Tiona also felt a little reckless after making the move, she let go of her grasping hand, and asked, What do you want to talk about? It's best to explain why you lied to us!

Priest Sun straightened his messed-up robes, and said in a leisurely manner: Let's talk alone, there are some things that are inconvenient to talk about here. After speaking, he turned his head and walked to a room in the temple, motioning for Tiona keep up.

Tiona turned back to ask for advice, and Marcus also couldn't understand what happened, but it was always right to follow up and ask the situation clearly. What if there is still hope for Harold to be revived? He nodded firmly to Tiona.

I didn't ask you, why are you nodding? Bias, do you think he looks like a good guy? I'm a little uncertain. Tiona gave Marcus a blank look, and asked Tiona.

Marcus was choked, thought about the time and occasion, shut his mouth and didn't bother with Tiona, the elves' xenophobia was quite obvious, even the mixed-race Tiona didn't like getting along with humans very much, even though she Getting along with elves is also average.

I think he doesn't seem to be malicious. He and Harold feel a bit similar, giving people a warm feeling. Bias said softly. In fact, the difference between the two is quite big. The Sun Priest should be really harmless , Harold's pervert is definitely up to no good.

After listening to Bias' evaluation, Tiona followed. Although Bias was cowardly and useless, her intuition was very accurate. It should be no problem if she said so, and besides, she would not be afraid of a fight.

The sun priest turned around and reminded: Take that corpse!

Tiona gently picked up Harold's body. Fortunately, she was magically kept in shape. Currently, the corpse is only cold and not smelly, but given that Tiona's taste is really stinky, she probably doesn't dislike it.

In the name of the sun, I guarantee that his soul has indeed completely disappeared, and the disappearance time is definitely more than a day or two! All traces of the existence of the soul have completely disappeared, and it will take at least 5 days! Away from the crowd, the priest solemnly He assured Tiona about the matter.

What Tiona said in the hall in front of her made the Sun Priest mistakenly think that Tiona was a knowledgeable elf mage, so she didn't hide anything and just made it clear.

How is this possible? He was killed in the evening six days ago. How could his complete soul disappear completely in just one day?

Tiona is even more unbelievable. The sun priest guarantees in the name of the sun. It is absolutely impossible to lie again. The divine power of the sun is everywhere. Ordinary people can just let it go. Just kidding.

Could it be that Ailan lied to me? Or he also made a mistake. The higher the strength of the soul, the faster it will dissipate? Tiona thought with some uncertainty.

Sun Priest added with a dignified expression: It's absolutely impossible under normal circumstances, but not necessarily under abnormal circumstances!

Abnormal? Tiona muttered the word.

There are certain ways to blaspheme the soul in this world! The Sun Priest gave Tiona a meaningful look when he said this. Obviously, many elf mages had previous convictions.

Tiona didn't feel embarrassed. Her magic level was even worse than the Warcraft horse that Harold was riding. The difficult technical work of desecrating the soul had nothing to do with her.

Put his corpse on this table. This is to detect some unclean things. If some evil thing has absorbed his soul, the sun will enlighten us! The priest opened the skylight above his head, and the sunlight was just right It shines on a platform in the center of the room.

Tiona put Harold down flat, her right hand tightly held Harold's left hand, and waited nervously.

For a long while, the sunlight did not change, and Harold's body lay peacefully in place. The sun priest's tense face relaxed. Dirty things that can suck souls are not to be messed with. In a catastrophe, nothing was detected to prove that it was a false alarm.

His soul was not taken away by unclean things. I can only tell you so much. I don't know the rest. Take the corpse and leave!

The sun priest issued an order to expel guests. Since the soul is not absorbed by dirty things, it can only be elves. Only elves who have been involved in forbidden magic in the entire continent can play with souls.

The Sun Priest learned from Marcus that Harold was a warrior who participated in human land reclamation and performed outstandingly. As a result, his soul could not rest in peace after his heroic death. He was very angry, but the elves possessed amazingly powerful magic and were very powerful.

Neither he, the little priest, nor humans, the second-rate race, could afford to offend the elves, so he could only curse secretly in his heart, and naturally he didn't have a good look at Tiona, who was also an elf.

Tell me clearly, since it wasn't caused by those inexplicable things, why did his soul disappear? Tiona continued to ask.

Go and ask your compatriots, you elves are experts in the study of souls! Sun Priest replied angrily.

Also, don't spread our conversation today, and you don't want information about the soul to be leaked, do you? The Sun Priest had always misunderstood Tiona as a knowledgeable elf mage.

Tiona looked at the sun priest blankly, nodded subconsciously, and then the sun priest ignored her and left alone.

The sun priest returned to the front hall and expressed regret and apology to Marcus, and told Marcus and others not to continue asking, and then saw off the guests behind closed doors. Marcus and Bias had to ask Tiona what happened .

Tiona: . She didn't know what to say, and she was also a little confused. She heard that bullshit priest first put Harold's body in the sun for a while, and then said that it wasn't a mess of evil things. let her go.

In addition, the sun priest asked her not to spread these words outside, and Alan also reminded her that most things about the soul are taboo and cannot be spread outside, so she hesitated whether to tell others.

Bias is a waste, it's useless to tell her. Anyway, Harold can't be resurrected, let alone the two humans. Go back and discuss with Alan to see what's going on! Tiona After making up his mind, he ignored the other three people's questioning, and replied, You don't need to know!

Marcus' hair stood up angrily, and sparks spewed from his eyes. Bias ran away in fright, but Kryon persuaded Marcus to calm down, and said that if Harold was still there, he would definitely Don't want them to conflict.

In a castle in the eastern province of Lucanir.

It hurts, Xi'er, I feel the baby in my stomach move! A fair-skinned and beautiful woman snorted softly, and said to the maid who was waiting on her.

It should be the child turning over. The master is so mighty and majestic, and his child must be a healthy baby! The maid said with a smile. In this era, there is no physiological knowledge. Who knows how a one-month-old embryo turns over.

Where did Harold's soul go? At the moment of Harold's physical death, the Sun Orb in the inventory lit up.

With the help of some kind of power, his soul was reincarnated into the womb of a young pregnant woman in the eastern province of the Kingdom of Lucanir, turning the only child of one soul into twins, and will come to this place again in nine months. world!

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