worry! Ailan left in a hurry, regardless of whether it was a trivial matter of two elves being caught.

But this is a serious problem. The population of the elves is growing slowly. If the persecution of the elves is opened, then those weak tribesmen are likely to be killed continuously.

It is unrealistic to protect the clansmen in all directions. It is necessary to cut off the idea of ​​other races persecuting the elves from the root. Once such behavior occurs, a thunder strikes as a warning.

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