I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 58 The Protagonist's Death

Harold's death was something I had planned long ago, even conceived from this point at the very beginning of the book.

But I didn't plan to let Harold die so early. The original outline was to die after successful land reclamation. The cause of death was also related to the big pit I was going to dig later.

But later I changed the outline, and I will explain the reason slowly.

In the battle to defend the castle, one of the main players must die in the tough battle with the centaur commander.

That is, one of Harold, Marcus, and Tiona, who is slightly less qualified with a bald head.

No matter how weakened the centaur commander is, no matter how useless it is, he is still a half-legendary powerhouse. It would be too childish and too fake to solve the problem by just killing the little miscellaneous soldiers, which would make the legendary powerhouse crazy.

For a long time, legendary powerhouses have been the ceiling of combat power in my book, because I don't want to write the kind of high combat power system where gods walk everywhere and dragons are not as good as dogs.

The proliferation of legendary strong will seriously affect the romance of leading troops to fight and farming and growing, which is completely different from the story I want to write.

Moreover, the four legendary abilities led by the centaur really can't be cut anymore.

[Regeneration] was suppressed by flames, and [Shockwave] was used to destroy the trap, but no one was killed. Originally, this move could instantly kill any character such as Tiona or Marcus.

[War Trampling] I even chopped it off with a wave of my big hand on the grounds that the archmage strengthened the castle foundation.

The last [Rebirth] was originally a full-state resurrection similar to Dota Skeleton King or War3 Tauren Chief's ultimate move.

But I was cut down to a garbage skill by my weakening the strength after resurrection depending on the physical damage.

To be honest, I feel that I have weakened the centaur commander a bit nonsense, and it has completely become a strengthened centaur guard, so there is no such thing as a legendary strong man!

However, even so, after the resurrection of the Centaur Commander, it is absolutely capable of killing a main force.

Human beings have never encountered an enemy who can be resurrected from the dead before. Their heads have been cut off, and most of their bodies have been burned. They will never continue to be vigilant, so the sudden resurrection of the centaur commander is a must-kill blow. It is too disgusting to not die. up.

The protagonist's feigned death burst can sneak attack the evil monsters, and the legendary powerhouses on the human side are doing all kinds of tricks, but when they are replaced by centaurs, even the legendary ability [Rebirth] is used, and they are all seen through and resolved. Why?

The centaur is also an intelligent race, and it also strives to fight and survive. If you really want to say that humans are still invaders, how can you beat the centaur out of rationality?

Dead people are necessary, no matter how I weaken and arrange them, I can only control the number of casualties. My original design was to let Marcus be this unlucky guy and it was second.

On the one hand, he is the object of allegiance of the protagonist, and he attaches great importance to the protagonist. It is difficult to write a reasonable breakup plot. After his death, the male protagonist is completely free and can develop the plot better.

On the other hand, Tiona is the female character I have written the most, and her relationship with the male protagonist is about to start, so if she dies like this, won’t my previous descriptions be wasted?

The last change in the plot was a suggestion from a friend of mine who read my novel. He felt that writing Marcus to death was too deliberate. Marcus is a hero who has made many contributions in the war with the orcs, and he has great ambitions and a righteous attitude. protagonist template.

Just dying like this would make the story too funny. Anyway, the main character dies. How much better can the character of Marcus continue to exist if he dies earlier?

When I thought about it, it made sense. The ghost who dug a big hole knows whether the reader is happy or not. I still struggled to fill it out. Marcus also wrote a lot with heavy pen and ink. It would be a waste to die!

Thus, Harold died in battle so honorably!

Harold is not a good person. Shihoru's hometown was destroyed, all her relatives were slaughtered, and her heart was weak and longed for protection from others. Under such circumstances, Harold's attack on her was a scumbag's behavior. Although Shihoru did it voluntarily, that It's because she has no choice!

In the end, Harold sacrificed himself to save Tiona and Marcus, which can be regarded as a slightly elevated character.

The image of a person who is greedy for money, lustful and afraid of death is too ugly. Although this is a true portrayal of most people in reality, it is the protagonist of the novel after all, so it is better to beautify it a little.

Finally, the hero of the novel is still Harold, but he is not resurrected but reborn!

Readers who have read the brief introduction of my previous novels should know how to be reborn. I will keep it a secret first. Of course, it’s okay if someone can spoil it in the book review. I will be very happy that my novel brief will be remembered.

(ps: This book may be on the shelves at the end of this month or early next month. Grades are very important. If the situation is good, I may become a full-time writer. In that case, the daily update of 6k is not a problem at all.

If the grades are not good, you can only write part-time. The daily update 4k is the limit, and there is not much time to conceive the plot and refine the writing, so the quality of the novel will drop slightly.

So, vote for me with your recommendation! Your support is the author's greatest motivation! )

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