I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 43 Partial Counterattack

The alliance made a serious mistake, using human standards to go to the centaur!

Not receiving military training does not mean that collective combat cannot be carried out, and the lack of well-planned tactics will not affect the strength of individual combat power.

Centaurs are born warriors, and their fighting instinct and belligerent nature are passed down from generation to generation through genes. Their situation is beyond the imagination of a race like humans whose brains are becoming more developed but whose physical functions are beginning to degenerate.

A mob composed of tens of thousands of human beings will be crowded, out of touch, civil strife, collapse and other unbearable behaviors, centaurs will not, they do not need training to be qualified fighters!

Human beings underestimated the combat effectiveness of the centaur, leading to a massive defeat of the defense line, and the nobles did not dare to save their strength any longer, and urged the blood to lead the knights to fight against the attack of the centaur.

It's a pity that more than 20 humans and more than 200 knights are not enough on this battlefield of tens of thousands of people. Even if they fight and kill the centaur with all their strength, they still cannot recover their disadvantages.

Harold also fell into a bitter battle. Although the elite infantry regiment he led barely survived the attack of the centaur, the casualties were very heavy. There were only more than 100 soldiers left in the 200-man regiment.

Three of his 10 knight attendants were also killed. More importantly, he failed to stand up to the centaur who was blocked by the front line, and was rushed behind the line of defense by them.

Everyone follow me closely! I will lead the charge, don't disperse! Harold had to stabilize the morale of the troops at this time and lead the team to attack the centaur.

Several other knights did not stand up to the centaur, and hundreds of centaurs in several directions directly attacked the strong crossbow shooter and elf shooter as the main output.

Marcus has long had the idea of ​​opening up wasteland. When he was in the northern provinces, he managed to get hundreds of crossbows. Although the range of crossbows is short, their lethality is much stronger than that of bows and arrows. It is also difficult to continue fighting after two rounds.

Harold cleared away the small group of centaurs who were still entangled with them. Looking back, he found that Marcus's army had been pierced by the centaurs and suffered heavy losses. Even the elves were fighting the centaurs in close quarters.

Except for the long-range troops, there were only some ordinary infantry around Marcus, who were as helpless as a child in front of the ferocious centaur. It was only because of the help of the less than a hundred elves that they were not defeated.

Marcus himself was already fighting with full firepower. He wielded a three-meter-long flame spear, which could stably reap the lives of centaurs no matter whether he swept or pierced. These ordinary centaurs had no equal enemy to him.

But Marcus is not a legendary powerhouse after all. After swinging the giant spear for a long time, he was already a little out of breath and tired, and nearly half of his blood power was consumed, but he only killed more than 20 centaurs.

And more than half of his troops have been slaughtered by centaurs! If they were not surrounded by centaurs on all sides, they would have dropped their weapons and fled long ago.

In such a crisis situation, Harold didn't dare to save attribute points and skill points any more. He added the skill points raised to lv10 to power attack, and added all the attribute points of lv8, 9, and 10 to agility. superior.

His strength attribute is as high as 31, and the strong attack is a percentage increase of strength, which is very effective, but it is unnecessary to add attribute points to strength.

After acquiring the passive skill [Juli], his agility was reduced by 10%, which resulted in his agility attribute being only 13 points, which seriously limited his ability to display, so he had to add some to make up for it.

Now Harold's strength is 31, agility is 16, and his attributes completely crush ordinary centaurs, and he also has lv8 [strike]!

Harold hurried to support Marcus with his elite infantry. He activated the [Muscle Explosion] skill and rushed to the front of the team, infusing all the flame energy on the weapon.

Follow me, let these centaurs see the power of humans!

Harold shouted loudly and took the lead in the charge. The flaming sword in his hand slashed left and right regularly, like a meat grinder tearing apart the enemies in front of him.

Harold's whole body was covered in the centaur's blood, and there were still a lot of centaur's internal organs and flesh and blood fragments stuck to the armor. The crazy Harold didn't even bother to wipe it off, and kept pushing forward.

After turning on [Muscle Explosion], his strength is a full 46 points, and the proficiency bonus of various skills is close to 90 points! It is 15 times that of normal people!

At this moment, he can easily clear a path even in the face of half a ton of centaur troops.

The elite infantrymen followed behind him, inspired by his bravery, and each excitedly picked up their weapons and attacked the centaur.

The elite soldiers and the centaur were still barely able to fight. They gathered together to face the chaotic centaur fighting independently and formed an advantage. They successfully repelled the centaur and saved Marcus's archer troops.

It came in time, Harold! Marcus heaved a sigh of relief, and the troops would have been wiped out if they were later.

Hurry up and organize the archers to shoot, and I'll take the troops up to fight! Harold didn't have time to say more, and the centaur had already assembled again and rushed over.

Harold and the elite infantry first withstood the charge of the centaur army, and then fought hard to break through the centaur formation. Now they are a little tired, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced. It is difficult to compete head-on with the newspaper group. Centaur.

But now the protagonists of the battle are not them, they only need assistance.

After saving humans without cover, the elves exploded their fighting power as the strongest race on the mainland. Some began to release magic, and some picked up sharp blades for melee combat, and began to easily harvest the lives of centaurs.

Especially Tiona, as a hybrid of elves and orcs, although she doesn't have any magical talent, she has extremely outstanding force, with both the sensitive response of elves and the violent power of orcs.

Tiona also used a two-handed sword. She used the sword to move and rotate at the same time. The speed of rotation became faster and faster. Later, she simply turned into a spinning top, and blood and flesh flew everywhere she passed.

This trick can be used with Harold's physique and strength, but his agility is not enough, he can't master the balance well, and he can't move in circles, so it's unrealistic to move, let alone control the direction.

The powerful elf successfully stopped the centaur, and the long-range crossbowmen under Marcus also began to exert their strength.

The volley of hundreds of powerful crossbows took away the lives of dozens of centaurs in an instant. These centaurs finally began to flee, and Marcus and others did not pursue them.

Their battle in this small battlefield was victorious, but that was because the number of centaurs who came to attack them was less than a thousand, and there were nearly a hundred elves to help them.

Standing on a high place and looking far away, the coalition forces on the frontal battlefield are at a great disadvantage, especially on the left side. The front line has completely fallen. massacre.

The middle part in charge of the Marquis of Prague withstood the impact of nearly tens of thousands of centaurs, but it was still able to maintain the formation. One was because the Marquis of Prague and the Archduke of Lance were two legendary powerhouses, and the morale of the crowd was firm.

Another reason is that the combat effectiveness of the Dwarf Legion is extremely good. The defensive formation composed of a thousand dwarf heavy warriors can be said to be an impregnable fortress, and the centaur army without a unified command cannot move at all.

Marcus stood on the high ground and watched the situation on the battlefield. After thinking for a few seconds, he said with a gloomy face: It's not good, the battlefield on the left side has completely fallen, and the battlefield on the right side is not optimistic! It doesn't make sense!

The main force of the centaur has not been dispatched yet, and these mobs almost crushed us. Wait for the main force of the Thunder tribe to arrive.

Harold also frowned, looking weakly at the 10,000 thunder tribe centaurs standing by in the distance. The side effects of using [Muscle Explosion] began to appear. He couldn't use his strength for a short time, and his combat effectiveness declined seriously.

It will be difficult for him to be the main force in the next battle, but the enemy's most elite troops have not yet been dispatched, let alone the frontal battlefield, and their small battlefield may not be able to survive.

After I wrote the race of centaurs, I started to think about it, trying to make the plot and setting a reasonable direction to think about.

I think every race on the mainland has its own characteristics. Although centaurs are backward in civilization and low in intelligence, it can be said that they have just left the category of beasts, and their society is very shapeless.

But because of this, the centaur retains the instinct of collective hunting and fighting and killing. Humans are not a fighting race. Farming, grazing and fishing allow humans to obtain food without hunting, and the fighting genes gradually degenerate.

Therefore, humans must acquire training and management to become qualified fighters, but centaurs do not need it. I think this setting is quite reasonable.

Of course, instinct cannot replace training, and the centaur army will expose its weaknesses in disadvantaged situations. There are also problems such as lack of leadership, disorganization and discipline.

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