I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 46 Killing the Centaur Guards

Apart from the Marquis of Prague, the central human army has no other strong blood nobles, and the more than 30 knights directly under the Marquis of Prague have also been divided and cannot unite to fight together.

With the command of the centaur group, the combat has been greatly improved, and the mobility and charge ability of the cavalry have been greatly utilized.

The disadvantage of the central army is getting bigger and bigger, the nobles on the left and right rushed to support, and Marcus and Harold also rushed over with their troops.

Since Harold couldn't use his strength yet, he took a lance and rode on a Warcraft horse to fight. Using a lance to perform a piercing attack could draw on the strength of the horse, which was very suitable for him in a weak state.

Only Tiona followed the elf army, and the rest were more concerned about the Archmage's situation. If the Archmage was seriously injured and unable to continue fighting, and the coalition forces fell into a disadvantage again, they had to take the Archmage and flee quickly.

Tiona inherited the warlike nature of the orcs. The bloody slaughter just now made her very happy, and she wanted to continue fighting so she came to support her.

Tiona runs as fast as a war horse! Harold couldn't help but sigh how abnormal Tiona's physical fitness is, and there is no weak point in strength, agility and physical strength.

Marcus set his sights on a centaur bodyguard. The guy only led two hundred and a half centaurs and was massacring a disintegrated human army. Marcus weighed it up and felt that his troops were capable of eating the enemy, so he released it from a distance. Attacked with a small fireball to provoke the opponent.

The centaur guard was on the rise when he was blown up by a small fireball, and his body hurt a little. He couldn't help being very annoyed, stopped slaughtering human soldiers, and chased after Marcus with his men.

Marcus led the centaur to the ambush location of his team, and the crossbowmen directly killed dozens of centaur with a fierce volley.

The infantry also lined up to cover the crossbowmen, and the centaur guards were not timid when they saw an ambush, and started a fierce battle with their subordinates.

Harold urged the horse to release Wind Shelter, which greatly increased its speed and flexibility. He raised his spear and pierced a centaur's chest. Afterwards, the Warcraft horse slowed down and turned to avoid the attacks of the other centaurs.

Most of the centaurs of the Thunder tribe are huge melee centaurs, not many long-range.

Harold couldn't help feeling that this was the correct way to fight on horseback. Without a large-scale cavalry regiment, it would be cerebral palsy to rush into the crowd alone and attack with a big sword!

Under the excellent performance of the Warcraft horse, Harold easily used the spear to kill one centaur after another, although it was far less efficient than turning on [Muscle Explosion], waving a big sword and swinging a big windmill.

But this method is safe and easy, even if he is in a weak state of skill side effects, he can handle it with ease.

Marcus approached the centaur bodyguard, and he volunteered to challenge the opponent one-on-one. Harold and other knights would help kill and block the ordinary centaur.

Harold's power was greatly reduced, so he didn't dare to provoke a centaur guard with a power of more than 80 points, so he naturally agreed with it.

The other knights had also seen the terrifying strength of the centaur guards who easily defeated the bald head and severely injured Harold. Although they were worried about Marcus' safety, they also knew that their strength was not enough, and helping them would only add to the chaos.

Harold sprinted alone relying on the Warcraft horse, which could use wind buff magic, while the other knights shouldered the important task of leading the infantry and centaur to confront each other head-on, and directing the crossbowmen to kill the enemy.

Without a hunk like Harold in charge, I thought it would be difficult for the infantry to withstand the attacking pressure of the centaur, but Tiona turned into a death top again.

Tiona was at the forefront of the formation, spinning rapidly to kill the centaur that was rushing towards her, and the blood, flesh and bones of the centaur that was chopped up and flew out splashed on the other soldiers.

This simply subverted these soldiers' understanding of elves. They didn't know that Tiona was of mixed race, and thought that all elves were like this.

The centaur guards and Marcus fought very fiercely. Marcus' Warcraft horse was hit by an axe and could not recover.

Without the help of the war horse, Marcus is not strong enough to compete with the centaur guards, so he can only follow Harold's trick and roll all over the floor!

The flame-like red hair was covered with dust, and the dwarf's well-crafted armor was in tatters. Although Marcus was extremely embarrassed, his eyes were still full of spirits. As long as he killed the centaur guard, it would be a great achievement!

The centaur guard was covered with scorched scars all over his body, and his right eye was also blinded by Marcus, but he was still fighting vigorously.

Marcus has never had a chance to seriously injure the enemy, and a slight attack is not effective against a monster with fire resistance and strong vitality like the Centaur Guard.

The centaur guard was a little annoyed at not being able to defeat Marcus for a long time, and once again roared angrily after being dodged by Marcus.

Then the centaur guards raised their horseshoes high and slammed down, and the weakened version of [War Trampling] was used.

The ground trembled violently. Although Marcus shook slightly a few times, it had little effect. This move was mainly powerful on the battlefield, and it was not very useful in single-handed battles.

But something frightening happened to Marcus. The centaur guards ignored him and rushed towards his subordinates. The [war trample] just now also affected ordinary soldiers a hundred meters away.

His subordinates were staggering, only a few knights and the elf Tiona were not affected and barely resisted the centaur soldiers.

And with the sprinting speed of the centaur guards, I am afraid that these soldiers will be trampled and crushed by him before they can stand up.

Damn it, why is this bastard so smart all of a sudden? Marcus scolded regretfully, he couldn't keep up with the centaur guards for long-distance movement without his horse.

The centaur guard laughed cruelly. He wanted to slaughter the red-haired man viciously to vent his hatred of being blinded.

Seeing that the centaur guards were about to attack the soldiers and massacre them, Tiona stopped him. Instead of killing ordinary centaurs, she came to face the centaur guards.

Originally, she wanted to fight against the strong, but it was a pity that Marcus took the initiative to propose a one-on-one fight, and she couldn't refute it. Now that Marcus himself didn't see that he was thrown away by the centaur guards, she can't be blamed for grabbing the prey.

The centaur personal guard didn't pay attention to this little guy who was blocking his charge path at all, and was about to chop her down with an axe.

As a result, when his ax collided with Tiona's great sword, the tremendous force abruptly stopped his sprinting momentum.

Tiona turned somersaults in the air and backed up a few steps. She stuck out her tongue and licked her lower lip, Very good, I finally have a strong enough opponent!

After finishing speaking, Tiona continued to rush towards the centaur guards fiercely. The centaur guards couldn't believe that the little guy in front of him could have such great strength.

Tiona slashed with her big sword in turn, and the heavy ax and big sword intersected again. The centaur bodyguard couldn't bear the impact even with a ton of weight, and her front body rose slightly.

Tiona didn't take a step back, and stood firmly in place, but the ground under her feet was trampled out of a deep pit.

The centaur bodyguard is close to four meters tall, and she is only a little over 1.7 meters. Taking advantage of her height, she can transmit her strength to the ground. Although this will put a heavier burden on her body, she can gain an advantage in the confrontation of strength.

Taking advantage of the recoil of the centaur bodyguard, Tiona's body was full of flaws, she took a breath and bent forward to chop at the centaur bodyguard's horse leg.

Ha! Cut it off!

With a click, Tiona's big sword cut deeply into the centaur's left foreleg. The big sword was stuck in half and could not go further. The centaur's bones were extremely hard, even with her strange strength, she could not Fa cut off with one knife.

The centaur guard wailed in pain, and forced Tiona back with an axe. He leaned all his weight on the back and right side of his body. Although his left front leg was not broken, he couldn't exert any more force.

Tiona took advantage of this point to quickly circle around the centaur guards. The centaur guards couldn't keep up with their legs and feet, and the horseshoes that barely kicked out were easily dodged.

Tiona kept scraping and bloodletting, cutting the centaur guards to a bloody mess, but the centaur guards frantically turned around and swung the heavy ax indiscriminately, but it had no effect.

Finally, after Tiona found the right opportunity to disable the centaur guard's right foreleg, the centaur guard's huge body suddenly fell forward and fell to his knees.


Tiona screamed and jumped up high, and cut off the centaur guard's head with a roundabout cut. Tiona lifted the centaur guard's huge head and panted heavily, raised her head and shouted loudly to the sky.

The soldiers defeated those centaurs with the help of Marcus, and watched Tiona's battle all the time, cheering and admiring involuntarily.

Marcus looked depressed, he should have accomplished this glorious feat, while Harold was speechless with his mouth wide open.

Harold, the false god of war, rolled all over the floor, was deflated in every way, and was cut open with an axe.

The real god of war, Tiona, stands firm, plays tricks on the enemy, and beheads the enemy with a single jump!

Harold came back to his senses and was very thankful that he didn't think anything bad in the tent that day, otherwise his small body weighing less than 300 catties probably wouldn't be able to withstand a few punches from others.

Tiona carried the centaur's head, covered in blood, and walked over. Several soldiers hid in fear and stayed away from Tiona.

With a stinky face, Marcus forcibly praised: Wonderful battle! Thank you for your help! He didn't mean to blame Tiona, and saved many of his soldiers, but he felt a little uncomfortable, as if something was stuck I can't spit things out.

Tiona's EQ was extremely low, and she thought Marcus was serious, so she said cheerfully, You're welcome, just let me come next time you have such a strong enemy, your flame tricks are more suitable for cleaning up trash!

Hold it, you can't get angry with the elf, I have to hold it back, she is the reinforcement who came to help us! Marcus's veins were exposed, his teeth were gnashing, his hair was almost on fire, and he was holding back his anger No seizures.

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