I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 410: Seeking Help

Is summoning the meteorite effective? The monster won't dodge in advance, and it won't have time to dodge when the meteorite is close!

Harold asked about the horror magic that ranks among the top three in his impression. By the way, the first is Kangel's god-defying magic that forcibly divides the ocean in the deep sea, and the second is the storm released by the elf queen and many elf elders. djinn.

The archmage squeezed his beard and said unconfidently: Even if I am not interrupted by its attack, it is difficult to cast spells. Leaving aside the unconventional body shape, just being able to split the body and drill into the ground is enough to make my trick great. Discount!

Whether the natural disaster-like meteorite technique can severely damage the Desert Overlord, the archmage holds a negative attitude.

His meteorite technique is not really a meteorite coming from outer space, but just a huge stone that fell from an altitude of several thousand meters. In the eyes of ordinary people, it may be enough to destroy everything, but that desert overlord might not be able to directly Resist!

The effect of my Dimensional Slash is also very weak. If it can be split and reorganized wirelessly, that monster can basically be immune to more than half of the damage I can think of!

Let's analyze the sand. There must be a reason why the monster is restricted in the desert. There may be factors in the sand that restrain the monster!

The archmage and Iacosta began to study the sand brought out, but Harold was thinking, the desert in his impression was almost a static space, even the wind had never blown, maybe the reason was not in the sand.

Sure enough, the archmage and Iacosta came up with a desperate answer after studying for a while: The composition of these sands is no different from normal soil, and it deteriorates only after all the energy is absorbed!

That is to say? Harold sighed inwardly, almost as he guessed.

The monster wasn't sealed in the desert, but it turned the place where it was sealed into a desert! Whether it's sand or air, it's not the reason for restricting it, it's some kind of special seal that we can't perceive!

Harold recalled the words of the Sun God, and then thought about the belief and the system currency Dinar, a special energy that he didn't understand at all, and he probably understood that the Sun God was imprisoning this monster.

Another possibility was abolished. The archmage and Iacosta looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes, so they had to choose a plan that they didn't want to choose.

Iacosta asked Harold: The monster can't be exposed to the sun for a long time, it must be the power of the sun god. Have you received any oracle? Maybe this time you really have to rely on the help of the gods. to solve it!

Harold said with a headache: Give me some enlightenment, and the Sun God will give me some support, but the most critical sun altar needs too many rare resources, and I haven't built it yet, so.

yacosta .

Archmage .

The three people who were originally impassioned and wanted to solve this ultimate monster were a little depressed, helpless, and helpless is the most suitable adjective for them. .

After the battle with Orgma, Harold has improved his bloodline ability by leaps and bounds. In addition, he has been summoned by the gods, and he understands that he is a special talent. He has become the founding king of a generation. .

And Archmage and Iacosta, two elf elders who can release legendary magic, even have the arrogant idea of ​​​​overthrowing the elf queen who is known as the strongest in the mainland. It is conceivable how arrogant they are inside.

At this moment, Reality slapped them ruthlessly, and told them nakedly: You guys return the food very well, don't be self-righteous!

Hey, Harold, your sun altar is mainly made of obsidian, right? I remember there are some treasures in the clan. Prepare something valuable and go back to the forest of elves with me! I also have to rely on gold for some The materials in the clan, the things needed for the ancient war tree are still lacking.

Iacosta quickly interrupted: Don't escape from reality, why is this a distraction, you don't want to pretend that this thing doesn't exist, do you?

Seeing that the archmage had already started discussing running away, how could Iacosta bear it, even if he had no other choice, he couldn't just give up like this, did he still have the integrity of an elf?

When did I escape? Going back to the Forest of Elves is to help Harold prepare materials for the construction of the Sun Altar and find a way to learn about the oracle of the Sun God. What help, the stronger our strength, the more convenient it is!

By the way, I also want to ask the Elf Queen about the details of this monster, and even ask her to help. There is such a monster in the mainland. It is impossible for the Queen who is connected to the World Tree to not notice it. She must have some information!

When Harold heard that he had to prepare valuable things to trade, he immediately felt a headache. Why did he just get some benefits from the Sea God Temple, but there were huge gaps everywhere, and it was the restoration of the ancient war tree. , the colossus of the sun god and the altar of the sun again, is this the way of being rich and rich, and the way of living in poverty?

Jacosta understood the Archmage's intentions. To deal with the monsters that broke the rules, he had to gather a certain amount of combat power. However, even the Queen was busy searching for the traces of the remaining demons, so she might not be able to take action. It was necessary to find other reinforcements.

Harlot, let me contact the Sea Clan. Although you and the Wavescale Kingdom are allies, dealing with that monster is not something that the Wavescale Kingdom can do. It needs the help of the Sea God Temple. The Sea God is also an existence beyond mortals. With His help is more practical!

Iacosta seems to have a lot of friendship with the Sea Clan, saying that this matter is on his shoulders, but the archmage asked worriedly: Those guys from the Sea Clan have always been very different from us, would they be willing to help?

Iacosta replied affirmatively: If that monster has nothing to do with the Eastern Continent, I absolutely don't believe it. Maybe it's their negligence that caused this thing to sneak over. They must help with this!

After the plan was decided, he left and began to implement it. Acosta went to the Sea God Temple alone, while Harold and the archmage went to refine the gold first, and then packed up and prepared to go.

Facing the questioning eyes of Bias, Harold is not easy to find excuses like a scumbag. He should have gotten married a long time ago, but he kept procrastinating, so he could only cheekily say that he would get married after dealing with this incident.

Thanks to the elves, who have a relatively generous sense of time, if they were replaced by human girls, they would have to be dragged from girls to aunts.

Don't worry, I will take good care of the country while you are away. In addition, the sun priest told me that he has already selected the location of the next branch hall, and he will leave if you have no objection!

It was rare for Kryon to shoulder the responsibility. It seemed that he knew that Harold was thinking of countermeasures for the terrifying monster outside the territory. Kryon knew that he had been careless in dealing with the monster before and dragged back. This time he was very determined to help Ha Lot took care of the territory.

You don't need to be so serious, relax, it's just a small country of 200,000 people, besides, I didn't do anything, mainly Rand is working hard, you remind Rand and the sun priest not to fight so hard, the country and the temple are not built overnight. It’s developed, just work hard slowly!”

After the instructions, Harold set off with the archmage, and went to the Elf Forest to meet the Elf Queen again!

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