I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 35 Confident Human Being

The Marquis of Prague also quickly returned to the camp. He knew the seriousness of the problem and did not act recklessly with his strength.

The 27 nobles gathered together in the meeting room, all of them looked unhappy. Many of the knights under them were injured, and more than a dozen elite soldiers died.

One of the nobles with a colorful face said: Those centaurs are too strong. This is just a small tribe on the outskirts. Our strength is seriously insufficient!

Although the number of people is less than 1000, this time the land reclamation team has gathered all the high-end combat power, and the large army after that will just add some ordinary soldiers, and there will be no more high-end combat power.

Other nobles also expressed their opinions.

It is true that the centaurs are strong, but their weaknesses are also obvious. Judging from the intelligence revealed by Marcus, they have no formal country or alliance, and they are all fighting against each other!

Another nobleman followed suit and said, Yes, we can defeat them one by one and slowly erode the centaur's territory!

How naive! If the centaur can be defeated so easily, how can the orc be repelled?

Marcus retorted loudly: Centaurs also have a large tribe that is at the top and rules them. This is a territory called the Thunder Tribe. It doesn't matter if we make small troubles. Killing more centaurs will attract that big tribe. what to do?

The risk is too high for us alone, we need the help of other demihuman races!

Marcus once again thought of asking for support from the dwarves and elves. He thought that relying on twenty or so noble families to open up wasteland alone would cause too many casualties, and he thought so even more after seeing the strength of the centaur.

Several nobles agreed with Marcus and said: Yes, the Thunder tribe has nearly 10,000 centaurs, and the overall quality is estimated to be far superior to these small tribes. It is difficult for us to confront them head-on!

The Marquis of Prague saw that the morale of the crowd was low, and the first step in land reclamation was facing difficulties. He thought about asking for reinforcements, and encouraged him: Don't worry, although the centaurs are all soldiers and have extraordinary strength, they don't have high-end powerhouses!

I have wiped out a total of seven or eight centaur tribes, and none of the enemies is considered strong. Not to mention us nobles who have awakened the blood of heroes, even glorious knights can easily defeat them!

We have an advantage in high-end combat power! As long as we lead the knights to defeat them as an elite force, then even ordinary soldiers can charge and kill centaurs together!

This is true. Although human beings are poor and weak, their high-end combat power has always been their advantage. Even the orcs rarely have the ability to single-handedly defeat the bloodline nobles.

Not to mention a legendary powerhouse like the Marquis of Prague. The reason why the orcs were at the top in the battle with humans but could not completely defeat humans was because of the legendary Archduke Lance.

It's a pity that Grand Duke Lance was alone. After the orcs rushed over with their rage, he could stand it, but the others couldn't.

Even the legendary powerhouse can't fight ten thousand with one enemy. If you can't be beaten to death, you will be exhausted. If all your teammates are dead, he can only fight a bloody way to retreat in the face of the orc army that is advancing one after another.

Although the individual abilities of the centaurs are not inferior to the orcs, they do not have the military literacy of the orcs. They are just a group of mobs. Small-scale fighting is nothing, and once the group army fights on a large scale, the disadvantages will be reflected.

The Marquis of Prague continued to inspire everyone, constantly emphasizing his own strength and the overall strength of the alliance. They can defeat the Centaur!

Excluding the cost of asking for help, there are two reasons why the Marquis of Prague is unwilling to ask for help. One is that he is very confident in his own strength, and he does not feel the need to ask for help.

The other is political reasons. As a legendary powerhouse with the most soldiers and knights, he is the absolute leader of the alliance, and other nobles are half a level lower than him.

He is the unsuspecting king after establishing a new country, but once the elves and dwarves intervene, it will become complicated.

It has to be said that the prestige of the legendary powerhouse is extraordinary, and the few nobles who lacked confidence before were encouraged by the Marquis of Prague.

In the end, everyone discussed and reached a result. With the Marquis of Prague as the center, they drove and wiped out the centaur together. By the way, they saw the strength of the Thunder tribe, and then established an outpost and transferred the main force.

The land of the Eastern Land is very vast, and the area ruled by the Thunder Tribe alone far exceeds the territory of the Kingdom of Lucanir.

It is enough to defeat the Thunder tribe to occupy this territory, try not to provoke other big tribes.

Marcus walked out of the conference room depressed and returned to his rest area to rest. Starting tomorrow, his team will also follow the footsteps of the Marquis of Prague.

Marcus couldn't sleep at night, so he called Harold to talk.

Opening wasteland is more troublesome than I expected!

It's not just the centaur that bothers you, is it? Harold's mind is still very bright, and he probably guessed Marcus' entanglement.

Marcus has great ambitions, and it is impossible for him to be willing to be the supporting younger brother of the Marquis of Prague.

Yes, I am worried about the Marquis of Prague, he is too strong and too confident!

Even if it's me, I don't have much right to speak in the alliance. Basically, the Marquis of Prague alone decides!

Harold didn't answer. He didn't know how to answer. After all, the Marquis of Prague is the ruler of the Eastern Province, the initiator of the alliance, and a legendary powerhouse with incredible strength! The leadership of the Marquis of Prague is unshakable!

Marcus continued: I don't want to fight for power with him, I know my own weight, but what's the point of me coming to the east to open up wasteland? It's no different from when I was in the northern province!

Harold thought about it seriously, and comforted him: My lord, although the Marquis of Prague has the final say on all the alliance's actions now, it may not be so in the future!

When there is a major setback in the alliance, the Marquis of Prague, who has been leading the alliance's actions, must take responsibility and give up his rights!

Marcus sighed and replied: As long as the wasteland can be opened up successfully in the end, the nobles can accept casualties. Setbacks and mistakes will not shake the status of the Marquis of Prague!

Harold shook his head and said: It must be able to open up wasteland successfully! If it fails, the arbitrary Marquis of Prague will definitely give an explanation to the nobles of the alliance!

Marcus raised his eyebrows and asked, Do you think land reclamation will fail? There is something wrong with the Marquis of Prague's plan?

Harold nodded firmly. After being driven to the south by the orcs, the human beings in this world have established a country and have been autistic, rarely going out to explore this world.

As a time traveler, Harold's overall view and strategic vision are far higher than those of humans in this world because of what he has seen online and in books in his previous life.

A powerful race that can repel the orcs, a powerful race that has ruled this land for thousands of years, would be as unbearable as the Marquis of Prague thought?

This is just the outskirts of the eastern land. It is normal that there are no strong men among the centaurs. How can there be strong men who like to stay in the backcountry? This is not a martial arts novel.

The centaur did not have a mature social system and national system, so how did the Thunder tribe grow and develop into a tribe of ten thousand people?

strength! The leader of the Thunder tribe must be a top powerhouse whose strength far exceeds that of ordinary centaurs. Otherwise, it would be hard to imagine that bloodthirsty, brutal and disorderly centaurs could form such a large tribe.

Harold told Marcus his analysis and opinions, and Marcus pondered for a long time before slowly opening his mouth: It makes sense, your opinion makes sense! I originally thought that no matter how strong the centaur is, it will cause us more casualties. Some, now it seems that we have really underestimated centaurs!

Harold asked hesitantly, Should we remind the Marquis of Prague about this?

How should I put it, Marcus and Harold are also a little entangled. If the Marquis of Prague is not reminded to make a big mistake, it will be difficult to shake the position of the Marquis of Prague, but it is a bit embarrassing not to remind them.

In the end, Marcus made up his mind, We must tell this matter. If the alliance is disabled, there is no need to think about land reclamation, and knowing that there is danger but hiding it, it will make me look down on myself!

Harold was quite happy to see Marcus remind the Marquis of Prague, and he didn't want the nobles he was loyal to be the kind of people who only valued interests.

It's a pity that Marcus is too self-indulgent. The Marquis of Prague said that he was completely unfounded, and he couldn't listen to him at all.

Marcus didn't say much either. Since the Marquis of Prague didn't listen to him, he wouldn't lick his face and beg.

The collective sweep began. The Marquis of Prague and his knights took the lead. They slaughtered the centaur together. It took half a month to completely clean up the camp with a radius of hundreds of miles, and there was no sign of any centaur.

The nobles held a banquet to celebrate the victory. They felt that everything was so simple, there was no difference between a centaur and a beast, and with the Marquis of Prague leading the battle, this kind of sweep was very easy!

Marcus, who has always advocated being cautious, is also regarded as a joke by everyone. It seems that the hero who has been fighting orcs all year round is nothing more than that!

The nobles were all a bit complacent, and even Marcus himself was a little surprised that the land reclamation went smoothly. If they hadn't encountered regular troops from the Thunder tribe, he would have doubted Harold's point of view.

On the contrary, Harold was even more worried about the strength of the Thunder Tribe. Thousands of centaurs were slaughtered in just half a month. The Thunder Tribe's response was exaggeratedly slow. Such a low military literacy was able to fight against the orcs, which further showed their strength. powerful!

Harold's worries soon became a reality, and the centaurs of the Thunder tribe did not continue to let the nobles continue to be arrogant.

When the Marquis of Prague led them to continue to advance eastward, the elite troops of the Thunder tribe arrived!

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