I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 5 The Four Stewards

Seeing that Harold did not interrupt, Huck went on.

The first is 'Fatty'. This guy is a nobleman, and his title is not very high, but he was Earl Salik's attendant when he was a child, and he has been with Earl Salik since then, so he is more trusted by the Earl.

In the earliest days, the arena was managed by him alone. Unfortunately, the guy has no skills. Under his management, the arena not only failed to make money, but also caused a lot of trouble.

Earl Salik was also very disappointed in him, and he wanted to find another capable person. When he came to inspect the arena, he took a fancy to a brave gladiator.

The gladiator left the arena as Earl Salik's subordinate. Less than half a year later, that gladiator was sent back to manage the arena instead of 'Fatty'.

We all call him 'Baldhead'. That guy is amazing. Not to mention his strength is in a mess, his brain is also ridiculously shrewd, and he was born as a gladiator. We all admire him.

After he came to power, he divided the levels of gladiators and set up a variety of competition methods, which not only made the audience more enjoyable to watch, but also reduced the death rate of gladiators a lot, and the money they earned from going to the arena doubled several times.

Speaking of which, we must thank him. Whether it is to build a separate training ground for elite gladiators, or to propose the challenge rules of 'Ten Wins and Release' are all his ideas. Without him, the situation of our gladiators will be worse than it is now. Much worse, and I don't think I'll be alive now.

When Harold heard this, he was basically sure that the 'bald man' he mentioned was the bald man he had seen before. No wonder, he didn't treat himself like a slave. It turned out that the bald man was a gladiator himself.

As for the 'release after ten wins', Harold can probably guess it. It is probably the rule that you can release after winning ten games. It can not only stimulate the fighting spirit of the gladiators, but also reduce the risk of troubles.

Fatty was very dissatisfied with the position of 'Baldhead', but he didn't dare to object to Earl Salik's intentions, and he knew that he really couldn't control the arena, so he thought of another way.

Although he is not good at management, he is not useless. He is very good at gambling operations. The gambling outlets opened by that guy can make a lot of money no matter what the result is in every gladiatorial match.

Of course, the bulk of the money he earned was handed over to Earl Salik, which also allowed him to regain the trust of that lord. Later, the 'bald head' managed the operations of the arena. He was responsible for managing the gambling bets. Occasionally, the two would Cooperation, in general, does not interfere with the river.

That period was also the most relaxing time for gladiators. Not only was the death rate much lower than before, but they didn't have to be locked up in a cell all day. It's a pity, alas.

Harold noticed that the expression on Huck's face was very painful when he sighed, and guessed that Huck should have been a gladiator in the arena at that time, and the two stewards who came later should not be good.

Later, two other stewards came. The 'one-armed' who came first was okay. That guy was originally a knight under Earl Salik. Arm, can't fight anymore.

He didn't want to take care of the farm and ranch, so he was sent here by Earl Salik to retire.

That guy basically doesn't intervene in the operation of the arena. He just watches the games every day and makes bets. He is worthy of the name. However, he has a high status. Every time Earl Salik comes to the arena, he first asks him to understand the situation. Others None of the three stewards dared to offend him.

I can understand that this is a veteran cadre who has served as a bullet for the leader. If he hadn't lost an arm, he might have a chance to win a noble title.

Ordinary knights without titles are between commoners and nobles, and they have the opportunity to be promoted to nobles if they make great achievements, but generally they can only become honorary barons that cannot be hereditary.

The last steward is Scar, hehe, that guy is such a beast, all gladiators hate him

He used to be a slave trader, and then he somehow ingratiated himself with Earl Salik, and it was he who offered to be sent here.

That guy has a special way, and he can always find some very dangerous monsters and monsters. The gladiators who fought with those guys suffered a lot of damage. What's more cruel is that many gladiators were directly eaten alive after they failed!

'Baldhead' can't do anything about him. Since that guy came, the arena's reputation is getting higher and higher day by day. Especially when monsters and people are fighting to the death, many nobles from other places will come to watch it, and the audience is even more excited. It’s a crazy reward with a generous wallet.”

Fortunately, the purchase price of those monsters is very high. The arena is unwilling to spend too much money to buy new monsters frequently. Generally, there are only one or two competitions with such monsters in a month.

At most, I usually fight with some ordinary wild beasts and monsters, but it is also more dangerous and terrifying than fighting with humans!

Huck obviously gritted his teeth when he said this, and Harold could understand that the fear and pressure brought about by fighting monsters was far greater than fighting humans of the same race.

Hearing this, Harold suddenly recalled the painful memory of being blown away when he just crossed. Harold weighed nearly 250 kilograms, and could be sent flying more than ten meters, no matter how he thought about it, it was a bit unbelievable.

But if it's a monster, it makes perfect sense. After all, in the magical world, there are a lot of creatures ten times stronger than humans.

After talking about the four stewards, Huck didn't continue, but asked Harold: Speaking of which, brother, you shouldn't be a prisoner in the prison, how did you come here?

My former lord tricked me into selling me to a slave trader, and the slave trader sold me here.

Is this to test your own details? Harold didn't want to say that he used to be an ordinary farmer, so he slightly changed some details and told about his experience. It wasn't a lie, after all, what he said was the truth.

The old man clicked his tongue when he heard it, as if he felt sorry for Harold, and sighed: Oh, brother, you are really worthless. Most of the other gladiators in this arena are the ones who committed crimes. Come on! You deserve it if you go to the arena, you are too wronged!

Harold said that it doesn't matter anymore, and asked Huck to talk about the gladiator classification, gladiator competitions, and the specific rules of Ten Wins and Release in the arena.

After listening to Harold's reply, Huck has already started to make up his mind. Harlot used to go through life and death for the lord, but was betrayed by the lord and sold to the arena. He has nothing but skills for people to watch for fun. He is determined in his heart that he must kill A way out' bloody plot.

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