I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 392 Union

Sun God? It's shocking. If that kind of existence exists, it can definitely stabilize Heaven without any suspense. It doesn't start with a little bit of basic repair, and then slowly condense with the help of the world's will.

It is to pull the most important god into the plane as soon as it comes up. Indeed, even a condensed clone of the sun god is strong enough. Your method is infinitely stronger than mine! But the World Tree is a material world. The cornerstone of the world, He can't enter the spiritual world!

Aphelios said in a somewhat admiring and sour tone, unlike him, a bitter elf who had to prepare everything by himself to become the messenger of hell, Harold, with the sun god as the background, almost became the messenger of heaven lying down , Harold is only in his twenties, and he hasn't even reached the legendary level, which makes Aphelios envious.

Aphelios, like Kangor at the beginning, took Harold as a mysterious sun priest for granted. In his cognition, the sun priest inherited the inheritance of the Sun Temple for thousands of years, and he also had the guidance of the Sun God. , knowledge and methods will be very rich as it should be.

He didn't know that the sudden attack and killing of the devil caused the inheritance of the Sun Temple to be almost broken. Miracles, but can not really come to communicate.

Let's cooperate! I'll help you repair the heaven scroll and rebuild the cornerstone of the heaven plane. You help communicate with the sun god and help me establish the stability of hell!

Aphelios proposed to Harold, and reached out his hand to form an alliance. On the surface, he suffered from this deal. The materials needed to repair a plane are not small numbers. The ruins he found by chance are barely enough to restore hell , Helping Harold now will definitely slow down his progress.

But on the other hand, he has taken advantage of it. Restoring the plane sounds lofty, but in fact the most important force is the will of the world itself. The world will spontaneously become complete and evolve. Although the resources consumed are terrifying, it is more expensive than It can be said that the power of the sun god is quite cheap!

Harold was a little dazed. The conversation was just a few minutes old, and he wanted to cooperate even if he didn't get acquainted. Although the sun god is easy to talk to, he is also the god of his envelope, not his subordinate. If you ask someone to help, you can help? Besides, it is not certain whether the sun god who is just pulling tiger skin has that ability.

Seeing that Harold was still hesitating, Aphelios continued to add: Heaven and hell are both spiritual planes, and they are related to the integrity of the world. Hell is unstable, and your heaven is also difficult to form alone, whether it is For the world or for yourself, there is no harm in cooperating with me, only benefits!

This time is the most sincere transaction of Aphelios. In the past, he would hide his true purpose and cover himself with seemingly reasonable motives, but this time it was a transaction with Harold on the surface, but in fact he used the help of the gods. Strength, he doesn't want to be caught, cheating the gods is no fun.

At this moment, Harold felt that the sun scepter on his back was slightly warming up. Is it a signal of approval from the sun god? Since He agreed, Harold, the middleman, has no reason to refuse. It just so happens that he is also at a loss, and it is safer to have this knowledgeable elf!

Harold took Aphelios's hand and replied: Okay, then we will cooperate with each other, but the help of the gods requires me to build the Sun Altar first, and then I can pray for you after the Sun Temple in heaven is built. God, we must pay homage before we can ask for a gift!

There was a smile on Aphelios' face, and now he was basically stable, and his long-term plan was finally coming to an end.

Groot, I'm hungry!

Just when the atmosphere between the two was good, the water elemental that looked like a slime jumped onto Aphelios' head, scratched Aphelios' face back and forth with his arm?, and complained that the master hadn't fed him yet.

Aphelios withdrew his hand in embarrassment, pulled the water element to the ground, and searched for something in the room.

Elemental life also needs to eat?

He is not a pure elemental life, but a mimic life that can change the form of existence, but because the magic power and plasticity of the elemental life are the highest, most of them are formed in the form of elements!

Groot was blown up twice in the battle with the demon just now, and the core was also broken. If it is an ordinary familiar, it must be eliminated and replaced with a new one, but this is equivalent to the clone of Aphelios, and it will be revived at a high price Yes, now he is in a newborn state, and needs patient training and care to re-enhance his strength and deepen the trust between the two.

Then can he become a beauty? Beauty of all races is fine? Body and appearance can be adjusted freely?

. Aphelios looked at Harold strangely, with a strange expression on his face.

Harold also realized that the question he asked was a bit strange, just curious, just curious! You see, after all, don't those old otaku mages in various works have a female doll assistant? I'm just asking from a sophisticated point of view!

Groot was just constructed using my split soul fragments as the core, and the cost is extremely expensive. Even a simple evolution requires enough money to buy a dozen girl slaves. I think he should be in the more important Show value in use!

Please don't look at me with that kind of eyes, let's forget about those elf girls, I can't bear the contemptuous eyes of you, a legendary powerhouse!

The old pervert Harold smiled awkwardly, and quickly changed the subject: Can I visit your hell plane? It's just a reference, a reference!

Aphelios didn't know what to give to Groot, and he went to eat in the corner obediently, but Aphelios nodded. Harold didn't need to say that he also had this plan.

Don't wander around when you arrive in hell. The lord of hell has not yet formed, and those evil spirits and undead are not obedient enough, and they may attack us! But they are relatively weak, and you should not be in any danger!

When Aphelios said this, he took a meaningful look at the sun scepter behind Harold. Indeed, a simple sun barrier can stop those cannon fodder, and the sun scepter should not deal with these monsters too much. Easily, even the black mist monster created by Sauron was easily killed in seconds.

As Aphelios opened the picture scroll of hell, Harold and Aphelios stepped into hell together. Harold's first feeling was awkward, and he could clearly realize that he was not welcomed by this world and was different from heaven. , the hell has basically taken shape, and Harold in the real plane is severely rejected.

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