I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 56 Hard Fight (Part 2)

Marcus was still recovering slowly, and Harold knew that he was the only one who could save Tiona. Harold resolutely activated [Muscle Burst] and rushed towards the centaur commander.

He also couldn't chop the hard bones of the Centaur Commander. Seeing that Tiona was approaching the ruins, he jumped up and climbed onto the Centaur Commander's horse in desperation. He has [Fire Resistance], and the Centaur Commander's body burned The burning flame couldn't affect him in a short time.

Harold stabbed the centaur leader's back with all his strength, and the flame-enchanted flame sword pierced deeply into the centaur leader's body.

The centaur commander lifted his body up sharply, raised his head to the sky and howled in pain, the flames also took the opportunity to spread in his uninjured body, and the internal organs were burned by the flames far more painfully than the muscles and skin.

The centaur commander was in great pain, his body shook violently, Harold was thrown off, and the enraged centaur commander finally shifted his attention away from Tiona.

Tiona finally had a chance to stand up and catch her breath. She almost couldn't tell the difference between up, down, left, and right after she kept rolling and avoiding just now. When she got up, she even turned a little dizzy and bumped her head on the ruined stone.

Harold got up and quickly retreated. He didn't have Tiona's agility. His agility was not enough to deal with the ogre.

Tiona picked up the big sword to fight again, and Harold was the auxiliary support. When Tiona was struggling, he would burst into strength to help withstand the centaur commander's pursuit.

Harold has 34 points of strength, 51 points after turning on [Muscle Explosion], [Strike LV10] increases by 80%, 200 weapon proficiency +20%, [Heavy Attack] increases by 10%, and finally the total attack power reaches 107!

Even the centaur commander was forced to take a few steps back due to the shock force in the reckless fight with him. Of course, Harold was injured more severely. He didn't have Tiona's monster-like physique, and the centaur commander was even worse. No comparison, after a few fights, the muscles of the whole body were trembling violently.

His own strength is only 34, and now relying on the system's active and passive skills to explode three times the effect, seriously exceeding the limit of the body's tolerance, every time he confronts the centaur commander, he can feel that the muscles and bones are under far more than normal pressure.

The violent shock damage even affected his internal organs. He would lose 3~5 points of health every time he fought against the giant ax led by the centaur. If it wasn't for the protection of his semi-digital body, his internal organs might have been shattered and he vomited blood. down.

Tiona also oozes blood from her hands and is gasping for breath. Her physique is better but she doesn't have a semi-digital body. Injuries and physical decline will seriously affect her performance, and her state has begun to decline.

After several fights, Harold probably calculated the current strength of the Centaur Commander, which should be about 100 points, which is much higher than the 80 points of the Centaur Guard, but not too much. After all, the flames have scorched a lot The strength of the muscles dominated by the centaur must have declined.

Tiona's strength should only be around 80, and unlike a centaur who can defuse an impact by relying solely on its body weight, it must rely on its legs to exert great effort to maintain balance and defuse this huge force that is enough to knock her into the air.

With Tiona and Harold alone, it is difficult to even stand in a stalemate with the centaur commander. They are completely at a disadvantage and have no chance of winning.

However, they are not the main force of the output, they are just restraining. The crossbowmen on the city wall and the elf shooters around have already fired for several rounds. one strike.

Human crossbowmen may shoot less often because they are worried about accidentally injuring friendly troops, but elves who are sharpshooters don't have to worry at all. Now the huge body of the centaur commander is full of arrows, just like a hedgehog.

Hold on, he's dying, his strength has begun to decline! Tiona encouraged after Harold once resisted the attack of the centaur leader.

She was very surprised by Harold's performance. She was usually abused by her in training, but now she seemed to be a different person suddenly and bravely, and blocked extremely dangerous attacks for her several times. The heroic figure was impressive She was a little restless.

Although he was relatively close to Harold because they were both half-elves, and even had a good impression of Harold because he was very interesting, but limited by her strength, she never really liked Harold. The orc gene caused her It's hard to feel admiration for the weak!

But now, she feels that Harold is really charming and courageous, and maybe their relationship can be closer after the battle.

Harold's eyeballs bulged out under the continuous impact of great force, his ears were buzzing, and he didn't answer. He felt like he would vomit blood as soon as he opened his mouth. Let's wait until the battle is over.

The centaur commander was a little uneasy. His speed was getting slower and slower, and his attacks were getting weaker and weaker. The most important thing was that he felt very sluggish, as if he couldn't open his eyes again once he closed them.

This is the feeling that death is approaching. The centaur commander is a little unbelievable. Could it be that he will really die in the hands of these weak bugs? He began to panic.

He really underestimated the enemy, and should have retreated to extinguish the flames after being first hit by Marcus' explosive fireball, which caused his regeneration ability to be greatly weakened.

After being hit by a trap and being severely injured, he released the precious legendary ability [Shockwave] to break free from the trap. His only lethal legendary ability was wasted, not to mention the flames on his body became more ferocious.

At this time, due to the extensive scorching of his muscles and epidermis, his strength, agility, and defense have dropped significantly. This is the second weakening. Now he is not qualified to be counted as a legendary level. He should definitely retreat instead of continuing to fight.

But anger and arrogance finally overwhelmed fear. The centaur commander had been cautious for most of his life, and this only time of inflated carelessness put him in a desperate situation.

Unwilling to die like this, the centaur leader mustered up his last strength to resist, raised his upper body and used his body weight to strike Harold heavily.

Of course, Harold has no possibility of retreating, and Tiona is beside him, this move must be blocked, urging his body that has reached its limit to slash again.

After this confrontation with the centaur leader, Harold finally couldn't stand it any longer. He backed up again and again, vomited a big mouthful of blood, and let go of the breath he had been holding.

Harold felt dizzy from the shock, and his body lost his strength and fell backwards, unable to exert any strength, and it was difficult to move his whole body.

[Muscle Explosion] is also over, and the duration is much shorter than the previous few times, which is normal. The pressure of this battle is too great, and the muscles have reached their limit ahead of time.

After Harold fell down, the centaur commander didn't pursue, but forced Tiona back with a powerful swing, then turned around and ran away!

Tiona closely followed him in pursuit. Thanks to Harold's excellent performance, she was far from reaching her limit and could continue to fight.

Marcus stopped in front of the fleeing centaur, and his strength was almost accumulated, so he could release some amazing tricks.

He would never let the centaur commander escape just like that. This would not only affect the success rate of land reclamation, but also his glory.

With the help of the power of the elves, they mobilized all their men. Harold and Tiona even risked their lives to restrain the centaur commander. All of this must be rewarded!

The temperature of Marcus' whole body began to soar rapidly, and slowly the skin and muscles began to melt, instead of burning into flames, they melted into magma!

Marcus in the form of lava charged towards the centaur. The centaur commander had no intention of fighting. He just blocked his body with an ax and was about to hit Marcus directly, but the scorching Marcus was not knocked away.

Marcus's figure was like a sharp arrow, which directly melted and pierced through the Centaur Commander's giant axe, and continued to penetrate the Centaur Commander's entire body, opening a huge hole in the Centaur Commander's body.

After being pierced by Marcus, the centaur commander continued to rush forward a few steps according to the inertia, and then fell to the ground without moving.

[Regeneration] The ability has also completely ceased, and without the constant injection of vitality, the power of the flame finally erupted completely, no longer just attached to the surface muscles, but spread deep and wantonly burned the corpse of the centaur leader.

The corpse of the centaur leader ignited dazzling flames, and everyone cheered excitedly. They defeated the legendary strong man!

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